Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Digest is used at run time in 23,769 crates (of which 2,506 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 823 crates. It's used at build time in 2,950 crates (of which 269 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 960 crates (of which 9 directly).

Number of dependers Digest version Downloads/month
57 0.11.0-pre.10 35K
19 0.11.0-pre.9 42K
21,825 0.10.7 10.8M
4,011 0.9.0 2.9M
1,394 0.8.1 414K
302 0.7.6 8.3K
71 0.6.1 1.5K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Digest version
12.9M 4095 sha2 ^0.10.7
8.3M 1052 hmac ^0.10.3
8.3M 720 sha1 ^0.10.7
5.3M 437 md-5 ^0.10.7
6.2M 392 rsa ^0.10.5
3.8M 253 pbkdf2 ^0.10.7
3.2M 956 sha3 ^0.10.4
2.7M 486 blake2 ^0.10.3
2.5M 337 sha-1 ^0.10.4
2.5M 7 sqlx-mysql ^0.10.0
7.3M 170 signature optional ^0.10.6
1.6M 286 ark-ff ^0.10
1.6M 215 ark-serialize ^0.10
3.5M 323 curve25519-dalek optional ^0.10
3.1M 113 ecdsa optional ^0.10.7
3.1M 130 elliptic-curve optional ^0.10
2.9M 591 blake3 optional ^0.10.1
842K 5 blind-rsa-signatures ^0.10.7
834K 114 ripemd ^0.10.4
1.1M 19 hmac-sha512 optional ^0.10.7
650K 184 libsecp256k1 ^0.9
637K 7 libsecp256k1-core ^0.9
589K 7 hmac-drbg ^0.9
428K 2 keccak-asm ^0.10
1.0M 51 hmac-sha256 optional ^0.10.7
289K 21 curve25519-dalek-ng ^0.9
241K 47 apache-avro ^0.10.7
235K 10 coins-bip32 ^0.10.7
235K 6 coins-core ^0.10.7
209K 5 w3f-bls ^0.10
198K 18 eth-keystore ^0.10.0
191K 34 sp-crypto-hashing ^0.10.3
175K 52 jwt ^0.10
175K 26 cmac ^0.10.3
172K 22 whirlpool ^0.10.3
166K 9 hpke ^0.10
160K 12 rusoto_signature ^0.9.0
133K 25 ark-crypto-primitives ^0.10
131K 12 dsa ^0.10
111K 10 ssri ^0.10.6
103K 41 pgp ^0.10.7
102K 9 cosmwasm-crypto ^0.10
101K 22 cacache ^0.10.6
88K 90 tendermint ^0.10
219K 8 http-auth optional ^0.10
214K 16 crypto optional ^0.10
69K 6 solana-secp256k1-program ^0.10.7
59K 32 russh ^0.10
59K 11 tink-core ^0.10.7
60K 2 tink-prf ^0.10.7
50K 22 russh-keys ^0.10
44K 1 concat-kdf ^0.10.1
130K 3 hmac-sha1-compact optional ^0.10.7
42K 5 sha1-checked ^0.10.7
40K 2 fuel-merkle ^0.10
119K 2 pkcs12 optional ^0.10.7
38K 35 md4 ^0.10.3
111K 53 bls12_381 optional ^0.9
35K 15 risc0-zkp ^0.10
32K 2 prefixed-api-key ^0.10.3
27K 22 sm3 ^0.10.3
26K 11 picky ^0.9
24K 14 aes-siv ^0.10
23K 6 bulletproofs ^0.10
20K 11 totp-lite ^0.10
19K 9 rpm ^0.10
59K 7 ring-compat optional ^0.10
19K 3 apple-xar ^0.10.7
18K celestia-tendermint ^0.10
19K 10 digest_auth ^0.10
19K 7 halo2curves ^0.10.7
16K 4 franklin-crypto ^0.9
17K 1 ion-binary-rs ^0.10
