Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

rustc-hash is used at run time in 8,774 crates (of which 1,667 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 928 crates. It's used at build time in 6,108 crates (of which 2,324 optionally, 4 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 647 crates (of which 25 directly).

Number of dependers rustc-hash version Downloads/month
2,964 2.1.1 5.8M
12,564 1.1.0 7.4M
1 1.0.1 9.7K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rustc-hash version
7.5M 2216 bindgen ^2.1.0
4.3M 169 quinn ^2
4.3M 38 quinn-proto ^2
949K 29 sourcemap ^1.1.0
879K 3 regalloc2 ^2.0.0
872K 123 numpy ^2.0
831K 120 swc_atoms ^2
831K 185 swc_common ^2
822K 112 swc_ecma_parser ^2
805K 3 hstr ^2
717K 9 swc_allocator ^2
659K 51 cranelift-codegen ^2.0.0
460K 64 naga ^1
447K 2 rapier3d-f64 ^2
440K 10 wgpu-core ^1
440K 8 wgpu-hal ^1
360K 80 tantivy ^1.1.0
327K 22 type-map ^1
311K 99 tiny-bip39 ^1.1.0
293K 62 rowan ^1.0.1
626K 193 rusttype optional ^1
199K 4 fxprof-processed-profile ^2
596K 191 alloy-primitives optional ^2.1
169K 61 swc_ecma_utils ^2
165K 42 swc_ecma_codegen ^2
166K 52 swc_ecma_transforms_base ^2
478K 12 parry3d-f64 optional ^2
158K 31 crates-index ^2.0.0
466K 29 jsonrpsee-core optional ^2
153K 7 pep508_rs ^2.0.0
148K 14 swc_cached ^2
142K 10 swc_ecma_transforms_react ^2
141K 14 swc_ecma_transforms_typescript ^2
140K 21 fluent-bundle ^1
138K 164 mlua ^2.0
138K 14 swc_ecma_loader ^2
128K 56 dhat ^1.1
358K 11 countme optional ^1.1
114K 8 oxc_resolver ^2
110K 69 tiktoken-rs ^1.1.0
109K 1 rinja_derive ^2.0.0
101K 124 cargo ^2.0.0
93K 7 swc_ecma_transforms_proposal ^2
88K 28 cosmic-text ^1.1.0
85K 15 naga_oil ^1.1.0
84K 24 oxc_allocator ^2
84K 14 oxc_parser ^2
84K 14 oxc_syntax ^2
82K 1 dprint-swc-ext ^2.1.1
82K 4 oxc_regular_expression ^2
78K 5 swc_fast_graph ^2
77K 28 biome_rowan ^2.1.0
76K 9 measureme ^1.0.1
77K 8 swc_ecma_transforms_optimization ^2
75K 28 rustpython-parser ^1.1.0
76K 21 salsa ^2
74K 189 leptos ^2.0
73K 10 parcel_selectors ^2
72K 18 swc_ecma_minifier ^2
70K 7 async-backtrace ^1.1.0
70K 1 chalk-recursive ^1.1.0
71K 3 chalk-solve ^1.1.0
71K 4 swc_ecma_usage_analyzer ^2
70K 7 oxc_sourcemap ^2
67K 34 pathfinding ^2.0.0
65K 7 egg ^2.0.0
181K 10 halfbrown optional ^2.1
60K typescript_tsconfig_json ^2.1.0
56K 2 oxc_cfg ^2
56K 10 oxc_semantic ^2
56K 7 oxc_codegen ^2
55K 16 rust-analyzer-salsa ^1.0
53K 1 oxc_isolated_declarations ^2
53K 10 swc_bundler ^2
53K 3 swc_graph_analyzer ^2
51K 37 ra_ap_syntax ^2.0.0
47K 1 polonius-engine ^1.0.0
46K 8 leptos_reactive ^1
43K 18 boa_engine ^2.1.0
43K 3 boa_interner ^2.1.0
43K 12 ra_ap_base_db ^2.0.0
43K 11 ra_ap_cfg ^2.0.0
43K 15 ra_ap_hir ^2.0.0
43K 4 ra_ap_hir_def ^2.0.0
43K 5 ra_ap_hir_expand ^2.0.0
43K 3 ra_ap_hir_ty ^2.0.0
43K 15 ra_ap_ide_db ^2.0.0
43K 2 ra_ap_mbe ^2.0.0
43K 8 ra_ap_project_model ^2.0.0
43K 10 ra_ap_vfs ^2.0.0
