Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Crossterm is used at run time in 3,272 crates (of which 296 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 1,943 crates. It's used at build time in 2 crates (of which 1 optionally, 1 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 127 crates (of which 42 directly).

Number of dependers Crossterm version Downloads/month
1,052 0.28.1 991K
677 0.27.0 475K
243 0.26.1 144K
711 0.25.0 448K
47 0.24.0 4.9K
147 0.23.2 38K
183 0.22.1 6.8K
39 0.21.0 3.1K
41 0.20.0 18K
237 0.10 18K
24 0.x 5.4K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Crossterm version
1.6M 247 comfy-table optional ^0.28
406K 860 ratatui optional ^0.28.1
125K 2 nextest-runner ^0.28.1
338K 469 inquire optional ^0.25
46K 15 tqdm ^0.25
45K 15 crokey ^0.28
45K 1 crokey-proc_macros ^0.28
45K 33 reedline ^0.28.1
33K 1 ast-grep ^0.28.0
94K 348 tui optional ^0.25
26K 4 scm-record ^0.28
65K 23 lscolors optional ^0.28
19K cargo-sweep ^0.25.0
54K 4 coolor optional ^0.28
17K 13 termbg ^0.28
15K sark0y_tam_rst ^0.27.0
14K 2 superconsole ^0.23
15K 38 viuer ^0.28
11K 4 r3bl_tui ^0.28.1
11K 3 r3bl_tuify ^0.28.1
10K 14 terminal-light ^0.28
9.3K 1 dioxus-cli ^0.28.0
9.2K komac ^0.28.1
26K 81 tui-textarea optional ^0.28
25K 6 shuttle-common optional ^0.28.1
8.0K 21 qr2term ^0.28
7.7K 17 minus ^0.27
7.3K 1 tokio-console ^0.27.0
7.3K 7 rustyline-async ^0.28.1
6.9K rustlings ^0.28.1
20K 151 cursive optional ^0.28.1
6.1K mempool_space ^0.27.0
15K 3 espflash optional ^0.25.0
4.7K 8 nu-cli ^0.28.1
13K 28 yaxpeax-arch optional ^0.27.0
4.5K nu ^0.28.1
3.6K yazi-fm ^0.28.1
3.6K thwack ^0.28.1
3.6K 2 deno ^0.28.1
10K 3 crosstermion optional ^0.27.0
3.5K 10 contract-build ^0.28.1
3.5K 6 reedline-repl-rs ^0.27.0
3.5K 3 iocraft ^0.28.1
10K 18 nu-utils optional ^0.28.1
3.1K 12 yazi-shared ^0.28.1
3.1K yazi-cli ^0.28.1
3.1K 8 yazi-config ^0.28.1
3.1K 4 yazi-adapter ^0.28.1
3.0K 11 promkit ^0.28.1
9.5K 1 cddl optional ^0.27.0
2.9K 3 yazi-plugin ^0.28.1
2.9K 1 yazi-core ^0.28.1
2.9K 2 nu-explore ^0.28.1
2.9K cargo-spellcheck ^0.27
2.9K rsbench ^0.28.1
2.8K mrepl ^0.27.0
2.7K precord ^0.28.1
2.4K parui ^0.27.0
2.3K lcode ^0.28
2.3K jj-cli ^0.28
2.2K 3 rat-text ^0.28
2.2K sos ^0.28
2.2K fum-player ^0.28.1
2.1K 6 dont_disappear ^0.8
2.1K cargo-ci-template ^0.28
6.8K 3 bracket-terminal optional ~0.25
2.0K bottom ^0.27.0
6.7K 5 bracket-color optional ~0.25
2.0K qcalc >=0.27.0
1.9K dprint =0.27.0
1.9K 5 minimo ^0.28.1
1.9K telemetry-subscribers ^0.25.0
1.9K television ^0.28
1.9K cnctd_cli ^0.28.1
1.8K tailtales ^0.28
1.8K 3 liveterm ^0.20.0
1.8K aspentool ^0.27.0
1.8K prs-cli ^0.28
1.7K 7 rat-focus ^0.28
1.7K sergeant ^0.27.0
1.7K rps_paijo ^0.28.1
