rusoto_signature is used at run time in 385 crates (of which 22 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 8 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 11 crates (of which 4 directly).

Number of dependers rusoto_signature version Downloads/month
278 0.48.0 107K
41 0.47.0 7.9K
23 0.46.0 10K
19 0.45.0 1.4K
2 0.44.0 240
13 0.43.0 500
20 0.42.0 850
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rusoto_signature version
131K 395 rusoto_core ^0.48.0
gst-plugin-rusoto ^0.48
aws-mfa-session ^0.45
athenacli ^0.45
vault_iam_auth ^0.47.0
hrkk 0.45.*
svanill-vault-server ^0.45.0
500 s3-signer optional ^0.48.0
hyper_aws_sig_verify dev ^0.46
scratchstack-aws-signature-hyper dev ^0.46
scratchstack-http-framework dev ^0.48
mio_license dev ^0.44.0