43K 3 ra_ap_vfs-notify ^2.0.0
42K 2 boa_ast ^2.1.0
42K 2 boa_parser ^2.1.0
41K 1 ra-ap-rustc_pattern_analysis ^2.0.0
40K 3 boa_string ^2.1.0
33K 11 grcov ^2.0
31K 4 ra_ap_test_utils ^2.0.0
94K 2 indicium optional ^2.1
30K 25 iced_futures ^2.0
29K 4 iced_winit ^2.0
29K 22 oxipng ^2.0.0
29K 1 decodeme ^1.0.1
29K 38 dioxus-core ^1.1.0
29K 25 iced_core ^2.0
29K 11 iced_wgpu ^2.0
28K 11 reactive_graph ^2.0
28K 3 reactive_stores ^2.0
28K 4 tachys ^2.0
83K 22 rustdoc-types optional ^2
27K 2 llvm_profparser ^1.1.0
26K 14 varisat ^1.1.0
26K 2 varisat-checker ^1.1.0
25K 20 iced_graphics ^2.0
26K 3 measured ^1
23K 11 dioxus-signals ^1.1.0
24K 29 glyph_brush ^2
23K 8 iced_widget ^2.0
23K 33 minify-html ^1.1.0
23K 2 minify-html-common ^1.1.0
24K 89 testing ^2
22K 11 dioxus-web ^1.1.0
23K 2 iced_tiny_skia ^2.0
23K 1 oxc-browserslist ^2.0.0
22K 3 sledgehammer_utils ^1.1.0
21K 1 swc_ecma_compat_bugfixes ^2
21K 3 swc_ecma_compat_es2015 ^2
21K 2 swc_ecma_compat_es2022 ^2
19K 1 globalcache ^2.0
19K 1 tree-sitter-cli ^2.1.0
61K gcra optional ^1.1.0
18K 5 biome_formatter ^1.1.0
18K 12 sp-rpc ^1.1.0
18K 4 swc_plugin_proxy ^2
17K 3 oq3_syntax ^1.1.0
18K 5 preset_env_base ^2
17K regalloc ^1.0.1
18K 1 swc_compiler_base ^2
17K 5 swc_ecma_preset_env ^2
16K 1 astral-tokio-tar ^2.1.0
16K 14 sc-tracing ^1.1.0
16K 22 swc ^2
17K 7 swc_ecma_transforms_module ^2
15K 6 mrml ^2.0
16K 30 rapier3d ^2
16K 3 swc_ecma_lints ^2
16K 8 swc_node_comments ^2
16K 2 swc_typescript ^2
14K analyzeme ^1.0.1
14K 2 autocxx-bindgen ^2.1.0
14K 2 swc_transform_common ^2
43K 3 boa_profiler optional ^2.1.0
13K 1 iced_glyphon ^2.0
13K 2 oxc_traverse ^2
12K 4 biome_js_parser ^1.1.0
12K 12 iroh-quinn ^2
12K 5 iroh-quinn-proto ^2
12K 3 oxc_mangler ^2
12K 2 oxc_minifier ^2
13K 1 oxc_transformer ^2
12K 15 ra_ap_intern ^2.0.0
12K 2 ra_ap_salsa ^2.0.0
12K 14 ra_ap_span ^2.0.0
12K 3 ra_ap_syntax-bridge ^2.0.0
13K 21 rapier2d ^2
11K 1 glyph_brush_draw_cache ^2
11K 12 glyphon ^2.0
12K 5 solar-data-structures ^2.0
11K 3 sqruff-lib ^2.1.1
11K 2 sqruff-lib-core ^2.1.1
10K 22 dprint-plugin-typescript ^2.1.1
11K 5 ra_ap_proc_macro_api ^2.0.0
10K 4 tree-sitter-generate ^2.1.0
9.5K 14 dioxus-desktop ^1.1.0
25K 7 dioxus-interpreter-js optional ^1.1.0
26K 21 parry2d optional ^2
25K 21 parry3d optional ^2
24K 1 trustfall-rustdoc-adapter optional ^2.0.0
8.3K 8 dioxus-ssr ^1.1.0
8.2K 3 dioxus-liveview ^1.1.0
24K 5 small-map optional ^1
7.6K 2 css-inline ^2.0.0
7.1K 1 httpsig ^2.1.1
6.8K 7 swc_css_utils ^2
6.8K rustweb2 ^2.0.0
6.5K 11 swc_css_codegen ^2
6.4K 7 metainfo ^2
6.3K 3 string_wizard ^2.0.0
5.8K 2 dioxus-isrg ^1.1.0
5.6K 5 swc_css_minifier ^2
5.3K 3 volo-thrift ^2
5.1K bacon ^2
5.0K 4 ascent ^2.0
5.0K 2 swc_ecma_quote_macros ^2
4.8K 3 swc_plugin_runner ^2
4.5K 7 swc_html_parser ^2
4.4K 3 swc_html_utils ^2
4.4K 1 lsm-tree ^2.0.0
4.4K 1 value-log ^2.0.0
4.3K 5 swc_html_codegen ^2
4.2K 6 swc_css_prefixer ^2
