Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

serde_repr is used at run time in 2,939 crates (of which 573 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 651 crates. It's used at build time in 11 crates (of which 6 optionally, 1 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 170 crates (of which 14 directly).

Number of dependers serde_repr version Downloads/month
3,104 0.1.19 2.1M
6 0.1.16 282K
9 0.1.9 17K
1 0.1.8 17K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) serde_repr version
862K 161 zbus ^0.1.19
411K 100 bollard ^0.1
363K 151 lsp-types ^0.1
252K 186 tauri ^0.1
204K 13 ashpd ^0.1
118K 60 async-nats ^0.1.16
104K 8 tauri-plugin-fs ^0.1
88K zbus_polkit ^0.1.19
67K 85 tendermint ^0.1
62K 2 tauri-plugin-notification ^0.1
54K 39 twilight-model ^0.1.5
45K 5 schemafy ^0.1.7
39K 28 nats ^0.1.7
32K 1 tauri-plugin-log ^0.1
31K 2 ic-transport-types ^0.1.19
20K 30 ic-agent ^0.1.19
20K 24 thirtyfour ^0.1.19
19K 13 near-primitives-core ^0.1.8
16K 1 raft-engine ^0.1
15K 2 foundry-compilers-artifacts-solc ^0.1
15K 46 plotly ^0.1
14K celestia-tendermint ^0.1
15K 1 opentelemetry-application-insights ^0.1
14K 5 fe2o3-amqp-types ^0.1
11K 6 celestia-types ^0.1.19
11K 4 near-parameters ^0.1.8
11K 1 dotrain ^0.1.17
8.8K 1 svix ^0.1
8.6K 5 sigstore ^0.1
8.5K 5 bitwarden-api-api >=0.1.12, <0.2
8.5K 2 bitwarden-api-identity >=0.1.12, <0.2
25K 17 dioxus-html optional ^0.1
25K 8 h3o optional ^0.1
24K 5 op-alloy-genesis optional ^0.1
7.5K 4 aws-nitro-enclaves-cose ^0.1
7.1K 3 near-vm-runner ^0.1.8
6.8K 21 hyprland ^0.1
6.0K 2 rustdds ^0.1
5.5K 14 rattler_conda_types ^0.1
5.4K 111 fvm_ipld_encoding ^0.1
5.3K 1 cdr-encoding ^0.1
5.0K 5 librespot-discovery ^0.1
4.6K 4 ros2-client ^0.1
4.1K autocorrect ^0.1
3.8K 2 serenity-voice-model ^0.1.5
3.7K 11 discord-rich-presence ^0.1
3.3K 2 marionette ^0.1
3.0K 6 bitwarden-core >=0.1.12, <0.2
2.9K 1 rattler_lock ^0.1
2.9K opentalk-janus-client ^0.1
2.9K 2 bodhi ^0.1.7
2.8K tauri-plugin-positioner ^0.1
2.8K 1 configcat ^0.1
2.7K antimatter ^0.1.18
8.1K taos-sys optional ^0.1.7
2.4K 2 deno =0.1.16
2.4K 7 multiversx-sdk ^0.1.8
2.4K 14 fil_actors_shared ^0.1
2.3K 2 worterbuch-common ^0.1.16
2.3K ibkr_client_portal ^0.1.19
2.2K captcha_oxide ^0.1
1.8K 5 iceberg ^0.1.16
1.8K 11 eva-common ^0.1.7
1.8K opentalk-etherpad-client ^0.1
5.3K 10 syscalls optional ^0.1
1.4K 2 zinnia_runtime ^0.1.19
1.4K hubbub ^0.1.19
1.4K aoe2-probe ^0.1.19
1.3K functiontrace-server ^0.1
1.2K 1 dipper ^0.1
1.1K 1 tf2-enum ^0.1
3.9K 11 maili-genesis optional ^0.1.19
1.0K warframe ^0.1.19
