Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Anyhow is used at run time in 26,938 crates (of which 2,030 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 16,470 crates. It's used at build time in 918 crates (of which 138 optionally, 225 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 2,535 crates (of which 1,674 directly).

Number of dependers Anyhow version Downloads/month
30,363 1.0.96 0
7 1.0.95 8.7M
1 1.0.91 251K
5 1.0.89 669K
3 1.0.86 1.4M
1 1.0.82 240K
2 1.0.80 161K
1 1.0.79 278K
3 1.0.75 431K
1 1.0.72 501K
1 1.0.68 309K
1 1.0.48 40K
1 1.0.42 35K
1 1.0.38 50K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Anyhow version
9.3M 54 prost-derive ^1.0.1
1.1M 112 http-types ^1.0.26
1.8M 225 reqwest-middleware ^1.0.0
1.2M 109 reqwest-retry ^1.0.0
1.0M 64 reqwest-tracing ^1.0.70
4.8M 834 pyo3 optional ^1.0.1
863K 178 vergen ^1.0.95
596K 99 protobuf-codegen ^1.0.53
588K 59 wit-parser ^1.0.58
576K 2 ffi_helpers ^1.0.44
513K 40 netlink-packet-route ^1.0.31
512K 45 netlink-packet-core ^1.0.31
503K 25 netlink-packet-utils ^1.0.31
474K 28 wasmtime-environ ^1.0.93
471K 204 wasmtime ^1.0.93
466K 8 wasmtime-jit-icache-coherence ^1.0.93
458K 7 wasmtime-cranelift ^1.0.93
421K 3 av1-grain ^1.0.58
392K 18 protobuf-parse ^1.0.53
381K 56 wasmprinter ^1.0.58
377K 5 wasmtime-cache ^1.0.93
316K 4 wasmtime-types ^1.0.22
310K 15 wasm-metadata ^1.0.58
306K 351 log4rs ^1.0.28
306K 4 vergen-lib ^1.0.95
290K 54 wit-component ^1.0.58
281K include_dir_impl ^1.0
262K 192 tauri ^1
252K 9 wasmtime-runtime ^1.0.22
244K 4 wasmtime-jit ^1.0.22
242K 4 sc-executor-wasmtime ^1.0.81
236K 3 wasmtime-component-macro ^1.0
235K 3 wasmtime-wit-bindgen ^1.0.93
234K 31 tauri-build ^1
677K 183 swc_common optional ^1.0.81
222K 26 wasm-opt ^1.0.58
209K wasmtime-cranelift-shared ^1.0.22
209K 28 wit-bindgen-core ^1.0.72
622K 25 cucumber optional ^1.0.58
621K 51 cranelift-codegen optional ^1.0.93
202K 197 mdbook ^1.0.71
202K 5 wasmtime-fiber ^1.0.93
201K 1 wasm-opt-cxx-sys ^1.0.58
201K 2 wasm-opt-sys build ^1.0.58
198K 2 sentry-anyhow ^1.0.39
187K 14 libbpf-cargo ^1.0.1
186K 1 libyml ^1.0.86
178K 10 google-cloud-storage ^1.0
178K 44 walrus ^1.0
172K 5 ittapi ^1.0.56
172K 59 tarpc ^1.0
170K 15 witx ^1
168K 6 rustify ^1.0.56
168K 2 winch-codegen ^1.0.93
167K 3 wasmtime-winch ^1.0.93
162K 5 wit-bindgen-rust ^1.0.72
161K 13 cargo-llvm-cov ^1.0.47
159K 2 wasm-bindgen-cli ^1.0
159K 1 wit-bindgen-rust-macro ^1.0.72
141K 34 cargo-util ^1.0.86
140K 127 deno_core ^1
136K 22 wasm-bindgen-cli-support ^1.0
135K 45 axum-test ^1.0
133K 9 tauri-plugin-fs ^1
131K 9 uniffi_bindgen ^1
131K 4 uniffi_meta ^1
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-externref-xform ^1.0
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform ^1.0
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-threads-xform ^1.0
131K 5 wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions ^1.0
131K 1 wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter ^1.0
129K 89 wasmtime-wasi ^1.0.93
128K 46 uniffi ^1
128K 1 uniffi_udl ^1
127K 10 pyo3-stub-gen ^1.0.95
127K 1 uniffi_core ^1
126K 1 uniffi_testing ^1
126K 7 wasmer-config ^1
380K 57 napi optional ^1
122K 2 lcov2cobertura ^1.0.95
120K 32 anchor-syn ^1
119K 124 cargo ^1.0.86
119K 26 jwt-simple ^1.0.94
117K 5 wasmer-package ^1.0.90
116K 6 uniffi_build ^1
115K 3 zombienet-configuration ^1.0
115K 4 zombienet-support ^1.0
115K 1 zombienet-orchestrator ^1.0
115K 2 zombienet-provider ^1.0
114K 3 cargo-zigbuild ^1.0.53
113K pallet-revive-fixtures ^1.0.81
111K 3 reqsign ^1
111K 13 cargo-credential ^1.0.86
110K 40 solana-rpc-client-api ^1.0.95
106K 6 anchor-attribute-program ^1
