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#1479 in Procedural macros

Download history 229/week @ 2025-01-14 350/week @ 2025-01-21

579 downloads per month
Used in embed_it

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


Build Status crates.io Coverage

Include any directory as a struct, and the entire tree will be generated as Rust structures and traits

Imagine a project structure like this:

  • assets/
    • one_txt/
      • hello
      • world
    • hello.txt
    • one.txt
    • world.txt
  • src
  • Cargo.toml

You can use a macro to expand it into Rust code:

use embed_it::Embed;
    path = "$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/../example_dirs/assets",
pub struct Assets;

# fn main() {
    use embed_it::{Content, EntryPath, EmbeddedPath};
    assert_eq!(Assets.hello().content(), b"hello");
    assert_eq!(Assets.hello().path(), &EmbeddedPath::new("hello.txt", "hello.txt", "hello"));

    assert_eq!(Assets.one().content(), b"one");
    assert_eq!(Assets.one().path(), &EmbeddedPath::new("one.txt", "one.txt", "one"));

    assert_eq!(Assets.world().content(), b"world");
    assert_eq!(Assets.world().path(), &EmbeddedPath::new("world.txt", "world.txt", "world"));

    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().path(), &EmbeddedPath::new("one_txt", "one_txt", "one_txt"));

    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().hello().content(), b"hello");
    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().hello().path(), &EmbeddedPath::new("one_txt/hello", "hello", "hello"));

    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().world().content(), b"world");
    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().world().path(), &EmbeddedPath::new("one_txt/world", "world", "world"));

    // or with dynamic dispatch

    // We can use Windows-style paths due to the `support_alt_separator` attribute
# }

Known issues

Long compilation time with many files

If your directory contains a very large number of files, the compile time can increase significantly.

Possible solution: Move those assets into a separate crate. This way, the main build won’t be slowed down by the large amount of embedded content, and changes in the asset crate won’t force a full rebuild of your main project.

macro invocation exceeds token limit error in rust-analyzer

When there are thousands of files/directories (around 5000 or more), rust-analyzer can fail with the error that the macro exceeds the token limit. This is due to a hard-coded limit in rust-analyzer that is not currently configurable tracking issue.

Possible workaround: Split the assets into multiple directories and generate several smaller embedded structures, each containing fewer files, to reduce the total token count.

Intellisense issues in RustRover

In JetBrains RustRover, intellisense might stop working when the number of files/directories reaches a similar high threshold. The exact cause and any permanent solution are currently unclear.

Possible workaround: As above, splitting assets into multiple directories with separate macro invocations may help avoid hitting internal limits.



The main attribute

field type multiple required default description
path String false true - The path to the directory with assets. It may contain compile-time environment variables (or user defined) in format $CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR or ${CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR}
dir DirAttr false false DirAttr::default() Changes the setting for how the Dirtrait and its implementations are generated. See more in the Dir Attr section
file FileAttr false false FileAttr::default() Changes the setting for how the File trait and its implementations are generated. See more in the File Attr section
entry EntryAttr false false EntryAttr::default() Changes the setting for how the Entry struct and its implementations are generated. See more in the Entry Attr section
with_extension bool false false false Use file extensions for method and struct names
support_alt_separator bool false false false If true, getting a value from the directory's Index replaces \ with /. In other words, you can use Windows-style paths with the get method, for example, Assets.get("a\\b\\c.txt")


field type multiple required default description
derive_default_traits bool false false true Determines whether default traits will be derived (see the derive row in the table)
trait_name Ident false false Dir Specifies the trait name that will be used for a directory
field_factory_trait_name Ident false false DirFieldFactory Specifies the trait name that will be used for a directory field factory
derive Vec<DirTrait> true false Path, Entries, Index, Meta, Debug
DirectChildCount, RecursiveChildCount
What traits will be derived for every directory and what bounds will be set for the Dir trait. See also EmbeddedTraits list and Hash traits
field Vec<FieldAttr> true false vec![] Adds additional fields for a directory. See more in the Field Attr section


field type multiple required default description
derive_default_traits bool false false true Determines whether default traits will be derived (see the derive row in the table)
trait_name Ident false false File What trait name will be used for a directory
field_factory_trait_name Ident false false FileFieldFactory What trait name will be used for a directory field factory
derive Vec<DirTrait> true false Path, Meta, Debug, Content What traits will be derived for every directory and what bounds will be set for a Dir trait. See also EmbeddedTraits list and Hash traits
field Vec<FieldAttr> true false vec![] Adds additional fields for a file. See more in the Field Attr section