5.7K 15 nu-command optional ^0.28.1
1.6K oatmeal =0.27.0
1.6K lsd ^0.27.0
1.6K 2 lcode-config ^0.28
1.5K 9 rat-event ^0.28
1.5K ore-cli ^0.28.1
1.5K afl_runner ^0.28.1
5.1K 2 requestty-ui optional ^0.25
1.5K kwaak ^0.28.1
1.5K 5 rat-widget ^0.28
1.5K runnables-cli ^0.28.1
5.0K 8 libafl optional ^0.28.1
1.4K edc-connector-tui ^0.28.1
1.4K ricat ^0.27.0
1.4K miho ^0.28
4.8K zuu optional ^0.28.1
1.4K asak ^0.27.0
1.4K geo-aid ^0.27.0
1.3K 1 csv2svg ^0.28
1.3K mdedit ^0.28
1.3K 6 workflow-terminal ^0.27.0
1.3K dnote-tui ^0.28.1
1.3K 2 difftastic ^0.28.0
1.2K papier ^0.27.0
1.2K 5 rat-scrolled ^0.28
1.2K cargo-shuttle ^0.28.1
1.2K gitui ^0.28
1.2K atuin ^0.27
4.1K 3 gstuff optional ^0.28
1.1K ftag ^0.28.1
1.1K 1 edtui-papier ^0.27
1.1K mprocs ^0.27.0
1.1K inspect-cert-chain ^0.27
1.1K 1 pfetch ^0.28.1
1.0K gimoji ^0.28.0
1.0K spoify ^0.27.0
1.0K wambo ^0.28
1.0K taskwarrior-tui ^0.27.0
1.0K fuel-core-keygen-bin ^0.27.0
1.0K ripnode ^0.27.0
1.0K moto ^0.27.0
3.6K 2 starbase_console optional ^0.28.1
1.0K turbocommit ^0.26.1
1.0K gflow ^0.28.1
950 4 atuin-client ^0.27.0
950 lk ^0.27.0
950 1 rlt ^0.27
950 2 atuin-history ^0.27
950 notatin >=0.21.0
950 may-clack ^0.28.1
950 1 rat-menu ^0.28
950 todotree-tui ^0.28.1
900 brt ^0.27.0
900 aichat ^0.28.1
900 mdfried ^0.28.1
900 pray ^0.28.1
900 esp-generate ^0.28.1
3.2K aerostream optional ^0.27.0
850 todor ^0.28.1
850 vayu ^0.27.0
850 rush ^0.27.0
850 fetter ^0.28.1
800 strategem-hero ^0.27
800 starlane ^0.28.1
800 evectl ^0.28.1
800 lowfi ^0.28.1
750 wfcache-api ^0.27.0
750 hcterm ^0.28.0
750 klone ^0.27.0
750 fontfor ^0.27
750 1 selthi ^0.27.0
750 thag_rs ^0.28.1
750 rsille ^0.27.0
750 2 rat-salsa ^0.28
750 limo ^0.27.0
750 1 dusk-wallet ^0.23
750 smd ^0.28.1
700 aelhometta ^0.27.0
700 ll ^0.28
700 2 rat-popup ^0.28
700 feroxbuster ^0.27
700 oreq ^0.27.0
700 affinidi-messaging-text-client ^0.28
700 printimg ^0.19.0
700 1 key_parse ^0.28
700 viu ^0.28
650 hw_checker ^0.27
650 injectsql ^0.28
650 unifi-tui ^0.28.1
650 estra ^0.27.0
650 libcrossterm ^0.27.0
650 escape-artist ^0.27.0
650 rtop ^0.28.1
650 viking ^0.28.1
650 carddown ^0.27.0
650 grav1synth ^0.27.0
650 neptune-cash ^0.27
650 commonware-log ^0.28.1
650 1 below-view ^0.27.0
650 commonware-chat ^0.28.1
600 1 rat-markdown ^0.28
600 aio-cli ^0.27
600 procx ^0.28
600 jx ^0.28.1
600 navi ^0.26.1
600 am ^0.28.1
600 lan-chat ^0.27.0
600 fast-ssh ^0.27.0
600 atto ^0.28
600 cnf ^0.26.1
600 tass ^0.27.0
600 twm ^0.28.1
600 odd-box ^0.28.1
600 ostool ^0.28.1
600 1 termbg-with-async-stdin ^0.28
600 devai ^0.28.1
550 neomake ^0.26.1
550 bandwhich ^0.28.1
550 flymark ^0.22.1
550 rainfrog ^0.28.0
550 snakepipe ^0.27.0
550 vaultwalker ^0.27.0
