Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Image is used at run time in 4,747 crates (of which 873 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 2,488 crates. It's used at build time in 22 crates (of which 1 optionally, 2 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 742 crates (of which 324 directly).

Number of dependers Image version Downloads/month
1,925 0.25.5 1.4M
1 0.25.2 340K
2 0.25.0 4.6K
2,234 0.24.9 649K
1 0.24.7 40K
3 0.24.6 109K
4 0.24.0 1.8K
820 0.23.14 141K
3 0.23.12 6.0K
1 0.23.10 19K
291 0.20 33K
203 0.10 32K
17 0.x 3.9K
5 0.3.15 2.6K
1 0.3.9 340
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Image version
3.6M 249 plotters optional ^0.24.3
3.6M 5 plotters-svg optional ^0.24.2
256K 359 eframe ^0.25
707K 31 fast_image_resize optional ^0.25.5
673K 4 c2pa optional ^0.24.7
549K 222 arboard optional ^0.25
170K 198 imageproc ^0.25.0
417K 5 rav1e optional ^0.24.7
92K 85 bevy_render ^0.25.2
262K 193 tauri optional ^0.25
229K 124 qrcode optional ^0.25
206K 134 egui_extras optional ^0.25
195K 11 plotters-bitmap optional ^0.24.3
189K 195 notify-rust optional ^0.25
42K 120 bevy_egui ^0.25.5
112K 23 rqrr optional ^0.25
108K 80 gltf optional ^0.25
34K 31 bevy_image ^0.25.2
96K 4 three-d-asset optional ^0.25
94K 18 qrcode-generator optional ^0.25
29K 97 bevy-inspector-egui ^0.25
88K 30 webp optional ^0.25.0
26K 84 macroquad ^0.24
80K 61 lopdf optional ^0.25
26K 8 image-compare ^0.25
77K 65 tch optional ^0.24.5
77K 30 termwiz optional ^0.25
21K 1 dmi ^0.25.4
63K 2 charming optional ^0.24
18K 9 captcha ^0.24.1
18K 3 piston-gfx_texture ^0.25.1
18K 2 tauri-bundler ^0.25
16K 1 dify ^0.25.2
17K 8 xcap ^0.25
16K 1 tauri-cli ^0.25
15K 2 walkers ^0.25
46K 76 noise optional ^0.25.0
14K 1 qrcodegen-image ^0.25
15K 38 viuer ^0.25
36K 17 femtovg optional ^0.25.0
11K 42 ggez ^0.24
11K 32 piston2d-opengl_graphics ^0.25.2
11K 3 re_data_loader ^0.25
10K 10 image_hasher >=0.25, <0.26
10K 32 re_viewer_context ^0.25
10K 2 twenty-twenty ^0.25.1
10K wallust ^0.25
31K 143 iced optional ^0.24
10K 15 re_data_ui ^0.25
9.9K 1 re_viewer ^0.25
9.3K 1 cdg_renderer ^0.25
27K 20 iced_graphics optional ^0.24
25K 22 oxipng optional ^0.25.5
24K 51 re_types optional ^0.25
23K 11 pdfium-render optional ^0.23
7.8K 1 fdsm ^0.25.1
22K 3 kmeans_colors optional ^0.24.6
7.6K 10 docx-rs ^0.24.4
22K 42 ffmpeg-next optional ^0.25
21K 9 orchard optional ^0.24
7.1K 7 typst-pdf ^0.25.5
20K 8 jxl-oxide optional ^0.25.5
20K 48 plotly optional ^0.25
6.0K 15 nannou ^0.23
5.9K 29 kiss3d ^0.23
17K 7 i-slint-compiler optional ^0.24
17K 13 i-slint-core optional ^0.24
5.5K re_space_view_spatial ^0.25
15K 63 vek optional ^0.23
14K 31 printpdf optional ^0.24.3
4.4K 2 re_view_spatial ^0.25
4.3K 11 fastembed ^0.25.2
11K 4 dicom-pixeldata optional ^0.25.1
11K 86 glfw optional ^0.25.1
11K 11 svg2pdf optional ^0.25
3.7K 3 deno_canvas ^0.25.4
3.5K 26 ratatui-image ^0.25.1
10K 7 rustrict optional ^0.23.14
3.4K qoqo-qryd ^0.25
3.4K 1 jdt_activity_pub ^0.25.5
3.3K zero4rs ^0.25.1
3.3K 12 screenshots ^0.24
10K 6 blurhash optional >=0.23, <=0.25
3.1K 1 dioxus-cli-opt ^0.25
3.1K 4 yazi-adapter ^0.25.5
9.9K 1 burn-dataset optional ^0.25.5
