#nes-emulator #emulation #nes #wasm

bin+lib tetanes

A cross-platform NES Emulator written in Rust using wgpu

7 releases (breaking)

Uses new Rust 2024

0.12.1 Mar 13, 2025
0.12.0 Mar 11, 2025
0.11.0 Jun 12, 2024
0.10.0 May 16, 2024
0.7.0 May 15, 2020

#4 in Emulators

Download history 112/week @ 2024-12-04 65/week @ 2024-12-11 17/week @ 2024-12-18 8/week @ 2024-12-25 22/week @ 2025-01-01 18/week @ 2025-01-08 24/week @ 2025-02-12 3/week @ 2025-02-26 66/week @ 2025-03-05 208/week @ 2025-03-12 24/week @ 2025-03-19

301 downloads per month
Used in tetanes-web


30K SLoC


Build Status Doc Status Latest Version Downloads License

📖 Summary - ✨ Features - 🌆 Screenshots - 🚀 Getting Started - 🛠️ Roadmap - ⚠️ Known Issues - 💬 Contact



photo credit for background: Zsolt Palatinus on unsplash

TetaNES is a cross-platform emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) released in Japan in 1983 and North America in 1986, written in Rust using wgpu. It runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, and in a web browser with Web Assembly.

It started as a personal curiosity that turned into a passion project. It is still being actively developed with new features and improvements constantly being added. It is a fairly accurate emulator that can play most NES titles.

TetaNES is also meant to showcase using Rust's performance, memory safety, and fearless concurrency features in a large project. Features used in this project include complex enums, traits, generics, matching, iterators, channels, and threads.

TetaNES also compiles for the web! Try it out in your browser!


  • Runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, and Web.
  • Standalone emulation core in tetanes-core.
  • NTSC, PAL and Dendy emulation.
  • Headless Mode when using tetanes-core.
  • Pixellate and NTSC filters.
  • CRT shader for that retro feel.
  • Up to 4 players with gamepad support.
  • Zapper (Light Gun) support using the mouse.
  • iNES and NES 2.0 ROM header formats supported.
  • Over 30 supported mappers covering >90% of licensed games.
  • Game Genie Codes.
  • PPU Debugger
  • Runtime performance stats
  • Preference snd keybonding menus using egui.
    • Increase/Decrease speed & Fast Forward
    • Visual & Instant Rewind
    • Save & Load States
    • Battery-backed RAM saves
    • Screenshots
    • Gameplay recording and playback
    • Audio recording


Donkey Kong  Super Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda  Metroid

Getting Started

TetaNES runs on all major operating systems (Linux, macOS, Windows, and the web).


There are multiple options for installation, depending on your operating system, preference and existing tooling.



A .deb package is provided under Assets on the latest Release. Once downloaded, you can install it and the required dependencies. e.g.

sudo apt install ./tetanes-0.10.0-1-amd64.deb
Other Distros

An AppImage is provided under Assets on the latest Release. Simply download it and put it wherever you want.

A .tar.gz package is also provided under Assets on the latest Release. You can place the tetanes binary anywhere in your PATH.

The following dependencies are required to be installed:

  • ALSA Shared Library
  • GTK3


apt install libasound2 libgtk-3-0

dnf install alsa-lib gtk3

pacman -Sy alsa-lib gtk3


App Bundle

The easiest is to download the correct app bundle for your processor. The .dmg downloads can be found under the Assets section of the latest Release.


TetaNES can also be installed through Homebrew.

brew install lukexor/formulae/tetanes


A windows installer is provided under Assets on the latest Release.

Cargo Install

You can also build and install with cargo which comes with rustup.

cargo install tetanes

This will install the latest released version of the TetaNES binary to your cargo bin directory located at either $HOME/.cargo/bin/ on a Unix-like platform or %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin on Windows.

Alternatively, if you have cargo binstall installed:

cargo binstall tetanes

This will try to find the target binary for your platform from the latest Release or install from source, similar to above.


