ark-crypto-primitives is used at run time in 113 crates (of which 14 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 24 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 7 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers ark-crypto-primitives version Downloads/month
6 0.5.0 9.7K
94 0.4.0 124K
20 0.3.0 2.2K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) ark-crypto-primitives version
121K 44 ark-groth16 ^0.5.0
9.3K 12 ark-poly-commit ^0.5.0
1.1K 5 light-prover-client ^0.4
600 4 semaphore-rs-ark-circom ^0.4.0
360 2 ark-circom ^0.5.0
320 2 ark-gm17 ^0.3.0
230 4 arkworks-native-gadgets ^0.3.0
200 2 arkworks-r1cs-gadgets ^0.3.0
200 3 arkworks-gadgets ^0.3.0
150 1 arkworks-setups ^0.3.0
1 light-circuitlib-rs ^0.4
arkworks-mimc ^0.3.0
1 arkworks-circuits ^0.3.0
worldcoin-ark-circom ^0.4.0
wasm-utils ^0.3.0
arkworks-benchmarks ^0.3.0
webb-pedersen-hash ^0.3.0
1 etf-crypto-primitives ^0.4.0
bzte ^0.4.0
500 liminal-ark-relations optional ^0.3.0
5 light-merkle-tree-program ^0.3.0
460 1 circom-prover optional =0.4.0
380 1 fastcrypto-zkp dev ^0.4.0
110 1 arkworks-r1cs-circuits dev ^0.3.0
ronkathon dev ^0.5