106K 1 cargo-xwin ^1.0.53
105K 20 solana-net-utils ^1.0.95
105K 68 tiktoken-rs ^1.0.76
105K 45 puffin ^1.0
103K 14 swc_config ^1.0.81
103K 2 xwin ^1.0
102K 66 opendal ^1.0.30
101K 14 swc_cached ^1.0.81
101K 2 wiggle-generate ^1.0.93
101K 22 wiggle ^1.0.93
96K 1 jemalloc_pprof ^1
95K 1 apriltag-sys build ^1.0.68
94K 4 sqlx-cli ^1.0.52
282K 56 lambda_runtime optional ^1.0.86
91K 14 swc_ecma_loader ^1.0.81
90K cargo-ndk ^1.0.75
85K 1 cargo-machete ^1.0.86
83K 13 puffin_http ^1.0
80K 19 webc ^1.0
243K 5 allo-isolate optional ^1.0.58
78K 1 mappings ^1
78K 2 pprof_util ^1
77K 30 termwiz ^1.0
77K 6 torch-sys build ^1.0.60
73K 5 os-version ^1.0.27
71K 191 candid ^1.0
72K 16 wai-bindgen-gen-core ^1
72K 3 wai-parser ^1.0
71K 16 josekit ^1
71K 11 wasm-pack ^1.0.68
71K 5 wasm-smith ^1.0.58
70K 8 binary-install ^1.0
70K 28 vergen-gitcl ^1.0.95
70K 6 zk_evm ^1.0
68K 22 cairo-lang-sierra ^1.0.83
66K 5 axum_typed_multipart ^1.0.72
66K 26 qdrant-client ^1.0.89
66K thingvellir ^1.0
66K taplo-cli ^1
65K 10 vergen-git2 ^1.0.93
65K 5 virtual-net ^1.0
65K 15 wasmer-wasix ^1.0.66
65K 4 wasmer-wasix-types ^1.0.66
64K 1 wasmer-journal ^1.0
194K 108 tauri-plugin optional ^1
64K 42 actix-session ^1
64K 2 cargo-deny ^1.0
62K 15 wasmtime-wasi-http ^1.0.93
60K 2 cargo-credential-libsecret ^1.0.86
60K 23 http-cache-reqwest ^1.0.95
61K 3 leptos_hot_reload ^1.0
59K 1 cargo-fuzz ^1.0.66
58K clap-adapters ^1.0.75
59K 7 swc_error_reporters ^1.0.81
174K 13 sp-wasm-interface optional ^1.0.81
174K 6 svm-rs optional ^1.0
56K 18 proc-maps ^1.0.40
56K 28 rustpython-parser build ^1.0.45
169K 47 human_bytes optional ^1.0
55K 11 askalono ^1.0.44
55K 3 foyer ^1
55K 2 foyer-storage ^1.0
54K 20 async-session ^1.0.40
55K foundations ^1.0.75
54K 5 ui_test ^1.0.6
52K 7 oci-wasm ^1
52K 1 serde_bser ^1.0
52K 4 watchman_client ^1.0
51K cargo-chef ^1.0.33
52K flutter_rust_bridge_codegen ^1.0.64
50K 1 ginepro ^1
150K 21 googletest optional ^1
49K 65 bat build ^1.0.86
49K sarif-fmt ^1.0.94
49K 4 testing_macros ^1.0.81
48K 11 cairo-vm ^1.0.69
48K clippy-sarif ^1.0.94
48K 56 llvm-sys build ^1.0
145K 1 orchestra-proc-macro optional ^1
47K 21 ics23 ^1.0.40
141K 6 pulley-interpreter optional ^1.0.93
46K cargo-hack ^1.0.47
46K 14 deno_lint ^1.0.79
46K 15 tqdm ^1.0
46K 3 wit-bindgen-wrpc-rust ^1
46K 21 wrpc-transport ^1
45K 10 wit-bindgen-wrpc ^1
45K 1 wit-bindgen-wrpc-rust-macro ^1
44K 43 cranelift-module ^1.0.93
44K 9 wrpc-transport-nats ^1
43K wasm-component-ld ^1.0.80
43K 5 wrpc-interface-http ^1
43K 2 zk_evm_abstractions ^1.0
130K 34 socketcan optional ^1
42K 11 cargo-edit ^1.0
42K 9 pathsearch ^1.0
42K 4 serde-env ^1
42K 5 swc_ecma_testing ^1.0.81
41K 6 cargo-license ^1
41K 159 cw-multi-test ^1.0.95
41K 37 swc_ecma_transforms_testing ^1.0.81
40K 37 wasi-common ^1.0.93
40K 4 wrpc-runtime-wasmtime ^1
120K 7 virtual-fs optional ^1.0.66
39K 16 cairo-lang-compiler ^1.0.83
39K 20 cairo-lang-starknet ^1.0.83
38K 39 argmin ^1.0
38K 6 cairo-lang-formatter ^1.0.83
38K 14 cargo-generate ~1.0
36K 7 anchor-lang-idl ^1
36K 8 fast-socks5 ^1
35K 22 argmin-math ^1.0
35K 34 dateparser ^1.0.75
105K 157 mlua optional ^1.0
34K 1 anchor-lang-idl-spec ^1
34K cargo-codspeed ^1.0.86
33K 1 ast-grep ^1.0.82
33K 19 grpc-build ^1
32K 12 cranelift-object ^1.0.93
31K 2 maturin ^1.0.80
32K 16 petname build ^1
32K 67 sequoia-openpgp ^1.0.18
31K 12 risc0-binfmt ^1.0
30K 3 risc0-circuit-recursion ^1.0
31K 3 risc0-circuit-rv32im ^1.0
31K 15 risc0-zkp ^1.0
30K 27 risc0-zkvm ^1.0
30K 4 shank_macro_impl ^1.0.48
29K 1 risc0-groth16 ^1.0
89K 27 flex-error optional ^1.0.40
29K 36 embuild ^1
29K 4 rustc-build-sysroot ^1.0
28K 5 bolero-engine ^1
27K 6 cln-rpc ^1.0
28K 8 ra_ap_project_model ^1.0.75