17K 13 rattler_digest ^0.10.7
17K 1 sha3_ce ^0.10.4
16K 9 tiger ^0.10.3
16K blake2_ce ^0.10.3
16K sha2_ce ^0.10.4
14K 4 wasmer-runtime-core-near ^0.8
43K 12 downloader optional ^0.10.1
14K 6 apple-codesign ^0.10.7
41K 67 sequoia-openpgp optional ^0.10
40K 3 sha1collisiondetection optional ^0.10
12K 5 fastcrypto ^0.10.6
11K 17 groestl ^0.10.3
11K 18 md2 ^0.10.4
10K 12 ark-poly-commit ^0.10
10K 18 avro-rs ^0.9
28K 2 ic_bls12_381 optional ^0.10
9.1K 6 zkryptium ^0.10.6
8.6K 5 sigstore ^0.10
8.4K 6 k12 ^0.10.7
24K 14 ion-rs optional ^0.9
8.2K 11 warg-crypto ^0.10.7
23K 27 iota-crypto optional ^0.10
7.4K 18 ssi-crypto ^0.9
21K 19 esp-hal optional ^0.10.7
6.8K 16 tari_crypto ^0.10
20K 5 yubihsm optional ^0.10
6.3K 23 bellperson ^0.10.6
19K 2 oo7 optional ^0.10
19K 1 vrl optional ^0.10
6.2K 1 tari_bulletproofs_plus ^0.10
6.1K 1 voprf ^0.10
6.1K 11 deno_node ^0.10.5
6.0K 7 opaque-ke ^0.10
17K 118 uucore optional ^0.10.7
5.9K 2 sha2raw ^0.10.3
5.8K 26 tor-llcrypto ^0.10.0
5.8K 2 sphinx-packet ^0.10.7
5.7K 17 decaf377-rdsa ^0.9
5.7K 13 tor-bytes ^0.10.0
5.7K 7 tor-cert ^0.10.0
5.6K 12 tor-netdoc ^0.10.0
5.6K 17 tor-proto ^0.10.0
5.6K 10 tor-hscrypto ^0.10.0
5.5K 2 tor-consdiff ^0.10.0
5.4K 5 curve25519-dalek-fiat ^0.9
5.2K 12 pairing-plus ^0.8
5.2K 15 nu-command ^0.10
5.2K 1 halo2curves-axiom ^0.10.7
5.2K 3 rattler_cache ^0.10.7
5.0K 4 rattler ^0.10.7
14K 32 multihash-codetable optional ^0.10.1
15K 1 stronghold_engine optional ^0.10.1
14K 1 sp1_bls12_381 optional ^0.9
4.4K 7 jmt ^0.10
4.3K 2 tor-dirmgr ^0.10.0
13K 5 rsasl optional ^0.10.7
4.2K 2 parity-crypto ^0.9.0
4.1K 4 s3s ^0.10.7
4.0K 2 embedded-tls ^0.10.3
3.9K azservicebus ^0.10
3.8K 4 rusty_paseto ^0.10
3.8K 3 mas-jose ^0.10.7
3.8K 5 osshkeys ^0.10.2
3.5K 1 windowed-infinity ^0.10
3.3K nimue ^0.10.7
3.2K 3 cardano-serialization-lib ^0.9
3.1K mise ^0.10.7
3.0K 12 streebog ^0.10.4
2.9K 2 ssi-di-sd-primitives ^0.10
2.8K 2 ssi-data-integrity-core ^0.10
2.8K 6 askar-crypto ^0.10
2.7K dotslash ^0.10
8.5K 7 iroh-blake3 optional ^0.10.1
2.4K 7 belt-hash ^0.10.4
2.3K 3 sqlite-hashes ^0.10.7
2.3K 1 askar-storage ^0.10
2.2K 3 nova-snark ^0.10
2.2K 1 rusty_paserk ^0.10.7
7.1K 3 nam-bls12_381 optional ^0.10
2.1K 6 skein ^0.10
2.0K 1 influxive-downloader ^0.10
6.5K 1 x509-ocsp optional ^0.10.7
1.9K 6 walker-common ^0.10.6
1.9K 1 hashing-serializer ^0.10
1.9K 3 sbom-walker ^0.10.6
1.9K 2 csaf-walker ^0.10.6
6.2K 9 cosmian_crypto_core optional ^0.10
1.8K 1 crc32_digest ^0.8
1.8K 2 evpkdf ^0.10
1.7K 4 crypto-hashes ^0.10
1.7K 6 jh ^0.10
