Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Rayon is used at run time in 10,267 crates (of which 1,797 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 3,834 crates. It's used at build time in 222 crates (of which 24 optionally, 19 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 5,565 crates (of which 332 directly).

Number of dependers Rayon version Downloads/month
15,939 1.10.0 6.4M
1 1.8.1 414K
7 1.7.0 355K
1 1.6.1 84K
14 1.5.3 208K
1 1.4.1 11K
3 1.2.1 5.6K
2 1.0.3 6.1K
15 0.9.0 2.0K
37 0.8.2 16K
14 0.7.1 2.6K
13 0.6.0 2.0K
1 0.5.0 700
4 0.4.3 480
1 0.4.2 1.3K
1 0.0.1 57
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Rayon version
31.6M 1131 hashbrown optional ^1.2
22.5M 2539 indexmap optional ^1.9
6.5M 680 petgraph optional ^1.5.3
5.3M 1059 dashmap optional ^1.7.0
4.5M 6172 criterion optional ^1.3
3.4M 249 pbkdf2 optional ^1.7
2.8M 2815 image optional ^1.7.0
2.4M 2002 indicatif optional ^1.1
2.3M 636 sysinfo optional ^1.8
1.3M 285 ark-ff optional ^1
1.3M 214 ark-serialize optional ^1
1.3M 219 ark-std optional ^1
1.5M 36 jpeg-decoder optional ^1.5.1
1.2M 1031 nalgebra optional ^1.6
1.3M 1165 ndarray optional ^1.10.0
1.4M 72 remove_dir_all optional ^1.4
928K 20 unic-char-range optional ^1.0
297K 80 tantivy ^1.5.2
272K 8 rayon-cond ^1.7
736K 53 id-arena optional ^1.0.3
707K 31 fast_image_resize optional ^1.10
692K 64 ark-poly optional ^1
690K 201 ark-ec optional ^1
220K 27 polars-utils ^1.9
213K 33 polars-core ^1.9
213K 23 polars-io ^1.9
211K 13 polars-lazy ^1.9
211K 16 polars-ops ^1.9
210K 13 polars-plan ^1.9
631K 192 alloy-primitives optional ^1.2
208K 9 polars-time ^1.9
202K 1 polars-pipe ^1.9
564K 131 im optional ^1
552K 163 geo-types optional ^1.10.0
162K 87 tokenizers ^1.10
471K 204 wasmtime optional ^1.0
155K 9 ethers-solc ^1.7
148K 88 jwalk ^1.5
149K 5 windows-bindgen ^1.7
441K 4 maybe-rayon optional ^1.0
421K 12 ravif optional ^1.10.0
323K 23 epaint optional ^1.7
107K 13 solana-connection-cache ^1.10.0
106K 25 solana-perf ^1.10.0
107K 3 solana-thin-client ^1.10.0
107K 14 solana-tpu-client ^1.10.0
105K 250 solana-client ^1.10.0
103K 2 xwin ^1.5
94K 96 trycmd ^1.5.1
90K 9 cosmwasm-crypto ^1.9.0
85K 1 cargo-machete ^1.5.2
80K 5 polars-expr ^1.9
76K 3 polars-mem-engine ^1.9
222K 176 gcc optional ^0.8
214K 45 tracing-wasm optional ^1.5
208K 11 tame-index optional ^1.7
197K 43 im-rc optional ^1
64K 2 cargo-deny ^1.4
185K 30 guppy optional ^1.10.0
178K 44 walrus optional ^1.1.0
170K 198 imageproc optional ^1.8.0
55K 11 askalono ^1.2
54K 21 salsa ^1.10.0
165K 5 immutable-chunkmap optional ^1
162K 205 mongodb optional ^1.5.3
51K 1 polars-stream ^1.9
146K 58 swc_ecma_utils optional ^1.7.0
146K 12 parry3d-f64 optional ^1
143K 52 swc_ecma_transforms_base optional ^1.7.0
45K 77 candle-core ^1.7.0
44K 8 tokio-rayon ^1.5.0
126K 25 ark-crypto-primitives optional ^1.0
125K 1 fid-rs optional ^1.5
122K 2 rapier3d-f64 optional ^1
39K 16 cairo-lang-compiler ^1.10.0
38K 60 solana-runtime ^1.10.0
115K 44 ark-groth16 optional ^1
105K 19 kiddo optional ^1
104K 30 crates-index optional ^1.7.0
34K 5 determinator ^1.7.0
34K 3 rayon-scan ^1.8.1
32K 11 sp1-core-machine ^1.10.0
101K 12 wasmer-compiler-cranelift optional ^1.5
99K 44 sprs optional ^1.7.0
32K 2 cargo-deb ^1.10.0
31K 54 candle-nn ^1.7.0
31K 17 solana-accounts-db ^1.10.0
30K 11 grcov ^1.10
92K cargo-cache optional ^1.5.0
91K 10 swc_ecma_transforms_react optional ^1.7.0
90K 5 lambdaworks-math optional ^1.7
