vfs is used at run time in 28 crates (of which 2 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 22 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 5 crates.

Number of dependers vfs version Downloads/month
10 0.12.0 7.3K
5 0.10.0 24K
5 0.9.0 17
1 0.7.1 0
6 0.5.2 550
4 0.4.0 0
2 0.2.1 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) vfs version
230 2 plottery_project ^0.12.0
120 spritebot_storage ^0.10.0
gitls ^0.9.0
1 niftygate-asset ^0.5.1
releaser =0.12.0
optima ^0.7.0
1 vfs-tar ^0.12
bakare ^0.4
vfs-tools ^0.9
fs3ds ^0.2.1
viscous ^0.2.1
vfs-https ^0.5.1
2 ayaka-bindings-types ^0.10
1 hemtt-bin-error ^0.9.0
1 ayaka-runtime ^0.10
codemerge ^0.12.0
ayaka-bindings ^0.10
1 grebedb ^0.5
300 odm-migration-utility optional ^0.9.0
vfs-shadow optional ^0.12
vfs-clgit optional ^0.4
vfs-zip optional ^0.4
58K 4 oxc_resolver dev ^0.12.0
15K 3 zip_structs dev ^0.5.2
2.2K 3 rspack_resolver dev ^0.12.0
360 refi dev ^0.12.0
img-renamer dev ^0.4.0