5.6K 11 tor-netdir optional ^0.10.0
1.6K 5 ascon-hash ^0.10
1.6K 3 rustpython-stdlib ^0.10.3
5.4K 11 oauth1-request optional ^0.10
1.6K 7 shabal ^0.10.3
1.5K 2 ark-transcript ^0.10
1.5K 2 penumbra-sdk-view ^0.9
1.5K okid ^0.10.7
1.4K 9 gost94 ^0.10.3
1.3K 7 synedrion ^0.10
1.3K 6 blake-hash ^0.9
1.3K 2 jj-lib ^0.10.7
1.3K 11 ibc-relayer ^0.10.6
1.2K 6 balloon-hash ^0.10.6
1.2K azeventhubs ^0.10
1.2K 8 fsb ^0.10.3
4.3K opa-wasm optional ^0.10
1.2K 14 curv-kzen ^0.9
1.2K 2 sn_curv ^0.9
1.1K 5 crev-recursive-digest ^0.10.6
1.1K 9 wasmer-runtime-core ^0.8
1.1K 1 fedimint-tor-dirmgr ^0.10.0
1.1K kbkdf ^0.11.0-pre.9
1.0K tnt-bls ^0.10
1.0K 9 rbdc-mysql ^0.10.0
3.5K 2 yara-x optional ^0.10.7
950 2 noncrypto-digests ^0.10.7
950 arrow-digest ^0.10
3.3K 6 libreauth optional ^0.10.0
900 3 embassy-boot ^0.10
900 8 tor-hsservice ^0.10.0
900 2 zk-paillier ^0.9
3.1K 21 dusk-bls12_381 optional ^0.9
800 2 mla ^0
800 7 tl-proto ^0.10
750 4 secp256kfun ^0.10
750 12 thrussh ^0.9
750 5 vitaminc-protected ^0.10.7
750 1 secret-cosmwasm-crypto ^0.10
700 1 fdh ^0.9.0
700 11 xmpp-parsers ^0.10
700 4 filigree ^0.10.7
700 5 rsa-fdh >=0.9.0, <0.10.0
700 19 dock_crypto_utils ^0.10
650 8 cml-crypto ^0.9
650 12 schnorr_pok ^0.10
650 5 secret_sharing_and_dkg ^0.10
650 3 ironfish-bellperson ^0.10.6
2.4K file_rw optional ^0.10.7
600 3 bmap-parser ^0.10.5
600 1 mithril-stm ^0.10.7
550 1 mithril-common ^0.10.7
550 2 bitcoin-hpke ^0.10
2.2K 9 generic-ec optional ^0.10
550 1 rustls-rustcrypto ^0.10.7
550 ark-ec-vrfs ^0.10
500 1 sigma_fun ^0.10
500 1 anypki ^0.10.7
500 rsa_heapless =0.11.0-pre.9
500 scutiger-lfs ^0.9
500 oberon ^0.10
2.0K 3 curve25519-dalek-ml optional ^0.10
470 1 ssstar-testing ^0.10.3
460 3 rand_hash ^0.10
430 2 cggmp21-keygen ^0.10
430 otrr ^0.10
420 5 bee-message ^0.9.0
420 2 viadkim ^0.10.7
410 3 tfhe-ark-ff ^0.10
390 13 sputnikvm ^0.6
380 docker-source-checksum ^0.8
380 git-cinnabar ^0.10
360 1 schematools ^0.10.1
360 3 himmelblau_kerberos_crypto ^0.10.7
360 warthog_rs ^0.10.7
350 1 ark-sponge ^0.9.0
340 2 file-hashing ^0.10
340 warcat ^0.10.7
340 2 srp ^0.10
1.5K 2 pruefung optional ^0.6
340 1 nazgul ^0.10
330 1 paillier-zk ^0.10
330 givre ^0.10
320 8 ark-marlin ^0.9
320 3 saa-curves ^0.10.7
310 cggmp21 ^0.10
310 4 saa-common ^0.10.7
310 1 pgp-cleartext ^0.10.7
300 dapol ^0.10.7
300 1 lpc55-hal ^0.9
300 aws-cognito-srp ^0.10.3
290 mpc-stark ^0.10
290 wasefire-stub ^0.10.7
280 1 ecies_25519 ^0
270 1 omnibor ^0.10.7
1.3K 7 udigest optional ^0.10
260 11 grin_keychain ^0.9
260 sapling-crypto_ce ^0.8
