4 releases

0.4.0 Mar 1, 2024
0.3.3 Jan 15, 2024
0.3.2 Jan 15, 2024
0.3.1 Jan 15, 2024

#2695 in Command line utilities

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


Do your todos! A todo list to organise your needs :)

Be sure to backup your data!



From crates.io

  1. Run cargo install dotodo

From source

  1. Run git clone git@github.com/SleepySwords/do_todo.git
  2. Run cd do_todo
  3. Run cargo install --path ./


The config.yml contains your configuration and allows you to customise colours, keys and string components!

Data paths

For the following, replace YOUR_USERNAME with your username.

Files Windows Linux MacOS
Config C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\dotodo\config.yml /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.config/dotodo/config.yml /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/dotodo/config.yml
Tasks C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\dotodo\data.json /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.local/share/dotodo/data.json /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/dotodo/data.json


Colours can be customised with either hex (eg: #121212), names (eg: red) or indexes (eg: 12).


Keybinds are also able to be customised to something other than the default binds below. This can be done using any character or through the use of keywords, such as space or enter. This can be further customised by appending modifiers at the start seperated by a dash (eg: alt-space).

String components

String components are able to be customised by using quotation marks and placing the desired string between them.

This allows customisation of things, such as the cursor within the fuzzy finder.


Universal default binds

Key Action
a Adds a task
1 Select tasklist
2 Select completed tasklist
k Move up
j Move down
s Sorts tasks (by priority)
S Toggles automatic task sort
Ctrl + n Move up in the fuzzy list
Ctrl + p Move down in the fuzzy list
x Open the help menu
q Quit do_todo

Task list default binds

Key Action
A Adds a subtask to the selected task
c Completes the selected task
d Delete the selected task
e Edits the selected task
t Add or remove the tags from this task or project
p Gives selected task lower priority
J Moves the task down on the task list
K Moves the task up on the task list
enter Open/closes the subtask
L Make the selected task a subtask of above
H Make the selected task not a subtask of the parent

Completed list default binds

Key Action
r Restores the selected task

More pictures

Tags Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 11 03 48 pm Fuzzy finder
Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 3 56 09 pm Subtasks


~304K SLoC