4.2K 4 swc_html_minifier ^2
12K 20 dprint-core optional ^2.1.0
4.2K 5 warpgate_api ^2.1.1
4.1K 3 starbase_archive ^2.1.1
4.0K oxc_transform_napi ^2
3.9K 2 multi_index_map ^1.1
3.9K oxc_parser_napi ^2
3.8K 8 proto_core ^2.1.1
3.7K 5 proto_pdk_api ^2.1.1
3.6K swc_plugin_import ^1.1.0
3.6K 6 pubgrub ^2.0.0
10K tracing-durations-export optional ^2.0.0
3.4K 2 deno ^2.1.1
3.3K 17 rspirv ^1.1.0
3.3K 2 yara-x ^2.0.0
3.3K 1 yara-x-parser ^2.0.0
9.7K 7 parry2d-f64 optional ^2
9.7K 7 rustrict optional ^1.1
3.0K 2 halo2-axiom ^1.1
2.9K 5 allsorts ^1.1.0
2.8K 2 swc_emotion ^2.1.0
2.8K 1 nodejs_package_json ^2.1.0
2.8K 10 reflexo ^2
2.7K 31 smolscale ^1.1.0
2.7K 3 reflexo-typst2vec ^2
2.6K 2 styled_jsx ^2.1.0
2.5K 2 styled_components ^2.1.0
2.4K 3 swc_css_modules ^2
2.3K 3 glslang ^2.0.0
2.3K 1 blondie ^1.1.0
2.0K 1 typstyle-core ^2.0
1.8K broot ^2
1.8K 3 rspack_resolver ^2.0.0
1.7K cargo-public-api ^2.1.1
1.7K 4 rspack_sources ^2.1.0
1.7K flapigen ^1.0.1
1.7K 2 difftastic ^2.0.0
1.6K 2 compio-quic ^2.0.0
1.6K proto_pdk ^2.1.1
1.6K 1 portmatching ^1.1.0
1.6K mdxjs ^2
1.5K 3 jrsonnet-interner ^1.1.0
1.5K 6 tinymist-std ^2
1.4K 7 rten ^2.0.0
1.4K 1 wellen ^2.1
1.3K 9 oxigraph ^2
1.3K 2 moon_pdk_api ^2.1.1
1.3K 5 ustr-fxhash ^2
1.3K 4 fluent-fallback ^1
1.2K 1 pilota-build ^1
1.2K 3 genetic_algorithm ^2.1.0
1.2K 11 librashader-reflect ^2.0.0
1.2K 13 librashader-common ^2.0.0
1.2K 5 binggan ^2.0.0
1.2K 4 moon_config ^2.1.1
1.2K rt-pods-client ^2.0.0
1.1K 1 contour ^1.0
1.1K moon_pdk ^2.1.1
1.1K 2 spareval ^2
1.1K sass-embedded ^1
1.1K 1 swc_node_bundler ^2
1.1K 13 jrsonnet-evaluator ^1.1.0
1.1K 5 parol ^2.1.1
1.0K cairo-lang-language-server ^1.1.0
3.6K timed-map optional ^2.0
950 2 kanata-keyberon ^1.1.0
950 1 kanata-parser ^1.1.0
950 1 pavexc_rustdoc_types ^2
950 1 pavexc ^2
950 cvmcount ^1.1.0
900 1 tl-scheme ^2.1.0
900 2 ra_ap_rust-analyzer ^2.0.0
900 proto_node ^1.1.0
900 2 sugarloaf ^2.0.0
900 1 scnr ^2.1.0
900 proto_cli ^2.1.1
850 1 tl-proto-proc ^2.1.0
800 2 swc_xml_parser ^2
800 1 swc_xml_codegen ^2
800 7 moon_common ^2.1.1
800 ra_ap_test_fixture ^2.0.0
750 1 spirt ^1.1.0
750 1 win-loop ^1
750 1 ra-ap-rustc_data_structures ^1.1.0
750 2 izihawa-tantivy ^2.0.0
750 2 roead ^2.0
750 garden-lang ^2.1.0
750 3 indexical ^2.1.1
700 1 chalk-engine ^1.1.0
700 1 fn-store ^1.1.0
650 git-prole ^2.0.0
600 2 rustc_data_structures ^1.1.0
2.4K 6 lz-str optional ^1.1.0
600 librqbit-utp ^2.1.0
600 5 vortex-dict ^2
600 television ^2.1
600 6 melpow ^1.1.0
600 swc_magic ^2.1.0
600 hnefatafl-copenhagen ^2
550 4 boa_runtime ^2.1.0
550 1 web-rwkv ^2.1.0
550 7 freya-core ^1.1.0
550 2 vortex-file ^2
550 rioterm ^2.1.0
550 Boa ^1.1.0
550 iban_validation_rs ^2.1.0
550 18 zng-view-api ^2.0
550 19 zng-app-context ^2.0
550 adam ^1.1.0
550 1 rio-backend ^2.1.0
550 8 freya-native-core ^1.1.0
500 13 torin ^1.1.0
500 lf-gfx ^1.1
500 37 zng-app ^2.0
500 kanata ^1.1.0
500 23 intuicio-core ^2