You can also play directly in your web browser without installing by visiting https://lukeworks.tech/tetanes-web.


Usage: tetanes [OPTIONS] [PATH]

  [PATH]  The NES ROM to load or a directory containing `.nes` ROM files.
  [default: current directory]

      --rewind                     Enable rewinding
  -s, --silent                     Silence audio
  -f, --fullscreen                 Start fullscreen
  -4, --four-player <FOUR_PLAYER>  Set four player adapter. [default: 'disabled']
                                   [possible values: disabled, four-score, satellite]
  -z, --zapper                     Enable zapper gun
      --no-threaded                Disable multi-threaded
  -m, --ram-state <RAM_STATE>      Choose power-up RAM state. [default: "all-zeros"]
                                   [possible values: all-zeros, all-ones, random]
  -w, --emulate-ppu-warmup         Whether to emulate PPU warmup where writes to
                                   certain registers are ignored. Can result in
                                   some games not working correctly
  -r, --region <REGION>            Choose default NES region. [default: "ntsc"]
                                   [possible values: ntsc, pal, dendy]
  -i, --save-slot <SAVE_SLOT>      Save slot. [default: 1]
      --no-load                    Don't load save state on start
      --no-save                    Don't auto save state or save on exit
  -x, --speed <SPEED>              Emulation speed. [default: 1.0]
  -g, --genie-code <GENIE_CODE>    Add Game Genie Code(s). e.g. `AATOZE`
                                   (Start Super Mario Bros. with 9 lives)
      --config <CONFIG>            Custom Config path
  -c, --clean                      "Default Config" (skip user config and previous
                                   save states)
  -d, --debug                      Start with debugger open
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

iNES and NES 2.0 formatted ROMS are supported, though some advanced NES 2.0 features may not be implemented.

Supported Mappers

Support for the following mappers is currently implemented or in development:

# Name Example Games # of Games1 % of Games1
000 NROM Bomberman, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros. ~247 ~10%
001 SxROM/MMC1B/C Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Tetris ~680 ~28%
002 UxROM Castlevania, Contra, Mega Man ~270 ~11%
003 CNROM Arkanoid, Paperboy, Pipe Dream ~155 ~6%
004 TxROM/MMC3/MMC6 Kirby's Adventure, Super Mario Bros. 2/3 ~599 ~24%
005 ExROM/MMC5 Castlevania 3, Laser Invasion ~24 <0.01%
007 AxROM Battletoads, Marble Madness ~75 ~3%
009 PxROM/MMC2 Punch Out!! 1 <0.01%
010 FxROM/MMC4 Fire Emblem Gaiden 3 <0.01%
011 Color Dreams Crystal Mines, Metal Fighter 15 ~1%
016 Bandai FCG Dragon Ball: Daimaou Fukkatsu 14 ~1%
018 Jaleco SS 88006 Magic John 15 ~1%
019 Namco163 Battle Fleet, Dragon Ninja 20 ~1%
024 VRC6a Akumajou Densetsu 1 <0.01%
026 VRC6b Madara, Esper Dream 2 2 <0.01%
034 BNROM/NINA-001 Deadly Towers, Impossible Mission II 3 <0.01%
066 GxROM/MxROM Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt ~17 <0.01%
069 Sunsoft/FME-7 Batman: Return of the Joker, Gimmick! ~15 <0.01%
071 Camerica/Codemasters Firehawk, Bee 52, MiG 29 - Soviet Fighter ~15 <0.01%
076 DxROM/Namco 108 Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Story 1 <0.01%
079 NINA-003/006 Black Jack, Double Strike 16 <0.01%
088 DxROM/Namco 108 Quinty, Dragon Spirit - Aratanaru Densetsu 3 <0.01%
095 DxROM/Namco 108 Dragon Buster 1 <0.01%
113 NINA-003/006 HES 6-in-1, Total Funpak ~3 <0.01%
146 NINA-003/006 Galactic Crusader 1 <0.01%
153 Bandai FCG Famicom Jump II: Saikyou no 7-nin 1 <0.01%
154 DxROM/Namco 108 Devil Man 1 <0.01%
157 Bandai FCG/Datach SD Gundam Wars 7 <0.01%
155 SxROM/MMC1A Tatakae!! Ramen Man: Sakuretsu Choujin 2 <0.01%
159 Bandai FCG Dragon Ball Z: Kyoushuu! Saiya-jin 4 <0.01%
206 DxROM/Namco 108 Fantasy Zone, Gauntlet 45 ~2%
210 Namco175/340 Dream Master, Family Circuit '91 4 <0.01%
~2256 / 2447 ~92.2%
  1. Source Mirror