3.1K 3 include_gif =0.24.9
2.9K captcha-rs ^0.24.5
9.2K 8 axoasset optional ^0.25.4
2.8K 3 clipboard-rs ^0.25.5
2.8K courses ^0.25.1
2.5K 4 typst-render ^0.25.5
2.4K 12 nokhwa ^0.25
2.3K 4 nokhwa-core ^0.25
2.3K 5 typst-svg ^0.25.5
2.3K end-rs ^0.25.1
2.3K lcode ^0.25
2.2K 2 rusty-tesseract ^0.25.0
2.2K 27 embedded-graphics-simulator ^0.25.1
2.2K 1 pixel-game-lib ^0.24.9
7.2K 28 piet optional ^0.25.4
2.2K 1 wplot ~0.24
2.2K fum-player ^0.25.5
7.1K 5 barcoders optional ^0.25
2.1K piston2d-graphics_tree ^0.25.1
2.1K cargo-bundle ^0.12
6.8K 3 bracket-terminal optional ^0.24
6.6K 11 genpdf optional ^0.23.12
6.6K 7 turbojpeg optional >=0.24, <0.26
6.5K 11 nshare optional ^0.25
1.9K 7 imagepipe ^0.24
6.3K 3 tfrecord optional ^0.24.7
1.8K 2 ffmpeg_cmdline_utils ^0.25
1.8K 3 vid_dup_finder_lib ^0.25
1.8K 2 libwayshot ^0.24
1.8K 2 thumbnailer ^0.24.0
1.7K sergeant ^0.25.0
1.7K 1 deft ^0.25.2
1.7K cassini ^0.25.1
1.7K micro-games-kit ^0.25
1.7K rsllm ^0.24.7
5.6K 4 rxing optional ^0.25.5
1.6K broot ^0.25
1.6K aleph-alpha-client ^0.25.1
1.6K 6 dxf ^0.25.1
1.6K 4 raster ^0.10.4
5.3K 7 egui_kittest optional ^0.25
1.6K 1 kcl-lib ^0.25.5
1.5K winio ^0.25
5.1K 2 editpe optional ^0.25.2
1.5K gxci ^0.25.5
1.5K 1 tapciify ^0.25
5.0K 1 jpegxl-rs optional ^0.25.5
1.4K mpd_info_screen ^0.25
1.4K havocompare ^0.25
1.4K 1 wlrs ^0.24.8
4.6K 8 three-d optional ^0.25
1.3K 5 quicksilver ^0.22
1.3K 6 photon-rs ^0.23.12
1.3K 2 ratatui-splash-screen ^0.25.0
1.2K snapr ^0.25.2
1.2K 2 amethyst_renderer ^0.20
1.2K 9 asefile ^0.24
1.2K 2 ffmpeg_gst_wrapper ^0.25
1.2K 6 bardecoder ^0.24
1.2K 2 vid_dup_finder_common ^0.25
1.2K happy_chart_rs ^0.25.0
1.2K liboxen ^0.25.2
1.2K 11 librashader-pack ^0.25.2
1.2K 10 librashader-runtime ^0.25.2
1.1K ftag ^0.25.5
1.1K redacter ^0.25
1.1K convert-image ^0.25
1.1K opentalk-compositor ^0.25.2
1.1K llama-desktop ^0.25
3.8K 1 rendy-texture optional ^0.22.0
1.0K 1 identicon-rs ^0.25
1.0K tiny-game-framework ^0.25.1
1.0K 7 img_hash >=0.21, <0.24
1.0K 1 adb_client ^0.25.5
3.5K 1 nannou_wgpu optional ^0.23
1.0K cameraunit_asi ^0.25
1.0K eqr ^0.25.5
1.0K rvideo-view ^0.25.2
950 3 pdf2image ^0.25.1
3.4K 14 show-image optional ^0.25.0
950 2 cameraunit ^0.25
950 ruin ^0.24.7
900 2 sugarloaf ^0.25.5
3.2K 9 umya-spreadsheet optional ^0.25.5
900 mdfried ^0.25.2
3.2K aerostream optional ^0.24.9
3.2K 5 pulldown-cmark-mdcat optional ^0.25.1
850 1 phomo ^0.25.2
850 8 tetra ^0.24.1
850 2 librsvg ^0.25.0
850 phomo-cli ^0.25.2
800 1 soar-core ^0.25.5
800 1 chat-prompts =0.25.0
800 1 autopilot ^0.22.4
800 aphorme ^0.25.0
800 2 notan_glow ^0.24.7
800 1 ds-rom ^0.25.1
800 2 warbler_grass ^0.24.9
750 1 pyxel-engine ^0.24
750 1 notan_winit ^0.24.7
750 2 fyrox-impl ^0.25.1
750 nuhxboard ^0.25.2
2.8K 1 basalt optional ^0.24
750 gst-plugin-videofx ^0.25
2.7K 1 glycin-utils optional ^0.25.2
750 smd ^0.25.2
700 egui-dataframe-sample =0.24.6
700 degen_toon_terrain ^0.25.1
700 9 texture_packer ^0.25.1
700 chidori-debugger ^0.24
700 affinidi-messaging-text-client ^0.25.5
700 1 rpu ^0.25.1
700 1 fyroxed_base ^0.25.1
700 viu ^0.25
650 multibg-sway ^0.25.0
650 tauri-plugin-clipboard ^0.25.1
650 image_thumbs ^0.25