EmbeddedTraits list

name trait dir or file method purpose
Path crate::EntryPath any fn path(&self) -> &'static EmbeddedPath; Provides full information about a path of an entry
Entries <auto generated> dir fn entries(&self) -> &'static [Entry] Provides direct children of a dir
Index <auto generated> dir fn get(&self, path: &str) -> Option<&'static Entry> Provides fast access (HashMap) to all children (recursively). It constructs hash set on every level dir and might use some memory if there are a lot of entries
DirectChildCount crate::DirectChildCount dir fn direct_child_count(&self) -> usize; Provides the number of direct children
RecursiveChildCount crate::RecursiveChildCount dir fn recursive_child_count(&self) -> usize; Provides the total number of children, including nested subdirectories
Meta crate::Meta any fn metadata(&self) -> &'static Metadata; Provides metadata of an entry
Debug std::fmt::Debug any Debugs structs
Content crate::Content file fn content(&self) -> &'static [u8]; Provides content of a file
Hashes <various> any fn <name>[<_bits>](&self) -> &'static [u8; <bits>]; Provides hash of a file content or a directory structure with files' hashes


field type multiple required default description
struct_name Ident false false Entry What struct name will be used for an entry


You can add any additional fields, which will be created in runtime (but only once) from a dir or a file. For each field defined in macros a special trait will be generated inside the module containing a root structure.

field type multiple required default description
name Ident false true The name of the method that will be used by the trait
factory syn::Path false true The path to a factory, that will be used to create an instance of the field and to determine a field type
trait_name Option<Ident> false false {name.to_pascal_case()}Field The name of the field trait
regex Option<String> false false None Regular expression to match a fs entry path. The trait is implemented for a struct only if the regex matches
pattern Option<String> false false None Glob pattern to match a fs entry path. The trait is implemented for a struct only if the pattern matches
use std::str::from_utf8;
use embed_it::Embed;

    path = "$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/../example_dirs/assets",
            // it is a trait method name used to get an instance of a field.
            // you can use your own name for the trait with attribute `trait_name`.
            // By default it is `{name.to_pascal()}Field`.
            // In that case it will be `AsStrField`.
            name = "as_str", 
            // factory is a path to the struct implementing either
            // a trait self::FileFieldFactory for target = "file"
            // or a trait self::DirFieldFactory for target = "dir"
            factory = AsStr,   
            // glob pattern
            pattern = "*.txt",
            name = "children", 
            factory = crate::Children, 
            regex = ".+_txt",
            name = "root_children", 
            trait_name = "Root",
            factory = crate::Children, 
            // this trait will be implemented only for root struct (`Assets`)
            regex = ""

pub struct Assets;

pub struct AsStr(&'static str);
impl FileFieldFactory for AsStr {
    type Field = Option<Self>;

    fn create<T: File + ?Sized>(data: &T) -> Self::Field {
        use embed_it::{ Content };

pub struct Children;
impl DirFieldFactory for Children {
    type Field = Vec<&'static str>;

    fn create<T: Dir + ?Sized>(data: &T) -> Self::Field {
        use embed_it::{ EntryPath };
        data.entries().iter().map(|e| e.path().name()).collect()

# fn main() {
use embed_it::{ Content };

// the first field `as_str`
use AsStrField;
assert_eq!(Assets.hello().content(), b"hello");
assert_eq!(Assets.one().content(), b"one");
assert_eq!(Assets.world().content(), b"world");

assert_eq!(Assets.hello().as_str().as_ref().unwrap().0, "hello");
assert_eq!(Assets.one().as_str().as_ref().unwrap().0, "one");
assert_eq!(Assets.world().as_str().as_ref().unwrap().0, "world");

// this is not compile due to `pattern` (`one_txt/hello` has no extension)
// Assets.one_txt().as_str()

// the second field `children`
use ChildrenField;
assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().children(), &vec!["hello", "world"]);

// the third field `root_children`
use Root;
assert_eq!(Assets.root_children(), &vec!["one_txt", "hello.txt", "one.txt", "world.txt"]);
# }

Hash traits

You can use any combination of hash traits on dir and file. For a file, it hashes its content; for a directory, it hashes every entry name and entry hash if applicable (order — directories first, then files, and finally by path). The hash is stored as a constant array of bytes.

Derive Required feature Trait
Md5 md5 crate::Md5Hash
Sha1 sha1 crate::Sha1Hash
Sha2_224 sha2 crate::Sha2_224Hash
Sha2_256 sha2 crate::Sha2_256Hash
Sha2_384 sha2 crate::Sha2_384Hash
Sha2_512 sha2 crate::Sha2_512Hash
Sha3_224 sha3 crate::Sha3_224Hash
Sha3_256 sha3 crate::Sha3_256Hash
Sha3_384 sha3 crate::Sha3_384Hash
Sha3_512 sha3 crate::Sha3_512Hash
Blake3 blake3 crate::Blake3_256Hash

The example below compiles only if all hash features listed in the table above are enabled.