29K 3 ra_ap_vfs-notify ^1.10.0
28K 35 candle-transformers ^1.7.0
28K 15 ra_ap_ide_db ^1.8.0
27K 6 hakari ^1.10.0
27K 6 sp1-prover ^1.10.0
27K 2 sp1-recursion-circuit ^1.10.0
80K 28 cosmic-text optional ^1
81K 6 gemm-common optional ^1
81K 1 gemm-f16 optional ^1
81K 1 lambdaworks-crypto optional ^1.8.0
80K 61 lopdf optional ^1.6
26K 8 image-compare ^1.9
25K 1 sd ^1.8.0
79K 15 ordermap optional ^1.9
24K 51 re_types build ^1.7
75K 12 oxc_index optional ^1
22K 90 skim ^1.5.3
69K 30 chardetng optional ^1.3.0
21K dbpnoise ^1.5.2
21K 3 foundry-compilers ^1.8
21K 1 re_types_builder ^1.7
22K 20 rerun ^1.7
66K 51 lightningcss optional ^1.5.1
65K 15 wasmer-wasix optional ^1.7.0
20K cargo-about ^1.5
20K 2 tract-linalg ^1.10
21K 7 ug ^1.7.0
62K 69 fontdue optional ^1.10
58K 19 flurry optional ^1.3
18K 6 halo2curves ^1.8
55K 5 i_overlay optional ^1.10
55K 8 oxc_sourcemap optional ^1
17K 4 circuit_sequencer_api ^1.10
18K rgwml ^1.10.0
16K 1 dify ^1.5.0
16K pandora_box ^1.10.0
16K 10 typst-utils ^1.7.0
50K 8 swc_ecma_transforms_optimization optional ^1.7.0
15K du-dust ^1
16K 1 glyph_brush_draw_cache ^1.3
15K 1 rustworkx-core ^1.10
16K 2 surrealdb-core ^1.10.0
46K 1 discord-indexmap optional ^1.0
14K 7 ph ^1.5
15K 1 raft-engine ^1.5
15K 13 tokei ^1.5.0
44K 18 swc_ecma_minifier optional ^1.7.0
43K 28 imbl optional ^1
13K cargo-shear ^1.10.0
40K 19 average optional =1.7
13K 5 boojum ^1
12K 9 ext-sort ^1.5.0
12K 4 fvm ^1
12K laze ^1.10.0
13K 12 lingua ^1.8.0
12K 2 zksync_kzg ^1.10
38K 39 argmin optional ^1.6.0
38K 17 p3-maybe-rayon optional ^1.7.0
12K 6 apple-codesign ^1.10.0
11K eza ^1.10.0
11K milhouse ^1.5.1
11K 16 nucleo ^1.7.0
11K 3 re_data_loader ^1.7
11K 5 solar-interface ^1.8
35K 14 bellman optional ^1.5.1
10K 4 r2r build ^1.7.0
10K 2 r2r_msg_gen ^1.7.0
11K 5 solar-data-structures ^1.8
30K 3 risc0-circuit-recursion optional ^1.5
31K 3 risc0-circuit-rv32im optional ^1.5
31K 15 risc0-zkp optional ^1.5
30K 27 risc0-zkvm optional ^1.5
10K 4 re_data_source ^1.7
29K 26 hibitset optional ^1.3
9.9K 4 re_viewport ^1.7
9.8K 1 src ^1.2.0
9.7K spliter ^1.5.1
9.6K 12 self_encryption ^1.5.1
9.4K 25 solana-ledger ^1.10.0
9.4K mise ^1
27K 1 trustfall-rustdoc-adapter optional ^1.10.0
9.3K 3 av-metrics ^1.5
9.3K 1 dioxus-cli ^1.8.0
9.2K 18 solana-entry ^1.10.0
27K 21 parry2d optional ^1
26K 10 swc_bundler optional ^1.7.0
8.9K 3 near-vm-runner ^1.5
8.8K 14 solana-gossip ^1.10.0
25K 22 oxipng optional ^1.10.0
25K 21 parry3d optional ^1
26K 9 peroxide optional ^1.10
8.5K 18 solana-rpc ^1.10.0
25K 40 indextree optional ^1.7.0
8.2K 3 sqruff-lib ^1.10.0
7.9K find_duplicate_files ^1.10
7.8K 5 risc0-build-kernel ^1.10
23K 31 faer optional ^1.10.0
21K 12 swc_ecma_transforms_compat optional ^1.7.0
22K tiny-merkle optional ^1.8.0
7.1K 14 bindgen_cuda ^1.8.0
7.0K 16 solana-core ^1.10.0
6.9K 5 tfhe ^1
6.9K 5 cargo-semver-checks ^1.10.0
20K 2 foundry-compilers-artifacts-solc optional ^1.8
19K 7 jxl-threadpool optional ^1.8.0
19K 32 kdam optional ^1.10
6.6K 5 lance-linalg ^1.10
6.6K 4 lance-index ^1.10
6.6K 3 ec-gpu-gen ^1.5.1
6.3K 17 amethyst ^1.3.0
6.3K 12 amethyst_assets ^1.3.0
6.3K 1 soldeer-core ^1.10.0
6.2K 1 soldeer-commands ^1.10.0
6.2K 1 solana-wen-restart ^1.10.0
6.1K 3 fsrs ^1.8.0
6.1K 3 re_dataframe ^1.7
6.0K 2 solana-turbine ^1.10.0
6.0K 22 amethyst_core ^1.3.0
18K 18 wasmer-compiler-singlepass optional ^1.5
5.8K lmutils ^1.10.0
5.7K 11 rust_tokenizers ^1
5.7K 6 wasm-bindgen-rayon ^1.8.1
5.7K 11 merkletree ^1.0.0
