#vulkan #psx #emulator #rust #games-and-graphics

app trapezoid

A PSX emulator, backed by vulkano for rendering

3 releases

0.1.2 Jan 29, 2024
0.1.1 Jan 25, 2024
0.1.0 Jan 25, 2024

#157 in Emulators

MIT license

13K SLoC


Build status dependency status license Crates.io trapezoid

trapezoid is a PSX/PS1 emulator built from scratch using Rust.

This is a personal project for fun and to experience emulating hardware and connecting them together.



Building and installation


You can install trapezoid from crates.io using cargo:

cargo install trapezoid


If you want to experience the latest development version, you can build trapezoid yourself.

cargo build --release

The emulator will be slow without optimization, that's why we have opt-level = 2 in debug profile.

Emulator core

The emulator core is implemented as a library in trapezoid-core, this library is the emulator core, and contain all the components. You can easily take the core and build a frontend around it, or use it as a server.

Check the trapezoid-core for more info and documentation.



The Frontend implementations has its own controls mapping, this can be configured if you decide to use trapezoid-core directly


keyboard PSX controller
Enter Start
Backspace Select
Num1 L1
Num2 L2
Num3 L3
Num0 R1
Num9 R2
Num8 R3
W Up
S Down
D Right
A Left
I Triangle
L Circle
J Square


trapezoid has a built-in powerfull debugger to help debug games and access to data.

This is a CLI based debugger, it can be activated by pressing / (forward slash) key, it will pause the emulation and activates the debugger.

You will get a prompt:


The debugger uses rustyline and has auto completion

Debugger addressing and variables

Anywhere the term <addr> is used, it can be a hex address, or a variable name.

There are two variable types:

  • start with $ are registers, for example $t0 is the register t0, etc...
  • start with @ are special hardware registers, like @TIMER0_TARGET which is the timer 0 target register.

You can know these registers using the tab completion. Just start typing $ or @ and press tab.

Debugger commands


Prints the help message

CPU> h
h - help
r - print registers
c - continue
s - step
so - step-over
su - step-out
tt - enable trace
tf - disbale trace
stack [0xn] - print stack [n entries in hex]
bt/[limit] - print backtrace [top `limit` entries]
b <addr> - set breakpoint
rb <addr> - remove breakpoint
bw <addr> - set write breakpoint
rbw <addr> - remove write breakpoint
br <addr> - set read breakpoint
rbr <addr> - remove read breakpoint
lb - list breakpoints
m[32/16/8] <addr> - print content of memory (default u32)
p <addr>/<$reg> - print address or register value
i/[n] [addr] - disassemble instructions
hook_add <cmd[;cmd]> - add hook/s commands
hook_clear - clear all hooks
hook_list - list all hooks
hook_setting [<break_type>[=true/false]] - change when the hooks are executed

Prints the registers (example from a random game in a random point)

CPU> r
pc: 8004A648    at: 80060000
hi: 00000000    lo: 009941F4
v0: 00003178    s0: 54042275
v1: FFFFFFFF    s1: 0000015B
a0: 00003179    s2: 0000008F
a1: 00008000    s3: 00000000
a2: 00000000    s4: 00000002
a3: 00000000    s5: 00000000
t0: 39937A40    s6: 00000000
t1: 00000000    s7: 00000000
t2: 00000000    t8: 00000000
t3: F9A700FE    t9: 801FFEE0
t4: 0000F159    k0: 8004A600
t5: 801A1D9C    k1: 00006418
t6: 00000001    gp: 8005F17C
t7: 00000003    sp: 801FFE78
fp: 801FFFF8    ra: 8004A540

Continue the emulation


Executes one instruction and then stops


Executes one instruction and then stops, if the instruction is a function call, it will execute the function and stop at the next instruction after the call.

For example, if the code was like this

0x1000: jal 0x8004A648
0x1004: _nop            ; delay slot
0x1008: nop

and the PC was at 0x1000, then so will execute jal and stop at 0x1008


Will continue the emulation until the current function returns.

It will stop on the instruction after the function call.


Enable trace, this will print the executed instructions, this is very heavy as it prints all instruction and will reduce the emulation speed.

Example output:

CPU> tt
Instruction trace: true
CPU> c
80000080: lui k0, 0x0000
80000084: addiu k0, k0, 0x0C80
80000088: jr k0
8000008C: _nop
00000C80: nop
00000C84: nop
00000C88: addiu k0, zero, 0x0100
00000C8C: lw k0, 0x0008(k0)
00000C90: nop
00000C94: lw k0, 0x0000(k0)
00000C98: nop

Disable trace


Print the stack content, you can specify the number of entries to print, default is 10

CPU> stack
Stack: SP=0x801FFC90

Print the backtrace, you can specify the number of entries to print, default, whole backtrace

For example, here we are in 59 level of the backtrace, but we only print the top 10 entries

CPU> bt/10
#59:      80012E24
#58:      000019B8
#57:      00000E28
#56:      8004AAB0
#55:      8004A888
#54:      8004AAB0
#53:      8004A888
#52:      000019B8
#51:      00000E28
#50:      000019B8

The addresses here are the return addresses, for example, looking at the first one 80012E24, lets print the 2 instructions before it.

