1 unstable release

0.1.1 Jun 10, 2022

#1006 in Cryptography

MIT license

910 lines


Diridp is an OpenID Connect identity provider that issues tokens (JWTs) as regular files on the local filesystem.

The tokens generated by diridp are typically used by other processes on the same machine to identify themselves to some third party service. Because diridp rotates all signing keys and tokens, these can replace otherwise permanent credentials that would be used instead.


A minimal config looks like:

    issuer: "https://example.com"
      - path: "/run/diridp/my-application/token"
          sub: "my-application"
          aud: "some-cloud-service.example.com"

See the configuration template for all available options.

Diridp is built to require no network access at all. Serving the OpenID Connect documents is left to an external process like Nginx or Apache httpd. Typically, you'd configure an HTTPS virtual host to serve from /var/lib/diridp/<provider>/webroot. In Nginx, this may look like:

server {
  listen ssl;
  server_name example.com;
  ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/example.com/fullchain.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/example.com/privkey.pem;

  # All files in this root are JSON, but may not have the extension.
  root /var/lib/diridp/main/webroot;
  types { }
  default_type application/json;

If you'd like to serve other content from the same vhost, you may also configure locations for the two specific files that need to be served:

location = /.well-known/openid-configuration {
  root /var/lib/diridp/main/webroot;
  types { }
  default_type application/json;

# This path can be customized with the `jwks_path` option in diridp config.
location = /jwks.json {
  root /var/lib/diridp/main/webroot;
  types { }
  default_type application/json;

Example: AWS integration

An identity provider can be created in AWS IAM. This instructs AWS how to verify tokens. In Terraform syntax, this'd look like:

locals {
  example_idp_host = "example.com"

resource "aws_iam_openid_connect_provider" "example_idp" {
  # This must match the `issuer` setting in diridp, and virtual host.
  url = "https://${local.example_idp_host}"

  # This must match the `aud` claim in the diridp token.
  client_id_list = ["sts.amazonaws.com"]

  # This pins the certificate authority (CA) that issued the HTTPS certificate,
  # and is required by AWS. Here we determine it at `terraform apply` time, so
  # if the CA certificate ever changes, simply re-apply the Terraform config.
  # This requires the `hashicorp/tls` provider.
  thumbprint_list = [data.tls_certificate.example_idp.certificates[0].sha1_fingerprint]

data "tls_certificate" "example_idp" {
  url = "https://${local.example_idp_host}"

Once configured, AWS will accept tokens from this identity provider in calls to the STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity action, but we first need to create a role that can be assumed with the token:

resource "aws_iam_role" "example_role" {
  name = "example_role"

  assume_role_policy = jsonencode({
    Version = "2012-10-17"
    Statement = [
        Effect = "Allow"
        Action = "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"
        Principal = {
          Federated = aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.example_idp.arn
        Condition = {
          # This limits the role to tokens with a matching `sub` claim.
          StringLike = {
            "${local.example_idp_host}:sub" = "my-application"

(The above example role has no permissions at all. You'd typically attach some policies to it to allow it to actually do anything.)

Now, you can use the role in any application using the offical AWS SDKs by setting these environment variables:

# Matches the `path` in diridp configuration.
# Example, replace with the actual role ARN.

Behind the scenes, the AWS SDK does something similar to the following AWS CLI command:

aws sts assume-role-with-web-identity \
  --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/example_role" \
  --role-session-name "<generated by the SDK>" \
  --web-identity-token "<token contents>"

This effectively creates a regular AWS access key with a very short lifetime (1 hour by default) and then continues as normal using that access key. But the AWS SDK handles automatic refresh for you.

Example: Docker integration

By using a path with a parameter, new tokens can be defined at run-time simply by creating directories:

    issuer: "https://example.com"
      - path: "/run/diridp/containers/:sub/aws_token"
          aud: "sts.amazonaws.com"

Docker automatically creates directories for volume mounts, so an application using the AWS SDK could be started as follows:

docker run \
  -v /run/diridp/containers/my_app:/run/secrets/diridp:ro \
  -e AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE=/run/secrets/diridp/aws_token \
  -e AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/example_role \

Note that when stopping / removing containers, these directories are not automatically cleaned up.


~267K SLoC