550 shellchat ^0.28.1
2.2K netsblox-vm optional ^0.27.0
2.1K sqlite2parquet optional ^0.27
550 river_dreams ^0.28.1
550 rsenv ^0.27.0
500 5 terminal-menu ^0.25.0
500 tgpt ^0.28.0
500 pomodoro-cli ^0.27.0
500 1 yozefu-tui ^0.28.1
500 typship ^0.28.1
500 6 terminal-spinners ^0.22.1
500 spotify_player ^0.28.1
500 2 console_engine ^0.26.1
500 2 openpgp-ca-lib ^0.27
500 psycho-killer ^0.28.1
500 1 perfos ^0.28.1
500 1 rat-ftable ^0.28
500 tongo ^0.27.0
490 game_of_colors ^0.28.1
480 ssher ^0.28.1
480 tabiew ^0.28.1
470 4 leetcode-tui-shared ^0.27.0
460 budget-tracker ^0.27.0
460 probe-zmq ^0.28
460 1 leetcode-tui-core ^0.27.0
450 1 uu_more ^0.28.1
450 cocmd ^0.27.0
450 get-blessed ^0.27.0
450 2 sweet_fs ^0.28
450 trnovel ^0.28.1
450 imge ^0.28
450 qmassa ^0.28.1
450 2 leetcode-tui-config ^0.27.0
450 spdx-gen ^0.28.1
440 presenterm ^0.28
440 tukai ^0.28.1
440 wg_netmanager ^0.22.1
440 xplr ^0.28.1
440 eltsu7-todo ^0.27.0
440 vortex-tui ^0.28
440 leetcode-tui-rs ^0.27.0
430 snowy ^0.27.0
430 25 sweet ^0.25.0
430 git-acm ^0.28.1
430 symbolize ^0.23.2
430 tgames ^0.27.0
430 cctui =0.27.0
420 pik ^0.28
420 tembo-cli ^0.27.0
420 dmm ^0.28
420 ucui ^0.28.1
420 asciivation_duty_renderer ^0.28.1
420 shmy ^0.28
420 pprog ^0.27
420 nucleo-ui ^0.27.0
410 short ^0.19.0
410 ssm-tui ^0.28.1
410 rfm-bin ^0.26.1
410 2 termdiff ^0.28.0
400 tusistor ^0.28.1
400 gitu ^0.28.1
400 ntap ^0.27
390 http-diff ^0.27.0
390 datafusion-dft ^0.28.1
390 fpick ^0.28.1
390 vector-project-manager ^0.27.0
390 triton-tui ^0.28
390 klok ^0.28
380 navipod ^0.28
380 basmati ^0.27.0
380 fwd ^0.25
380 git-next ^0.28
370 copy-cards ^0.27.0
370 krabmaga ^0.23.2
370 monit-tool ^0.28.1
370 rsnip ^0.28.1
370 crosstermine ^0.27.0
370 cargo-interactive-update ^0.28.1
370 storyship ^0.27.0
370 genee ^0.27.0
370 snake-tui ^0.28.1
370 fluere ^0.27
370 mavshark ^0.28.1
360 felix ^0.28.1
360 tetrominal ^0.28.1
360 pueue ^0.27
360 parallely ^0.28.1
360 swim-clean-all ^0.28.1
360 plastic_tui ^0.28
350 catlock ^0.28.1
350 nage ^0.26.1
350 quing ^0
350 2 ratskin ^0.28.1
350 heretek ^0.28.1
350 1 espmonitor ^0.23
340 nvidia ^0.28.1
340 bath ^0.28.1
340 1 mischef ^0.27.0
340 dockerbackup ^0.28.1
340 spotify-tui ^0.20
340 homeofficetracker ^0.28.1
330 ironkey ^0.27.0
330 2 ruscii ^0.26.1
330 md-to-tui ^0.26.1
330 checklist-tui ^0.28.1
330 gof-rs ^0.28.1
1.5K 1 tapciify optional ^0.27
320 1 pimalaya-tui ^0.27
320 check_openai_models ^0.27.0
320 youtui ^0.28.1
320 mcfly ^0.28
310 gping ^0.28.1
310 rgdb ^0.28.1
310 swatch ^0.27.0
310 timeadair ^0.28.1
310 1 csvlens ^0.27.0
310 firework-rs ^0.27.0
300 rskill ^0.28.1
300 scooter ^0.27
300 bobr ^0.28.1
300 rbonsai ^0.27.0
300 wash-cli ^0.28.1
300 2 nakago-axum ^0.28