260 2 bbs_plus ^0.10
260 2 ntlmclient ^0.10
260 libslug ^0.10.7
260 ratify ^0.10.7
250 4 hmac-sha ^0.9
250 libmonero ^0.10.7
240 bls-signatures-rs ^0.8.1
240 4 oath ^0.5
230 4 short_group_sig ^0.10
230 9 paired ^0.9.0
220 nu_plugin_hashes ^0.10.7
210 3 oblivious_transfer_protocols ^0.10
200 6 snarkvm-gadgets ^0.9
200 1 thotp ^0.10.5
200 2 pmac ^0.10.3
190 efi_signer ^0.10.7
190 2 bulletproofs_plus_plus ^0.10
190 3 arkworks-gadgets ^0.9
180 1 saver ^0.10
180 3 kvac ^0.10
180 1 smc_range_proof ^0.10
180 1 spartan ^0.8.1
1.0K 1 ecies-ed25519 optional ^0.9.0
170 1 verifiable_encryption ^0.10
170 1 coconut-crypto ^0.10
160 1 cbc-mac ^0.10.3
160 my-hours ^0.10.7
160 4 alpm-types ^0.10.7
160 1 ng-oxigraph ^0.10
160 ansi-x963-kdf =0.11.0-pre.9
160 1 vb_accumulator ^0.10
160 ct-merkle ^0.10
150 syra ^0.10
150 1 proof_system ^0.10
150 2 metadata ^0.9.0
150 2 zar ^0.10.7
150 2 cargo-web ^0.8
140 17 ark-serialize-zypher ^0.10
140 forest-filecoin ^0.10
140 rpm-infra ^0.10
140 1 qiniu-upload-manager ^0.10
140 1 libpaillier ^0.10
140 rustgenhash ^0.10.5
140 2 unknown_order ^0.10
130 18 ark-ff-zypher ^0.10
130 hashing-reader ^0.10
130 1 jaws ^0.10
130 nano-vanity ^0.9.0
130 2 nanocurrency-types ^0.8
130 1 signature_bbs_plus ^0.9
130 2 sv ^0.7
120 1 crypto-tests ^0.6
120 25 ifs ^0.10.7
120 iop-sdk-rust ^0.10.7
120 1 rsfbclient-rust ^0.10.3
110 cognito_srp ^0.10.3
110 blakeout ^0.9.0
110 tbop-tcs-psi ^0.10.7
110 8 snarkos-algorithms ^0.8.1
110 3 snarkos-gadgets ^0.8.1
110 monotree ^0.10.7
110 okx-rs ^0.10
110 tiger-digest ^0.7.5
100 aruna-file ^0.10.7
100 bn254_hash2curve ^0.10.7
100 suricata ~0.10.3
100 3 meowhash ^0.9
100 3 wasmer-runtime-core-x ^0.8
100 challenge-bypass-ristretto ^0.10
100 rocfl ^0.10
1 sunfish_macro ^0.10
sunfish ^0.10
schnorr-rs ^0.10.7
3 snarkvm-marlin ^0.9
2 async-fetcher ^0.10.7
3 snarkvm-polycommit ^0.9
wiktionary-dump-parser ^0.10.7
1 hd-keys-curves-wasm ^0.10.7
2 gpgrv ^0.10
merkle-lite ^0.10.6
4 ark-bulletproofs ^0.10
1 github-webhook-extract ^0.10.6
1 qiniu-etag ^0.9.0
ripemd128 ^0.8
3 signature_core ^0.9
6 mwc_keychain ^0.9
pgxn_meta ^0.10
2 hpke_pq ^0.10
14 netidx-core ^0.10
4 digest-writer ^0.7.2
1 pithos_lib ^0.10.7
shell-rs ^0.10.3
9 wasmer-runtime-core-fl ^0.8
hash-gen ^0.10.7
1 pksc_core ^0.10.7
vru-noise ^0.10.7
signature_ps ^0.9
4 sunscreen_curve25519 ^0.9
sha2ni ^0.8
1 cyfs-sha2 ^0.8
rpmrepo_metadata ^0.10.6
7 noah-curve25519-dalek ^0.10
3 authenticode ^0.10.0
dropbox-content-hasher ^0.8.0
1 groestl-aesni ^0.9
wardenx-core ^0.9
5 skein-hash ^0.9