650 soundview ^0.25
650 4 libavif-image ^0.25
650 tilr ^0.25
650 imageoptimize ^0.25.5
650 1 vegas-lattice ^0.24
650 thumbgen ^0.25.5
600 yolo_binding ^0.25.5
2.4K hammerspace optional 0.25.*
600 1 wgpu_image ^0.25.5
600 pdqhash ^0.23.14
600 1 agb_image_converter ^0.24
600 bevy_knossos ^0.25
600 vpin ^0.25.5
600 ggez-assets_manager ^0.24
600 cargo-packager ^0.25
600 solwalrs =0.23.14
600 xkcd-bin ^0.25
550 ocrs-cli ^0.25.5
2.2K csgrs optional ^0.25.5
550 qirust ^0.25.1
550 3 vobsub ^0.13.0
550 image-base64 ^0.12.3
550 alchemyst ^0.25
550 shakuntala-devi-trainer ^0.25.2
500 rioterm ^0.25.5
2.1K 10 webp-animation optional ^0.24.1
500 1 rio-backend ^0.25.5
500 everygarf ^0.25.1
500 x-win ^0.25.5
500 libcaesium ^0.25.1
2.1K 2 vello_svg optional ^0.25.5
500 2 termimage ^0.24
500 pittore ^0.25.4
500 ribir_dev_helper ^0.24.5
500 image-colorizer ^0.24.6
500 ic-captcha ^0.24
500 vleue_kinetoscope ^0.25
500 enigmatick ^0.24.9
500 dim-rs ^0.25.5
500 2 fyrox-texture ^0.25.1
500 1 imgddcore ^0.25.5
500 a-flags ^0.25.5
500 imgdd ^0.25.5
500 2 tui-image-rgba-updated ^0.24
500 natsuki ^0.25.0
500 quad-gl ^0.22
500 url-preview ^0.24
490 game_of_colors ^0.25.5
490 bevy_nokhwa ^0.25.5
490 serie ^0.25.5
490 cameraunit_fli ^0.25
480 1 soft_skia ^0.25.1
480 2 kornia-io ^0.25
480 1 ryot ^0.24
470 dicom-fromimage ^0.25.1
460 ascii-izer ^0.25.5
460 graphics-rs ^0.25.1
460 lle ^0.25.2
450 erust ^0.24.7
440 afetch ^0.25.1
440 presenterm ^0.25
440 bevy_gstreamer =0.24
430 cargo-v5 ^0.25.1
430 symbolize ^0.25.1
420 2 versatiles_image ^0.25.5
420 1 pixelbomber ^0.25
420 tauri-plugin-fs-pro ^0.25.5
420 kornia-rs ^0.25.0
1.7K 5 jpeg2k optional ^0.25
410 embed_anything ^0.25.1
410 1 flowr =0.24.7
410 rfm-bin ^0.24.9
400 1 roqoqo-qryd ^0.25
1.7K oatbar optional ^0.25.1
400 imghash ^0.24.8
400 pico-detect ^0.25.1
390 1 bye_orb_rs ^0.25.5
380 gxi_hako ^0.25.1
380 orly ^0.24.6
380 rustcraft ^0.25.5
380 clickclack ^0.24.7
380 1 qbsp ^0.25
380 librashader-cli ^0.25.2
380 sprites7800 ^0.25
370 modern-arecibo ^0.25.5
370 2 orbimage ^0.21.0
370 1 emerald-vault ^0.24.6
370 6 naut_core ^0.23.11
360 rusterix ^0.25.5
360 bevy_gaussian_splatting ^0.25.5
360 1 emdx ^0.25.2
350 gomander-engiffen ~0.25
350 image_changer ^0.25.0
350 sqr ^0.25.2
350 syno-photo-frame 0.25.*
350 mpdf ^0.25.1
350 servicepoint-cli ^0.25.5
340 4 candle-datasets ^0.25.2
340 stable-diffusion-cli ^0.24.7
340 clippers ^0.24
340 waytrogen ^0.25.5
340 image-pyramid ^0.25.1
340 sortify =0.24.6
340 1 rawler ^0.24
340 1 segment-anything-rs ^0.24.7
330 image-atlas ^0.25
330 shura ^0.24
320 coffee ^0.21
320 4 candle-examples ^0.25.2
320 elgato-streamdeck ^0.25.5
320 1 lumenpyx ^0.25.1
320 1 artem ^0.25
310 st7789_rs ^0.24.7
310 1 sglab02_lib ^0.25.5
310 dithord ^0.24.7
310 ilytix ^0.24.7
300 inlyne ^0.25.4
300 ira ^0.25
1.4K 1 bmp-monochrome optional ^0.23.10
300 11 typst-library ^0.25.5
300 photohash ^0.25.2
300 shotgun ^0.24.6
290 2 carrot_image_utils ^0.24.3
290 strandify-cli ^0.25.2
290 8 tensorboard-rs ^0.23.4
290 e-z ^0.24.9
290 rasciify ^0.25.5
290 tuisky ^0.25.2
290 vid_dup_finder ^0.25
290 2 article_scraper ^0.25
290 2 showie ^0.24.6
280 1 egui-dataframe =0.24.6