500 4 minify-html-onepass ^1.1.0
500 looking-glass-protobuf ^1.1
500 18 rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures ^1.1.0
500 24 intuicio-data ^2
500 termslang ^1.1.0
500 2 pineappl ^1.1.0
490 2 hgvs ^2.0
480 3 lexgen ^2.0.0
480 8 novasmt ^1.1.0
460 2 rslint_rowan ^1.0.1
460 feruca ^2.1.1
460 29 weld-codegen ^1.1
460 fastqc-rs ^1.1.0
450 ABC-ECS ^1.1.0
440 1 pliron-derive ^1
440 lines-cli ^2.1.1
430 1 oxidd ^1.1
430 1 oxidd-manager-index ^1.1
430 1 augurs-outlier ^2.0.0
430 mergiraf ^2.1.0
420 8 bevy_defer ^2.0.0
420 5 graphannis ^1.0
410 pliron-llvm ^1
410 1 boa_interop ^2.1.0
400 5 ckb-tx-pool ^1.1
400 4 graphannis-core ^1.0
380 20 sway-types ^1.1
380 1 agb_hashmap ^1
380 cs2-nav ^2.1.1
370 1 wat_service ^2.1
370 destiny-pkg ^1.1.0
370 appcore-cli ^2.1.1
360 rusterix ^2.1.0
360 1 cozo ^1.1.0
360 1 jlrs ^2
1.5K structdiff optional ^1.1.0
340 3 dagga ^1.1
330 wat_server ^2.1
330 2 sway-ir ^1.1
330 5 toolshed ^1.0
330 12 sway-core ^1.1
320 8 melprot ^1.1.0
320 1 shakmaty-syzygy ^2
310 ddt ^2.1.1
310 1 swc_estree_compat ^2
300 asqlite ^2.1.1
1.4K jsonrpsee-utils optional ^1
300 1 pliron ^1
290 swc_css_lints ^2
290 mpc-stark ^1.1
290 find-identical-files ^2.1
270 craballoc ^1.1
270 swc_constify ^1.1.0
270 3 moon_task ^2.1.1
260 ai00-core ^2.0.0
260 lemonlang ^2.1.0
260 3 spacetimedb-core ^2
260 squashfs-async ^1.1.0
260 1 toni ^2.1
250 2 annonars ^2.1.0
240 clipboard-history ^2.1.1
240 3 perovskite_core ^2.0.0
1.2K 2 hierarchical_hash_wheel_timer optional ^2
240 1 appcore-app-spec ^2.1.1
240 summavy ^1.1.0
230 isONclust3 ^1.1.0
220 august-build ^2.1
220 2 volo-grpc ^2
210 dcss-scenario-builder ^2
210 1 zng-view ^2.0
210 2 fast3d ^1.1
210 1 perovskite_server ^2.0.0
200 oarfish ^2.1.1
200 3 write-journal ^1.1.0
200 1 arrowdb ^2.1
1.1K 11 savefile optional ^2.0
200 2 vortex-btrblocks ^2
200 1 mehari ^2.1.0
200 outlines-core ^2.1.0
190 4 airlang ^2
190 11 koto_runtime ^1.1.0
190 1 gluon-salsa ^1.0
190 Cecile ^1.1.0
190 perovskite_game_api ^2.0.0
190 rapier2d-f64 ^2
190 clipboard-history-egui ^2.1.1
190 4 clipboard-history-watcher-utils ^2.1.1
190 7 floem ^1.1.0
190 5 petgraph-gen ^1.1.0
190 bevy_stat_query ^2.0.0
190 perovskite_client ^2.0.0
190 3 hui ^2.0
180 lifers-raylib ^2.0.0
180 1 tquic ^1.1
180 3 koto_bytecode ^1.1.0
180 1 nodejs_package_managers ^2.1.0
180 8 truck-base ^2.0.0
180 wae ^2.1.0
180 1 pi_world_macros ^1.0
170 9 freya-node-state ^1.1.0
170 4 truck-topology ^2.0.0
170 jfrs ^1.1.0
170 1 prusti-specs ^1.1.0
170 9 freya-common ^1.1.0
170 1 wired_handler ^2.1.1
170 dprint-swc-ecma-ast-view ^1.1.0
170 4 truck-polymesh ^2.0.0
160 1 oxidd-manager-pointer ^1.1
160 ascent-byods-rels ^2.0
160 freya-layout ^1.1.0
160 kvbench ^2.1.1
150 4 truck-modeling ^2.0.0
150 typescript_tsbuildinfo ^2.1.0
150 sgrust ^2.0.0
150 swc-plugin-inferno ^2.1.1
150 tquic_tools ^1.1
140 oxidd-cli ^1.1
140 1 fenris ^1.1.0
140 1 squinn-proto ^1.1