5.7K 3 arroy ^1.10.0
5.7K 15 nu-command ^1.10
17K 7 i-slint-compiler optional ^1.10.0
16K 1 risc0-circuit-keccak optional ^1.10
17K 13 shred optional ^1.5.0
5.5K re_space_view_time_series ^1.7
5.5K 23 bellperson ^1.5.0
5.4K 1 zkevm_test_harness ^1.10
5.3K 36 snarkvm-utilities ^1
5.3K 21 snarkvm-fields ^1
5.3K 24 snarkvm-curves ^1
15K 30 rapier3d optional ^1
5.2K 27 snarkvm-algorithms ^1
5.1K 2 fuel-core-importer ^1.10.0
5.1K pks ^1.7.0
5.0K 4 snarkvm-console-collections ^1
5.0K 1 surrealdb-core-nightly ^1.10.0
5.0K 1 starship ^1.10.0
15K 50 specs optional ^1.5.1
4.9K armerge ^1.4.0
4.9K 6 filecoin-proofs ^1.1.0
4.8K 8 storage-proofs-core ^1.0.0
4.8K 5 storage-proofs-porep ^1.0.0
4.8K 3 storage-proofs-post ^1.0.0
4.8K 2 storage-proofs-update ^1.0.0
4.8K 10 deno_fs ^1.8.0
4.7K 4 rattler ^1.10.0
4.6K 3 rattler_cache ^1.10.0
4.6K rayon-par-bridge ^1.10.0
14K 3 bayer optional ^0.8
13K 1 clashmap optional ^1.7.0
4.5K 50 snarkvm ^1
4.5K opa-wasm build ^1.6
4.4K 1 fuel-core-p2p ^1.10.0
4.4K 1 re_view_time_series ^1.7
4.3K 11 fastembed ^1.10
4.3K rsftch ^1.10.0
4.2K cargo-criterion ^1.3
12K 10 fuel-core-services optional ^1.10.0
13K 21 rapier2d optional ^1
12K 2 rescue_poseidon optional ^1.5
13K rust_eth_kzg optional ^1.10.0
12K 3 wasmer-compiler-singlepass-near optional ^1.5
4.2K 1 ripunzip ^1.6.0
4.1K parallel-disk-usage ^1.10.0
4.0K ngxav ^1.8.1
12K 10 burn-common optional ^1.10.0
11K 1 crate_crypto_internal_eth_kzg_maybe_rayon optional ^1.10.0
11K 4 dicom-pixeldata optional ^1.5.0
11K 13 imagequant optional ^1.10.0
11K 3 partitions optional ^1.0
11K 19 resize optional ^1.10.0
3.8K 7 bitwarden-crypto >=1.8.1, <2.0
3.8K osm-lump-ways ^1.10.0
3.8K excalivator-client ^1.10
3.6K 1 halo2curves-axiom ^1.8
10K 9 criterion2 optional ^1.10
10K 11 kd-tree optional ^1.10.0
10K 7 rustrict optional ^1.5
3.5K 4 zcash_client_backend ^1.5
3.3K zero4rs ^1.10.0
3.3K 1 segul 1.*
3.3K leptosfmt ^1.7.0
10K 6 gauss-quad optional ^1.10
3.2K skar-client ^1
3.1K 1 dioxus-cli-opt ^1.8.0
3.1K gossiphs ^1.10
3.0K 11 promkit ^1.10.0
3.0K 1 hytra ^1.5
9.6K 6 accurate optional ^1
3.0K ruget ^1.1
2.9K 10 hnsw_rs ^1.10
2.9K 1 librashader-runtime-wgpu ^1.10.0
2.9K cargo-spellcheck ^1.5
2.9K 5 anndists ^1.10
2.9K 4 nlprule ^1.5
2.8K 8 rlg ^1.10
9.0K 1 wasm-tools optional ^1.3
2.8K 8 rawloader ^1
8.9K 7 parry2d-f64 optional ^1
2.8K 2 halo2-axiom ^1.10
2.8K courses ^1.10.0
2.7K 2 sacapart ^1.2.1
2.7K 1 wizer ^1.10.0
2.7K builder_cpp ^1.7.0
2.6K 10 wasmer-compiler-llvm ^1.5
2.6K direct-neural-biasing ^1.5.1
2.6K sn-testnet-deploy ^1.8.0
2.5K 1 jams-serve ^1.10
8.2K 10 once_map optional ^1.6
8.1K 7 iroh-blake3 optional ^1.2.1
2.5K 1 tfhe-zk-pok ^1
2.5K fefix build ^1
7.8K 6 dssim-core optional ^1.10.0
2.4K 7 twenty-first ^1.10
7.7K proof-of-sql optional ^1.5
2.3K 1 scouter ^1.7.0
2.3K 2 instant-distance ^1.5
2.3K typeshare-cli ^1.10
2.3K forest-filecoin ^1
2.3K lcode ^1
2.3K Rustb ^1.8.0
2.3K 1 doc-chunks ^1.5
2.3K jj-cli ^1.10.0
2.3K 4 triton-vm ^1.10
2.2K 3 nova-snark ^1.10
2.2K crispr_screen ^1.10.0
2.2K zero_ecs ^1.9.0
7.1K 5 laz optional ^1.2.0
7.1K 2 mls-rs optional ^1
2.1K 3 pace_core ^1.10.0
2.1K mc-repack ^1.10
2.1K 1 blitzar ^1.5
2.1K grumpy ^1.10.0
2.0K aura-pm ^1.8
6.7K 6 bgzip optional ^1.6.1
2.0K 10 osmpbf ^1.5
2.0K nabla-ml ^1.10.0
2.0K 1 legion_prof_viewer ^1.7
6.6K 14 winter-utils optional ^1.8
2.0K RustedSciThe ^1.10.0
2.0K 8 sequoia-cert-store ^1
2.0K 4 extsort ^1.8
2.0K 1 qsv-stats ^1.10
1.9K 3 stam ^1.10.0
