1 stable release
2.0.0 | Nov 24, 2024 |
#63 in #scene
Rust bindings for the Philips Hue API
This API client, for the Philips Hue API v2, was originaly generated from openhue.io with the OpenAPI Generator project.
Documentation for API Endpoints
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthApi | authenticate | POST /api | Authenticate |
BridgeApi | get_bridge | GET /clip/v2/resource/bridge/{bridgeId} | Get bridge |
BridgeApi | get_bridges | GET /clip/v2/resource/bridge | List bridges |
BridgeApi | update_bridge | PUT /clip/v2/resource/bridge/{bridgeId} | Update bridge |
BridgeHomeApi | get_bridge_home | GET /clip/v2/resource/bridge_home/{bridgeHomeId} | Get bridge home. |
BridgeHomeApi | get_bridge_homes | GET /clip/v2/resource/bridge_home | List bridge homes. |
DeviceApi | delete_device | DELETE /clip/v2/resource/device/{deviceId} | Delete Device |
DeviceApi | get_device | GET /clip/v2/resource/device/{deviceId} | Get device |
DeviceApi | get_devices | GET /clip/v2/resource/device | List devices |
DeviceApi | update_device | PUT /clip/v2/resource/device/{deviceId} | Update device |
DevicePowerApi | get_device_power | GET /clip/v2/resource/device_power/{deviceId} | Get device power |
DevicePowerApi | get_device_powers | GET /clip/v2/resource/device_power | List device powers |
GroupedLightApi | get_grouped_light | GET /clip/v2/resource/grouped_light/{groupedLightId} | Get grouped light |
GroupedLightApi | get_grouped_lights | GET /clip/v2/resource/grouped_light | List grouped lights |
GroupedLightApi | update_grouped_light | PUT /clip/v2/resource/grouped_light/{groupedLightId} | Update grouped light |
LightApi | get_light | GET /clip/v2/resource/light/{lightId} | Get light |
LightApi | get_lights | GET /clip/v2/resource/light | List lights. |
LightApi | update_light | PUT /clip/v2/resource/light/{lightId} | Update light |
LightLevelApi | get_light_level | GET /clip/v2/resource/light_level/{lightId} | Get light |
LightLevelApi | get_light_levels | GET /clip/v2/resource/light_level | List light levels. |
LightLevelApi | update_light_level | PUT /clip/v2/resource/light_level/{lightId} | Update light |
MotionApi | get_motion_sensor | GET /clip/v2/resource/motion/{motionId} | Get motion sensor. |
MotionApi | get_motion_sensors | GET /clip/v2/resource/motion | List motion sensors. |
MotionApi | update_motion_sensor | PUT /clip/v2/resource/motion/{motionId} | Update Motion Sensor |
ResourceApi | get_resources | GET /clip/v2/resource | List resources |
RoomApi | create_room | POST /clip/v2/resource/room | Create room |
RoomApi | delete_room | DELETE /clip/v2/resource/room/{roomId} | Delete room |
RoomApi | get_room | GET /clip/v2/resource/room/{roomId} | Get room. |
RoomApi | get_rooms | GET /clip/v2/resource/room | List rooms |
RoomApi | update_room | PUT /clip/v2/resource/room/{roomId} | Update room |
SceneApi | create_scene | POST /clip/v2/resource/scene | Create a new scene |
SceneApi | delete_scene | DELETE /clip/v2/resource/scene/{sceneId} | Delete a scene |
SceneApi | get_scene | GET /clip/v2/resource/scene/{sceneId} | Get a scene |
SceneApi | get_scenes | GET /clip/v2/resource/scene | List scenes |
SceneApi | update_scene | PUT /clip/v2/resource/scene/{sceneId} | Update a scene |
SmartSceneApi | create_smart_scene | POST /clip/v2/resource/smart_scene | Create a new smart scene |
SmartSceneApi | delete_smart_scene | DELETE /clip/v2/resource/smart_scene/{sceneId} | Delete a smart scene |
SmartSceneApi | get_smart_scene | GET /clip/v2/resource/smart_scene/{sceneId} | Get a smart scene |
SmartSceneApi | get_smart_scenes | GET /clip/v2/resource/smart_scene | List smart scenes |