1.0K 1 kind-openai-schema ^0.1.19
950 wrpt ^0.1.19
950 capacitor_bindings ^0.1
950 1 dalet ^0.1
950 3 bmbp_rdbc_sql ^0.1.19
900 rbx_api ^0.1.7
900 fichu ^0.1.19
850 1 bugbite ^0.1.19
850 2 bmbp_http_type ^0.1
800 pleezer ^0.1
800 1 tmdb-api ^0.1.18
800 1 mega ^0.1.19
800 qlue-ls ^0.1.19
800 smarty-rust-sdk ^0.1.16
800 udisks2 ^0.1
800 coc-rs ~0.1.16
750 1 monitord ^0.1
750 1 adb_client ^0.1.19
750 2 zarrs_metadata ^0.1.19
750 riven ^0.1.0
750 tod ^0.1.19
700 3 obws ^0.1.19
700 i3stat ^0.1.17
700 lumina-node-wasm ^0.1.19
650 3 upower_dbus ^0.1.10
650 10 reflexo ^0.1
600 hafas-rs ^0.1
600 1 openconfiguration ^0.1.12
600 netpulse ^0.1.19
600 authentik-client ^0.1
600 ayb ^0.1.19
600 rbw ^0.1.19
600 4 discord-sdk ^0.1
600 2 ftml ^0.1
550 3 cosey ^0.1
2.3K 7 identity_credential optional ^0.1
550 af-keys ^0.1
550 1 solaredge ^0.1
550 7 fil_actors_runtime_v8 ^0.1.8
500 6 ogcapi-types ^0.1.19
500 1 mediasoup ^0.1.9
500 1 jira_v3_openapi ^0.1.19
500 3 tile-grid ^0.1.12
2.0K 3 skynet_api optional ^0.1
480 5 norad ^0.1
480 1 ryot ^0.1
460 mariadb-mysql-kbs ^0.1.9
440 kraken_ws_client ^0.1
410 appium-client ^0.1.16
390 pods-blitz ^0.1.19
390 trovo ^0.1
380 1 direnv ^0.1.18
370 qeztorncodegen ^0.1
360 tencent_im_rs ^0.1.19
350 4 rust-spice ^0.1
340 1 ascom-alpaca ^0.1.18
330 1 qemu-display ^0.1
330 xtb-client ^0.1.18
1.5K 14 aranya-crypto optional ^0.1
330 6 themelio-stf ^0.1.7
320 hop-cli ^0.1
320 rust-cutil ^0.1.19
320 adyen ^0.1
310 1 geogebra-types ^0.1.19
300 1 nvim-oxi-api ^0.1
300 shogi-kifu-converter ^0.1
300 open-lark ^0.1.19
1.3K 2 svg2gcode optional ^0.1
280 rebels ^0.1.19
280 1 routee-compass-powertrain ^0.1
280 1 nextcloud_news_api ^0.1
270 deno_lib_ext =0.1.16
270 1 vrc-get-vpm ^0.1
260 open-wechat ^0.1.19
260 1 ctap-types ^0.1
260 1 enphase-local ^0.1.19
260 lsprotocol ^0.1.10
260 1 bitaxe_api ^0.1.19
260 4 i3ipc-types ^0.1
260 zeeper ^0.1.19
260 inlottie ^0.1
250 doist ^0.1.19
250 akvakulturregisteret_rs ^0.1
250 2 binance-rs-async ^0.1
250 6 transmission-rpc ^0.1.17
240 numcodecs-linear-quantize ^0.1
240 static-web-server ^0.1
240 valhalla-client ^0.1.19
240 2 furse ^0.1
230 1 venator-engine ^0.1.19
230 gocardless-bankaccountdata ^0.1
230 testez-companion-cli ^0.1.19
220 fireblocks-sdk ^0.1
220 1 stereokit ^0.1.12
1.1K 5 phlow optional ^0.1
220 slashook ^0.1.19
220 signalrs-client-custom-auth ^0.1
220 vndb-api ^0.1.19
210 7 buttplug ^0.1.19
210 1 elrond-sdk-erdrs ^0.1.7
210 syngestures ^0.1.19
200 scodok ^0.1
200 p7m-phone ^0.1
200 nebkor-maelstrom ^0.1
200 pinix ^0.1
200 3 stardust-xr-fusion ^0.1.16
200 leetup ^0.1.6