Keybindings can be customized in the keybindings menu. Below are the defaults.

NES joypad:

Button Keyboard (Player 1) Controller
A Z East
B X South
A (Turbo) A North
B (Turbo) S West
Select Q Select
Start W Start
D-Pad Arrow Keys D-Pad

Controller Layout:

SDL-compatible mappings are used: https://github.com/mdqinc/SDL_GameControllerDB?tab=readme-ov-file but can be overriden by setting SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG.

           Left Triggers                        Right Triggers
              _=====_                               _=====_
             / _____ \                             / _____ \
           +.-'_____'-.---------------------------.-'     '-.+
          /   |     |  '.                       .'            \
         / ___| /|\ |___ \                     /      (N)      \
        / |      |      | ;    _         _    ;                 ;  Action Pad
 D-Pad  | | <---   ---> | |  <:_|       |_:>  |  (W)       (E)  |  (South, East,
        | |___   |   ___| ;  Select    Start  ;                 ;   North, West)
        |\    | \|/ |    /  _              _   \      (S)      /|
        | \   |_____|  .','" "',        ,'" "', '.           .' |
        |  '-.______.-' / Left  \------/ Right \  '-._____.-'   |
        |              /\ Stick /      \ Stick /\               |
        |             /  '.___.'        '.___.'  \              |
        |            /                            \             |
         \          /                              \           /
          \________/                                \_________/

Emulator shortcuts:

Action Keyboard Controller
Pause Escape Guide Button
About TetaNES F1
Preferences Menu Ctrl-P or F2
Load/Open ROM Ctrl-O or F3
Quit Ctrl-Q
Reset Ctrl-R
Power Cycle Ctrl-H
Increase Speed by 25% = Right Shoulder
Decrease Speed by 25% - Left Shoulder
Increase Emulation Scale Shift-=
Decrease Emulation Scale Shift--
Increase UI Scale Ctrl-=
Decrease UI Scale Ctrl--
Fast-Forward 2x Space (Hold)
Set Save State Slot (1-4) Ctrl-(1-4)
Save State Ctrl-S
Load State Ctrl-L
Instant Rewind R (Tap)
Visual Rewind R (Hold)
Take Screenshot F10
Toggle Gameplay Recording Shift-V
Toggle Audio Recording Shift-R
Toggle Audio Ctrl-M
Toggle Pulse Channel 1 Shift-1
Toggle Pulse Channel 2 Shift-2
Toggle Triangle Channel Shift-3
Toggle Noise Channel Shift-4
Toggle DMC Channel Shift-5
Toggle Mapper Channel Shift-6
Toggle Fullscreen Ctrl-Enter
Toggle NTSC Filter Ctrl-N
Toggle CRT Shader Ctrl-T
Toggle CPU Debugger Shift-D
Toggle PPU Debugger Shift-P
Toggle APU Debugger Shift-A

While the CPU Debugger is open:

Action Keyboard
Step a single CPU instruction C
Step over a function O
Step out of a function Shift-O
Step a single scanline Shift-L
Step an entire frame Shift-F

While the PPU Debugger is open:

Action Keyboard
Move debug scanline up by 1 Ctrl-Up
Move debug scanline up by 10 Ctrl-Shift-Up
Move debug scanline down by 1 Ctrl-Down
Move debug scanline down by 10 Ctrl-Shift-Down

Other mappings can be found and modified in the Config -> Keybinds menu.