140 measureme-mirror ^1.0.1
140 1 oxidd-parser ^1.1
140 3 rafx-visibility ^1.1.0
140 1 fuser-async ^1.1.0
140 minedmap ^2.0.0
130 1 dfir_rs ^1.1.0
130 1 kbnf-syntax ^2.1.0
130 ryna-language ^1.1.0
130 5 azalea-world ^2.1.0
900 2 dioxus-sdk optional ^1.1.0
130 shura ^1.1
120 1 didp-yaml ^2.1
120 fast3d-wgpu-renderer ^1.1
120 1 rosomaxa ^2.0.0
120 wayland-interface-check ^2.1.1
110 simple-minify-html ^2.1.1
110 swc_sdk ^2.1.0
110 clipboard-history-wayland ^2.1.1
110 mockingbird ^1.1
110 schlandals >=1.1.0
110 3 sosistab ^1.1.0
110 1 harper ^1.1
110 1 parse-it-codegen ^2.1.1
110 1 fluent-resmgr ^1
100 1 hkalbasi-rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures ^1.1.0
100 azalea ^2.1.0
100 parse-it ^2.1.1
100 ringboard ^2.1.1
100 2 ropr ^2.0.0
100 gpuequiv ^1.1
100 2 midenc-codegen-masm ^1.1
100 picodraw ^2
100 27 rspack_util ^1.1.0
fast3d-glium-renderer ^1.1
stud ^1
1 autograd ^1.0.1
5 coi ^1.1
didppy ^2.1
3 dypdl ^2.1
2 dypdl-heuristic-search ^2.1
smoltoken ^2.0.0
8 rspack_loader_runner ^1.1.0
ringboard-egui ^2.1.1
41 rspack_hook ^1.1.0
6 halo2-base ^1.1
plsfix ^2.1.0
48 rspack_core ^1.1.0
ringboard-wayland ^2.1.1
shadow-tls ^1
7 midenc-hir ^1.1
libblobd-direct ^1.1
semilattice-script ^1.0
ra_ap_flycheck ^1.1.0
1 morsels_indexer ^1.1
raycaster ^1.1.0
1 midenc-frontend-wasm ^1.1
ra_ap_ssr ^1.1.0
2 kompact ^1.1
5 miden-diagnostics ^1.1
1 ara_reporting ^1.1.0
fekan ^2.0.0
2 midenc-hir-symbol build ^1.1
seqdupes ^2.0.0
1 struct-compression-analyzer ^2.1.1
weggli ^1.1.0
polar ^2.0.0
1 difftastic-lib ^1.1.0
liteapi ^1.1.0
3 truck-meshalgo ^2.0.0
2 turbulence ^1.0
vectune ^1.1.0
1 kollect ^1.1.0
vcfexpress ^2.0.0
allsorts-subset-browser ^1.1.0
texlab ^1.1.0
generic-lang ^1.1.0
4 dioxus-native-core ^1.1.0
entity-gym-rs ^1.0
1 docbrown-core ^1.1.0
7 mlua-luau-scheduler ^1.1
650 11 rustsat optional ^2.1.1
2 midenc-hir-transform ^1.1
namaka ^1.1.0
searchlib ^1.1.0
docbrown-db ^1.1.0
2 heron-rebuild-syntax ^1.1
manganis-cli-support ^1.1.0
shoebill ^1.1.0
3 midenc-hir-analysis ^1.1
2 rswind_extractor ^1.1.0
1 rswind ^1.1.0
screech ^1.1.0
3 heron-rebuild-intern ^1.1
3 maudit_rolldown_sourcemap ^2.0.0
12 rome_rowan ^1.1.0
bnf_sampler ^1.1.0
duskphantom-backend ^2.0.0
patronus 2.*
unreal_asset ^1.1.0
7 maudit_rolldown_utils ^2.0.0
1 float-pigment-css-macro ^1.1.0
3 heron-rebuild-util ^1.1
simple-pixels ^2
5 gravitron_ecs ^2.1.0
2 matcher_rs ^2.0.0
6 maudit_rolldown_common ^2.0.0
mirafetch ^2.0.0
maudit ^2.1
heron-rebuild ^1.1
thyme ^1
1 bevy_serde_lens ^2.0.0
egglog ^1.1
2 li-wgpu-hal ^1.1
walky ^1.1.0
10 zengine_ecs ^1.1.0
anychain-kms ^1.1.0
bevy_discovery ^1.1.0
casile ^1.1
1 li-wgpu-core ^1.1
ola-lang ^1.1.0
1 television-previewers ^2.1.0
cnetworks ^1.1
2 heron-rebuild-workflow ^1.1
quick-kv ^1.1.0
seqsample ^1.1.0
seqsplitter ^1.1.0
2 television-channels ^2.1.0
meow-editor ^2.0.0
poker ^2
ra_ap_completion ^1.1.0
stable-id ^1.1.0