11 ciphersuite ^0.10
shoes ^0.10.7
swindon ^0.7.2
4 zff ^0.10.3
digest-access ^0.10
8 solana_libra_crypto ^0.8.1
1 tribles ^0.10.7
1 curve25519-entropic ^0.9
1 arkworks-circuits ^0.9
3 ciphersuite-mirror ^0.10
doughnut-rs ^0.10.3
650 2 sqlx-core-oldapi optional ^0.10.0
ed25519-dalek-blake3 ^0.9.0
1 flipperzero ^0.10
pe-sign ^0.10.7
2 sunscreen_bulletproofs ^0.9.0
2 sunset ^0.10
1 tackler-core ^0.10.7
1 ark-secret-scalar ^0.10
16 flexible-transcript ^0.10
13 iop-keyvault ^0.10.3
nano-work-server ^0.10.5
3 pkgsrc ^0.10.7
6 stack_test_epic_keychain ^0.9
1 nod ^0.10
1 crypt_guard ^0.10.7
sumhash ^0.10.3
summain ^0.9
2 wasmer-runtime-core-unc ^0.8
69 aptos-crypto ^0.9.0
pasta-tokens ^0.10.7
sha256fast ^0.9
7 dalek-ff-group-mirror ^0.10
hbs-lms ^0.10.2
oxyromon ^0.10.7
2 debian-packaging ^0.10.7
4 noah-bulletproofs ^0.10
jose ^0.10.7
lamport_signature_plus ^0.10
caligula ^0.10.6
1 quicr-core ^0.7
artc ^0.7
cdbc-mysql ^0.9.0
nodtool ^0.10
13 sov-rollup-interface ^0.10.6
1 ark-crypto-primitives-zypher ^0.10
3 bm ^0.8
1 rpm-repository ^0.10.7
pleingres ^0.7
selective-disclosure-jwt ^0.10
web3-keystore ^0.10.3
zeppelin_core ^0.10
5 air-interpreter-cid ^0.10.7
3 bm-le ^0.8
3 network-internet-protocol ^0.7
2 prov-cosmwasm-crypto ^0.9
1 webaves ^0.10
10 ethereumvm ^0.6
sunnycat ^0.10.7
ark-mpc ^0.10
arkworks-solidity-verifier ^0.9
hashdeep ^0.10
integrationos-domain ^0.10.7
2 jh-x86_64 ^0.9
manul ^0.10
sit-core ^0.7
1 wallet-gen ^0.7
550 wtx optional ^0.10
4 aigc_keychain ^0.9
belt-mac ^0.10.3
3 pkgcraft ^0.10.7
2 rdf-canon ^0.10
slh-dsa ^0.10.7
1 bloock-blake-rs ^0.9
6 dalek-ff-group ^0.10
deterministic-pgp-keys ^0.9
dilithium ^0.7
json-web-token ^0.10
1 arecibo ^0.10
recursum ^0.9.0
booru-dl ^0.10
clap-digest ^0.10
compressed_sigma ^0.10
landfill ^0.10.7
2 tari_wallet ^0.8.0
ascon-prng ^0.10.7
cacache-sync ^0.10.6
checksum_dir ^0.10.7
1 hash2curve ^0.9
2 lune-std-serde ^0.10.7
2 rdedup-lib ^0.9.0
ed2k ^0.10
rash ^0.7
ratchet ^0.8
sha3-plus ^0.8
4 ssz ^0.8
zuc ^0.10.7
bsv ^0.9.0
elba ^0.7
3 acid-store ^0.10.5
1 bromberg_sl2 ^0.9.0
curve25519-dalek-organism ^0.8
7 flexible-transcript-mirror ^0.10
2 lcpc-2d ^0.9
1 oci-image-spec ~0.9
pretty-good ^0.7
24 tetsy-crypto ^0.9.0
1 wedpr_l_bulletproofs ^0.8
witnet-vanity ^0.8.1
amiitool-rs ^0.10.3
arkworks-benchmarks ^0.9
authoscope ^0.9
etcommon-crypto ^0.6
script-sign ^0.10
2 staging-ark-transcript ^0.10
1 bsv-wasm ^0.9.0
cryptoballot ^0.8.1
4 diem-crypto ^0.9.0
drogue-tls ^0.9.0
generic-ecies ^0.10
1 gftp ^0.8.1
iprs ^0.9
libsecp256k1-rs ^0.6
