#download #comic #concurrency #image-url #cli #garfield

bin+lib everygarf

Concurrently download every Garfield comic to date

7 stable releases

2.7.0 May 25, 2024
2.6.1 Apr 3, 2024
2.5.0 Mar 27, 2024
2.3.2 Dec 6, 2023

#496 in Command line utilities

Download history 3/week @ 2024-12-06 13/week @ 2024-12-27

543 downloads per month

Custom license


EveryGarf - Comic Downloader

Concurrently download every Garfield comic to date.


  • Download size: 4.9GB
  • Download time: ~20m*
  • Images: >16,400



Download latest release (executable)

Cargo (from source)

Install from Crates.io with Cargo.

cargo install everygarf

Or clone repository, and install with cargo.

git clone https://github.com/dxrcy/everygarf
cargo install --path everygarf


# Help information
everygarf --help

# Download to default folder ('garfield' in user pictures directory)

# Change some options
everygarf ~/Pictures/garfield --remove-all --notify-on-fail --attempts 20 --timeout 30 --jobs 40 --max 300 --tree

# Check if any images are missing
everygarf --query && echo 'Up to date!'


Download time

Download time was tested a few times (since v2.0), with varying values for --jobs, --timeout, and --attempts. Speed is obviously very dependent on your ping and download speed. Per some basic testing, increasing concurrency seems to have diminishing returns past --jobs 20.

Graph of download speed to job count, with trend line showing exponential decay from range 1-20, then settling on a similar rate from range 20-100


Since an official Garfield comic API could not be found, this program scrapes gocomics.com, and finds the assets.amuniversal.com link. This requires 2 HTTP requests per comic. The files hosted at picayune.uclick.com, while only requiring 1 request each, have been found to be very inconsistent and unstable, therefore are not used. See Cached image URLs.

Possible speed optimizations

As mentioned above, since each image requires 2 HTTP requests, the program's speed is almost entirely dependent on internet speed. This program attempts to utilize as much concurrency as possible. The only forseeable optimization to this program would be using a different web API.

Proxy service

Default proxy URL is https://proxy.darcy-700.workers.dev, a simple Cloudflare worker. If you are continually seeing 'rate limited' (HTTP/429) error, try changing the proxy URL (below).

Custom proxy service

See Setup a custom proxy service with Cloudflare worker.

Disable proxy

Use --no-proxy argument. This is not recommended, you will most likely get immediately rate limited by gocomics.com.

Cached image URLs

Without image URL caching, each image would require 2 requests (see API). By default, it checks for existing cached image URLs by fetching dxrcy/everygarf-cache. Disable with --no-cache, use a custom cache file URL (remote or local) with --cache, save your own cache file with --save-cache.

Automatically Running with Systemd Timer

For systems with systemd. Installs user service and timer to ~/.config/systemd/user.

This assumes that everygarf is already installed with cargo. Otherwise, binary path must be changed in ExecStart field in everygarf.service.

# 1. Navigate to user systemd config
[ -d "$dir" ] || { mkdir -p "$dir" || exit 1; }
cd "$dir" || exit 1
# 2. Create service file
# ExecStart path must be absolute, $HOME is interpolated on file create
# Maximum 50 images at a time
echo "\
Description=Run EveryGarf program to download Garfield comics
ExecStart=$HOME/.cargo/bin/everygarf --jobs 10 --max 50 --notify-on-fail
" > everygarf.service
# 3. Create timer file
# Runs shortly after each boot, and every 3 hours
echo "\
Description=Timer for EveryGarf service
" > everygarf.timer
# 4. Enable and start with systemd
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable everygarf.timer
systemctl --user start everygarf.timer

View logs of everygarf.service with journalctl --user --unit everygarf.service --pager-end

Setup a custom proxy service with Cloudflare worker

This has not been tested very well! It works on my machine, but if you have any problems, please open an issue

Setup a Cloudflare worker with Zibri/cloudflare-cors-anywhere, and pass in the URL with --proxy.

  1. Create a Cloudflare account
  2. Install npm (Node package manager)
  3. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/dxrcy/cloudflare-cors-anywhere myproxy
cd myproxy
npm install --include=dev
  1. Login to wrangler (Cloudflare worker CLI)

Log in to your Cloudflare account through the browser.

npx wrangler login

Replace {{ account-id }} with your Cloudflare account ID, in wrangler.toml

# ...
account_id = "{{ account-id }}" 
# ...
  1. Run in development mode
npm run dev
  1. Deploy to Cloudflare
npm run deploy
  1. Test the deployment


  1. Use proxy with everygarf
everygarf --proxy "https://myproxy.<YOURUSERNAME>.workers.dev/cors-proxy"


# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/dxrcy/everygarf
cd everygarf
# Install build dependency
cargo install just

# (Make an amazing change...)

# Check for issues
just check


This project has no connection to Garfield or Paws, Inc. If you have any issues or concerns, please open a GitHub issue.

Icon: Stylized Garfield Face


~596K SLoC