28K 3 sp1-build ^1.0.83
27K 4 sp1-recursion-gnark-ffi ^1.0.86
85K 2 flutter_rust_bridge optional ^1.0.64
84K 23 arrow-flight optional ^1.0
26K 11 re_build_tools ^1.0
26K 1 ripgrep ^1.0.75
27K 4 risc0-build ^1.0
27K 6 sp1-prover ^1.0.83
27K 5 sp1-sdk ^1.0.83
26K 10 swc_bundler ^1.0.81
82K 10 serde-sarif optional ^1.0.94
26K 1 cargo-leptos ^1.0.89
26K 2 llvm_profparser ^1.0.65
26K 9 peroxide ^1.0
25K 9 starlark ^1.0.65
25K 14 varisat ^1.0.32
25K 2 varisat-checker ^1.0.32
25K 2 varisat-dimacs ^1.0.32
25K 2 varisat-internal-proof ^1.0.32
79K 77 poem optional ^1.0.0
25K 4 anchor-attribute-interface ^1.0.32
25K 4 anchor-attribute-state ^1.0.32
24K 12 bitcoind ^1.0.66
25K 11 candid_parser ^1.0
24K 2 cargo-component ^1.0.82
25K 52 re_log_types ^1.0
24K 51 re_types ^1.0
25K 26 re_types_core ^1.0
25K 14 shuttle-service ^1.0.66
23K datafusion-server ^1.0.95
23K 7 fancy-duration ^1
23K 34 fuel-core-types ^1.0
23K 1 hyper-unix-connector ^1.0
24K 2 starlark_syntax ^1.0.65
23K 21 cranelift-jit ^1.0.93
23K mdbook-i18n-helpers ^1.0.83
23K 20 re_query ^1.0
22K 26 shuttle-runtime ^1.0.66
22K 7 tree-sitter-loader ^1.0.95
21K 19 bootloader ^1.0.32
21K 3 cargo-binutils ^1.0
21K 4 crux_core ^1.0.95
22K 44 headless_chrome ^1
22K 15 re_chunk ^1.0
21K 1 re_types_builder ^1.0
22K 20 rerun ^1.0
22K shellflip ^1.0.56
22K 25 tls-api ^1.0.44
22K 1 tree-sitter-cli ^1.0.95
22K 5 tree-sitter-config ^1.0.95
64K 100 error-stack optional >=1.0.73
20K cargo-about ^1.0
21K crux_http ^1.0.95
21K 1 openblas-build ^1.0.68
20K 9 tract-core ^1.0.43
20K 3 tract-data ^1.0.43
21K trunk ^1
20K 6 wac-graph ^1.0.81
20K 3 wac-types ^1.0.81
21K 2 wadm-client ^1
21K 4 wadm-types ^1
19K 22 esp-idf-sys build ^1
20K 22 portable-pty ^1.0
19K 30 re_chunk_store ^1.0
18K cargo-risczero ^1.0
19K cargo-sweep ^1.0.43
18K cargo-udeps ^1.0
18K 1 community-id ^1.0.71
18K 28 fluvio-future ^1.0
19K 7 gtmpl ^1
19K 8 gtmpl_value ^1
19K 1 http-types-red-badger-temporary-fork ^1.0.26
18K 5 preset_env_base ^1.0.81
19K protofetch ^1.0.86
18K 2 tauri-bundler ^1
18K 6 xtensa-lx-rt build ^1.0.95
18K 8 yellowstone-grpc-proto build ^1.0.62
18K 4 esp-metadata ^1.0.95
18K 2 esp-wifi-sys build ^1.0.95
17K 10 jwt-compact ^1.0.34
17K 15 lindera-dictionary ^1.0.95
17K 3 near-config-utils ^1.0.62
17K 12 netlink-packet-generic ^1.0.39
17K 3 ocipkg ^1.0.86
17K okapi-operation ^1
18K rgwml ^1.0.82
18K 1 swc_compiler_base ^1.0.81
17K 2 wasmtime-c-api-impl ^1.0.93
18K 13 zksync_concurrency ^1
18K 9 zksync_consensus_utils ^1
18K 16 zksync_protobuf ^1
18K 9 zksync_protobuf_build ^1
17K 53 anchor-client ^1
16K 3 apple-bundles ^1.0.93
17K 1 cargo-c ^1.0
16K 1 dify ^1.0.40
16K 20 dprint-core ^1.0.69
17K 5 evcxr ^1.0.33
16K evcxr_repl ^1.0.33
17K 4 ffmpeg-sidecar ^1.0.79
16K 41 intel-mkl-src build ^1.0.58
16K 1 intel-mkl-tool ^1.0.58
16K 6 logforth ^1.0
17K 4 lsp-async-stub ^1
17K 7 paperclip ^1.0
17K 1 regorus ^1.0.45
16K 1 risc0-circuit-keccak ^1.0
17K 5 swc_ecma_preset_env ^1.0.81
16K 7 swc_ecma_transforms_module ^1.0.81
17K 3 taplo-common ^1.0.53
16K 6 tls-api-stub ^1.0.44
16K 3 async-http-codec ^1.0.44
15K 13 fastly ^1.0.28
15K 110 fvm_shared ^1.0.71
15K 1 hyperfine ^1.0
15K 28 libipld-core ^1.0.40
15K pyembed ^1.0.68
15K 1 python-oxidized-importer ^1.0.68
15K 4 python-packaging ^1.0.68
16K 4 python-packed-resources ^1.0.68
15K 2 shuttle-api-client ^1.0.66
16K starknet-sierra-compile ^1.0.83
15K statsig-rs ^1.0
15K 24 swc ^1.0.81
16K 1 tauri-cli ^1
16K 4 wasm-compose ^1.0.58
47K 13 allocative optional ^1.0.65
14K 6 ast-grep-config ^1.0.82
14K 4 cairo-lang-test-plugin ^1.0.83
15K cargo-gc-bin ^1.0.75
15K 21 dprint-plugin-typescript ^1.0.64