        feature = "md5",
        feature = "sha1",
        feature = "sha2",
        feature = "sha3",
        feature = "blake3"
mod lib {
    use std::str::from_utf8;
    use embed_it::Embed;

        path = "$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/../example_dirs/assets",
    pub struct Assets;

    # fn main() {
    use embed_it::{ 

    use hex_literal::hex;

    assert_eq!(Assets.md5(), &hex!("56e71a41c76b1544c52477adf4c8e2f7"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha1(), &hex!("26da80338f55108be5bcce49285a4154f6705599"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha2_224(), &hex!("360c16e2d8135a337cc6ddf4134ec9cc69dd65b779db2a2807f941e4"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha2_256(), &hex!("e16b758a01129c86f871818a7b4e31c88a3c6b69d9c8319bcbc881b58f067b25"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha2_384(), &hex!("de4656a27347eee72aea1d15e85f20439673709cde5339772660bbd9d800bbde9f637eb3505f572140432625f3948175"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha2_512(), &hex!("bc1673b560316c6586fa1ec98ca5df3e303b66ddae944b05c71314806f88bd4b8f4c7832dfb7dd729eaca191b7142936d21bd07f750c9bc35d67f218e51bbaa4"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha3_224(), &hex!("6949265b40fa55e0c194e3591f90e6cbf0ac100d7ed32e71d6e1e753"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha3_256(), &hex!("a2d99103dc2d1967fb05c4de99a1432e9afb1f5acc698fefb2112ce7fb9335c4"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha3_384(), &hex!("cf1f50cb53dc61b3519227887bfb20230b6878d32b10c5a9bfe016095aaecc593e612a165c89488109da62138a7214d8"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.sha3_512(), &hex!("aeff4601a53fecdad418f3245676398719d507bd7b971098ad3f4c2d495c2cc96faf022f481c0bebc0632492abd8eb9fe9f8af6d25664f33d61ff316d269682a"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.blake3_256(), &hex!("b5947e2140b0fe744b1afe9a9f9031e72571c85db079413a67b4a9309f581de7"));

    # }

More complex example

use embed_it::Embed;
    path = "$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/../example_dirs/assets",
        // trait name for directories (default `Dir`)
        trait_name = AssetsDir, 
        // trait name for directory field's factories (default `DirFieldFactory`)
        field_factory_trait_name = AssetsDirFieldFactory, 
        // Do not derive default traits for a dir
        derive_default_traits = false,

        // implement embed_it::EntryPath
        // implement `Entries` trait, which stores all direct children into an array
        // implement `Index` trait, which stores (recursively) all children into a set

        // implement `embed_it::Meta` trait, which provides metadata of the entry
        // implement `std::fmt::Debug` for directory. It writes each child implementing debug
            name = children, 
            trait_name = AssetsChildrenField, 
            factory = Children, 
            pattern = "?*", 
            regex = ".+", 
            name = root_children, 
            trait_name = AssetsRootChildrenField, 
            factory = Children, 
            // only for `Assets`
            regex = "", 
        // trait name for files (default `File`)
        trait_name = AssetsFile, 
        // trait name for file field's factories (default `FileFieldFactory`)
        field_factory_trait_name = AssetsFileFieldFactory, 

        // Do not derive default traits for a file
        derive_default_traits = false,

        // implement embed_it::EntryPath
        // implement `embed_it::Meta` trait, which provides metadata of the entry
        // implement `embed_it::Content` trait, which provides content of the file as a byte array
        // implement `std::fmt::Debug` for a file. It writes Content len
            // The name of the method of the trait
            name = as_str, 
            // The trait name, defaul `"{name.to_pascal()}Field"`
            trait_name = AssetsAsStrField, 
            // The factory to create an instance of the field
            factory = AsStr, 
            // The pattern to match entry's path. Default None
            pattern = "*.txt", 
            // The regex to match entry's path. Default None
            regex = ".+", 
    // `Entry` - enum with `Dir(&'static dyn Dir)/File(&'static dyn File)` variants
    // `Entry` implements intersection of `Dir`'s and `File`'s traits
        // struct name for `Entry` (default `Entry`).
        struct_name = AssetsEntry,
    // if true, the macro will use the extension as a part of `StructName`s and `method_name`s
    // e.g. hello.txt turns into HelloTxt/hello_txt() if with_extension = true, and Hello/hello() if with_extension = false
    // default is false
    with_extension = true,

pub struct Assets;

pub struct Children;

// The name of the factory as in the attribute `dir`
impl AssetsDirFieldFactory for Children {
    type Field = Vec<&'static str>;

    fn create<T: AssetsDir + ?Sized>(data: &T) -> Self::Field {
        use embed_it::EntryPath;
        data.entries().iter().map(|v| v.path().relative_path_str()).collect()

pub struct AsStr;