1 lyra2 ^0.10.7
multilint ^0.10.7
8 tari_comms ^0.8.0
test-dalek-docs ^0.10
1 bls_bulletproofs ^0.9.0
fujisaki_ringsig ^0.9
2 sentc-crypto-fips-keys ^0.10.7
unid ^0.9
integrity-checker ^0.10
msecret ^0.10
4 mugle_keychain ^0.9
1 sentc-crypto-rec-keys ^0.10.7
sn0int ^0.10
550 wasefire optional ^0.10.7
arq ^0.9
composite_modulus_proofs ^0.10.7
emote ^0.7
hash2field ^0.9
localstore ^0.10.7
mc-cli ^0.10.7
rotsniff ^0.10
1 smtree ^0.9.0
2 snarkos-marlin ^0.8
vsb ^0.10.7
1 balloon ^0.9
benaloh-challenge ^0.10
cmail-rpgp ^0.10
1 gitoid ^0.10.7
lamport_signature ^0.7.2
lldap_auth ^0.9
needroleshere ^0.10.5
1 pbp ^0.7.0
3 tari_core ^0.8.0
550 2 x509cert optional ^0.10.7
algae-trees ^0.10.3
coinchecker ^0.9
jwt-next ^0.10
li2 ^0.10.6
3 renvm-sig ^0.9.0
sbom-ghr ^0.10.3
5 stack_epic_keychain ^0.9
tari_bulletproofs ^0.9.0
undr ^0.10.6
veriform ^0.8
1 xcbc-fdh ^0.9.0
actix-hash ^0.10
goofy ^0.8
2 iq-crypto ^0.10
multiformats ^0.9
multiset-hash ^0.9.0
muter ^0.8
no-way ^0.10.5
4 noah-algebra ^0.10
quick-merkle ^0.10.3
scromble ^0.10.6
2 snarkos-polycommit ^0.8
5 tari_comms_dht ^0.8.1
2 tari_key_manager ^0.8.0
1 vep ^0.9.0
aptos-crypto-link ^0.9.0
bch ^0.7
castor ^0.8
cryptonight-hash ^0.8.1
elfsign ^0.10.6
golomb-set ^0.8.1
inventorize ^0.9.0
lthash-rs ^0.10.6
1 noah-api ^0.10
onlinecode ^0.9.0
pea-vrf ^0.9.0
save ^0.10.3
1 tiny-ec-core ^0.9
antelope-client ^0.10.7
3 aptos-workspace-hack ^0.10.3
async_bagit ^0.10
atms ^0.9
bagr ^0.10
banananet ^0.8
cait-sith ^0.10.7
crupter ^0.8.1
3 dleq ^0.10
dsum ^0.10
elgamal-curve25519 ~0.8
estahr ^0.8.1
ethers-fireblocks ^0.9.0
hash-based-signature ^0.10.7
hshchk ^0.9
lnk-thrussh ^0.9
mz-avro ^0.10.3
3 noah-crypto ^0.10
1 otter-support ^0.10
1 qiniu-upload ^0.9.0
tari_transactions ^0.8.0
2 wagyu-bitcoin ^0.8.1
wagyu-hdk ^0.9.0
wasmtime-vfs-keyfs ^0.10.5
zero_pass_backend ^0.10.7
aont ^0.9.0
backseat-signed ^0.10.7
dleq-serai ^0.10
esvm ^0.5
1 eznacl ^0.10.2
fapt ^0.8
lsmtree ^0.10
oblivious-transfer ^0.8.0
pincers ^0.8.0
2 tari_mmr ^0.9.0
treed_gpu ^0.10
4 wasmer-runtime-core-asml-fork ^0.8
xcbc-rsa-fdh ^0.9.0
1 ya-relay-core ^0.9
yagii ^0.7.5
bitbottle ^0.10.1
boohashing ^0.9.0
crabsoup ^0.10
cyfs-cip ^0.10.3
2 disarray-ledger ^0.10.5
django-signing ^0.10.1
fapt-pkg ^0.7
4 gringron_keychain ^0.9
hashing-copy ^0.8.0
hashwriter ^0.7.2
krypt ^0.8.1
lamport_ots ^0.10
lioness-rs ^0.10.0-pre.3
makeppkg ^0.8.0
meow-vanity ^0.7.2
merkle-rs ^0.7.2
rsa_ext ^0.10.5
rx-editor ^0.8.1
tarisdk_slim ^0.10
transcript-trait ^0.10
wagu ^0.7.5
websession ^0.9