15K 3 extism-convert ^1.0.75
14K 18 fuel-core-storage ^1.0
14K 3 kittycad-modeling-cmds ^1.0.95
15K omicron-zone-package ^1.0
14K sccache ^1.0
14K 2 superconsole ^1.0.65
14K typos-cli ^1.0
14K 8 zksync_consensus_crypto ^1
14K 8 zksync_consensus_roles ^1
13K 5 async-codec-lite ^1.0
14K 21 bevy_asset_loader ^1
13K cargo-shear ^1.0.95
13K 9 fuel-core-chain-config ^1.0
13K 5 kafka-protocol ^1.0.80
13K 2 lindera-cc-cedict-builder ^1.0.81
14K 17 lindera-core ^1.0.89
13K 7 lindera-decompress ^1.0.81
13K 2 lindera-ipadic-builder ^1.0.81
13K 2 lindera-ko-dic-builder ^1.0.81
13K 2 lindera-unidic-builder ^1.0.81
14K 7 runtimelib ^1
13K 104 bio ^1
12K 1 build-info-proc ^1
13K 1 cd ^1.0
12K 3 darrentsung_debug_parser ^1.0
13K 1 dotrain ^1
13K 13 fuel-core-client ^1.0
12K 10 fuel-core-services ^1.0
12K 4 fvm ^1.0.71
12K 4 kittycad ^1
12K laze ^1.0.95
12K 15 lindera ^1.0.95
12K lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder ^1.0.81
12K 1 lnbits-rs ^1
12K 8 near-chain-configs ^1.0.62
12K 1 phoenixd-rs ^1
12K 1 rain-metadata ^1.0.75
13K 5 re_ws_comms ^1.0
13K 3 rustfst ^1
12K 1 sigstore_protobuf_specs build ^1.0.72
12K 1 strike-rs ^1
12K 20 vergen-gix ^1.0.95
13K 4 wasi-cap-std-sync ^1.0.22
13K 26 zenoh-result ^1.0.89
12K 6 zksync_consensus_storage ^1
39K 75 juniper optional ^1.0.47
12K 6 apple-codesign ^1.0.93
12K 10 build-info-build ^1
12K cargo-outdated ^1.0
11K 13 deno_task_shell ^1.0.75
11K 1 dinghy-build ^1.0.58
11K 10 extism-pdk ^1
11K 3 fuel-core-poa ^1.0
11K 1 lindera-compress ^1.0.81
11K 3 re_data_loader ^1.0
11K 25 re_renderer ^1.0
11K 1 starlark_lsp ^1.0.65
12K 1 stronghold_engine ^1.0
12K 2 wasmtime-debug ^1.0
11K wasmtime-obj ^1.0
11K 1 wasmtime-profiling ^1.0
10K 9 bevy_kira_audio ^1.0
10K 11 defmt-decoder ^1.0.65
10K 1 kubewarden-policy-sdk ^1.0
11K 4 netlink-packet-sock-diag ^1.0.32
10K 4 ra_ap_load-cargo ^1.0.75
10K 32 re_viewer_context ^1.0
10K 6 tabbycat ^1
11K 1 tango-bench ^1.0.75
10K 2 twenty-twenty ^1.0.71
11K 5 tzf-rs ^1
10K wallust ^1.0
10K 1 wasm-bindgen-webidl ^1.0
30K 15 fuel-vm optional ^1.0
30K 2 libmdbx optional ^1
10K idl2json_cli ^1
10K jurisdiction ^1
10K 4 re_data_source ^1.0
10K 15 re_data_ui ^1.0
9.9K 1 re_viewer ^1.0
9.8K 7 netwatch ^1
9.8K 7 jupyter-protocol ^1
9.8K 5 portmapper ^1
9.6K 3 tree-sitter-generate ^1.0.95
9.5K nbformat ^1
9.5K fd-find ^1.0
9.4K 3 near-sandbox-utils ^1
9.4K 2 app-store-connect ^1.0.93
9.4K jupyter-websocket-client ^1
9.4K adaptive_backoff ^1.0
9.4K cargo-groups ^1.0.71
9.3K 1 dioxus-cli ^1.0.95
9.2K 3 blockifier ^1.0.44
9.2K 8 sql-builder ^1.0
9.1K 11 warg-crypto ^1.0.79
9.1K 2 warg-protobuf ^1.0.79
9.1K 3 warg-transparency ^1.0.79
9.1K dependency_runner ^1.0.79
9.1K 11 warg-protocol ^1.0.79
9.1K 9 warg-client ^1.0.79
9.1K 13 svd-parser ^1.0.58
9.0K 1 wasm-tools ^1.0.58
27K 5 anyerror optional ^1.0.32
8.9K 5 async-smtp ^1
8.8K 1 fvm-wasm-instrument ^1.0.65
8.8K 4 wasm-pkg-common ^1
25K 1 iai-callgrind-runner optional ^1.0.46
8.6K 2 curvo ^1.0.95
8.5K 4 zksync_consensus_network ^1
8.5K 7 wasm-pkg-client ^1
8.5K 3 zksync_consensus_bft ^1
8.5K 7 texting_robots ^1.0.55
8.5K 2 zksync_consensus_executor ^1
8.4K 7 flamegraph ^1.0.43
8.2K 1 scarb-ui ^1
8.2K 3 http-cache-surf ^1.0.95
8.2K 5 lindera-dictionary-builder ^1.0.81
8.1K 2 tfc-toolset ^1.0.80
8.1K 14 iroh ^1
8.1K 1 tfc-toolset-extras ^1.0.80
8.0K 4 netlink-packet-wireguard ^1.0.42
8.0K 9 pipewire ^1
8.0K 111 fvm_ipld_encoding ^1.0.71
7.9K 1 dump_syms ^1.0
7.9K 5 lspower ^1.0
7.8K async_cache ^1
7.8K 9 risc0-sys ^1.0
7.8K 69 fvm_ipld_blockstore ^1.0.71
7.8K 1 lindera-filter ^1.0.81
7.7K wit-bindgen-cli ^1.0.72
7.7K 4 number_range ^1.0.69
7.7K 10 htmlentity ^1.0.70