190 5 arangors ^0.1
190 1 cdefmt-parser ^0.1
190 2 ynab-api ^0.1
190 fusionauth-rust-client ^0.1
180 peertube ^0.1
170 2 yy-typings ^0.1
170 1 bollard-next-stubs ^0.1
170 numcodecs-zlib ^0.1
170 1 semtech-udp ^0
170 1 libcwtch ^0.1
170 1 routee-compass ^0.1
170 1 rpcdiscord ^0.1
170 terraform ^0.1
160 3 polywrap_schemafy ^0.1.7
1.0K 6 discord-presence optional ^0.1
160 1 swc_icu_messageformat_parser ^0.1
160 7 bollard-next ^0.1
150 mpesa ^0.1
150 senhasegura-rs ^0.1
150 passage_flex ^0.1
150 1 coinbase-mesh ^0.1
150 gst-client ^0.1
150 poe-api-client ^0.1.18
950 2 helgoboss-midi optional ^0.1.6
150 2 lotus-script-sys ^0.1
140 proton-api-rs ^0.1
140 2 yedb ^0.1.7
140 4 smbcloud-model ^0.1
140 lol-esports-api ^0.1
140 schwab_api ^0.1
140 ibkr-cp-api-client ^0.1
140 1 lotus-shared ^0.1
900 18 mpd optional ^0.1
140 steam-tradeoffer-manager ^0.1
140 rabbitmq-management-client ^0.1
130 2 lotus-script ^0.1
130 smbcloud-cli ^0.1
130 jobby ^0.1
130 1 owmods_core ^0.1.19
130 skynet_api_monitor ^0.1
130 qbit-rs ^0.1.19
130 skynet_api_agent ^0.1
130 worldline ^0.1
120 3 dharitri-sdk ^0.1.8
120 2 huelib ^0.1.7
120 realman ^0.1.19
120 1 syact ^0.1
120 1 wiki-api ^0.1.16
120 1 gst-client-rs ^0.1
120 vpin ^0.1.19
120 2 disruption_types ^0.1.16
110 crnlib ^0.1
110 1 omaha_client ^0.1.7
110 disruption ^0.1.16
110 uulm-sopra23-group03-core ^0.1
110 1 aderyn_core ^0.1.12
110 19 wick-interface-types ^0.1
110 14 forest_encoding ^0.1
110 i18nhero ^0.1.19
110 4 maelstrom-container ^0.1
110 memfaultd ^0.1
110 numcodecs-pco ^0.1.3
110 azure-functions ^0.1.5
110 gltf-validator ^0.1.16
110 5 tari_comms_dht ^0.1.5
100 app-store-server-library ^0.1.19
100 imdb-async ^0.1
100 kak-lsp ^0.1.19
100 2 aderyn_driver ^0.1.12
100 easee ^0.1.19
800 4 iota-sdk optional ^0.1.18
etebase ^0.1.7
16 melstructs ^0.1.9
mcsr-ranked-api ^0.1.19
wsvc ^0.1
kattis-rs ^0.1
tauri-plugin-biometric ^0.1
clevercloud-sdk ^0.1.16
2 kanjidic_types ^0.1.9
2 libits-client ^0.1
1 libtaos ^0.1
2 melstf ^0.1.7
1 plex-api ^0.1
1 aws-nitro-enclaves-attestation ^0.1.6
1 boavizta_api_sdk ^0.1
docsearch ^0.1.16
1 leap_client_rs ^0.1
3 injective-cosmwasm ^0.1.17
3 nym-mixnet-contract-common ^0.1
bgmtv ^0.1.19
pixrs ^0.1
1 velato ^0.1.19
acp_models ^0.1
2 memos-api ^0.1
ncmapi ^0.1
1 bsp-types ^0.1.7
3 octopt ^0.1
casper-node ^0.1.6
apple-signin ^0.1
1 disma ^0.1.9
kafka-serde ^0.1
4 canary ^0.1.8
hass-mqtt-discovery ^0.1
hgame ^0.1.8
texlab ^0.1.9
4 wot-td ^0.1.9
bsp-server ^0.1.7
8 ryot_core ^0.1
1 adiscord-types ^0.1
denox =0.1.9
7 ryot_utils ^0.1
testground ^0.1.7
collective ^0.1.19