1.9K 7 imagepipe ^1
1.9K 3 petal-clustering ^1
1.9K ssg ^1.10.0
1.9K 1 wellen ^1.10.0
1.9K sonnerie ^1.1
6.3K 4 bracket-pathfinding optional ^1.5.0
1.9K yaxp-common ^1.10.0
1.9K 7 rten ^1.7.0
1.9K mdbook-katex ^1.10
1.9K phorg ^1.10.0
1.9K 2 snarkvm-ledger-coinbase ^1
1.8K 2 bidiff ^1.4.0
1.8K buzz ^1.0.0
1.8K tailtales ^1.10.0
1.8K 1 conserve ^1.3.0
6.0K 10 bls-signatures optional ^1
1.8K 2 thumbnailer ^1.5.1
1.8K sheldon ^1.10.0
1.8K 2 hora ^1.5
1.7K weval ^1.8
5.8K 14 rattler_conda_types optional ^1.10.0
1.7K 3 blutils-core ^1.5
1.7K srgn build ^1.10.0
1.6K broot ^1.9
5.5K 5 plonky2_maybe_rayon optional ^1.5.3
5.5K 2 css-inline optional ^1.10
1.6K httm ^1.10.0
5.4K 2 bm25 optional ^1.10.0
1.6K aleo-wasm ^1.8
1.6K adder-viz ^1.5.3
5.3K 1 grenad optional ^1.10.0
1.6K 2 liwe ^1.5.1
1.6K nessa-language ^1.9.0
1.6K 1 poisson_reconstruction ^1
1.5K 4 ocrs ^1.10.0
5.2K 2 yuvutils-rs optional ^1.10.0
1.5K typst-cli ^1.7.0
5.2K 12 ark-poly-commit optional ^1
1.5K afl_runner ^1.10.0
1.5K 1 dragonfly-client-storage ^1.10.0
1.5K findlargedir ^1.10.0
1.5K 4 reductive ^1
1.4K 1 aki-resort ^1.6
4.9K itybity optional ^1.7
4.9K 8 prio optional ^1.10.0
1.4K havocompare ^1.10.0
4.9K 1 maybe_parallel_iterator optional ^1
1.4K 1 wlrs ^1.10.0
4.8K 11 merkle_hash optional ^1
1.4K 1 cairo-lang-test-runner ^1.10.0
1.4K agave-validator ^1.10.0
1.4K pacman-repo-builder ^1.5.1
1.3K iwes ^1.5.1
1.3K huber ^1.6
4.6K 7 snarkvm-synthesizer optional ^1
4.6K 6 snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-batch-header optional ^1
1.3K 7 ndarray-parallel ^1.0
4.6K 7 snarkvm-ledger-committee optional ^1
4.6K 4 snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-batch-certificate optional ^1
1.3K git-ai ^1.10.0
1.3K 32 namada_core ^1.5
1.3K 1 single_algebra ^1.10.0
4.6K 11 snarkvm-ledger-block optional ^1
4.6K 4 snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-subdag optional ^1
1.3K paketkoll ^1.10.0
1.3K 1 two_percent ^1.10.0
4.5K 10 snarkvm-ledger-store optional ^1
1.3K varfish-server-worker ^1.10
1.3K forust-ml ^1.7
1.3K seekstorm ^1.10.0
4.5K 4 snarkvm-synthesizer-process optional ^1
1.3K 5 wasmer-clif-backend ^1.1
1.3K 1 aura-core ^1.8
1.3K 2 paketkoll_core ^1.10.0
1.3K 8 autd3-driver ^1.10.0
1.3K iwe ^1.5.1
4.4K 36 midly optional ^1
4.4K 1 snarkvm-ledger optional ^1
1.3K 2 difftastic ^1.7.0
1.2K 1 release_plz_core ^1.10.0
1.2K 5 namada_sdk ^1.5
1.2K 2 amethyst_renderer ^1.0.2
1.2K redact-engine ^1.5.3
4.2K 50 quicli optional ^1.0
1.2K 1 jj-lib ^1.10.0
1.2K 2 netidx-container ^1
1.2K 2 raphtory-api ^1.8.1
1.2K liboxen ^1.7.0
1.2K nmd ^1.8.0
1.2K 11 librashader-pack ^1.10.0
1.2K rpk ^1
1.2K 7 fyrox-resource ^1.7.0
1.2K 2 mizaru2 ^1.10.0
1.2K 4 kzen-paillier ^1.1
4.1K 2 concrete-csprng optional ^1.5.0
1.1K sufr ^1.10.0
4.0K 17 legion optional ^1.4
1.1K 1 libblur ^1.10.0
1.1K 2 dypdl-heuristic-search ^1.10
1.1K 1 iter-log ^1.10
1.1K 1 gmt_dos-clients_crseo ^1.6.1
1.1K scraps ^1.10.0
3.9K 6 evtx optional ^1
1.1K 4 qbsdiff ^1.10
1.1K google-fonts-sources ^1.10.0
1.1K fastatomstruct ^1.5
1.1K 2 sbwt ^1
1.1K 1 mithril-stm ^1.10.0
1.1K pyref-core ^1.10.0
1.1K portable-network-archive ^1.10.0
1.0K fastsim-core ^1.7.0
1.0K rvpacker-txt-rs-lib ^1.10.0
1.0K 2 graph_builder ^1.7.0
1.0K spoify ^1.10.0
1.0K fomo3d-raydium-cp-swap-client ^1.10.0
1.0K jw ^1.10.0
1.0K agave-ledger-tool ^1.10.0
1.0K tidy-json ^1.5
1.0K bashdoc ^1.0.3
1.0K sgcount ^1.7.0
1.0K 13 zng-task ^1.10
1.0K spawn-access-control ^1.8