// The name of the factory as in the attribute `file`
impl AssetsFileFieldFactory for AsStr {
    type Field = Option<&'static str>;

    fn create<T:AssetsFile + ?Sized>(data: &T) -> Self::Field {

# fn main() {
    use embed_it::{Content, EntryPath, Meta};
    assert_eq!(Assets.hello_txt().as_str(), &Some("hello"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt_1().as_str(), &Some("one"));
    assert_eq!(Assets.world_txt().as_str(), &Some("world"));

    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().hello().content(), b"hello");
    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().world().content(), b"world");

    assert_eq!(Assets.one_txt().children(), &vec!["one_txt/hello", "one_txt/world"]);

    let entries: &'static [AssetsEntry] = Assets.entries();
    for entry in entries {
        // `Entry` implements intersection of `Dir`'s and `File`'s traits
        println!("relative_path: {:?}", entry.path().relative_path_str());
        println!("{:?}", entry.metadata());
        println!("{:#?}", entry);

# }

How does fs-entry's name turn into Rust identifiers?

Each name will be processed and any unsuitable symbol will be replaced with _. This might cause a problem with a level uniqueness of identifiers, for example, all of the entry names below turn into one_txt.

  • one+txt
  • one-txt
  • one_txt

The macro handles this problem and generates methods with a numeric suffix. In that case it would be

  • one+txt - one_txt()
  • one-txt - one_txt_1()
  • one_txt - one_txt_2()

Entries are sorted unambiguously by entry kind (directories first, then files) and subsequently by path.

This works for struct names in the same way

  • one+txt - OneTxt
  • one-txt - OneTxt1
  • one_txt - OneTxt2

What code will be generated by macros

  1. The macro generates all embedded trait definitions, like Entries and Index which depend on a context
  2. The macro generates definitions for traits Dir and File where each is a compilation of previous step suitable traits
  3. The macro generates enum for the Entry (Dir(&'static dyn Dir)/File(&'static dyn File)).
  4. The macro implements the intersection of the Dir and File traits for the Entry struct
  5. The macro generates traits for FileFieldFactory and DirFieldFactory with bounds to File/Dir traits for the argument of the method
  6. The macro generates traits for each field
  7. For any entry starting from the root:
    • For each type of entry, the macro implements the requested suitable embedded traits (like Content, Path, Metadata, Entries, Index, etc.)
    • For each type of entry, the macro implements traits for all suitable fields from the step 6
    • For a directory, the macro recursively generates code for each child

NOTE: All instances are static, and this staticness is achieved

  • by const for any const items, like file content or file path
struct Hello;
impl ::embed_it::Content for Hello {
    fn content(&self) -> &'static [u8] {
        const VALUE: &[u8] = b"hello"; // in a real-world scenario, it would be `include_bytes!(...)`
  • by a static LazyLock for non-const items, which can be created without a context
pub struct Assets;

pub trait Dir: Send + Sync + Index {}
pub trait File: Send + Sync + embed_it::Content {}

pub enum Entry {
    Dir(&'static dyn Dir),
    File(&'static dyn File),

trait Index {
    fn get(&self, path: &str) -> Option<&'static Entry>;

impl Index for Assets {
    fn get(&self, path: &str) -> Option<&'static Entry> {
        static VALUE: ::std::sync::LazyLock<
                &'static str,
        > = ::std::sync::LazyLock::new(|| {
            let mut map = ::std::collections::HashMap::with_capacity(2usize);
            // inserts


  • by a static OnceLock for non-const items, which require a context (like additional fields)

// user-defined struct and implementation
pub struct AsStr;
impl FileFieldFactory for AsStr {
    type Field = Option<&'static str>;
    fn create<T: File + ?Sized>(data: &T) -> Self::Field {

pub struct Assets;

// auto-generated
pub trait Dir: Send + Sync {}
pub trait File: Send + Sync + ::embed_it::Content {}

pub struct Hello;
impl ::embed_it::Content for Hello {
    fn content(&self) -> &'static [u8] {
        // Some implementation

impl File for Hello {};

pub enum Entry {
    Dir(&'static dyn Dir),
    File(&'static dyn File),

pub trait FileFieldFactory {
    type Field;
    fn create<T: File + ?Sized>(data: &T) -> Self::Field;

pub trait AsStrField {
    fn as_str(
    ) -> &'static <AsStr as FileFieldFactory>::Field;

impl AsStrField for Hello {
    fn as_str(
    ) -> &'static <AsStr as FileFieldFactory>::Field {
        static VALUE: ::std::sync::OnceLock<
            <AsStr as FileFieldFactory>::Field,
        > = ::std::sync::OnceLock::new();
        VALUE.get_or_init(|| {
            <AsStr as FileFieldFactory>::create(self)



~96K SLoC