discord-webhook2 ^0.1
1 sei-cosmwasm ^0.1.8
tauri-plugin-http-ext ^0.1
1 wotbreplay-parser ^0.1.12
dlsite ^0.1.19
1 qbittorrent-web-api-gen ^0.1
2 ryot_tibia ^0.1
2 bmbp_auth ^0.1.19
3 keybase-protocol ^0.1
ticks ^0.1.19
metaculus ^0.1
1 mp4-stream ^0.1
3 service-logging ^0.1
tf-demo-parser ^0.1.10
typesense-rs ^0.1
qbittorrent-web-api ^0.1
schoolsoft ^0.1
spotify-rs ^0.1
crymap ^0.1
deno_3p_lib =0.1.8
2 discordant_types ^0.1.9
twilio-rust-openapi ^0.1
1 drt-sdk ^0.1.8
2 stripper-xml ^0.1
aiot ^0.1
1 gitea-client ^0.1
libstorage ~0.1
7 unc-primitives-core ^0.1.8
wx_applet ^0.1.17
4 spectacles-model ^0.1
echonet-lite ^0.1
1 homunculus ^0.1
1 nextcloud-passwords-client ^0.1.6
nvim-api ^0.1
1 poe-types ^0.1.17
rusty_interaction ^0.1
signalrs-client ^0.1
1 steam-mobile ^0
streamdeck-rs ^0.1
svix-webhook-with-clone ^0.1
ampapi ^0.1.16
16 maelstrom-base ^0.1
smbpndk-cli ^0.1
2 golem-rpc-api ^0.1
xpx-chain-sdk ^0.1
mangadex-fs ^0.1
rjw-uktides ^0.1.12
smhi ^0.1
2 squawk-parser ^0.1
4 twitch_api2 ^0.1.7
recoyx_localization ^0.1.6
some-random-api ^0.1
fisco-bcos-rust-gears-sdk ^0.1.7
rproxy ^0.1.10
rustdoc-index ^0.1.8
imagevault ^0.1
1 smartcalc ^0.1.7
2 maelstrom-fuse ^0.1
600 2 midenc-hir-type optional ^0.1.19
2 kuma-client ^0.1.19
obg ^0.1.16
tauri-plugin-nfc ^0.1
4 unc-parameters ^0.1.8
wattpad ^0.1.10
1 srpc ^0.1
tarkov ^0.1
2 unc-vm-runner ^0.1.8
beatmap_parser ^0.1
openapi-github ^0.1
smartcalc-tauri ^0.1.7
denog =0.1.9
600 9 midenc-session optional ^0.1.19
subshell =0.1.8
flows-connector-dsi ^0.1
panda ^0.1.5
qua_format ^0.1
8 screeps-game-api ^0.1
awtrix3 ^0.1.19
deno_tauri =0.1.16
fstn ^0.1
rs-sb3 ^0.1.9
1 bevy_dioxus_desktop ^0.1
1 igcp ^0.1
iml-wire-types ^0.1
1 maelstrom-layer-fs ^0.1
1 mutexpect ^0.1
plex-list ^0.1.4
dharitri-sdk-erdrs ^0.1.7
ogmo3 ^0.1
1 thousand_birds_deno =0.1.16
cw-migratable-contract-std ^0.1.16
dantalian ^0.1.16
ex3-ic-agent ^0.1.12
huawei_client ^0.1
ncmapi2 ^0.1
4 steam-language-gen ^0.1
bitwarden-autotype ^0.1
cli_lib =0.1.8
10 fil_actors_runtime_v10 ^0.1.8
game ^0.1.6
gamesense ^0.1.6
3 iceberg-rust-spec ^0.1.10
1 sftp-protocol ^0.1
4 taos-query ^0.1.7
1 taos-ws ^0.1.8
ably ^0.1.8
button-game ^0.1.6
1 lsp-ty ^0.1
2 pyrinas-shared ^0.1
r6stats_client ^0.1
2 starfish-core ^0
denow =0.1.9
1 io_err ^0.1.8
mexc-rs ^0.1.16
qbit-api-rs ^0.1.17
stream_deck_sdk ^0
datcord ^0.1.12
deno_cli_lib_windmill =0.1.9
knoll ^0.1
bombay ^0.1
1 dip_desktop ^0.1
huehue ^0.1
jokolay ^0.1.7
oscq_rs ^0.1
1 rustgie_types ^0.1.9
abuseipdb ^0.1
fishnet ^0.1
icgeek_ic_call_http ^0.1.12
6 iop-hydra-proto ^0.1.8