3.5K 1 metatensor optional ^1
3.5K 4 ascent optional ^1.5
1.0K 3 graph ^1.7.0
1.0K voxelize ^1.10.0
1.0K duxcore ^1.10.0
1.0K 2 geosuggest-core ^1
3.5K 1 flatk optional ^1.5
3.4K 2 meshx optional ^1
950 dg_xch_cli ^1.8.1
950 1 progpool ^1.10.0
950 ouch ^1.8.0
950 12 zng-unique-id ^1.10
950 3 pdf2image ^1.10.0
3.4K 15 rig-core optional ^1.10.0
950 viewimg ^1.3.0
950 1 git-cache ^1.10.0
950 sw-sync-cli ^1.10.0
950 rconn ^1.8
3.3K 21 dusk-bls12_381 optional ^1
950 2 rayon_iter_concurrent_limit ^1.8
950 5 solana-local-cluster ^1.10.0
900 3 dg_xch_pos ^1.8.1
900 2 sugarloaf ^1.10.0
900 krafna ^1.10.0
900 2 systeroid-core ^1.10.0
900 2 centipede ^1.0.3
900 aichat ^1.10.0
900 1 swc_cli_impl ^1.7.0
900 vsb ^1.10.0
900 1 typst-ts-svg-exporter ^1.7.0
900 2 libsufr ^1.10.0
900 cargo-list ^1.10.0
900 dircs ^1.10.0
900 2 zk-paillier ^1.1
900 10 amcl_wrapper ^1.3
3.2K 1 nam-indexmap optional ^1.9
900 tokengeex ^1.8
900 2 bhtsne ^1.10
850 3 reflexo-typst2vec ^1.10.0
850 capycrypt ^1.5
850 dirscribe ^1.10.0
850 soar-cli ^1.10.0
850 2 ra_ap_rust-analyzer ^1.8.0
850 canvas_syncer ^1.10.0
850 2 librsvg ^1
850 reflexo-typst ^1.10.0
850 2 wacker ^1.10.0
850 1 asyncgit ^1.10
850 3 autd3-gain-holo ^1.10.0
850 2 gaoya ^1.7.0
850 fetter ^1.10
800 1 soar-core ^1.10.0
800 twars-url2md ^1.8
800 12 rspec ^1.5
800 1 lightmap ^1.8.1
800 crabchess ^1.9.0
3.0K 2 linera-wasmer-compiler-singlepass optional ^1.5
800 rojo ^1.7.0
800 1 amethyst_tiles ^1.3.0
800 1 mithril-common ^1.10.0
800 1 lox-orbits ^1.10.0
800 py-rustitude ^1.10.0
2.9K 1 linera-wasmer-compiler-cranelift optional ^1.5
800 9 commonware-cryptography ^1.10
800 game_pathfinding ^1.9
800 forceatlas2 ^1.8
800 netscan-os ^1.8
750 create_broken_files ^1.10.0
750 netscan-service ^1.8
2.8K 7 snarkvm-ledger-puzzle optional ^1
750 tmsoft_dbase ^1.5
750 1 pavexc ^1.10
2.8K 1 tfhe-csprng optional ^1
750 1 anndata-memory ^1.10
750 deduplicator ^1.6.1
750 4 polkadot-node-core-pvf-prepare-worker ^1.5.1
750 3 mm2 ^1.8.1
750 2 astrors ^1.8.0
750 2 fyrox-impl ^1.5.1
750 1 lace ^1.5
750 5 rstats ^1
750 uwc ^1.10.0
750 asc_bin ^1.10.0
750 1 scanflow ^1.5
750 1 thallium_ecs ^1.9.0
700 5 parol ^1.10.0
700 4 email-lib ^1.6
700 1 zng-wr-glyph-rasterizer ^1.10
2.7K 1 snarkvm-ledger-puzzle-epoch optional ^1
700 viguno ^1.8
700 2 lace_cc ^1.5
700 1 zng-webrender ^1.10
700 cfr ^1.5
700 1 t4t ^1.10.0
700 metaboss ^1.8.0
700 ttags ^1.6.1
700 autd3-emulator ^1.10.0
700 4 zarrs ^1.10.0
700 1 lace_metadata ^1.5
700 sparkl3d ^1
700 faer-sparse ^1
700 3 solana-validator ^1.8.1
700 1 semaphore-rs-trees ^1.5.1
700 2 genetic_algorithm ^1.10.0
700 1 yaxp-core ^1.10.0
700 2 jql-runner ^1.10.0
650 xan ^1.10.0
650 dachshund ^1.3.1
650 1 pilota-build ^1
650 libscoop ^1.7.0
2.5K lightningcss-napi optional ^1.5.1
650 sugar-cli ^1.5.3
650 semaphore-rs ^1.5.1
2.5K 4 colorutils-rs optional ^1.10.0
650 BlueHash ^1.10.0
650 2 malwaredb-lzjd ^1.10
650 6 rusoto build ^0.6.0
650 filigree-cli ^1.9.0
650 svdtools ^1.7.0
650 tytanic ^1.8.0
650 neptune-cash ^1.10
650 1 paq ^1.5
650 1 tket2 ^1.5
650 1 arrowdb ^1.10
2.4K 3 bbs optional ^1.3
600 2 green-kernels ^1.9
600 1 connectorx ^1
600 feluda ^1.10.0
600 yek ^1.8
600 fastcwt ^1.10.0
600 3 cyfrin-foundry-compilers ^1.8
600 lasprs ^1.10.0
600 kgdata ^1.7.0
600 morty ^1.3
600 zng-l10n-scraper ^1.10
600 aspen ^1.10.0
600 krapslog ^1.5
2.3K 5 crypto-primes optional ^1
600 3 mwalib ^1.10
600 efmt ^1
600 packbed ^1.8.1
600 2 kmeans ^1.10.0
600 4 wdl-analysis ^1.10.0