xmpp-parsers-gst-meet ^0.9
bm-ssz ^0.8
dalek-test-curve-docs ^0.10
enard ^0.10
hashwires ^0.9.0
hoard ^0.10.7
1 jujutsu-lib ^0.10.6
kyber-rs ^0.10.5
lastpass ^0.8.1
merklist ^0.8
ml-downloader ^0.10.7
molasses ^0.8
2 navajo ^0.10
noah-smoke-tests ^0.10
3 rac ^0.9
silkroad ^0.8.1
simple-api ^0.9.0
1 sn0int-std ^0.10
1 sn_bulletproofs ^0.9.0
2 solana_libra_nextgen_crypto ^0.8.1
totp_embed ^0.10
wagyu ^0.8.1
warden ^0.8.0
2 wasmer-runtime-core-l1x ^0.8
3 webb-bulletproofs ^0.9.0
zk-paillier-lsc ^0.9
1 algae-mmr ^0.10
aliyun-log-sdk ^0.9
badlopo_cli ^0.10.7
banano-vanity ^0.7.2
core_cbc_casper ^0.7
2 curv-lsc ^0.9
diridp ^0.10.3
duplicate_destroyer ^0.10
fingerprint-struct ^0.10.5
jupyter-client ^0.8.0
rsa-oaep-pss ^0.10.5
rust-hashcash ^0.8.1
rust-rsm ^0.10.3
simple2fa ^0.9.0
at-cryptoauth ^0.9.0
blindsign ^0.7.2
caead ^0.10
carbon-curve25519-dalek ^0.9
curv-embedded ^0.9
curv-test ^0.9
1 digest-hash ^0.8
1 dleq-mirror ^0.10
easy-srp ^0.10
edhoc ^0.8.1
1 erbium-core ^0.10.3
4 homestar-workspace-hack ^0.9
irona ^0.8
1 mock-digest ^0.10.5
1 mwc-bch ^0.7
nala ^0.10.7
save_my_code ^0.10
sdrive ^0.10.6
snarkos-benchmarks ^0.7
ssri2 ^0.10.7
1 tiny-ec ^0.9
1 torrosion ^0.10.6
webaves-app ^0.10
authenticode-tool ^0.10.0
1 celestia-core ^0.10
2 cess-sp-porep ^0.9
cry ^0.9
1 diem-framework-crypto ^0.9.0
digester ^0.10
digestify ^0.10
1 ehl-fdh ^0.9.0
ehl-rsa-fdh ^0.9.0
haondt-medea ^0.10.7
jpre ^0.10.7
lioness-vnpmid ^0.10.3
merklemountainrange ^0.8.0
mfa-cli ^0.10
mmr-crypto-primitives ^0.9
4 modular-frost ^0.10
2 modular-frost-mirror ^0.10
4 mwc_wallet_libwallet ^0.9
ockam_signature_bbs ^0.9
1 ockam_signature_core ^0.9
ring-digest ^0.9
rust-blind-rsa-signatures ^0.9
4 stack_epic_wallet_libwallet ^0.9
tmkms-prost-derive ^0.7
vpgp ^0.10
wholesum ^0.10.7
badtouch ^0.9
beacon ^0.8
2 cess-sha2raw ^0.9
delegatable_credentials ^0.10
4 epic_keychain ^0.9
jwt_boiler ^0.10.6
libasuran ^0.8.1
libsecp256k1test ^0.9
1 liminal-ark-pnbr-sponge ^0.9.0
1 message_verifier ^0.10.7
monetdb ^0.10.7
1 niftygate-asset ^0.10.3
qiniu-ng ^0.8.1
solana_switchboard_attestation_program_sdk ^0.9
2 sphinxcrypto ^0.8.1
xisf-rs ^0.10.7
2 yobicrypto ^0.7
zs-filecrawler ^0.9
DPM-Server ^0.10.7
fastcrypto-tbls ^0.10.6
find_doubles ^0.10.7
hash-id-crack ^0.10.7
iridium-client ^0.9
kemeleon ^0.10.7
kinode ^0.10
kr ^0.10
1 litehouse-config ^0.10.7
lms-signature ^0.10.7
mpc-ristretto ^0.10
obfs4 ^0.10.7
oci-unpack ^0.10.7
proof-of-history ^0.10
spartan2 ^0.10
tari_hashing ^0.10
updatehashdb ^0.10.7
wasmer-runtime-core-unc1 ^0.8