280 2 fframes-media-loaders ^0.24.6
1.3K mondrian-charts optional ^0.24
280 onefetch ^0.25.2
280 mesh_to_sdf_client ^0.25.2
280 radb ^0.24.7
280 subtile-ocr ^0.25
280 1 rwuerstchen ^0.24.7
280 rustracer ^0.24.9
280 1 subtile ^0.25
280 ascending_graphics ^0.25.5
1.3K 5 speedy2d optional ^0.23
270 maps ^0.25.5
270 1 zino-dioxus ^0.25.5
270 1 nude ^0.23
270 dessin-image ^0.24.6
270 nu_plugin_binaryview ^0.23.14
270 1 turbofuro_runtime ^0.25.4
270 three ^0.20
270 asphalt ^0.25.4
270 pnglitcher ^0.25.2
260 1 artano ^0.25.5
1.3K 7 ffmpeg-the-third optional ^0.25
260 graphics ^0.25.2
260 lento ^0.25.2
260 favilib ^0.25
260 radb_client ^0.25.5
260 1 kalosm-ocr ^0.24.7
260 select_color ^0.25.1
260 bye_abow_rs ^0.25.5
260 cgrustplot ^0.25.5
260 hauchiwa ^0.24.0
260 2 bevy_cosmic_edit ^0.25.1
1.3K 30 doe optional ^0.24.7
260 1 binary_image ^0.25
260 dnd_spellbook_maker ^0.24.7
260 1 lutgen ^0.25
250 minedmap ^0.25.1
250 1 img_hash_median >=0.21, <0.24
250 glowpub ^0.25
250 1 kalosm-vision ^0.24.7
250 bevy_pxtxt ^0.25.1
250 5 pathfinder_gpu ^0.23
250 dqr ^0.25.2
240 3 swamp-material ^0.25.5
240 1 fframes_renderer ^0.25.0
240 openpgp-paper-backup ^0.24
240 rsff ^0.24.7
240 getfileicon ^0.24.6
240 dupimg ^0.25.2
240 twmap-tools ^0.24.7
240 bugsyth_engine ^0.25.5
240 png-to-twmap ^0.25.1
240 1 green-barrel ^0.24.7
240 imco ^0.25.5
230 chiron ^0.25
230 daily_scry ^0.25.1
230 2 war3parser ^0.24.3
230 custom_egui_frame ^0.24
230 wordcloud-rs ^0.25
230 flickr-api ^0.24.6
230 2 roqollage ^0.25
230 rustant-film ^0.25
230 1 stardetect ^0.25.0
220 emerald ^0.23.14
220 tinywad ^0.24.3
220 authbeam ^0.25.5
220 riichi-hand-cli ^0.25.5
220 thumbnails ^0.25.5
220 4 ndarray-image ^0.23.12
220 1 mlua-image ^0.24.9
220 pokeget ^0.24.9
220 rten-imageio ^0.25.1
210 1 image_compressor ^0.25.1
1.1K 1 libblur optional ^0.25.0
210 4 floem_renderer ^0.25
210 miniview ^0.24.4
210 bevy_foliage_tool ^0.25.1
210 image-merger ^0.25.1
210 1 comfy-wgpu ^0.24
210 1 sixtyfps-rendering-backend-gl ^0.23.14
210 3 comfy-core ^0.24.6
210 2 onefetch-image ^0.25.2
210 ferrite ^0.25
200 jupyter-derive ^0.24.6
200 minetest-worldmapper ^0.24
200 plutonium_engine ^0.25.1
200 rust_render_101 ^0.25.4
200 mini-functions ^0.24.7
200 1 zng-view ^0.25
200 2 rascii_art ^0.24.6
200 rusty_scissors ^0.25.1
200 bevy_compute_buffers_helper ^0.24.7
200 6 xcommon ^0.24.5
190 aravis-utils ^0.25.2
190 perovskite_game_api ^0.25.1
190 1 floem_vger_renderer ^0.25
190 perovskite_client ^0.25.1
190 shadertoy-rs ^0.13
190 airshipper ^0.24.8
190 1 floem_tiny_skia_renderer ^0.25
190 julia-set ^0.23.12
190 pixel2svg ^0.25.1
190 scion ^0.24
180 valkyrie-types ^0.24.8
180 7 floem ^0.25
180 ncmmiao 0.25.*
180 11 twmap ^0.24.7
180 2 freya-renderer ^0.24.7
180 jokolay ^0.23.14
180 mgx ^0.25.5
180 3 streamdeck ^0.25.1
180 favicon-rover ^0.24.7
180 diffusion-rs ^0.25.5
180 1 petpet ^0.24.0
180 rai-datasets ^0.24.7
1.0K 5 image_dds optional ^0.25.1
170 pixelated ^0.24
170 1 rubullet ^0.23.12
170 1 string_art ^0.25.5
170 2 sixtyfps-compilerlib ^0.23
170 1 wasm4-impl ^0.23.14
170 1 rpack_cli ^0.25
170 4 ferrite-cache ^0.25
170 1 ng-wallet ^0.24.6
170 rustii ^0.25.1