7.7K 2 near-abi-client-impl ^1.0
7.7K 2 near-abi-client ^1.0
7.7K lindera-analyzer ^1.0.81
7.7K 1 ethtool ^1.0.44
7.6K 2 secmem-proc ^1.0
23K ic-wasm optional ^1.0.34
22K 25 libsql optional ^1.0.71
7.5K 1 cargo-edit-9 ^1.0
7.5K 1 rain_cli_ob ^1.0.70
7.4K cargo-cyclonedx ^1.0.75
7.3K steno ^1.0.86
7.3K 2 deepgram ^1.0.86
21K 19 salvo_core optional ^1
21K shuttle-proto optional ^1.0.66
7.1K 1 taos-optin ^1
7.0K 16 solana-core ^1.0.95
7.0K poison_pill ^1.0
21K zepter optional ^1.0.86
6.9K 17 cargo-release ^1.0.82
6.9K rustlings ^1.0.93
6.9K 4 cargo-semver-checks ^1.0.95
6.8K 3 bracket-terminal ~1.0
6.7K 2 apollo-router ^1.0.86
6.7K bacon ^1.0
6.7K semantic-release-cargo =1.0.95
6.6K qorb ^1.0
6.5K 40 fvm_ipld_hamt ^1.0.71
6.4K huniq ^1.0.56
6.3K 1 turbojpeg-sys build ^1.0
6.3K 16 substreams ^1
6.3K 17 fvm_ipld_amt ^1.0.71
6.3K devx-pre-commit ^1.0
6.3K 6 document_tree ^1.0.86
6.3K 3 tfrecord build ^1.0.75
6.2K 6 rst_renderer ^1.0.86
6.2K 2 actix-web-flash-messages ^1.0.44
6.2K 1 solana-wen-restart ^1.0.95
6.1K mempool_space ^1.0.86
6.1K 24 testdir ^1.0.20
6.1K 3 re_dataframe ^1.0
6.1K 1 mptcp-pm ^1.0.44
6.0K 6 pact-plugin-driver ^1.0.86
6.0K parity-publish ^1.0.86
5.9K 23 k9 ^1.0.32
5.8K 1 dotenv_config ^1
5.7K 17 extism ^1
5.7K 11 merkletree ^1.0.23
5.6K 2 swc_ecma_quote_macros ^1.0.81
5.6K zizmor ^1.0.95
5.6K v-common-v8 ^1.0.32
5.6K 3 mdbook-preprocessor-boilerplate ^1.0.70
5.6K dabih ^1.0.72
5.6K 5 zellij-utils ^1.0.70
5.6K core-isa-parser ^1.0
5.5K 10 okstd ^1.0.81
5.5K pinecone-sdk ^1.0.86
5.5K re_space_view_tensor ^1.0
5.5K re_space_view_spatial ^1.0
5.5K netidx-tools ^1
5.4K re_space_view_dataframe ^1.0
5.4K mdbook-linkcheck ^1.0.28
5.4K wasmcloud-component-adapters build ^1
5.4K 18 bevy_common_assets ^1
5.4K neocmakelsp ^1.0.95
5.4K 7 rattler_networking ^1.0.95
5.4K 1 uo_rst_parser ^1.0.86
5.4K 4 nydus-rafs ^1.0.35
5.3K 1 wasmtime-provider ^1.0
5.3K 36 snarkvm-utilities ^1.0
5.3K 10 fuel-core ^1.0
5.3K 21 snarkvm-fields ^1.0
15K cargo-bundle-licenses optional ^1.0.70
5.2K 10 trustfall ^1.0.71
5.2K 3 fuel-core-executor ^1.0
5.2K 5 sucds ^1.0
5.2K 27 snarkvm-algorithms ^1.0
5.2K 5 postgresql_embedded build ^1.0.95
5.1K cargo-matrix ^1.0.79
5.1K create-tauri-app ^1
5.1K 13 snarkvm-parameters ^1
5.1K 1 wl-nl80211 ^1.0.44
5.1K 9 snarkvm-console-network-environment ^1.0.73
5.1K 2 fuel-core-importer ^1.0
5.1K 4 tls-api-rustls ^1.0.44
5.1K 1 fuel-core-producer ^1.0
5.1K 1 fuel-core-txpool ^1.0
5.1K pks ^1.0.75
5.1K 1 fuel-core-database ^1.0
5.1K 3 fvm_actor_utils ^1.0.56
5.0K dylint_driver ^1.0
5.0K merge-junit ^1.0
5.0K 2 tls-api-not-tls ^1.0.44
5.0K 5 snarkvm-console-network ^1.0.73
5.0K 3 stylua ^1.0.75
5.0K mdbook-pandoc ^1.0.47
5.0K 2 tauri-macos-sign ^1
5.0K 1 hyperscan-sys build ^1
5.0K worker-build ^1.0.71
4.9K cargo-run-bin ^1.0.40
4.9K 2 hyperscan ^1.0
4.9K 3 swc_plugin_runner ^1.0.81
4.9K 6 filecoin-hashers ^1.0.34
4.9K 2 ubi ^1.0.95
4.9K 5 fr32 ^1.0.23
4.9K 2 monitor_client ^1.0.86
4.9K 1 google-cloud-bigquery ^1.0
4.9K 1 fuel-core-consensus-module ^1.0
4.9K 3 wasm-pkg-core ^1
4.9K 3 iroh-relay ^1
4.9K 6 filecoin-proofs ^1.0.23
4.9K 2 iroh-net-report ^1
4.9K 8 tugger-common ^1.0.68
4.8K 14 deno_doc ^1.0.86
4.8K 8 storage-proofs-core ^1.0.23
4.8K 6 cumulus-client-consensus-proposer ^1.0.81
4.8K 1 filenamegen ^1.0
4.8K 2 trustfall_rustdoc ^1.0.89
4.8K 6 filecoin-proofs-api ^1.0.26
4.8K 7 wasmcloud-core ^1
4.8K 5 storage-proofs-porep ^1.0.23
4.8K 1 aya-rustc-llvm-proxy build ^1.0.72
4.8K 3 storage-proofs-post ^1.0.23
4.8K 2 storage-proofs-update ^1.0.23
4.8K 4 tugger-windows ^1.0.68
4.8K 3 tugger-windows-codesign ^1.0.68
4.8K rtools ^1.0
4.7K secret_rs ^1
4.7K 1 objpoke ^1.0.56