300 s3tui ^0.27.0
300 vdash ^0.27.0
300 ytop ^0.17.4
290 counter-cli ^0.27.0
290 tuisky ^0.28.1
290 wetware ^0.28.1
280 hex-patch ^0.28
280 3 modalkit ^0.27
280 trender ^0.28.1
1.3K openbook optional ^0.27.0
280 aggligator-util ^0.28
280 anicli-esp ^0.28.1
280 3 duat-core >=0.28.0
280 idex ^0.28.1
280 mech ^0.28.1
280 nu_plugin_chart ^0.19.0
280 cargo-duplicated-deps ^0.28
280 tomato-timer-cli ^0.27.0
270 hyprland-workspaces-tui ^0.28.1
1.3K 9 erg_common optional ^0.25.0
270 1 aggligator-monitor ^0.28
270 console-input ^0.28.1
270 nu_plugin_binaryview ^0.19
270 shelf-cli ^0.28.1
270 2 snarkos-display ^0.27
270 treegrep ^0.27.0
270 1 modalkit-ratatui ^0.27
270 moshi-cli ^0.27.0
270 shelgon ^0.28.1
260 rjmatrix ^0.27.0
260 texoxide ^0.28.1
260 console-timer ^0.28.1
260 tuicam ^0.28.1
260 wordl ^0.27.0
260 clever ^0.28.0
260 ggufscan ^0.28.1
260 1 duat-term >=0.28.0
260 hss-tty-flasher ^0.27
260 braillix_ratatui ^0.28.1
260 ttyper ^0.27
1.3K 30 doe optional ^0.27.0
260 heliocron ^0.24.0
260 flowrs-tui ^0.28.1
260 pvcrypt ^0.27.0
250 openstack_tui ^0.28
250 solv =0.28.1
250 1 amareleo-chain-cli ^0.27
250 isw ^0.28.1
250 replaxe ^0.28
250 blocktop ^0.28.1
250 dte ^0.28.1
250 3 shrs_utils ^0.26
250 snarkos ^0.27.0
250 napa ^0.28
250 15 shrs ^0.26
250 turdle ^0.27.0
250 systemctl-tui ^0.28.1
250 1 snarkos-cli ^0.27
250 mamediff ^0.28.1
250 string_cmd ^0.28.1
250 1 crud-tidy-viewer ^0.26
250 un ^0.28.1
240 2 nucleo-picker ^0.28
240 pomotui ^0.27.0
240 qtype ^0.28.1
240 2 shrs_core ^0.26
240 rustic_print ^0.28.1
240 1 rat-dialog ^0.28
240 nix-options-search ^0.28.1
240 nacha ^0.23.2
240 thoth-cli ^0.27.0
240 MeiliFinder ^0.27.0
240 repgrep ^0.26.1
230 fungoid ^0
230 life-game ^0.28.1
230 term-kit ^0.28.1
230 xbps-tui ^0.28.1
230 sl-rs ^0.9.6
230 ai-gateway ^0.27.0
230 olagem ^0.27.0
230 dwd ^0.28.1
230 lock_box ^0.27.0
230 oura ^0.25
230 tablestream ^0.28
230 zellij-runner ^0.25
220 sqlite-glance ^0.26.1
220 crates-tui ^0.28.1
220 shelp ^0.18.2
220 zymrhit ^0.28
220 teng ^0.28.1
220 rust-tui-manager ^0.27.0
220 dysco ^0.17
220 unkr ^0.28.0
210 puzzle-game ^0.28.1
210 1 trippy-tui ^0.28.1
210 rotz ^0.28.1
210 rustblocks ^0.27.0
210 clock-rs ^0.28.1
200 snekrs ^0.28.1
200 logss ^0.26.1
200 nosyman ^0.27.0
200 snekgame ^0.28.1
200 topdio ^0.28.1
190 balatro_tui ^0.28.1
190 cedrh ^0.27.0
190 5 promptuity ^0.27.0
190 plx ^0.28.1
190 scope-monitor ^0.27.0
190 phink ^0.28.1
190 rsrusl ^0.28.1
190 1 tanu-tui ^0.28
190 tui-textbox ^0.28.1
1.0K 15 tuirealm optional ^0.28
190 tolove-ru ^0.28.1
190 jeera ^0.28.1
180 netscanner ^0.28.1
180 sorastats ^0.28
180 java-pack ^0.27
180 mockingparrot ^0.27.0
180 leo-lang ^0.28.1
180 sandhole ^0.28.1