wotw_seedgen ^1.1.0
1 kolbold_core ^2.0.0
kiri ^1.1.0
1 libblobd ^1.1
1 plasmo ^1.1.0
4 vrp-core ^2.0.0
filtration-domination ^1.1.0
2 maudit_rolldown_plugin ^2.0.0
5 tc-tracing ^1.1.0
3 television-utils ^2.1.0
vmem ^1
Route16 ^1.0.1
1 maudit_rolldown ^2.0.0
1 pixels-graphics-lib ^2.0
television-screen ^2.1.0
10 fast-rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures ^1.0.1
jisho ^2.1.0
5 msiz_rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures ^1.0.1
9 rend3 ^1
rusty-whisper ^1.1.0
3 arrow-parser ^1.1
3 biome_analyze ^1.1.0
good-web-game ^1.0.1
puppet-fmt ^2.1
arbor ^1.1.0
bevy_serde_project ^1.1.0
3 concoct ^1.1.0
ftx_async ^1.1.0
2 mun_memory ^1.1
pptr ^1.1
2 rome_formatter ^1.1.0
1 compose-rt ^2.1
cubesim ^1.1.0
ark-mpc ^1.1
1 biome_aria ^1.1.0
emas_rs ^1.1.0
instant-segment ^2.0.0
1 libarrowc ^1.1
2 pyo3_bindgen_engine ^1
tri_avltree ^1.0
find_duplicate_files ^1.1
prcn_lib =1.1.0
circ ^1.1.0
5 mun_project ^1.1.0
4 mun_runtime ^1.1
2 r2g_mlua ^2.0
term-rustdoc ^1
2 valence_entity ^1.1.0
1 broomdog ^1.1
1 log-analyzer ^1.1
9 valence_server ^1.1.0
2 wegglix ^2
3 dg_xch_pos ^1.1.0
1 kct_package ^1.1.0
10 rspack_plugin_javascript ^1.1.0
1 zengine_graphic ^1.1.0
2 maomi-skin ^1.1
1 biome_control_flow ^1.1.0
ch-router ^2.0.0
kff ^1
1 renderling ^1.1
robotics ^1.1
rsync-rdiff ^1
1 verde-derive ^1.1.0
1 xiss-map ^1
1 capybara-core ^2.0
squinn ^1.1
encrypted-dns ^2.0.0
entropy-rs ^1.1.0
gs11n ^1.1.0
10 lark-collections ^1.0
ra_vfs ^1.0
render_readme ^2.1
rust-sc2 ^1.1.0
tiktoken-rust ^1.1.0
kolbold ^2.0.0
1 py-raphtory ^1.1.0
1 rolldown_swc_visitors ^1.1.0
1 rootvg-image ^1.1.0
1 rpu ^1.1.0
1 simcore ^2
dsc ^1.1.0
1 vidyut-prakriya ^2.1.0
backpak ^2.0
biome_js_analyze ^1.1.0
ckb_multi_index_map ^1.1
cuberef_client ^1.1.0
4 falcon ^1.1.0
nix-melt ^2.0.0
1 open-vaf ^1.1.0
roster ^1.1.0
arrow-lang ^1.1
1 maomi-macro ^1.1
rome_js_semantic ^1.1.0
1 stardust-xr ^1.1.0
strainer ^1.0
arrow-vm ^1.1
1 hrdf-parser ^2.0.0
3 maomi-tools ^1.1
6 mun_hir ^1.1
6 themelio-stf ^1.1.0
truck-shapeops ^2.0.0
wikiwho ^2.0.0
win-hotkey ^2.1.0
badder_lang ^2
bndpresbufch ^2.0.0
2 brumby ^1.1.0
contour-isobands ^1.1
gs11n_derive ^1.1.0
palettevec ^2.1.0
2 rend3-gltf ^1
tatami-dungeon ^2.0
verde ^1.1.0
xwords ^1.1.0
zvxryb-broadphase ^1.0
abbreviation_extractor ^2.0.0
biome_fs ^1.1.0
1 clang-front-back ^2.0.0
pittore ^2.0.0
polonius ^1.0.0
renderling_ui ^1.1
3 stardust-xr-fusion ^1.1.0
1 stardust-xr-molecules ^1.1.0
treeutils ^1.1.0
1 weggli-ruleset ^2
xiss ^1
another-tiktoken-rs ^1.1.0
biome_lsp_converters ^1.1.0
flatland ^1.1.0
forma-render ^1.1.0
hooo ^1.1.0
2 kas-wgpu ^2.0
loxcraft ^1.1.0
next-custom-transforms ^1.1.0
3 raphtory ^2.0.0
rsipfix ^1.1.0
sars ^1.1.0
seqcomplexity ^1.1.0
1 truck-platform ^2.0.0
3 zengine_asset ^1.1.0
bader ^1.1.0
bright_swc_atoms ^1.1.0
ez_term ^1.1.0
3 keeshond ^1.1.0
3 keeshond_datapack ^1.1.0
1 keeshond_treats ^1.1.0