170 pmd_wan ^0.24.0
170 vulk-test ^0.24.6
170 hardshare ^0.24.6
170 cuneus ^0.25.5
170 plotters-dioxus ^0.24.7
170 1 vtracer ^0.23.10
160 fetch-cli ^0.25.5
160 img2vec ^0.24.6
160 screeps-local-visuals ^0.24.9
160 1 wild-doc-script-image ^0.24.7
160 del-canvas ^0.25.5
160 2 mel_spec ^0.24.6
160 ohy ^0.25
160 hentavif ^0.25.5
160 n5gest ^0.23
950 ulam optional ^0.25
150 moleco ^0.24.9
150 chwp ^0.25.1
150 steamguard-cli ^0.25
150 tgt ^0.25.2
950 7 assets_manager optional ^0.25
150 1 ferrite-core ^0.25
150 tui-slides ^0.25.2
150 freya-winit ^0.25.0
150 1 twgpu ^0.24.1
150 twgpu-tools ^0.24.2
150 finneon ^0.25.5
150 jandering_engine ^0.24.8
150 ludusavi ^0.25.2
150 silicon ^0.24
150 utiles ^0.25.5
950 goldrust optional ^0.25.4
140 1 ragit-api ^0.25.5
140 2 vtf ^0.25.2
140 minecraft_screenshot_parser ^0.25.1
140 2 ragit-pdl ^0.25.5
140 google-book-scraper ^0.25.2
140 grocer ^0.25.1
140 1 libwebnovel-storage ^0.25.2
140 openslide ^0.20
140 1 sl-map-apis ^0.25.5
140 tiles7800 ^0.25
140 zuk ^0.24.2
140 easy-imgui-filechooser ^0.25
140 simagef ^0.24.7
140 1 stitchy-core ^0.25.5
140 i-slint-backend-gl ^0.24.0
140 apriltag-image ^0.24.5
140 ghe2d ^0.25.5
140 14 ugli ^0.24
140 urlscan ^0.24.6
140 barnsley ^0.24.6
140 gpui-component ^0.25.1
140 1 ragit ^0.25.5
130 paxit ^0.25
130 spotifetch ^0.23.12
130 3 tiger-lib ^0.25
130 1 aigis ^0.25.5
130 1 forte_engine ^0.24
130 2 ansipix ^0.25.5
130 meta-secret-core ^0.24
130 systray-util ^0.25
130 web-image ^0.25.5
130 windows-icons ^0.25
130 3 trustchain-http ^0.23.14
130 imagic ^0.25.5
130 imgutils ^0.25.5
130 s2png ^0.25.1
130 typora-img-to-base64 ^0.25
130 2 usc ^0.24.6
130 rvimage ^0.25.5
130 csc411_image =0.24.7
130 1 masonry ^0.25.1
130 mnemnk-screen ^0.25.5
130 snekdown ^0.23.12
130 cat_engine ^0.23.12
130 2 ira_drum ^0.25
130 klaus_of_death ^0.25.4
900 charts-rs optional ^0.25.4
120 firefly_cli ^0.25.5
120 leftright ^0.24.7
120 oliframe ^0.25.5
120 1 paperdoll-tar ^0.24
120 rmpc ^0.25.5
120 rsfrac ^0.25.4
120 rsframe ^0.25.5
120 halt_and_catch_fire ^0.25.5
120 apple-notes-exporter ^0.25
120 daily-garf ^0.24.7
120 eloran ^0.25.5
120 img2epub ^0.25.5
120 1 raui-app ^0.25
120 spritebot_storage ^0.24.5
120 piston-dyon_interactive ^0.25.5
120 si-img ^0.24.7
120 sl-map-cli ^0.25.5
120 syrillian ^0.25.2
120 daily_strip ^0.25.1
120 1 juiz_sdk ^0.24
120 serv4rs ^0.13.0
120 1 amethyst_gltf ^0.22.2
120 asciiforger ^0.25.1
120 qollage ^0.25
120 sakz ^0.25.5
120 y-engine ^0.25
120 crascii ^0.25.4
120 observation-tools ^0.24.5
120 pxls ^0.25.5
120 lsimg ^0.24.7
850 7 notan_graphics optional ^0.24.7
120 pixoo ^0.25.5
120 screen-snip ^0.25.5
110 pierro ^0.25.5
110 pixt ^0.25.5
110 plight ^0.25.2
110 face-cropper ^0.24.6
110 2 image-blp ^0.24.3
110 images-compressor ^0.24
110 neovide ^0.25.5
110 series-troxide ^0.24.8
110 wasm_to_png ^0.25.1
110 cargo-devcade ^0.24.1
110 doom-status ^0.25.5
110 rhodora ^0.24.0
110 simp ^0.25.4
110 videocall-daemon ^0.24.7
110 2 edge-detection ^0.24
110 termusic ^0.24
110 huxi-server ^0.25
110 1 kitti-dataset ^0.25.1
110 slint-viewer ^0.24
110 camera-intrinsic ^0.25.5
110 1 dlib-face-recognition ^0.24
110 murrelet_gpu ^0.25.2
110 nb2pb ^0.25.2