4.7K 3 volo-thrift ^1
4.7K cargo-mutants ^1.0.86
4.7K 14 dprint-plugin-json ^1.0.64
4.7K 4 rattler ^1.0.95
4.6K i18n-report ^1.0.83
4.6K 4 dprint-plugin-jupyter ^1.0.51
4.6K 13 dprint-plugin-markdown ^1.0.64
4.6K 7 snarkvm-synthesizer ^1.0
4.6K 3 rattler_cache ^1.0.95
4.6K truelayer-signing ^1.0
4.6K 6 pact_mock_server ^1.0.86
4.6K 4 snarkvm-ledger-authority ^1
13K 2 oso optional ^1.0.44
4.5K 5 rattler_repodata_gateway ^1.0.95
4.5K 7 pilota ^1
4.5K 1 easy-repl ^1.0
4.5K 10 snarkvm-ledger-store ^1.0.73
4.5K 1 fuel-core-wasm-executor ^1.0
4.5K mesa ^1.0.44
4.5K 5 tezos_crypto_rs ^1.0
4.5K 2 router-bridge ^1.0.79
4.5K 10 quic-rpc ^1
4.5K 1 cling ^1.0
4.5K opa-wasm ^1
4.5K 4 k8-client ^1.0
4.4K 2 re_view_spatial ^1.0
4.4K 1 re_view_tensor ^1.0
4.4K 1 fuel-core-p2p ^1.0
4.4K 1 re_view_dataframe ^1.0
4.4K s3sync ^1.0.95
4.4K libyuv build ^1.0.80
4.4K 1 snarkvm-ledger ^1.0.73
4.4K pact_ffi ^1.0.86
4.4K 2 hawk ^1.0
4.3K 5 druid-shell ^1.0.69
4.3K rustup-toolchain-install-master ^1.0.31
4.3K cargo-check-external-types ^1
4.3K 11 fastembed ^1
4.3K 3 spiffe build ^1
4.3K 2 vbs ^1.0
4.3K 1 tide-disco ^1.0
4.3K 4 k8-metadata-client ^1.0
4.2K 23 gotham ^1.0.5
4.2K 1 tracing-perfetto ^1.0.86
4.2K cargo-criterion ^1.0
4.2K 1 fuel-core-gas-price-service ^1.0
4.2K 1 worker-codegen ^1
4.2K 12 contract-metadata ^1.0.94
4.2K 1 ripunzip ^1.0.66
4.2K zoxide ^1.0.32
4.2K 3 corepc-node ^1.0.66
4.2K prigen-cli ^1.0.70
4.1K dbs-upcall ^1
4.1K cargo-diff-tools ^1.0
4.1K 13 node_resolver ^1.0.57
4.1K photon-indexer ^1.0.79
4.1K 14 fil_actors_shared ^1.0
4.0K 1 radix-wasm-instrument ^1.0.71
4.0K 28 ckb-error ^1.0.34
4.0K rsiot ^1.0.80
4.0K 1 forc-wallet ^1.0
4.0K 4 fil_actor_verifreg_state ^1.0
4.0K 8 deno_cache ^1.0.57
4.0K 13 iroh-net ^1
4.0K 2 styled_jsx ^1.0.83
4.0K 2 fil_actor_market_state ^1.0
4.0K 2 fil_actor_multisig_state ^1.0
4.0K 2 fil_actor_init_state ^1.0
4.0K 2 fil_actor_miner_state ^1.0
3.9K 2 fil_actor_power_state ^1.0
3.9K monitor_cli ^1.0.86
3.9K 14 pact_models ^1.0.93
3.9K 7 jmt ^1.0.38
3.9K kani-verifier ^1
3.8K 2 pact_consumer ^1.0.86
3.8K wit-validator ^1.0
3.8K wit-text ^1.0
3.8K osm-lump-ways ^1.0.89
3.8K 1 hive_metastore ^1
3.8K wit-walrus ^1.0
3.8K 1 stack-sizes ^1
3.8K 3 wasmer-deploy-schema ^1.0.68
3.7K shellcheck-sarif ^1.0.94
3.7K wasmer-deploy-cli ^1.0.68
3.7K 1 rust-criu ^1.0.56
3.7K 9 pact_matching ^1.0.82
3.7K 4 deno_kv ^1.0.57
3.7K wasmi_cli ^1
3.6K 2 netidx-archive ^1
3.6K 2 fuel-core-compression ^1.0
3.6K yazi-fm ^1.0.95
3.6K dbcrossbar ^1.0.51
3.6K 1 cocogitto ^1.0.75
3.6K 2 yara-x ^1.0.86
3.5K bunyan ^1.0.66
10K 13 assertor optional ^1.0.86
10K 5 nnnoiseless optional ^1.0.55
10K 10 openraft optional ^1.0.63
3.5K 10 contract-build ^1.0.94
3.5K cargo-afl ^1.0
3.5K netidx-browser ^1
3.5K 4 deno_cron ^1.0.57
3.5K 1 fuel-core-relayer ^1.0
3.5K 5 warpgate_api ^1.0.95
3.5K 12 sequoia-ipc ^1.0.18
3.5K 6 ibc-types-domain-type ^1
3.5K statusline ^1.0
3.4K mds ^1.0.68
3.4K 4 ibc-types-core-commitment ^1
3.4K 4 ibc-types-core-connection ^1
3.4K 5 ibc-types-core-client ^1
3.4K darwin-v7 ^1.0
3.4K 1 ibc-types-lightclients-tendermint ^1
3.4K 2 wasmcloud-tracing ^1
3.4K 2 ibc-types-core-channel ^1
3.4K bpf-linker ^1.0.86
3.4K 6 wasmedge-sdk ^1.0
32.9M 10386 syn dev ^1
21.6M 70 regex-automata dev ^1.0.69
20.6M 20501 thiserror dev ^1.0.73
15.4M 11077 regex dev ^1.0.69
13.5M 159 winnow dev ^1.0.86
6.9M 1562 axum dev ^1.0
5.1M 3100 serde_yaml dev ^1.0.79
4.1M 717 num_enum dev ^1.0.14
3.8M 166 quinn dev ^1.0.22
2.6M 473 regex-lite dev ^1.0.69
3.1M 1088 zip dev ^1.0.60
1.9M 196 codespan-reporting dev ^1
2.0M 917 eyre dev ^1.0.28
1.3M 164 kube dev ^1.0.71
1.9M 142 moka dev ^1.0.19