welds-sqlx-mssql ^0.10.0
480 3 generic-ec-zkp optional ^0.10
450 wasefire-scheduler optional ^0.10.7
420 1 bee-ledger optional ^0.9.0
390 107 miraland-sdk optional ^0.10.7
320 1 curve25519-dalek-libpep optional ^0.10
290 test-curve25519-dalek optional ^0.10
290 ezcheck optional ^0.10
290 sprinkles-rs optional ^0.10
180 1 embed_it_macros optional ^0.10
180 47 gemachain-sdk optional ^0.9.0
170 64 waffles-solana-sdk optional ^0.10.1
150 50 safecoin-sdk optional ^0.10.1
130 1 sssmc39 optional ^0.8
130 1 tiny-multihash optional ^0.9.0
irmaseal-curve optional ^0.9
3 ethers_wallet optional ^0.10.6
rustus optional ^0.10.3
1 tari-curve25519-dalek optional ^0.10
write-hasher optional ^0.10.6
1 stdto_core optional ^0.10
rfc2289-otp optional ^0.10.7
antimatter optional ^0.10
4 cbe-sdk optional ^0.10.1
7 cotton optional ^0.10.6
cowlang optional ^0.10
1 cryptography optional ^0.9
1 curve25519-dalek-v2 optional ^0.10
1 curve25519-elligator2 optional ^0.10
digestible optional ^0.10
2 downloader-for-babylonia-terminal optional ^0.10.1
1 earthbucks_ecdsa optional =0.11.0-pre.9
1 ecies-ed25519-silene optional ^0.10.7
3 ethers-hash-rs optional ^0.10.6
2 fasthash-fork optional ^0.9
fedimint_bls12_381 optional ^0.9
2 fleek-blake3 optional ^0.10.1
fluence-blake3 optional ^0.10.1
1 hawkbit optional ^0.9
1 irmaseal-core optional ^0.8
3 merkle-log optional ^0.10
nym-crypto optional ^0.10.3
oauth1-request-ios optional ^0.10
ockam_credential optional ^0.8
orodruin optional ^0.10
1 pg-curve optional ^0.9
phar optional ^0.9.0
reweb3 optional ^0.10.6
6 rubedo optional ^0.10.7
serry optional ^0.10.7
1 signature-flow optional ^0.9
4 solomka-sdk optional ^0.10.1
3 sp-multihash optional ^0.9.0
3 sqlx-build-trust-core optional ^0.10.0
sqlx-core-guts optional ^0.10.0
2 sqlx-core_wasi optional ^0.10.0
3 sqlx-etorreborre-core optional ^0.10.0
1 ssh-packet optional ^0.10.7
starling optional ^0.10.3
4 tardis optional ^0.10
1 tiny-sdk optional ^0.10.1
vonuvoli-scheme optional ~0.7.2
3 wasefire-board-api optional ^0.10.7
1 yozuk-core-skillset optional ^0.10.3
87K 22 actix-web-lab dev ^0.10
200 2 arkworks-r1cs-gadgets dev ^0.9
150 1 arkworks-setups dev ^0.9
110 1 arkworks-r1cs-circuits dev ^0.9
110 tss2-fapi-rs dev ^0.10.7
pget dev ^0.10.0
1 kangarootwelve_xkcp dev ^0.9.0
1 ferveo-pre-release dev ^0.10.0
marsupial dev ^0.10
fil-sapling-crypto dev ^0.9.0
wolf-crypto dev ^0.10.7
fungtaai dev ^0.6
1 brsl2 dev ^0.10
intarray dev ^0.8.1
passwordmaker-rs dev ^0.10.5
xmpp-http-upload dev ^0.10.7
lit-utilities-wasm dev ^0.10