TetaNES saves files to disk to support a number of features and, depending on the file type, varies based on operating system.


  • Linux: $HOME/.config
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\tetanes
  • Web: localStorage


  • Linux, macOS, & Windows: $HOME/Pictures
  • Web: Does not currently support saving screenshots.

Replay Recordings

  • Linux, macOS, & Windows: $HOME/Documents
  • Web: Does not currently support saving recordings.

Audio Recordings

  • Linux, macOS, & Windows: $HOME/Music
  • Web: Does not currently support saving recordings.

Battery-backed RAM, save states, and logs

  • Linux: $HOME/.local/share/tetanes
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/tetanes
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\tetanes
  • Web: localStorage

Powerup State

The original NES hardware had semi-random contents located in RAM upon power-up and several games made use of this to seed their Random Number Generators (RNGs). By default, TetaNES honors the original hardware and emulates randomized powerup RAM state. This shows up in several games such as Final Fantasy, River City Ransom, and Impossible Mission II, amongst others. Not emulating this would make these games seem deterministic when they weren't intended to be.

If you would like TetaNES to provide fully deterministic emulated power-up state, you'll need to change the RAM State setting in the configuration menu and trigger a power-cycle or use the -m/--ram_state flag from the command line.


To build/run TetaNES, you'll need a nightly version of the compiler and run cargo build or cargo build --release (if you want better framerates).

To run the web version, you'll also need the wasm32-unknown-unknown target and trunk installed:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
trunk serve --release

Unit and integration tests can be run with cargo test. There are also several test roms that can be run to test various capabilities of the emulator. They are all located in the tetanes-core/tests_roms/ directory.

Run them in a similar way you would run a game. e.g.

cargo run --release tetanes-core/test_roms/cpu/nestest.nes

Feature Flags

  • profiling - Enables puffin profiling.


If you get an error running a ROM that's using the supported Mapper list above, it could be a corrupted or incompatible ROM format. If you're unsure which games use which mappers, see http://bootgod.dyndns.org:7777/. Trying other versions of the same game from different sources sometimes resolves the issue.

If you get some other error when trying to start a game that previously worked, try removing any saved states from the directories listed above to ensure it's not an incompatible savestate file causing the issue.

If you encounter any shortcuts not working, ensure your operating system does not have a binding for it that is overriding it. macOS specifically has many things bound to Ctrl-*.

If an an issue is not already created, please use the github issue tracker to create it. A good guideline for what to include is:

  • The game experiencing the issue (e.g. Super Mario Bros 3). Please don't include any download links or ROM attachments due to copyright laws.
  • Operating system and version (e.g. Windows 7, macOS Mojave 10.14.6, etc) or browser version if running on the web (e.g. Chrome 77.0.3865).
  • TetaNES version (can be found in the About menu)
  • What you were doing when the error happened.
  • A description of the error and what happeneed.
  • Any screenshots or console output.
  • Any related errors or logs.



Known Issues

See the github issue tracker.


In addition to the wealth of information in the docs/ directory, I also referenced these websites extensively during development:


TetaNES is licensed under a MIT or Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE-MIT or LICENSE-APACHE file in the root for a copy.


While this is primarily a personal project, I welcome any contributions or suggestions. Feel free to submit a pull request if you want to help out!


For issue reporting, please use the github issue tracker. You can also contact me directly at https://lukeworks.tech/contact/.


Implementation was inspiried by several amazing NES projects, without which I would not have been able to understand or digest all the information on the NES wiki.

I also couldn't have gotten this far without the amazing people over on the NES Dev Forums:

Also, a huge shout out to OneLoneCoder for his NES and olcPixelGameEngine series as those helped a ton in some recent refactorings.


~1M SLoC