600 rufendec ^1.10.0
600 licensa ^1.10.0
600 molecules ^1.10.0
550 rarity ^1.10.0
550 shad3 ^1.7.0
550 python-project-generator ^1.10.0
550 2 ribir_gpu ^1.5.1
550 prun ^1.10.0
550 1 near-vm-compiler-singlepass ^1.5
2.2K csgrs optional ^1.7
550 4 jpreprocess-dictionary ^1.10
550 4 mizaru ^1.5.0
550 1 nyx-space ^1.6
550 duplicate-checker ^1.10.0
550 r2md ^1.10.0
550 rs-wordle-solver ^1.9.0
550 3 marlu ^1.5.0
550 1 jib ^1.8.0
550 1 fuel-streams-domains ^1.10.0
550 3 ironfish-bellperson ^1.5.0
550 1 cfpyo3_rs_core ^1.10.0
550 oarfish ^1.10
550 candle-gemm ^1.7
550 6 candle-gemm-common ^1.7
550 nuts-rs ^1.10.0
550 noabspath ~1
550 1 candle-gemm-f16 ^1.7
550 1 candle-gemm-f64 ^1.7
550 2 candle-gemm-f32 ^1.7
550 1 candle-gemm-c32 ^1.7
500 11 miraland-perf ^1.10.0
500 1 candle-gemm-c64 ^1.7
500 1 cargo-deadlinks ^1.0
500 1 hpt-iterator ^1.10.0
500 csvpp ^1.8
500 doit-cli ^1.10.0
500 qsv ^1.10
500 pssh-rs ^1.6
2.1K 2 roqoqo-quest optional ^1.5
500 talon-gui ^1.10.0
500 1 treestate ^1.8.1
500 253 caffe2-imports ^1.6.1
500 emuman ^1.10
500 1 yozefu-tui ^1.10.0
500 RayBNN_Raytrace ^1.10.0
500 8 fedimint-mint-client ^1.10.0
500 pllm ^1.9.0
500 1 imgddcore ^1.10.0
500 4 sn_interface ^1.5.1
500 dbg-swc ^1.7.0
500 3 tiny-solver ^1.9.0
500 3 libarx ^1.10.0
2.0K 13 shipyard optional ^1.5.1
500 he-ring ^1.10.0
500 imdl ^1.8.0
490 mutant-kraken ^1.7.0
490 serie ^1.10.0
490 txood ^1.5
490 spyrun ^1.10.0
490 pipeless-ai ^1.8.0
490 palette-transfer ^1.10.0
1.9K s2protocol optional ^1.7.0
480 1 kornia-imgproc ^1.10
480 qproxy ^1.10.0
480 tabiew ^1.10.0
480 19 miraland-client ^1.10.0
480 engram ^1.10.0
480 psummary ^1.10.0
1.9K 2 sp800-185 optional ^0.9
480 12 miraland-entry ^1.10.0
480 1 ryot ^1.8.0
480 RayBNN_DataLoader ^1.10.0
1.9K 2 geo-index optional ^1.8.0
470 1 shr_parser ^1.10.0
470 4 rustic_core ^1.10.0
470 s3du ^1.8
460 4 moshi ^1.8.1
460 ore-hq-client ^1.10
460 minchash ^1.10
460 subset_sum ^1
460 vq ^1.10
460 1 changepoint ^1.4
460 kifmm ^1.9
450 cfsem ^1.10.0
450 1 uu_sort ^1.10
450 coppice ^1
450 ABC-ECS ^1.8.0
450 2 miraland-bloom ^1.10.0
450 kbw ^1.5.3
450 pimalaya-email ^1.6
450 hpt ^1.10.0
450 3 sweet_test ^1
450 3 wasm-snip ^1.2.0
450 rustradio ^1.10.0
440 false-bottom ^1.10.0
440 wholesum ^1.10.0
440 RayBNN_Neural ^1.10.0
1.8K 2 meshless_voronoi optional ^1
1.8K 3 fuse-rust optional ^1
440 righor ^1.8.1
430 nu-alias-converter ^1.10.0
430 1 pharmsol ^1.10.0
430 25 sweet ^1.7.0
430 vlazba ^1.10.0
1.8K 1 atone optional ^1.0
430 askalono-cli ^1.10.0
430 verneuil ^1.5
430 RayBNN_Sparse ^1.10.0
430 1 ckb-verification-contextual ^1.0
430 6 miraland-rpc ^1.10.0
420 1 nlpo3 ^1.5.1
420 3 deepbiop-core ^1.10
420 21 miraland-runtime ^1.10.0
410 embed_anything ^1.8.1
410 find-simdoc ^1.5.3
410 license-retriever ^1.10
410 16 portal-pc-waffle ^1.10
410 barnes_hut ^1.10.0
410 2 pleco ^1.0.3
410 annatto ^1.1
410 4 lemmeknow ^1.7
400 1 symbolica ^1.8
1.7K 1 hetseq optional ^1.0
400 envfetch ^1.10.0
400 2 file-hashing ^1.5
1.7K 3 rbase64 optional ^1.6.0
400 imghash ^1.10.0
400 bellare-micali ^1.7
400 1 circom-prover ^1.10.0
390 toolbox-rs ^1.10.0
390 libredr-worker ^1
390 3 parcel_css ^1.5.1
390 cheetah ^1.5.3
390 1 fclones ^1.5
390 2 hypersync-client ^1
390 optionstratlib ^1.10.0
1.6K 1 csv-diff optional ^1.8
390 9 fedimint-server ^1.10.0
390 2 ropr ^1.10.0
380 5 deepbiop-utils ^1.10
380 krnlc ^1.7.0
380 rita ^1.10.0
380 mini-mcmc ^1.5
380 13 miraland-ledger ^1.10.0
380 2 deepbiop-bam ^1.10
