2 releases
0.3.3 | Jan 28, 2025 |
0.3.2 | Jan 27, 2025 |
#140 in Template engine
96 downloads per month
[!CAUTION] While the output of vcfexpress is tested and reliable, the error messages might be lacking. Please report.
This is an experiment on how to implement user-expressions that can filter (and modify) a VCF and specify an output template. It uses lua as the expression language. It is fast Because of the speed and flexibility, we can, for example implement CSQ parsing in lua, just as a user could. The resulting functionality is as fast or faster than other tools that have this built in.
For the optional output template, it uses luau string templates where luau is lua with some extensions and very good speed.
- For rust users:
cargo install vcfexpress
- Otherwise see Releases for a static linux binary
Further examples are collected here and we encourage users to suggest helpful examples or snippets.
Short functionality examples
extract a single variant and output a bed of the variant:
vcfexpress filter -e "return variant.id == 'rs2124717267'" \
--template '{variant.chrom}\t{variant.start}\t{variant.stop}' -o var.bed $vcf
filter based on INFO and write bcf:
vcfexpress filter -e "return variant:info('AN') > 3000" \
-o high_an.bcf $input_vcf
check the sample fields to get variants where all
samples have high DP.
is defined by vcfexpress
, filter
are also available).
Users can load their own functions with -p $lua_file
vcfexpress filter \
-e 'return all(function (dp) return dp > 10 end, variant:format("DP"))' \
-o all-high-dp.bcf $input_vcf
Extract variants that are HIGH impact according to the CSQ
field. This uses
user-defind code to parse the CSQ field in scripts/csq.lua.
vcfexpress filter \
-e 'csqs = CSQS.new(variant:info("ANN"), desc); return csqs:any(function(c) return c["Annotation_Impact"] == "HIGH" end)' \
-o all-high-impact.bcf $input_vcf \
-p scripts/csq.lua -p scripts/pre.lua
get all of the FORMAT fields for a single sample into a lua table. find variant that are high-quality hom-alts.
vcfexpress filter \
-e 's=variant:sample("NA12878"); return s.DP > 10 and s.GQ > 20 and s.GT[1] == 1 and s.GT[2] == 1' \
-o output.bcf \
add a new info field (af_copy
) and set it.
$ cat pre.lua
header:add_info({ID="af_copy", Number=1, Description="adding a single field", Type="Float"})
then run with:
vcfexpress filter -p pre.lua -e 'return variant:format("AD")[1][2] > 0' \
-s 'af_copy=return variant:info("AF", 0)' \
input.vcf > output.vcf
see speed
Full documentation of lua attributes and methods is here
variant.chrom -> string
variant.REF (get/set) -> string
variant.ALT (get/set) -> vec<string>
variant.id (get/set) -> string
variant.start -> integer
variant.stop -> integer
variant.pos (get/set) -> integer -- 0-based
variant.qual (get/set) -> number
variant.filters (get/set) -> vec<string>
variant.FILTER (get/set) -> string (only first one reported)
variant.genotypes -> vec<Genotype>
variant:format("field_name") -> vec<string|number>
-- optional 0-based 2nd arg to info() gets just the desired index.
variant:info("field_name") -> number|string|bool|vec<number|string|bool>
-- useful to pprint(variant:sample("mysample")) to see available fields.
variant:sample("sample_name") -> table<string=any>
tostring(variant) -> string -- tab-delimited vcf/variant output.
genotypes = variant.genotypes
genotype = genotypes[i] -- get single genotype for 1 sample
tostring(genotype) -- e.g. "0/1"
genotype.alts -- integer for number of non-zero, non-unknown alleles
allele = genotype[1]
allele.phased -> bool
allele.allele -> integer e.g. 0 for "0" allele
header.samples (set/get) -> vec<string> -- TODO: allow setting samples before iteration.
header:info_get("DP") -> table<string,string>
header:format_get("AD") -> table<string,string>
-- these header:add_* are available only in the prelude. currently only Number=1 is supported.
header:add_info({Type="Integer", Number=1, Description="asdf", ID="new field"})
header:add_format({Type="Integer", Number=1, Description="xyz", ID="new format field"})
header:add_filter({ID="LowQual", Description="Qual less than 50"})
sample = variant:sample("NA12878")
sample.DP -- any fields in the row are available. special case for GT. use pprint to see structure:
{ .GQ = 63,
.DP = 23,
.GT = { -- GT gives index into alt alles (or -1 for .)
[1] = 0,
[2] = 1},
.AD = {
[1] = 23,
[2] = 0},
.PL = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = 63,
[3] = 945},
-- this is the genotype phase. so with GT, this is 0|1
.phase = {
[1] = false,
[2] = true}}
Filter a VCF/BCF and optionally print by template expression. If no template is given the output will be VCF/BCF
Usage: vcfexpress filter [OPTIONS] <PATH>
<PATH> Path to input VCF or BCF file
-e, --expression <EXPRESSION>
boolean Lua expression(s) to filter the VCF or BCF file
-s, --set-expression <SET_EXPRESSION>
expression(s) to set existing INFO field(s) (new ones can be added in prelude) e.g. --set-expression "AFmax=math.max(variant:info('AF'), variant:info('AFx'))"
-t, --template <TEMPLATE>
template expression in luau: https://luau-lang.org/syntax#string-interpolation. e.g. '{variant.chrom}:{variant.pos}'
-p, --lua-prelude <LUA_PRELUDE>
File(s) containing lua(u) code to run once before any variants are processed. `header` is available here to access or modify the header
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Optional output file. Default is stdout
-b, --sandbox
Run lua code in https://luau.org/sandbox
-h, --help
Print help
~407K SLoC