2 lemna ^1
1 mun_language_server ^1.1.0
nix-init ^1.1.0
oner_induction ^1.1.0
3 partiql-eval ^2
quantpiler ^1.1.0
trashy-xml ^1.1.0
vicis-core ^1.1.0
aimo ^1.1.0
1 biome_js_semantic ^1.1.0
casuarius ^1.1
crossandra ^2.1.0
difftastic_mod_for_windows ^1.1.0
1 ensnare ^1.1.0
2 envisim_utils ^2.0.0
librsyncr ^1
2 luminal ^1.1.0
nodejs-resolver ^1.1.0
rootvg ^1.1.0
1 rspack_swc_plugin_import ^1.1.0
sfcpl =1.1.0
stardust-xr-atmosphere ^1.1.0
tccldcli ^1.1.0
vidyut-kosha ^2.1.0
bioform ^2.0.0
blitztext ^2.0.0
cached_fn ^2.0.0
crayfish ^1.1.0
csv_log_cleaner ^1.1.0
cyclotomic ^1.1.0
exec_duration ~1
1 float-pigment-mlp ^1.1.0
fragtk ^2.0.0
1 hydroflow ^1.1.0
librashader-capi ^2.0.0
mca-cuboids ^1.1.0
1 mun_vfs ^1.1.0
nbwipers ^2.0.0
1 opentalk-controller-settings ^2.0
1 revmc-llvm ^2.0
6 rspack_plugin_runtime ^1.1.0
rust_swig ^1.0.1
tetcore-telemetry ^1.1.0
1 theframework ^1.1.0
vicis =1.1.0
xgadget ^1
bevy_defer_picking ^2.0.0
cleora ^1.1.0
fontship ^1.1
1 infisearch ^1.1
keyhunter ^2.0.0
1 lumenpyx ^1.1.0
mexset ^1.1.0
1 nlpo3 ^1.1.0
revmc ^2.0
1 rspack_plugin_lazy_compilation ^1.1.0
tantivy-analysis-contrib ^2.1
waragraph ^1.1
y-engine ^2.1.0
ascella-desktop ^1.1.0
1 biome_project ^1.1.0
cilk ^1.1.0
dpc ^1.1.0
drainrs ^1.1.0
1 envisim_samplr ^2.0.0
factorio-mlua ^1.0
keru ^1.1.0
morphine ^1.1.0
neogrok ^1.1.0
psi-lang ^1.1.0
ptr_hash ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_dll ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_ensure_chunk_conditions ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_mf ^1.1.0
sass-embedded-host-rust ^1
1 tiny-bip39-feeless ^1.1.0
vue-compiler-core ^1.1.0
1 zengine_physics ^1.1.0
brumby-soccer ^1.1.0
cactusref ^1.1.0
cambrian ^1.1.0
3 cfx-core ^1.1.0
consistent_hasher ^2.0.0
docbrown ^1.1.0
envisim_estimate ^2.0.0
hrdf-routing-engine ^2.0.0
inertia ^1.0
libblobd-lite ^1.1
1 litcheck-filecheck ^1.1
3 molar ^2.1.0
oner_quantize ^1.1.0
phlite ^1.1.0
riichi ^1
rolldown_core ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_context_replacement ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_copy ^1.1.0
3 rspack_plugin_css ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_devtool ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_library ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_real_content_hash ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_split_chunks ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_warn_sensitive_module ^1.1.0
3 rustdb ^2.0.0
1 salvation-cosmic-text ^1.1.0
winstacks ^1.1.0
2 zengine_window ^1.1.0
causal-hub ^1.1
1 csslsrs ^2.0.0
csvcatrow ^1.1.0
dach ^2
dioxus_storage ^1.1.0
findminhs ^1.1
1 garden-lang-parser ^2.1.0
geph4-exit ^1.1.0
4 homestar-workspace-hack ^1
1 melodeon ^1.1.0
4 meshanina ^1.1.0
pg_bm25 ^1.1.0
1 riichi-decomp-table ^1
3 rolldown_common ^1.1.0