380 5 miraland-core ^1.10.0
370 pic-scale ^1.10.0
370 2 forc-test ^1.7
370 krabmaga ^1.5.1
370 5 miraland-connection-cache ^1.10.0
370 3 deepbiop-fq ^1.10
370 fdup ^1.10
370 1 plagiarismbasic_lib ^1.10.0
370 fit2gpx ^1.10.0
370 classi-cine ^1.10
370 vector-db-core ^1.10.0
370 pbf-craft ^1
360 rusterix ^1.10
360 7 xvc-walker ^1.10
360 sequoia-chameleon-gnupg ^1
360 deepbiop-cli ^1.10
360 perpetual ^1.8
360 2 annonars ^1.8
360 2 snarkos-node-bft-events ^1
360 2 deepbiop-fa ^1.10
350 gomander-engiffen ^1
350 RayBNN_Cell ^1.10.0
350 collatz_rust ^1.8.0
350 git-collage ^1.10.0
350 1 panamax-search-lib ^1.10.0
350 marmite ^1.10.0
350 1 miraland-local-cluster ^1.10.0
350 vidformer ^1.9
340 volt-cli ^1.10.0
340 1 snarkos-node-router-messages ^1
340 image-pyramid ^1.10.0
340 8 miraland-gossip ^1.10.0
340 5 xvc-core ^1.10
340 1 mwa_hyperbeam ^1.5.0
340 1 rawler ^1
340 1 kalosm-llama ^1.8.0
340 2 concordium_base ^1.7
340 4 windows-capture ^1.10.0
340 6 zksync_merkle_tree ^1.3.1
1.5K 2 ndhistogram optional ^1.6.1
330 2 scandir ^1.10
1.5K 4 boomphf optional >=1.0
330 safe_network ^1.5.1
330 1 ccsds ^1.7.0
330 6 xvc-ecs ^1.10
330 liner_broker ^1.10
330 4 snarkos-node-router ^1.10
330 minimax ^1.5
1.5K 1 tapciify optional ^1
330 5 ant-networking ^1.8.0
330 3 xvc-storage ^1.10
320 2 pasture-core ^1.5.0
320 1 algos ^1.8.1
320 coffee ^1.0
320 1 debot_ml ^1.10.0
320 4 candle-examples ^1.7.0
320 13 miraland-accounts-db ^1.10.0
320 tailspin ^1.10.0
320 3 xvc-file ^1.10
320 claudiofsr_lib ^1.10
320 3 miraland-thin-client ^1.10.0
320 discord_injector-lib ^1.10.0
320 1 timsrust ^1.10.0
320 conda_curation ^1.8.0
320 orbweaver ^1.10.0
310 2 citadel_crypt ^1.7.0
310 sha1dir ^1.0
1.4K 7 mzpeaks optional ^1
310 3 openmls ^1.5.0
310 3 snarkos-node-bft ^1
310 dynec ^1.8.0
310 skymask-rs ^1.10.0
310 swc_webpack_ast ^1.5.1
310 6 autonomi ^1.8.0
1.4K 1 close_already optional ^1
1.4K 5 norad optional ^1.3.0
310 1 agave-thread-manager ^1.10.0
310 3 egobox-gp ^1
310 ilytix ^1.8.1
310 miniboosts ^1.10.0
300 destiny-pkg ^1.7.0
300 mintyml-cli ^1.8.1
300 rskill ^1.10.0
300 miraland-validator ^1.10.0
1.4K 6 mzdata optional >=1.8.0, <2.0
300 dapol ^1.7.0
300 11 typst-library ^1.7.0
300 photohash ^1.10.0
32.9M 10392 syn dev ^1
21.8M 8717 proc-macro2 dev ^1.0
16.8M 17857 rand dev ^1.7
6.6M 56 atomic-waker dev ^1.7.0
4.8M 834 pyo3 dev ^1.6.1
3.6M 249 plotters dev ^1.5.1
2.1M 78 gif dev ^1.8.0
1.8M 153 compact_str dev ^1
1.7M 200 wasmparser dev ^1.3
906K 8 exr dev ^1.5.3
721K 19 sentry-core dev ^1.5.3
677K 183 swc_common dev ^1.7.0
647K 37 maxminddb dev ^1.5
640K 3 hstr dev ^1.7.0
395K 130 isahc dev ^1
333K 53 tracing-chrome dev ^1.9.0
322K 6 wasmparser-nostd dev ^1.3
278K 19 auto_enums dev ^1
269K 262 syntect dev ^1.0.0
195K 11 plotters-bitmap dev ^1.5.1
189K 44 softbuffer dev ^1.5.1
170K 15 witx dev ^1.0
159K 2 wasm-bindgen-cli dev ^1.0
151K 3 tokio-io-utility dev ^1.5.1
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-externref-xform dev ^1.0
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform dev ^1.0
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-threads-xform dev ^1.0
121K 3 mcap dev ^1.5
119K 44 cmd_lib dev ^1.8.0
86K 2 fs_at dev ^1.10.0
80K 8 oxc_resolver dev ^1.10.0
72K 3 wai-parser dev ^1
63K 1 chili dev ^1.10.0
57K 1 concurrent_arena dev ^1.5.1
53K 27 rs_merkle dev ^1.5.1
46K 14 deno_lint dev ^1.8.0
43K 11 lzzzz dev ^1.5.1
37K 2 solana-bucket-map dev ^1.10.0
36K 5 simple_moving_average dev ^1.8.0
