tls-api is used at run time in 39 crates (of which 3 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 24 crates.

Number of dependers tls-api version Downloads/month
10 0.12.0 2.3K
5 0.9.0 600
3 0.7.0 110
7 0.4.0 2.9K
2 0.2.1 8
12 0.1.22 15K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) tls-api version
17K 6 tls-api-stub ^0.12.0
15K 3 httpbis ^0.4.0
14K 1 tokio-tls-api =0.2.1
10K 17 grpc 0.4.*
4.5K 3 tls-api-rustls ^0.12.0
4.4K 1 tls-api-not-tls ^0.12.0
800 tls-api-test =0.9.0
600 3 tls-api-native-tls ^0.12.0
550 6 tls-api-test-2 ^0.12.0
320 tls-api-security-framework ^0.12.0
110 1 arti-hyper ^0.9.0
100 4 tls-api-openssl ^0.12.0
1 lapin-futures-tls-api ^0.2
lnd-rust ^0.1
grpc_etcd 0.*
offwall ^0.1
tuasmavlink ^0.1.10
auth ^0.1.14
rust-abci 0.*
tsp 0.*
depi ^0.7.0
edgedb-client ^0.7.0
4 eventific optional ^0.1.0
doip-tokio optional ^0.7