1 maelstrom-client-process ^0.1
nats-aflowt ^0.1.7
solana-commons ^0.1
curseforge ^0.1
google-androidpublisher-rest ^0.1
hass-mqtt-proto ^0.1
igdb-rs ^0.1.5
1 openrtb2 ^0.1
oxi-api ^0.1
1 tauri-api ^0.1
torrust-tracker ^0
bosh-rs ^0.1
dss ^0.1.5
ledgrr ^0.1.8
mangadex-home ^0.1
1 modrinth-api ^0.1
zenkit-cli ^0.1
1 f-xoss ^0.1
1 mugl ^0.1
plurid_delog ^0.1
zenkit-codegen ^0.1
beeswax ^0.1
defund-cosmwasm ^0.1.8
f-xoss-util ^0.1
8 fil_actors_runtime_v9 ^0.1.8
fortnox ^0.1
1 hotham-debug-server ^0.1
2 lurk ^0.1.14
3 maelstrom-test-runner ^0.1
mirishita_info_bot ^0.1.7
splitwise ^0.1
at-api-rs ^0.1
dti ^0.1
geoclue-zbus ^0.1
1 maquio ^0.1.7
millennium ^0.1
plotly-fork ^0.1
recoyx_message_localization ^0.1.6
supernova ^0.1.7
wechat-mp ^0.1
1 aptos-telemetry-service ^0.1
igdb ^0.1.9
massbit-sol ^0.1.7
tyler ^0.1.10
availability ^0.1
foxhole-api ^0.1
1 github-mirror ^0.1
1 icu-messageformat-parser ^0.1
lucas-test ^0.1
nfe ^0.1
paybox ^0.1.18
rbx_mantle ^0.1.7
rustmaton ^0.1
1 serde_cose ^0.1
steam-trading ^0
suplapi ^0.1
1 writefreely_client ^0.1.17
actor-discord ^0.1.7
clickatell-api ^0.1
3 composure ^0.1.12
1 diffusion_to ^0.1
iron_planet ^0.1.7
1 jsonschema_code_generator ^0.1.7
lsp4spl ^0.1.17
1 nacos-naming-client ^0.1
radio-tower ^0.1.12
rust_filen ^0.1
tinet ^0.1.9
1 wasmflow-interface ^0.1
chorus ^0.1.19
coswid ^0.1
2 erosbag-core ^0.1.19
eth-jsonrpc-lib ^0.1
lib-todoist ^0.1.7
mirai-ws ^0.1.7
ncbi ^0.1.12
1 rwarden_crypto ^0.1.7
weldr-bin ^0.1
1 xenon-lib ^0.1.7
1 cedar-local-agent ^0.1.16
chip8_db ^0.1.12
15 fil_actors_runtime ^0.1.8
lead-oxide ^0.1
openvpn3-rs ^0.1.10
treescript-interpreter ^0.1
wialon-rs 0.1.*
1 apple-apns ^0.1.10
discord_interaction ^0.1.16
hi-apns ^0.1.9
hop_leap ^0.1
3 huelib2 ^0.1.12
iop-sdk-ffi ^0.1.8
near-schemafy ^0.1.7
pangu-bollard ^0.1.6
savvycal ^0.1
swrs ^0.1.7
tauri-plugin-sharesheet ^0.1
1 antimatter_api ^0.1
avp-local-agent ^0.1.16
beatsabermaprs ^0.1.10
dlist-top ^0.1.7
dyscord ^0.1
epicinium_server ^0.1.7
9 fil_actors_runtime_v11 ^0.1.8
ji_cloud_shared ^0.1
lsp_msg ^0.1.3
modrinth ^0.1
nrf_dfu ^0.1
open_configuration ^0.1.7
r-u-still-there ^0.1.7
railgun ^0.1.5
ripeatlas ^0.1.9
serde_mangadex ^0.1
tradfri-rs ^0.1
vhr_datatypes ^0.1
violet_mail ^0.1.7
vndb_rs ^0.1.5
2 axiom-codec ^0.1
igdb_provider ^0.1
3 lta_models ^0.1.12
minibreak ^0.1.18
2 nix_health ^0.1.18
raider-io ^0.1.5
rwarden ^0.1.7
1 stardust-xr-schemas build ^0.1.9
tamasfe-lsp-types ^0.1
tci ^0.1.7
traq ^0.1
wasmesh ^0.1
algoliasearch ^0.1
1 composure_commands ^0.1.12
cosmwasm-contract-migratable-std ^0.1.10