31K 19 libxml dev ^1.0.0
30K 15 fuel-vm dev ^1.7
30K 3 hpke-rs dev ^1.5
28K 3 async-condvar-fair dev ^1.5
26K 14 text-splitter dev ^1.10
23K 11 pdfium-render dev ^1
22K fast-counter dev ^1.3
21K recloser dev ^1
20K 8 lazy-init dev ^1
16K 16 ffi-support dev ^1.3
16K 66 surrealdb dev ^1.10.0
15K 24 swc dev ^1.7.0
13K 3 oq3_syntax dev ^1.6.1
12K 11 finite-wasm dev ^1.6.1
11K 3 solana-bloom dev ^1.10.0
10K 1 wasmbin dev ^1.8.0
9.9K 1 burn-dataset dev ^1.10.0
8.2K 1 sqruff-lib-dialects dev ^1.10.0
7.8K libcst dev ^1.10.0
6.9K 5 mainline dev ^1.10
5.4K 1 surrealdb-nightly dev ^1.10.0
4.3K 1 orx-concurrent-vec dev ^1.10.0
4.1K 6 iter-enum dev ^1
3.9K tracing-profile dev ^1.10.0
3.6K 2 yara-x dev ^1.10.0
3.6K 1 yara-x-parser dev ^1.10.0
3.5K 1 ascent_macro dev ^1.5
2.7K 2 rolling-stats dev ^1.7.0
2.5K 5 anise dev ^1.7
2.4K 2 russcip dev ^1.5.1
2.4K 2 piz dev ^1.0
2.2K 1 tasm-lib dev ^1
2.0K 1 cairo-native dev ^1.10.0
1.9K russell_ode dev ^1.10
1.8K 1 funutd dev ^1.10.0
1.7K 5 jpeg2k dev ^1.7
1.7K eugene dev ^1.10.0
1.7K bumpalo-herd dev ~1
1.6K keyvi dev ^0.9
1.5K 3 rspack_resolver dev ^1.10.0
1.5K cve dev ^1
1.4K fyi_msg dev 1.10.*
1.4K fluxion dev ^1.10.0
1.4K 6 oxttl dev ^1.8.1
1.2K 1 hashconsing dev ^1.5
1.2K 1 syntect-no-panic dev ^1.0.0
1.2K cargo-unmaintained dev ^1.10
1.2K 13 librashader-preprocess dev ^1.6.1
1.2K 4 dsi-progress-logger dev ^1.10.0
1.1K lurk-pasta-msm dev ^1.5
1.1K 9 rclite dev ^1
1.1K 5 aha-wit-parser dev ^1
1.1K wasmtime-cli dev ^1.5.0
1.0K 7 fundsp dev ^1.10.0
1.0K tlauc dev ^1.10.0
1.0K 4 bgpkit-parser dev ^1.10
1.0K 1 near-runtime dev ^1.1
950 1 arbitrary-chunks dev ^1.6.1
950 syncthreads dev ^1.10.0
900 3 unsafe_cell_slice dev ^1.7.0
900 2 scrypto-compiler dev ^1.5.3
850 6 affinidi-did-resolver-cache-sdk dev ^1.10
850 pinned-bucket dev ^1
800 4 aom-decode dev ^1.10.0
800 2 test-tube dev ^1.5.3
750 3 fast_poisson dev ^1.7.0
750 lamellar dev ^1.1
750 5 transient-btree-index dev ^1
750 2 bzip3 dev ^1.7.0
750 1 join dev ^1.2.1
750 laddu dev ^1.10.0
700 3 faer-cholesky dev ^1.8
700 2 roead dev ^1.10
700 5 lever dev ^1
650 5 minimap2 dev ^1.10
650 4 mollusk-svm dev ^1.10.0
650 2 proglog dev ^1.5.3
650 interp1d dev ^1.5.3
600 flate2-crc dev ^1.0.3
600 ya-rand dev ^1.10
600 1 srtm_reader dev ^1.10.0
600 3 wdl-grammar dev ^1.10.0
600 1 entab dev ^1.5.1
600 7 wdl-ast dev ^1.10.0
600 3 wdl-format dev ^1.10.0
600 vpin dev ^1.10.0
600 1 wdl-engine dev ^1.10.0
600 5 osmosis-test-tube dev ^1.5.3
550 3 wdl-lint dev ^1.10.0
550 2 miraland-bucket-map dev ^1.10.0
550 7 linya dev ^1.5
550 boolean_function dev ^1.10
550 3 pasta-msm dev ^1.5
500 2 chttp dev ^1
500 light-curve-feature dev ^1.5
500 1 hyperloglog-rs dev ^1.8.0
460 dom-content-extraction dev ^1
460 ndbioimage dev ^1.10.0
450 paralight dev ^1.10.0
450 1 oqueue dev ^1.7
440 tinywasm-wasmparser dev ^1.8
430 4 bastion dev ^1.3.1
430 18 memflow dev ^1.5
420 1 coord_transforms dev ^1.5.3
420 msgpass dev ^1.8
420 kornia-rs dev ^1.10.0
410 playing-cards dev ^1.5.3
410 2 orx-concurrent-bag dev ^1.10.0
410 1 pixel-canvas dev ^1.5
390 monument_cli dev ^1.8.1
390 2 vach dev ^1.10.0
380 buf-mutex dev ^1.10.0
370 1 test-tube-ntrn dev ^1.5.3
370 orx-parallel dev ^1.10.0
360 felix dev ^1.10.0
360 wright dev ^1.8.0
350 jpeg2k-sandboxed dev ^1.7
350 3 wasmer-wit-parser dev ^1
340 ant-cli dev ^1.8.0
340 1 heca-lib dev ^1.0
340 1 deterministic_rand dev ^1.8.0
320 tiff2 dev ^1.10.0
310 1 neutron-test-tube dev ^1.5.3
310 cepstrum-extractor dev ^1.10.0