180 2 slumber_config ^0.28.0
180 1 avance ^0.25
180 mspacman ^0.28.1
180 sub-batch ^0.27
180 youtube-tui ^0.28
170 discovery-rs ^0.27.0
170 limmat ^0.28.1
170 1 scanpw ^0.26
170 wiki-tui ^0.27.0
170 checker-tema-3-sd ^0.24
170 iroh-doctor ^0.28.1
170 tui-journal ^0.28
170 bibiman ^0.28.1
170 dust-lang ^0.27.0
160 clock-tui ^0.24
160 drink-cli ^0.26.0
160 fetch-cli ^0.28.1
160 fmtna ^0.27.0
160 co2nsole ^0.27.0
160 pooi ~0.26.1
160 tracexec ^0.28.1
160 7 cli-text-reader ^0.28
160 redu ^0.28
160 tfocus ^0.28
160 adbqr ^0.28.1
160 fatigue ^0.28.1
160 flamelens ^0.27.0
160 fzf-make ^0.28.1
160 xci ^0.27.0
150 zhobo ^0.27.0
150 steamguard-cli ^0.23.2
150 kalc ^0.28.1
150 tgt ^0.28.1
150 1 slumber_tui ^0.28.0
150 tui-slides ^0.28.1
150 wiki_reader ^0.27.0
150 dit-as-91896 ^0.27.0
150 mksls ^0.27.0
150 dvd-term ^0.28.1
150 scxtop ^0.28.1
150 tija_tools ^0.27
150 timr-tui ^0.28.1
150 tissuebox ^0.28.1
150 vault-tasks ^0.28.1
150 diff-tool ^0.27.0
150 midnote ^0.23.2
150 wireman ^0.28
150 CLI-Rhythm ^0.27.0
150 kbt ^0.27
150 koto_cli ^0.28.1
150 minigene ^0.28.1
140 turm ^0.27.0
140 grits ^0.28.1
140 conze ^0.28.1
140 oxker ^0.28
140 rox-cli ^0.27.0
140 svn2git ^0.28.1
140 cns ^0.28.1
140 zuk ^0.23.1
140 mtop ^0.27.0
140 cgol-tui ^0.28.1
140 mm_music_tui ^0.28.1
140 termsearch ^0.28.1
140 airlang_bin ^0.28
140 locking-pomodoro-timer ^0.27.0
140 loki_ui ^0.27.0
130 ait ^0.28
130 cag ^0.28.1
130 lgm ^0.27
130 tundra ^0.27.0
130 surfpool-cli ^0.28.1
130 fogwatch ^0.28.1
130 ghciwatch ^0.27.0
130 hds_tokio-console ^0.26.1
130 krustens ^0.28
130 porgi ^0.27.0
130 shady-cli ^0.28.1
130 synd-term ^0.28.1
130 beancount-tui ^0.28.1
130 email-validate ^0.27.0
130 licenseme ^0.28
130 rtw-tui ^0.28.1
130 bootleg ^0.28.1
130 flipperzero-tools ^0.28
130 shellcaster ^0.23.0
130 hwatch ^0.28.1
120 bluetool ^0.28.0
120 firefly_cli ^0.28.1
120 hug ^0.28.1
120 rmpc ^0.28.1
120 tooters ^0.27.0
120 halt_and_catch_fire ^0.28.1
120 5 r3bl_core ^0.28.1
120 taskfinder ^0.28.0
120 xltool ^0.28
120 cync ^0.27.0
120 bsky_tui ^0.28
120 gitlasso ^0.28.1
120 kurv ^0.27.0
120 1 midenc-debug ^0.28.1
120 theory_grabber ^0.28.1
120 hms ^0.28.1
120 notus ^0.27.0
120 tunein-cli ^0.27.0
120 dead-man-switch-tui ^0.28.1
120 nitidus ^0.27.0
120 meow-editor ^0.27.0
110 pixt ^0.28.1
110 3 lineeditor ^0.28.1
110 timer-cli ^0.28
110 gadd ^0.26.1
110 headifier ^0.27.0
110 node-launchpad ^0.27.0
110 rsocktui ^0.28.1
110 autobib ^0.28
110 castle-core ^0.27.0
110 2 girt-display ^0.26.1
110 milk-tea ^0.27.0
110 mongodb-tui ^0.27.0
110 lazyjj ^0.28.1
110 2 parsec-core >=0.26.0
100 edlearn_tui ^0.27.0
100 rustsweeper ^0.27.0
100 amalgamation-rs ^0.27
100 imdb-id ^0.27
100 tazui ^0.28.1
100 gcz ^0.28.1