1 rspack_binding_values ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_extract_css ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_hmr ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_remove_duplicate_modules ^1.1.0
rustbolt_sources ^2.1.0
sddrs ^2.1
vidyut-lipi ^2.1.0
whitebreadx ^1
baz-difftastic ^1.1.0
biome_json_analyze ^1.1.0
c-expr ^1.1.0
cecs ^1.1.0
difftastic-oc ^1.1.0
graph_traversal ^1.1.0
graphdb ^1.1.0
int_hash ^1
1 lading-capture ^1.1
2 melstf ^1.1.0
2 mun_codegen ^1.1.0
nftmart-telemetry ^1.1.0
nurl ^1.1.0
1 photondb ^1.1
ra_ap_assists ^1.1.0
raug ^2
reslab ^1
rezcraft ^1.1
rspack_binding_options ^1.1.0
1 rspack_plugin_merge_duplicate_chunks ^1.1.0
sparsey ^2.0
squall-router ^1
3 squark ^1.0.1
tachyon-networking ^1.1.0
1 typst-ts-compiler ^1.1.0
yapall ^1
1 cozo-ce ^1.1.0
dbeel ^1.1.0
dioxus-shareables ^1.1.0
echo-d ^1.1.0
1 freya-dom ^1.1.0
impral ^1.1.0
jellybean ^1.1
2 lifers ^2.0.0
lindenmayer ^1.1.0
1 main_game_loop ^1.1
nessa-language ^1.1.0
polyblade ^2.0.0
2 raphtory-api ^2.0.0
recast_navigation ^1
rspack_cacheable_test ^1.1.0
rswind_cli ^1.1.0
scene-viewer ^1
stitch_core ^1.1.0
3 themelio-nodeprot ^1.1.0
therenderer ^1.1.0
uir-core ^1.1.0
decdnnf_rs ^1.1
1 fast-nat ^1.1.0
geoipsed ^1.1.0
hfmn ^2.0
1 kvarn-quinn ^1.1
2 kvarn-quinn-proto ^1.1
lading ^1.1.0
librashader-naga ^1.1.0
3 litcheck-core ^1.1
1 litcheck-lit ^1.1
luminal_cuda ^1.1.0
luminal_metal ^1.1.0
mlua-codemp-patch ^2.0
neardup ^2.0.0
1 paradedb-tantivy ^1.1.0
parcel-resolver ^2.0.0
rapier3d-lijay ^2
rv32-asm ^1.1
serde-intern ^2
valence_advancement ^1.1.0
450 6 oxidd-dump optional ^1.1
350 2 blinds optional ^1.0
320 dlt-core optional ^2.1
300 11 clipboard-history-client-sdk optional ^2.1.1
260 2 haproxy-api optional ^2.0
150 lspt optional ^2.1
130 1 awsm_web optional ^1.1.0
vrm-spec optional <3
dioxus-std optional ^1.1.0
allsorts_no_std optional ^1.1.0
awsm optional ^1.0.1
cdk-from-cfn optional ^1.1.0
hulahoop optional ^1.1
mossfets-game-of-life optional ^1.1.0
polystore optional ^1.1.0
psf2 optional ^1.1
ros2_message optional ^1.1.0
3 rusty_lr_core optional ^2.0
1 vulkayes-core optional ^1
wa_proto optional ^1.1
16.5M 166 winnow dev ^1.1.0
5.5M 77 hashlink dev ^2
507K 35 deku dev ^2.0.0
349K 3 tantivy-stacker dev ^1.1.0
63K 3 zwohash dev ^1.1.0
51K 10 rapidhash dev ^2.0.0
47K 3 odht dev ^1.1.0
23K 9 memoize dev ^1.1.0
18K 13 fastmurmur3 dev ^1.1.0
4.0K 2 caches dev ^1
3.0K 3 t1ha dev ^1.1
1.1K 1 veilid-hashlink dev ^1.1
850 pauli_tracker dev ^2.0.0
650 3 micromap dev ^1.1.0
650 2 izihawa-tantivy-stacker dev ^2.1.0
430 1 oxidd-cache dev ^1.1
270 1 ty_map_gen dev ^1.1.0
260 egui_cosmic_text dev ^2.0.0
140 stacked_linear_algebra_graph dev ^1.1
dashmap-shard dev ^1.0
1 hashbrown_tstd dev =1.0
qentities dev ^1.1.0
1 float-pigment-forest dev ^1.1.0
1 ordnung dev ^1.0
1 serde-fleece dev ^1.0.1
cairn-knowledge-graph dev ^1.1
histongram dev ^1.1.0
concurrent-interner dev ^1.1.0
hashicorp-lru dev ^1.0
coca dev ^1.1