1.7M 496 redis dev ^1
1.4M 93 relative-path dev ^1.0.76
2.0M 982 sqlx dev ^1.0.52
1.2M 70 wasm-encoder dev ^1.0.58
1.7M 200 wasmparser dev ^1.0.58
843K 10 qoi dev ^1.0
777K 288 curl dev ^1.0.31
762K 51 wast dev ^1.0.58
721K 19 sentry-core dev ^1.0.30
714K 72 sentry dev ^1.0.30
673K 4 c2pa dev ^1.0.40
651K 89 jiff dev ^1.0.81
606K 82 gix dev ^1
494K 71 attohttpc dev ^1.0.61
442K 313 smol dev ^1
410K 40 backon dev ^1
400K 152 oauth2 dev ^1.0
373K 42 xshell dev ^1.0.56
322K 6 wasmparser-nostd dev ^1.0.58
315K 21 spade dev ^1.0.75
299K 173 statrs dev ^1.0
274K 13 cargo-config2 dev ^1
254K 7 libp2p-request-response dev ^1.0.86
253K 237 cpal dev ^1.0
245K 150 testcontainers dev ^1.0.86
213K 28 phonenumber dev ^1
205K 60 neon dev ^1.0.75
198K 46 apache-avro dev ^1.0.86
190K 10 rustfix dev ^1.0.86
187K 4 gpiocdev dev ^1.0
182K 48 ort dev ^1.0
162K 205 mongodb dev ^1.0
153K 1 salvo-jwt-auth dev ^1
150K 10 tokio-pipe dev ^1.0
147K 1 azure_svc_blobstorage dev ^1.0
146K 3 thiserror-core dev ^1.0.73
143K 2 sentry-tower dev ^1
142K 54 io-uring dev ^1
140K 6 landlock dev ^1.0
133K 15 gpio-cdev dev ^1.0
129K 15 mini-moka dev ^1.0.19
126K 1 snowflake-jwt dev ^1
120K 125 ic-cdk dev ^1
121K 3 mcap dev ^1
119K 27 revm dev ^1.0.87
119K 1 snowflake-api dev ^1
118K 9 cab dev ^1.0
114K password-rules-parser dev ^1.0
110K 35 openidconnect dev ^1.0
107K 7 solana-pubsub-client dev ^1.0.95
107K 121 wasmer dev ^1.0
107K 3 solana-rpc-client-nonce-utils dev ^1.0.95
106K 6 prometheus-http-query dev ^1
106K 38 rust-s3 dev ^1
99K 130 solana-pubkey dev ^1.0.95
97K 78 tokio-serial dev ^1.0.91
95K 2 apriltag dev ^1.0.68
95K 1273 bevy dev ^1
94K 4 solana-secp256k1-recover dev ^1.0.95
94K 30 tower-sessions dev ^1
93K 51 thiserror-no-std dev ^1.0
92K 6 datadriven dev ^1.0
91K gpiocdev-embedded-hal dev ^1.0
91K 36 kanal dev ^1.0
84K 32 solana-system-interface dev ^1.0.89
83K 560 cosmwasm-schema dev ^1.0.57
82K 38 tiberius dev ^1
81K 2 opensearch dev ^1.0
80K 26 tokio-cron-scheduler dev ^1.0
77K 64 tch dev ^1.0.60
76K 44 async_zip dev ^1
71K 12 oci-client dev ^1.0
71K 1 openvino dev ^1.0
66K 235 cw-utils dev ^1.0.75
58K 27 genco dev ^1.0.31
57K 92 termimad dev ^1.0
54K 2 wasm-mutate dev ^1.0.58
53K 30 russh dev ^1.0.4
53K 83 swc_core dev ^1.0.81
53K 29 vfs dev ^1.0.58
47K 77 solana-cli-config dev ^1.0.95
47K 18 kafka dev ^1.0.55
46K 4 wasm-wave dev ^1.0.58
45K 77 candle-core dev ^1
45K 28 skia-safe dev ^1.0.75
44K 18 swc_ecma_minifier dev ^1.0.81
41K 5 blazesym dev ^1.0.71
41K 13 cbor4ii dev ^1
40K 1 wrpc-interface-blobstore dev ^1
33K 17 fastwebsockets dev ^1.0.71
34K 7 russh-sftp dev ^1.0
33K 6 instant-acme dev ^1.0.66
33K 16 oci-distribution dev ^1.0
32K 19 clap-stdin dev ^1.0
32K 16 near-account-id dev ^1.0.14
31K 1 wireguard-uapi dev ^1.0
31K 54 candle-nn dev ^1
31K 6 tokio-boring dev ^1
27K 1 trustfall-rustdoc-adapter dev ^1.0.89
26K 15 re_error dev ^1.0
26K 35 solana-message dev ^1.0.95
26K 13 solana-sysvar dev ^1.0.95
25K 1 sd dev ^1.0.75
25K 9 spdx-rs dev ^1
25K 19 leaky-bucket dev ^1.0.71
25K 16 serde_yaml_ng dev ^1.0.79
24K 4 bonsai-sdk dev ^1.0
24K 11 fn-error-context dev ^1.0.27
24K 4 solana-secp256k1-program dev ^1.0.95
23K 27 tokio-modbus dev ^1.0.86
22K 22 re_entity_db dev ^1.0
21K 8 dropshot dev ^1.0.95
22K 32 solana-transaction dev ^1.0.95
20K 44 ansi-to-tui dev ^1.0
21K 17 format_serde_error dev ^1
20K 1 musli-zerocopy dev ^1.0.81
20K 6 serde_arrow dev ^1
20K 28 rusqlite_migration dev ^1
18K 10 async-fn-stream dev ^1
18K 47 near-sdk dev ^1.0
18K 5 redis-module dev ^1
18K 6 serde_norway dev ^1.0.93
18K 1 vrl dev ^1
17K 23 esp-idf-hal dev ^1
18K 8 serde-error dev ^1.0
16K 3 dhall dev ^1.0.28