100 irust ^0.27.0
100 notabena ^0.27.0
100 bedrock_assistant ^0.28.1
100 rusk-wallet =0.25.0
100 mirro-rs ^0.27.0
100 shi_history ^0.27.0
100 ya_advent_lib ^0.28.1
100 1 girt-input ^0.26.1
100 safetensors-browser ^0.28.1
asterion ^0.28.1
ctask ^0.27.0
practicestuff ^0.28.1
tits-rs ^0.27.0
adguardian ^0.22.0
shrs_line ^0.26
tudelft-serial-upload ^0.26.1
tui48 ^0.28.1
zentime-rs ^0.25.0
git_lab_cli ^0.17.5
sprofile ^0.27.0
sunnycat ^0.27.0
osintui ^0.19
basejmp ^0.21.0
bluetui ^0.28
dialler-rs ^0.27.0
vimp ^0.27.0
diskonaut ^0.17
shai ^0.27
timepiece ^0.26
watchbind ^0.27
1 zi-term ^0.23.2
4 forky_fs ^0.25.0
karsa ^0.27.0
mirl ^0.28
manga-tui ^0.28.1
altscr ^0.23.2
bose_soundtouch ^0.27.0
capter ^0.19.0
mmtc ^0.26.0
shrs_mux ^0.26
750 terminput optional >=0.27, <0.29
escrit ^0.27
1 prompts ^0.14
emojicp ^0.26
hac-client ^0.27.0
rustlings-mo8it-course ^0.28.1
ti ^0.28.1
ttype-app ^0.23
drft ^0.28
gex ^0.27.0
probranchinator ^0.25
todo-cli-manikya ^0.27.0
1 yeehaw ^0.28.0
cargo-fnstack ^0.26.1
fyodor ^0.27
1 git-graph ^0.25
lino ^0.22.1
mecomp-tui ^0.28.1
nnli ^0.27.0
termbf ^0.27.0
4 bevy_ratatui ^0.28.1
chatd ^0.28.1
1 cli_select ^0.27.0
rocketmq-tui ^0.28.1
shellmark ^0.27
gifscii ^0.28
loghawk ^0.27.0
promkit-async ^0.27.0
CuTE-tui ^0.27.0
naviga ^0.23
pfv-cli ^0.26.1
githist ^0.27.0
hollowtea ^0.28.1
pixels-cli ^0.27.0
screen-buffer-ui ^0.19.0
issloc ^0.27.0
logutil ^0.27
tmux-sessionizer ^0.28
tplay ^0.28
saml2aws-auto ^0.28
ubilerntui ^0.28.1
hexdino ^0.25.0
3 pea-wallet ^0.25
projclean ^0.27.0
collective-score-live ^0.28.1
casino ^0.27.0
mntime ^0.27.0
rich-logger ^0.28.1
tmux-fzy ^0.27.0
uniqs ^0.28.1
2 ksre-tui ^0.27.0
search-in-terminal ^0.28
fubar-cli ^0.26.1
miraculous_ui ^0.26
serialport_monitor ^0
zinfo ^0.26
gptsh ^0.27.0
minime ^0.19
passgen-console-linuxwin ^0.28.1
png2t ^0.26.1
projectable ^0.25
raftcli ^0.27.0
tts-tui ^0.26.1
corrodoro ^0.26.1
jirust ^0.25.0
the-book-tui ^0.25
thokr ^0.23.2
wally ^0.22.1
naps ^0.22.1
rtlola-cli ^0.25.0
sofapub ^0.27.0
twinleaf-tools ^0.28.1
xash3d-admin ^0.25.0
dvd-rs ^0.28.1
btop ^0.27.0
tenere ^0.28
vscli ^0.28.1
IronShell ^0.27.0
audeye ^0.25
petridish ^0.23
dilemma-tactix ^0.27.0
typetw ^0.27
2 asky ^0.26.0
delphea ^0.25
ducker ^0.28
examination ^0.28.1
spacedisplay ^0.26.1
termCA ^0.28.1
bugstalker ^0.27.0
fiadtui ^0.27.0
l1t ^0.26.1
dale ^0.27.0
multi-progressbar ^0.26.1
viddy ^0.27.0
kodumaro-http-cli ^0.28
todui ^0.25
vano ^0.21.0
ascii-hangman ^0.22.1
c8 ^0.25.0
cargo-boj ^0.27
carve ^0.28.1
1 mv-bytecode-viewer ^0.21
tuisic ^0.27.0
console-prompt ^0.26.1
nix-melt ^0.28.1
spekinew ^0.26.1
textsweeper ^0.27.0
binswap-github ^0.27.0
osm-geo-mapper ^0.18.2
todoist-tui ^0.27.0