SmartSceneApi | update_smart_scene | PUT /clip/v2/resource/smart_scene/{sceneId} | Update a smart scene |
TemperatureApi | get_temperature | GET /clip/v2/resource/temperature/{temperatureId} | Get temperature sensor information |
TemperatureApi | get_temperatures | GET /clip/v2/resource/temperature | List temperatures |
TemperatureApi | update_temperature | PUT /clip/v2/resource/temperature/{temperatureId} | Update temperature sensor |
ZoneApi | create_zone | POST /clip/v2/resource/zone | Create zone |
ZoneApi | delete_zone | DELETE /clip/v2/resource/zone/{zoneId} | Delete Zone |
ZoneApi | get_zone | GET /clip/v2/resource/zone/{zoneId} | Get Zone. |
ZoneApi | get_zones | GET /clip/v2/resource/zone | List zones |
ZoneApi | update_zone | PUT /clip/v2/resource/zone/{zoneId} | Update Zone |
Documentation For Models
- ActionGet
- ActionGetAllOfAction
- ActionGetAllOfActionEffects
- ActionPost
- ActionPostAction
- Alert
- ApiResponse
- AuthenticateRequest
- BridgeGet
- BridgeGetAllOfTimeZone
- BridgeHomeGet
- BridgePut
- Color
- ColorPaletteGet
- ColorTemperature
- ColorTemperatureDelta
- ColorTemperaturePalettePost
- ColorTemperaturePalettePostColorTemperature
- DayTimeslotsGet
- DeviceGet
- DeviceGetAllOfMetadata
- DeviceGetAllOfUsertest
- DevicePowerGet
- DevicePowerGetAllOfPowerState
- DevicePut
- DevicePutIdentify
- DevicePutUsertest
- Dimming
- DimmingDelta
- Dynamics
- Effects
- Error
- ErrorResponse
- GamutPosition
- GetBridgeHomes200Response
- GetBridges200Response
- GetDevicePowers200Response
- GetDevices200Response
- GetGroupedLights200Response
- GetLightLevels200Response
- GetLights200Response
- GetMotionSensors200Response
- GetResources200Response
- GetRooms200Response
- GetScenes200Response
- GetSmartScenes200Response
- GetTemperatures200Response
- Gradient
- GroupedLightGet
- GroupedLightGetAllOfAlert
- GroupedLightGetAllOfSignaling
- GroupedLightPut
- LightArchetype
- LightDynamics
- LightGet
- LightGetAllOfColor
- LightGetAllOfColorGamut
- LightGetAllOfColorTemperature
- LightGetAllOfColorTemperatureMirekSchema
- LightGetAllOfDimming
- LightGetAllOfDynamics
- LightGetAllOfEffects
- LightGetAllOfMetadata
- LightGetAllOfPowerup
- LightGetAllOfPowerupDimming
- LightGetAllOfPowerupDimmingColor
- LightGetAllOfPowerupDimmingColorColorTemperature
- LightGetAllOfPowerupOn
- LightGetAllOfSignaling
- LightGetAllOfTimedEffects
- LightLevelGet
- LightLevelGetAllOfLight
- LightLevelGetAllOfLightLightLevelReport
- LightLevelPut
- LightPut
- LightPutTimedEffects
- MotionGet
- MotionGetAllOfMotion
- MotionGetAllOfMotionMotionReport
- MotionGetAllOfSensitivity
- MotionPut
- MotionPutSensitivity
- On
- Powerup
- PowerupDimming
- ProductArchetype
- ProductData
- Resource
- ResourceGet
- ResourceIdentifier
- ResourceOwned
- ResponseInner
- ResponseInnerError
- ResponseInnerSuccess
- RoomArchetype
- RoomGet
- RoomGetAllOfMetadata
- RoomPut
- SceneGet
- SceneGetAllOfStatus
- SceneMetadata
- ScenePalette
- ScenePaletteEffectsInner
- ScenePost
- ScenePut
- SceneRecall
- Signaling
- SmartSceneGet
- SmartSceneGetAllOfActiveTimeslot
- SmartSceneMetadata
- SmartSceneMetadataWithImage
- SmartSceneOptionalRecall
- SmartScenePost
- SmartScenePut
- SmartSceneRecall
- SmartSceneTimeslotGet
- SmartSceneTimeslotGetStartTime
- SmartSceneTimeslotGetStartTimeTime
- SupportedDynamicStatus
- SupportedEffects
- SupportedGradientMode
- SupportedSignals
- SupportedTimedEffects
- TemperatureGet
- TemperatureGetAllOfTemperature
- TemperatureGetAllOfTemperatureTemperatureReport
- TemperaturePut
- UpdateDevice200Response
- Weekday
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cargo doc --open
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