17K reconnecting-jsonrpsee-ws-client dev ^1
16K 6 redis_cluster_async dev ^1
15K actix-csrf dev ^1
15K 3 swc_ecma_lints dev ^1.0.81
14K 1 async-throttle dev ^1.0.70
14K 18 avro-rs dev ^1.0.31
15K 7 tokio-graceful-shutdown dev ^1.0.75
13K 10 apollo-parser dev ^1.0.66
13K 6 bdk_wallet dev ^1
13K 1 fjadra dev ^1.0.92
13K 1 kittycad-modeling-cmds-macros dev ^1.0.89
13K 1 kittycad-modeling-cmds-macros-impl dev ^1.0.95
13K 5 nt-time dev ^1.0.95
13K 12 pkarr dev ^1.0.95
13K 15 raft dev ^1.0.40
14K 2 utmp-classic dev ^1.0.26
13K 28 yaxpeax-arch dev ^1.0.41
13K 1 z3tracer dev ^1.0.40
13K 3 zip_structs dev ^1.0.66
12K 6 siwe dev ^1.0
12K 48 testresult dev ^1.0.86
13K 41 tui-logger dev ^1.0.91
12K 12 odbc-api dev ^1.0.95
10K 29 esp-idf-svc dev ^1
10K 6 genetlink dev ^1.0.42
11K 12 iroh-quinn dev ^1.0.22
10K 3 lsp-textdocument dev ^1
10K rslock dev ^1.0.93
10K 4 soroban-wasmi dev ^1.0
10K 7 wchar dev ^1.0
10K 11 apollo-compiler dev ^1.0
10K 1 print-positions dev ^1.0.69
10K 1 wasmbin dev ^1.0.79
9.9K 1 re_time_panel dev ^1.0
9.8K 12 public-api dev ^1.0.75
9.7K 5 sigstore dev ^1.0
9.6K 8 tracing-glog dev ^1
9.6K 4 wit-encoder dev ^1.0.58
9.0K 7 near-workspaces dev ^1.0
9.0K 1 elinor dev ^1.0.87
8.9K dittolive-ditto dev ^1.0.82
8.9K twapi-v2 dev ^1
8.7K 5 gtmpl_derive dev ^1
8.7K 1 nimiq-jsonrpc-server dev ^1.0
8.5K jsonrpsee-ws-server dev ^1
8.5K 1 matrix-pickle dev ^1.0.87
8.3K 2 buf-list dev ^1.0.70
8.1K taos-sys dev ^1
8.1K 7 vodozemac dev ^1.0.95
8.0K 6 socketpair dev ^1.0.38
7.9K 1 bondrewd-derive dev ^1.0.51
7.7K 38 tor-error dev ^1.0.72
7.7K 4 retry-error dev ^1.0.23
7.6K 4 tonlib-core dev ^1
7.4K risc0-bigint2 dev ^1.0
7.4K 21 binary-stream dev ^1
7.4K cancel-safe-futures dev ^1.0.72
7.3K 12 tor-netdoc dev ^1.0.23
7.3K 10 tor-persist dev ^1.0.23
7.3K nvbit-io dev ^1
7.3K 4 tor-socksproto dev ^1.0.75
7.2K 3 tokio-boring2 dev ^1
7.2K 1 axum-valid dev ^1.0.87
7.0K 1 thiserror-nostd-notrait dev ^1.0.73
6.7K 4 arrow-odbc dev ^1.0.91
6.7K 6 bgzip dev ^1
6.6K 5 dash-mpd dev ^1.0.95
6.6K 7 turbojpeg dev ^1.0
6.4K juniper_axum dev ^1.0
6.3K 1 async-bb8-diesel dev ^1.0
6.3K 7 vec-collections dev ^1.0.32
6.1K 2 tor-dirmgr dev ^1.0.23
6.1K 5 thiserror-ext dev ^1
6.0K kube-leader-election dev ^1
5.9K azure_devops_rust_api dev ^1
5.7K 11 rust_tokenizers dev ^1
5.7K 3 arroy dev ^1.0.86
5.7K 12 twilight-gateway dev ^1
5.6K 1 regex-cursor dev ^1.0.79
5.4K 3 bufsize dev ^1
5.4K 1 muxado dev ^1.0.66
5.4K 30 decaf377 dev ^1.0
5.3K 1 ngrok dev ^1.0.66
5.2K 17 decaf377-rdsa dev ^1.0
5.2K 1 interprocess-docfix dev ^1.0.32
5.2K 2 postgresql_archive dev ^1.0.95
5.0K 23 irc dev ^1.0.81
4.9K 1 httpc-test dev ^1
4.8K 5 snarkvm-circuit-algorithms dev ^1.0.73
4.8K 3 snarkvm-circuit-collections dev ^1.0.73
4.8K 2 snarkvm-circuit-account dev ^1.0.73
4.8K 1 snarkvm-circuit-program dev ^1.0.73
4.7K 1 pest_typed_generator dev ^1.0
4.5K 3 ntfs dev ^1.0
4.4K jsdoc dev ^1.0.81
4.3K azservicebus dev ^1.0
4.3K 1 axum-embed dev ^1.0.75
4.3K handle dev ^1.0
4.2K 5 cap-std-ext dev ^1.0
4.2K nvbit-rs dev ^1
4.1K axum-template dev ^1.0.61
4.1K 1 libdisplay-info dev ^1.0
4.1K 11 wtransport dev ^1.0.71
4.0K 2 wai-bindgen-gen-wasmer dev ^1.0
4.0K 2 rustdds dev ^1.0
4.0K 1 async-entry dev ^1.0.55
3.9K 7 faerie dev ^1.0
3.8K 1 file_type dev ^1.0.95
3.8K 3 libcgroups dev ^1.0
3.7K 2 community-managed-token dev ^1.0.52
3.7K stream-more dev ^1.0.63
3.6K 6 matrix-sdk-crypto dev ^1.0.95
3.6K 14 openh264 dev ^1.0.71
3.6K 3 flv-tls-proxy dev ^1.0.86
3.6K 19 musli dev ^1.0.81
3.6K 1 mas-http dev ^1.0.86
3.6K 1 yara-x-parser dev ^1.0.86
3.6K 1 pylon-cxx dev ^1
3.5K 4 dfu-libusb dev ^1
3.5K 2 re_data_store dev ^1.0
3.4K autd3-link-visualizer dev ^1.0.75