yjump ^0.26
tui-commander ^0.28.1
1 aqua_error ^0.22.1
baz-difftastic ^0.27.0
clp ^0.26.1
synterm ^0.16.0
whiz ^0.27.0
gobang ^0.20
1 tab-command ^0.19
tsar ^0.11
1 wireman-event-handler ^0.28.0
mecano ^0.27.0
sea_battle_cli_player ^0.27.0
swarm-bot ^0.25
tori ^0.27
yafsm ~0.28.1
dirsize ^0.26.0
fastmod ^0.24
tuiwindow ^0.27.0
aocf_cli ^0.17.7
1 irust_api ^0.27.0
qbtui ^0.26
termlight ^0.27.0
diffding ^0.25.0
music-player ^0.25.0
otarustlings ^0.23.2
pwatch >=0.12
rustie ^0.9.6
thebook ^0.23.1
code-smore ^0.28.1
erldash ^0.27
idiom ^0.28.1
1 printer ^0.27.0
bvr ^0.27
sshdance ^0.28.1
vcard_tui ^0.27.0
vocal ^0.25.0
2 widgetui ^0.28.1
wyrcan-todo ^0.27.0
gitbrowser-rs ^0.27.0
gstat ^0.27.0
mininotes ^0.27.0
pocket-prometheus ^0.26.1
writingbuddy ^0.26
engage ^0.27.0
600 keymaps optional ^0.28
lla ^0.27
lscoltui ^0.28.1
nameme ^0.24.0
600 1 oma-inquire optional ^0.28
quec ^0.27.0
tere ^0.24.0
git-hist ^0.24
glint ^0.17.7
rallyup ^0.28.1
rebels ^0.28.1
rushterm ^0.23.1
rust_mdns_client ^0.28.1
serial-monitor ^0.18
intuition ^0.25.0
jiratrack ^0.28.1
mirafetch ^0.28
pr-manager ^0.28.1
termitype ^0.28.1
toetactic ^0.28.1
tomatrix ^0.27
commitment ^0.26.1
desed ^0.28.0
fogo ^0.24.0
jwtop ^0.27.0
nats-spy ^0.18
oi_helper ^0.25.0
rgenpass ^0.19.0
tui-markup-renderer ^0.25.0
ascii_renderer ^0.26.1
1 quake_tui ^0.22
ratatui_input ^0.27.0
englog ^0.27.0
fitimer ^0.25
igrep ^0.23.0
kubernetes-audit-log-explorer ^0.27
listui ^0.27.0
nxe ^0.26
tui_view ^0.25
zeox ^0.28.1
bcmr ^0.27
brainfoamkit ^0.27.0
cargo_crev_reviews ^0.22.1
gophersweeper ^0.25.0
monade-mprocs ^0.23.2
shanimation-rs ^0.26.1
sudoku-rust ^0.25.0
tty-form ^0.25.0
x-pixiv ^0.25
600 zero-trust-rps optional ^0.28.1
zkwork_aleo_protocol ^0.25
analog-clock ^0.22.1
e2020-data-viewer ^0.27.0
nano_parser_gen ^0.27.0
qraw ^0.28
rustea ^0.23.2
tickrs ^0.25
vsr-new ^0.19.0
600 devela_depend optional ^0.27.0
jet1090 ^0.28.1
kattis ^0.11.1
napali ^0.27.0
netop ^0.27.0
pachinko ^0.26.1
picterm ^0.23
seqsizzle >=0.27.0
sfm ^0.19.0
shoalart ^0.22.1
2 tofuri-wallet ^0.25
connect_four ^0.18.2
devloop 0.18.*
passrs-tui ^0.26.1
strend ^0.27
tarts ^0.27
tpaint ^0.19.0
gameoflife ^0.26
jellytui ^0.28
plmidi ^0.23.2
pobsd ^0.26
aaa ^0.22
akasha ^0.25.0
amqp-client-cli ^0.22
caprice ^0.23.2
1 matetui ^0.28.1
news ^0.26.1
npcore ^0.27.0
ristory ^0.25
saturn-cli ^0.27
sydney ^0.24.0
tinydancer ^0.26.0
antig ^0.26.1
cddns ^0.25.0
fano ^0.27.0
fox-editor ^0.25.0
glab-push-cli ^0.28.1
intuitive ^0.25.0
managarr ^0.28.1
miv-editor ^0.27.0
nautilus ^0.27.0
1 terminal-ui ^0.23
600 2 tui_confirm_dialog optional ^0.28.1
voynich ^0.27.0
balance-tui ^0.25.0
2 bevy_ratatui_render ^0.28.0
comcom ^0.26.1
erdtree ^0.26.1