110 ssim ^0.25.5
110 1 vl-convert-rs ^0.25
110 oculante ^0.25.4
110 tileset ^0.24.6
110 dipc ^0.24
110 depth_analyzer ^0.24.8
110 ico-builder ^0.25.1
110 offflix ^0.24
110 splix ^0.25.1
100 auto-palette-cli ^0.25.1
800 3 fastanvil optional ^0.23
100 6 geng-window ^0.24
100 2 graphics_buffer ^0.23.14
100 1 gravitron_renderer ^0.25.5
100 naver_dl ^0.23.14
100 asset-importer-rs ^0.25.5
100 helixiser ^0.23.9
100 2 sciimg ^0.24.1
100 imx ^0.25.5
100 2 egui-resources =0.24.6
100 keru ^0.25.2
100 bedrock_assistant ^0.25.2
100 3 termusic-lib ^0.24
800 versatiles-lib optional ^0.25.1
100 clipboard-history-egui ^0.25.5
100 2 easy-gltf ^0.25.5
100 atac =0.25.2
100 picodraw ^0.25
100 rwpspread ^0.25.5
100 string_art_ui ^0.25.5
asterion ^0.25.4
captcha_rust ^0.23.14
1 mod3d-gl-wasm-example >=0.25
1 preamble ^0.24
vincent_blur ^0.25.2
allmytoes ^0
2 aprilgrid ^0.25.4
heavyli_engine ^0.24.4
3 steganography ^0.21.0
4 uiua-nokhwa-core ^0.24
3 camera_capture ^0.17.0
joyful_create ^0.25.4
1 mod3d-gl-sdl-example >=0.25
gendelbrot ^0.25.2
imagebox ^0.25.5
kalast ^0.24.6
3 bevy_aseprite_reader ^0.24.1
3 ferrite-image ^0.25
1 naty_app ^0.24.3
bevy_skybox ^0.25
fenpix ^0.24.9
ecargo ^0.25.1
oxygengine-ha-renderer-tools ^0.24
1 rg3d ^0.23.13
1 rusty_gfx ^0.21.0
jootoob ^0.24.7
5 music-lounge-core ^0
1 rimage ^0.24.7
y-craft ^0.24
4 swamp-wgpu-sprites ^0.25.5
aikit ^0.24.9
sunshine >=0.23.0, <0.24.0
4 apng ^0.24.5
mirl ^0.25.5
hide_qr ^0.25.2
hs-hackathon ^0.24
manga-tui ^0.25.4
2 blue_engine_core ^0.25.2
bose_soundtouch ^0.24
750 rsille optional ^0.24.8
rusty_scrfd ^0.24
simple-term-renderer ^0.24.2
paddleocr_rs ^0.25
flavours ^0.23
metaframer ^0.25.1
2 orbtk-render ^0.23
1 ferrite-ui ^0.25
2 nvg ^0.22.3
turbine_scene3d ^0.24.1
1 kludgine-core ^0.24.0
optical-flow-lk ^0.25.5
4 otter ^0.24
1 lapix ^0.24.5
750 1 servo-glutin optional ^0.18
1 yeehaw >=0.24
alphafix ^0.24.5
krokiet ^0.25
applications ^0.25.1
ndimage ^0.24.9
2 nipdf ^0.25
4 streamduck-core ^0.24.1
15 ambient_gpu ^0.24.5
castle-game build ^0.23.2
flp-abyss-player ^0.24
generate-app-icons ^0.24.7
gifscii ^0.25.5
rust-animation ^0.24.7
ebb ^0.25.4
1 geng-asset ^0.24
prominence ^0.25.1
fastnbt-tools ^0.23.4
punfetch ^0.24.5
gd-icon-renderer ^0.24.7
luminol ^0.25.0
pixels-cli ^0.24.9
1 stegano-core ^0.24
vobsub2png ^0.13.0
3 easy-imgui ^0.25
1 novel-api ^0.25.5
tplay ^0.25
1 wgpu-app ^0.24
1 orbtk-shell ^0.23.4
engiffen ~0.13
hdrfix ^0.23.14
3 image-base64-wasm ^0.23.12
joshuto ^0.24.5
limbus-image ^0.24.7
pagebrowse_manager ^0.24.7
2 pixelmatch ^0.23.12
700 2 re_components optional ^0.24
rfb ^0.24.1
robohash ^0.24.5
ryb_game ^0.12
miye ^0.25.1
d7engine ^0.24.5
eimage-cli ^0.25.2
jmfm ^0.24.1
linkcache ^0
minty ^0.24.1
1 eyepiece ^0.24.5
rpack_egui ^0.25
rscv ^0.25.2
ambient_model_import ^0.24.5
minotaur ^0.21.2
1 uiua-nokhwa ^0.24
1 eframe_tao ^0.24
ipy2md ^0.25.5
omt ~0.22.3
png2t ^0.24.6
700 1 shiva optional ^0.24.9
shogi-img ^0.24.8
1 tinted-scheme-extractor ^0.25.2
airnc ^0.24.7
dmxvis ^0.24.7
1 icon_baker ^0.22.1
700 printimg optional ^0.23.14
reverie-engine-opengl ^0.25.2
shot ^0.24.5
speedy-spritesheets ^0.24.8
1 texture-synthesis =0.23.12
