#hash-ring #consistent-hashing #ring #consistent #hash #distributed #virtual-nodes


An efficient consistent hash ring implementation supporting virtual nodes

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Oct 29, 2022
0.1.0 Oct 8, 2022

#1911 in Algorithms


427 lines

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A fast and efficient consistent hashing implementation, with support for virtual nodes.


    use hulahoop::HashRing;

    let mut ring: HashRing<&str, _> = HashRing::default();

    // Nodes only need to implement Hash
    // Provide a weight to define the number of virtual nodes
    ring.insert("", 10);
    ring.insert("", 10);

    // Keys also only need to implement Hash
    assert_eq!(ring.get("Some key"), Some(&""));
    assert_eq!(ring.get("Another key"), Some(&""));


    assert_eq!(ring.get("Some key"), Some(&""));
    assert_eq!(ring.get("Another key"), Some(&""));

HashRing uses Arc under the hood to allocate memory only per node and not for every virtual node added via the weight parameter.

The Hashring is Send + Sync.


Per default, hulahoop uses std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher to hash values.

Custom hashers can be used with the HashRing::with_hasher() method:

    use rustc_hash::FxHasher;
    let mut ring: HashRing<&str, _> = HashRing::with_hasher(BuildHasherDefault::<FxHasher>::default());

For convenience, the faster hasher FxHasher can be used by activating the fxhash feature of this crate.


DefaultHasher FxHasher (feature=fxhash)
Get (key length = 10) 13ns 8ns
Get (key length = 100) 31ns 12ns
Get (key length = 1000) 305ns 137ns
Add (weight = 1) 290ns 210ns
Add (weight = 10) 1.4us 1.0us
Add (weight = 100) 17.0us 14.3us


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