1 cryptsetup-rs ^0.1.9
dify-openai-apis ^0.1
hi-push ^0.1.9
iris-data ^0.1
nightly-async-nats ^0.1.7
se_dump ^0.1.10
tetsu ^0.1
bce-ocr ^0.1.8
1 edgegap ^0.1
gelato-sdk ^0.1.8
graphsync ^0.1
1 identity_iota_client ^0.1
1 libfranka-rs ^0.1
mtcars ^0.1
1 pushover_api ^0.1
1 acts ^0.1.19
discrab ^0.1
8 hylarana-common ^0.1
oxid_roblox ^0.1.18
2 pi-hole-api ^0.1
senstate ^0.1.5
9 themelio-structs ^0.1.9
toio ^0.1
1 wamp-core ^0.1.16
web_wars_engine ^0.1
clerk-fapi-rs ^0.1
icinga2-api ^0.1.19
1 libtodoist ^0.1.9
1 nanoleaf ^0.1
2 riscv_analysis ^0.1
sync-lsp 0.1.*
things-cloud ^0.1.18
1 vmt-parser ^0.1.19
1 wled-json-api-library ^0.1.17
1 xrpl-rust ^0.1
2 zenkit ^0.1
1 aptos-client-icp ^0.1
aranet4 ^0.1.9
async-nats-wrpc ^0.1.16
birdie ^0.1
1 bitwarden-send >=0.1.12, <0.2
2 bitwarden-vault >=0.1.12, <0.2
bmbp_app_common ^0.1.19
bmbp_curd ^0.1.19
bmbp_dev_manage ^0.1.19
bsac-api-client ^0.1
cdefmt-decoder ^0.1
1 celestia-core ^0.1
clockodo-cli ^0.1
2 dharithri-sdk ^0.1.8
1 dharitri-sdk-moars ^0.1.7
fellowship ^0.1.18
gong-rs ^0.1
hue-rs ^0.1
huepi ^0.1
1 jira_cloud_v3_async ^0.1
1 jira_teams_v1_async ^0.1
kasane ^0.1
2 kaspa-wallet-pskt ^0.1.18
1 klever-vm-sdk ^0.1.8
2 lottie ^0.1.7
mem-yaml ^0.1.19
neopresence ^0.1
obc-salt ^0.1
reclaim-ai ^0.1
rust-freely ^0.1.19
rust-pake ^0.1.18
1 ryot_assets ^0.1
3 ryot_sprites ^0.1
serde-pbx ^0.1
2 skua-voice-model ^0.1.5
1 srv3-ttml ^0.1.19
warapi ^0.1
wizctl ^0.1.19
500 spideroak-crypto optional ^0.1
500 6 nickel-lang-core optional ^0.1
420 7 midenc-hir optional ^0.1.19
410 1 brickadia optional ^0.1
360 iota-types optional ^0.1.11
310 1 inori-mpd optional ^0.1
280 sas-lexer optional ^0.1.19
180 nickel-lang optional ^0.1
180 2 common_messages_sv2 optional ^0.1.10
150 aranya-crypto-core optional ^0.1
140 cgt optional ^0.1
140 1 taos-optin optional ^0.1.7
100 slauth optional ^0.1
dynamixel_ct optional ^0.1.19
3 ergo-merkle-tree optional ^0.1.7
hko optional ^0.1
3 kassatypes optional ^0.1.7
mugltf optional ^0.1
rosu optional ^0.1
1 superchain-primitives optional ^0.1
1 tappet optional ^0.1
youtube-captions optional ^0.1
871K 43 zvariant dev ^0.1.19
871K 7 zvariant_derive dev ^0.1.19
470K 28 flagset dev ^0.1
73K 11 clickhouse dev ^0.1.7
3.1K serde_short dev ^0.1.19
1.7K 2 rust-nebula dev ^0.1
1.0K kind-openai dev ^0.1.19
850 3 serde-encrypt dev ^0.1
700 wasm-msgpack dev ^0.1
500 ch2rs dev ^0.1.7
480 3 serde_wormhole dev ^0.1.7
370 5 kaspa-wallet-core dev ^0.1.18
260 embedded-msgpack dev ^0.1
240 2 crud-api dev ^0.1
2 serde-nebula-fbthrift-graph dev ^0.1
clickhouse-trieve dev ^0.1.7