wavefc-cli ^0.24.5
1 a2d ^0.23
appy ^0.24.6
cog-task ^0.24
passgen-desktop ^0.25.4
700 2 qrencode optional ^0.24.5
esc-pos-lib ^0.24.6
1 juiz_macro ^0.24
leechbar ^0.18.0
1 waterfall ^0.24.3
cazan-common ^0.25.1
1 distance-field ^0.24.8
1 iced_gif ^0.24
pixel-widgets ^0.23
700 1 plot_icon optional ^0.24.0
rmg ^0.24.6
2 templito ^0.23.11
captis ^0.24.3
rsautogui ^0.24.6
1 rvimage-domain ^0.25.4
tauri-plugin-context-menu ^0.24.7
wfc_image ^0.24
asp_gui ^0.24.7
cocotools ^0.24.5
fragula ^0.23
gnome-dbus-api ^0.24.7
pgv-cli ^0.24.6
spotifymosaic ^0.24.9
yolo-rs ^0.25.5
manganis-cli-support ^0.25
midpoint-ui ^0.25.1
rs_pbrt ^0.24.8
stegosaurust ^0.23.14
label-converter ^0.24.5
omage ^0.24.5
satellite_imagery_downloader ^0.25.5
figma-asset-downloader ^0.23.10
1 nipdf-render ^0.25
termplay ^0.22.3
lief-cwal ^0.24.3
tasks-todo ^0.24.7
wayshot ^0.24
wgpu-app-sample ^0.24
3 ux-dx ^0.23
bakervm ^0.14.0
4 czkawka_core ^0.25
czkawka_gui ^0.25
jemini ^0.24.8
roast-2d ^0.25.2
1 unros-core ^0.24
yew-scanner ^0.24
geng-utils ^0.24.6
knossos ^0.25
qrtool ^0.25.5
show-waifu ^0.23.14
heavyli ^0.23.14
1 icu_lib ^0.25.5
automatr ^0.25.2
7 dotrix_core ^0.23.14
1 google-places-api ^0.24.0
2 huozi ^0.25
kaku ^0.25.1
lemon-mbl ^0.25.5
matugen ^0.25.2
pixelart ^0.25.1
sunshine-tray build ^0.24
voronoiify-image 0.19.*
graphics-style ^0.24.1
iconwriter ^0.22.5
image-watcher ^0.21
rafx-plugins ^0.24.5
streamduck-cli ^0.24
bard ^0.24.6
1 biliup ^0.23.14
color_watermark ^0.25.1
1 embedded-sprites-proc-macro ^0.25.1
image_diff_review ^0.25
ku-logo ^0.24
pic ^0.24.5
vviz ^0.24
2 akaze ^0.23.6
baba ^0.25.1
image2tensor ^0.24
1 openrr-gui ^0.24
650 rust-life optional ^0.25.5
scoundrel ^0.23
sheep_cli ^0.20
shitpic ^0.24.8
sprite ^0.24
906K 8 exr dev ^0.25.2
770K 31 smithay-client-toolkit dev ^0.24
755K 756 winit dev ^0.25.0
518K 6 polkavm dev ^0.24.7
315K 21 spade dev ^0.25.1
294K 9 muda dev ^0.25
262K 40 tao dev ^0.25
207K 12 tray-icon dev ^0.25
189K 44 softbuffer dev ^0.25.0
182K 48 ort dev ^0.24
145K 210 palette dev ^0.23.14
99K 44 sprs dev ^0.25.2
96K 13 drm dev ^0.24
95K 1 apriltag-sys dev ^0.24.5
59K 23 line_drawing dev ^0.23.14
46K 3 webauthn-authenticator-rs dev >=0.23.14, <0.24
38K 154 glium dev ^0.25
30K 36 colorgrad dev ^0.25.2
21K 3 piston2d-gfx_graphics dev ^0.25.1
19K 5 ksni dev ^0.25
17K 8 egui_commonmark dev ^0.25
17K nv-flip dev ^0.24
17K 1 nv-flip-sys dev ^0.24
13K 8 pdf-writer dev ^0.25
11K 20 colorous dev ^0.25
10K 8 color-thief dev ^0.22
10K 4 egui-file-dialog dev ^0.25.5
6.9K 2 intel_tex_2 dev ^0.25.1
6.8K 5 basis-universal dev ^0.23.13
6.6K 5 dash-mpd dev ^0.25.5
6.2K 3 egui_glium dev ^0.24
5.8K 19 cust dev ^0.23.14
5.0K 1 jpegxl-sys dev ^0.25.5
4.7K 4 icy_sixel dev ^0.25.4
4.2K 11 mnist dev ^0.23
4.2K 1 pixman dev ^0.24.7
3.6K 14 openh264 dev ^0.25.5
3.5K 1 win7-notifications dev ^0.25
2.7K 8 rect_packer dev ^0.12.3
2.6K 3 quircs dev ^0.24
2.1K bspline dev ^0.22
2.1K 2 dominant_color dev ^0.24.5
2.0K 4 tesseract-plumbing dev ^0.23.14
1.9K 1 conrod_wgpu dev ^0.23
1.8K kittycad-execution-plan dev ^0.24.7
1.8K 1 imgui-glow-renderer dev ^0.23
1.8K 1 zbar-rust dev ^0.25
1.7K 6 wu-diff dev ^0.18.0