We will we have the call instruction, the delay slot, and the return address is what's in the backtrace.

CPU> i 80012E1C
0x80012E1C: jal 0x0004AF1 => 0x80012BC4
0x80012E20: _addiu a0, zero, 0xFFFF
0x80012E24: lui v0, 0x8006

This means that right now we are inside the function 0x80012BC4


Set a breakpoint on address, the address is in hex, the 0x prefix is optional This will trigger when the address is executed

CPU> b 80012E24
Breakpoint added: 0x80012E24

Remove a breakpoint

CPU> rb 80012E24
Breakpoint removed: 0x80012E24

Set a write breakpoint on address, the address is in hex, the 0x prefix is optional This will trigger when the address is written to

CPU> bw 80012E24
Write breakpoint added: 0x80012E24

Remove a write breakpoint

CPU> rbw 80012E24
Write breakpoint removed: 0x80012E24

Set a read breakpoint on address, the address is in hex, the 0x prefix is optional This will trigger when the address is read from (also execute, since we are reading from this address)

CPU> br 80012E24
Read breakpoint added: 0x80012E24

Remove a read breakpoint

CPU> rbr 80012E24
Read breakpoint removed: 0x80012E24

List all breakpoints

CPU> lb
Breakpoint: 0x80012E24
Write Breakpoint: 0x80012E24
Read Breakpoint: 0x80012E24

Print the memory content, you can specify the size of the read, and the number of times to read, default is 1 u32

CPU> m 80012E24
0x80012E24: 0x3C028006
CPU> m32 80012E24
0x80012E24: 0x3C028006
CPU> m32/4 80012E24
0x80012E24: 0x3C028006
0x80012E28: 0x8C427FB0
0x80012E2C: 0x00000000
0x80012E30: 0x1440FFED
CPU> m8/4 80012E24
0x80012E24: 0x06
0x80012E25: 0x80
0x80012E26: 0x02
0x80012E27: 0x3C
CPU> m16/4 80012E24
0x80012E24: 0x8006
0x80012E26: 0x3C02
0x80012E28: 0x7FB0
0x80012E2A: 0x8C42

CPU> m @GPU_STAT        ; reading gpu status register easily
0x1F801814: 0x5404220A

Print the value of a register or memory address

This is only useful for cpu registers, at least for now, there is no expression evaluation

CPU> p $t0
CPU> p 12345678

Disassemble instructions, you can specify the number of instructions to disassemble, default is 1 at the current location of PC

CPU> i
0x80000084: addiu k0, k0, 0x0C80
CPU> i/10
0x80000084: addiu k0, k0, 0x0C80
0x80000088: jr k0
0x8000008C: _nop
0x80000090: nop
0x80000094: nop
0x80000098: nop
0x8000009C: nop
0x800000A0: lui t0, 0x0000
0x800000A4: addiu t0, t0, 0x05C4
0x800000A8: jr t0
CPU> i 800000A0
0x800000A0: lui t0, 0x0000


The debugger allows to create hooks, these are commands, any of the above commands which will execute on certain events. The events can be configured using hook_setting command.

CPU> hook_setting
Hooks will be executed on the following breakpoints:
  step: false
  step_over: false
  step_out: false
  instruction_breakpoint: false
  read_breakpoint: false
  write_breakpoint: false

By default, hooks aren't bound to any event.

But can be set using hook_setting to modify when to execute them.

CPU> hook_setting step,instruction_breakpoint=true,step_out=false
Hooks will be executed on the following breakpoints:
  step: true
  step_over: false
  step_out: false
  instruction_breakpoint: true
  read_breakpoint: false
  write_breakpoint: false

This will enable hooks on step and instruction_breakpoint events, and disable them on step_out event, and leave the rest as is.


We can add hooks by hook_add, which will be executed when the event is triggered.

CPU> hook_add r;i/20
Hook added: r
Hook added: i/20

This adds two commands to execute on an event, r and i/20, r will print the registers, and i/20 will disassemble 20 instructions from PC.


Clear all hooks


List all hooks

CPU> hook_list


We can view the raw vram state, which you can think of as an image of 1024x512 pixels

This can be triggerd with the keyboard button v.


Contributions and TODO

Check the trapezoid-core for more information about TODO items related to the emulator.

Also check the issues.

Really appreciate any contributions. Thanks!


This project is under MIT license.

NES is a product and/or trademark of Nintendo Co., Ltd. Nintendo Co., Ltd. and is not affiliated in any way with Plastic or its author


Most of the documentation for PSX components can be found in the consoledev website


~1.5M SLoC