gonk ^0.23.2
hexed ^0.17
hitt ^0.28.1
kittysay ^0.27.0
melody ^0.9.5
olc_rust_game_engine ^0.20.0
swords ^0.26.1
todotxt-tui ^0.28
asciiarena ^0.17
atri_bot ^0
aws-login ^0.22
bema ^0.18
click ^0.26
progressed ^0.26.1
rshub ^0.22.1
dust-devil-sandstorm ^0.27.0
2 ewin-editor ^0.21.0
2 ewin-prom ^0.21.0
git-break-commits ^0.27.0
gonk-core ^0.23.2
lister-cli ^0.27
minecraft-formatting ^0.17.5
osui ^0.28.1
parsec-kak >=0.26.0
parsec-term >=0.26.0
pipr ^0.17
1 planus-inspector ^0.27.0
proxide ^0.25
rftp ^0.25
rudoku-game ^0.18
termin-8 ^0.25
dioxus-tui ^0.26.0
flow-cli ^0.26.0
hextazy ^0.28.1
kdash ^0.28.1
mainframe ^0.27.0
nix-btm ^0.27.0
tag ^0.27.0
zxcvbn-cli ^0.25
checkfile ^0.27.0
fr33zmenu ^0.25.0
game2048-rs ^0.26.1
nsh ^0.18
packetraven >=0.26.1
painless_input ^0.27.0
pipeprogress ^0.26.1
retris ^0.26.1
term-rustdoc ^0.27
topngx ^0.25
audiokeyboard ^0.27.0
bouncinamation ^0.26.1
crows ^0.27
daila ^0.26.1
devsync ^0.26.1
diatermi ^0.27.0
intelli-shell ^0.26
marsrover ^0.27.0
ratios ^0.28.1
rmup ^0.28.1
rsmixer ^0.19.0
ztop ^0.27.0
ztui ^0.26.0
ajkcalc ^0.27.0
ballast ^0.26.1
confab ^0.27.0
edma ^0.19
eprompt ^0.25.0
3 ewin-com ^0.21.0
1 ewin-term ^0.21.0
forgejo-cli ^0.27.0
make-fabric-mod ^0.25.0
nenv ^0.25.0
neon-style ^0.21.0
nyaa ^0.27.0
1 plasmo ^0.26.1
taskt ^0.26.1
tui-components ^0.20
twitch-tui ^0.28.1
bkm ^0.25.0
namisan ^0.26.1
raindropdick ^0.20
rtge ^0.27.0
todo-rs ^0.19.0
voltorb ^0.23.2
13K 41 tui-logger dev ^0.28
9.0K 3 xterm-query dev ^0.21
8.9K dittolive-ditto dev ^0.26.1
7.1K 11 tui-term dev ^0.28
7.1K 13 console_static_text dev ^0.27.0
6.9K 5 bracket-geometry dev ~0.25
6.6K qorb dev ^0.28.1
6.4K 3 bracket-noise dev ~0.25
6.3K 4 bracket-pathfinding dev ~0.25
4.0K 2 rustdds dev ^0.28
2.8K 25 tui-big-text dev ^0.28.1
1.7K 12 tui-widget-list dev ^0.28
1.7K 1 palkia dev ^0.24.0
1.3K 4 catppuccin dev ^0.27
1.3K 2 ratatui-splash-screen dev ^0.28.1
1.0K 1 kitsune_p2p_proxy dev ^0.27.0
1.0K ndisapi dev ^0.27.0
800 1 public-ip-address dev ^0.27
750 13 tui-realm-stdlib dev ^0.28
700 1 web-rwkv dev ^0.28
600 5 rtlola-interpreter dev ^0.25.0
550 collective dev ^0.28.1
550 1 syact dev ^0.27.0
450 rustradio dev ^0.28.1
430 acton-reactive dev ^0.28.1
320 tui-equalizer dev ^0.28.1
310 1 async-callback-manager dev ^0.28.1
240 gridlife dev ^0.28.1
230 2 tui-realm-treeview dev ^0.28
210 deser-incomplete dev ^0.28.1
200 nate-engine dev ^0.27.0
130 1 pros-simulator dev ^0.27.0
130 1 rusty_link dev ^0.28.1
1 emyzelium dev ^0.27.0
tcn75a dev ^0.19.0
2 tachyonfx dev ^0.28.1
1 godzie44-tui-realm-treeview dev ^0.27
3 snark-verifier dev ^0.25
ratatui-statusbar dev ^0.27.0
3 snark-verifier-sdk dev ^0.25
embedded-multi-page-hmi dev 0.21.*