1.7K screen-13 dev ^0.25
1.5K 4 ocrs dev ^0.25.5
1.5K 3 sixel-rs dev ^0.25
1.5K 1 libavif dev ^0.25
1.3K 1 kittycad-modeling-session dev ^0.24.7
1.3K 3 floem-winit dev ^0.24.0
1.2K 3 png-decoder dev ^0.23
1.2K image-canvas dev ^0.24
1.2K 10 enterpolation dev ^0.24
1.2K 7 ril dev ^0
1.0K 1 ezk-image dev ^0.25
900 3 leptess dev ^0.24.2
900 10 imgui-wgpu dev ^0.24
900 cart-tmp-winit dev ^0.23
900 3 fast_hilbert dev ^0.23.13
850 5 text-to-png dev ^0.20
800 smithay dev ^0.25
800 1 direct2d dev ^0.18.0
800 4 fastblur dev ^0.15.0
700 1 u8g2-fonts dev ^0.25.5
600 3 rio-window dev ^0.25.0
600 1 rusty_spine dev ^0.24
550 1 aseprite-loader dev ^0.25
550 1 euc dev ^0.23.12
550 datamatrix dev ^0.25
550 1 wcs dev ^0.24.5
550 grafo dev ^0.24.9
550 2 matrix-sdk-qrcode dev ^0.25.5
500 lutz dev ^0.25.5
500 bmfont_rs dev ^0.23.14
500 1 rustface dev ^0.23
500 block_compression dev ^0.25
500 2 onnxruntime dev ^0.23
480 1 kornia-imgproc dev ^0.25
480 simple_term_rewriter dev ^0.25.0
460 2 graph_process_manager_loggers dev ^0.25.0
450 1 file_icon_provider dev ^0.25.5
430 conrod_vulkano dev ^0.23
410 2 deft-winit dev ^0.25.0
390 fast-dhash dev ^0.25.5
370 1 dds-rs dev ^0.18
350 rusty-duplication dev ^0.25.5
340 2 piet-hardware dev ^0.24.6
330 1 all-is-cubes-gpu dev ^0.25.1
320 1 win-screenshot dev ^0.25
320 3 voronoice dev ^0.23.14
320 tiff2 dev ^0.25
300 ratatui-wgpu dev ^0.25.2
290 yolo_io dev ^0.25.4
290 kn-runtime dev ^0.24.7
260 1 fft2d dev ^0.23.14
250 1 smol_egui_skia dev ^0.25.1
240 1 escapi dev ^0.21.1
220 rendiff dev ^0.24.6
220 tray-icon-win dev ^0.25.5
220 6 spitfire-fontdue dev ^0.25
200 tokio-linux-video dev ^0.24
190 3 yuvxyb dev ^0.25
190 impellers dev ^0.25
190 5 sixtyfps-corelib dev ^0.23.14
170 1 egui-ash-renderer dev ^0.25
160 9 conrod_glium dev ^0.22
160 2 ssimulacra2 dev ^0.25.0
160 1 ironrdp dev ^0.25.5
160 imgui-rs-vulkan-renderer dev ^0.25
150 1 piet-glow dev ^0.24.7
150 normal_pack dev ^0.25.1
150 1 piet-wgpu dev ^0.24.7
150 fitsrs dev ^0.25.5
150 1 obvhs dev ^0.24
150 1 voodoo dev ^0.16
140 1 egui_thumbhash dev ^0.25
130 1 arloader dev ^0.23.14
130 1 convolve-nd dev ^0.25.5
130 1 egui-winit-ash-integration dev ^0.24.0
130 winit-gtk dev ^0.24.0
130 2 naturalneighbor dev ^0.24.7
130 2 texture2ddecoder dev ^0.24
120 crnlib dev =0.23
120 playerone-sdk dev ^0.25.5
120 1 pcx dev ^0.25.5
110 tesseract-rs dev ^0.25.5
110 palette_extract dev ^0.24.0
110 diretto dev ^0.25.5
110 screenshot dev *
100 egui-tetra2 dev ^0.25
100 1 solstice-2d dev ^0.23
100 3 sheep dev ^0.20
100 hudhook dev ^0.24.8
1 fontsdf dev ^0.24
3 bmfont dev ^0.10.3
rasterization dev ^0.25.2
conrod_piston dev ^0.23
3 rvideo dev ^0.23
opengl dev ^0.25.5
1 plex-api dev ^0.24.5
1 astc-decode dev ^0.23
1 nipdf-jbig2dec dev ^0.23
q565 dev ^0.24.6
gooey dev ^0.24.7
2 ilda dev 0.10.*
1 blurhash-update dev ^0.24.8
2 gctex dev ^0.25.1
leaprs dev ^0.25.1
noiselib dev ^0.23.14
1 mcping dev ^0.23
quirc dev ^0.17.0
dxplr dev >=0.23.8, <0.24.0
conrod_gfx dev ^0.22
1 fer dev ^0.24
ispc-downsampler dev ^0.25.1
3 rotsprite dev ^0.24.6
1 xyz dev ^0.12
apng-encoder dev ^0.21
find-subimage dev ^0.23
clp dev ^0.24.6
georaster dev ^0.25.2
nes_core dev ^0.24.9