3 stable releases
2.0.2 | Jan 11, 2025 |
2.0.0 | Jan 10, 2025 |
#175 in Concurrency
Rust API client for openapi
- The development of Torn's API v2 is still ongoing.
- If selections remain unaltered, they will default to the API v1 version.
- Unlike API v1, API v2 accepts both selections and IDs as path and query parameters.
- If any discrepancies or errors are found, please submit a bug report on the Torn Forums.
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 2.0
- Generator version: 7.10.0
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named openapi
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
openapi = { path = "./openapi" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.torn.com/v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AttackingApi | faction_attacks_get | GET /faction/attacks | Get your faction's detailed attacks |
AttackingApi | faction_attacksfull_get | GET /faction/attacksfull | Get your faction's attacks |
BountiesApi | torn_bounties_get | GET /torn/bounties | Get bounties |
BountiesApi | user_bounties_get | GET /user/bounties | Get bounties placed on you |
BountiesApi | user_id_bounties_get | GET /user/{id}/bounties | Get bounties placed on a specific user |
Crimes20Api | torn_crime_id_subcrimes_get | GET /torn/{crimeId}/subcrimes | Get Subcrimes information |
Crimes20Api | torn_crimes_get | GET /torn/crimes | Get crimes information |
Crimes20Api | user_crime_id_crimes_get | GET /user/{crimeId}/crimes | Get your crime statistics |
FactionApi | faction_applications_get | GET /faction/applications | Get your faction's applications |
FactionApi | faction_attacks_get | GET /faction/attacks | Get your faction's detailed attacks |
FactionApi | faction_attacksfull_get | GET /faction/attacksfull | Get your faction's attacks |
FactionApi | faction_basic_get | GET /faction/basic | Get your faction's basic details |
FactionApi | faction_chain_get | GET /faction/chain | Get your faction's current chain |
FactionApi | faction_chain_id_chainreport_get | GET /faction/{chainId}/chainreport | Get a chain report |
FactionApi | faction_chainreport_get | GET /faction/chainreport | Get your faction's latest chain report |
FactionApi | faction_chains_get | GET /faction/chains | Get a list of your faction's completed chains |
FactionApi | faction_crimes_get | GET /faction/crimes | Get your faction's organized crimes |
FactionApi | faction_get | GET /faction | Get any Faction selection |
FactionApi | faction_hof_get | GET /faction/hof | Get your faction's hall of fame rankings. |
FactionApi | faction_id_basic_get | GET /faction/{id}/basic | Get a faction's basic details |
FactionApi | faction_id_chain_get | GET /faction/{id}/chain | Get a faction's current chain |
FactionApi | faction_id_chains_get | GET /faction/{id}/chains | Get a list of a faction's completed chains |
FactionApi | faction_id_hof_get | GET /faction/{id}/hof | Get a faction's hall of fame rankings. |
FactionApi | faction_id_members_get | GET /faction/{id}/members | Get a list of a faction's members |
FactionApi | faction_id_wars_get | GET /faction/{id}/wars | Get a faction's wars & pacts details |
FactionApi | faction_lookup_get | GET /faction/lookup | Get all available faction selections |
FactionApi | faction_members_get | GET /faction/members | Get a list of your faction's members |
FactionApi | faction_news_get | GET /faction/news | Get your faction's news details |
FactionApi | faction_timestamp_get | GET /faction/timestamp | Get current server time |
FactionApi | faction_wars_get | GET /faction/wars | Get your faction's wars & pacts details |
ForumApi | forum_categories_get | GET /forum/categories | Get publicly available forum categories |
ForumApi | forum_category_ids_threads_get | GET /forum/{categoryIds}/threads | Get threads for specific public forum category or categories |
ForumApi | forum_get | GET /forum | Get any Forum selection |
ForumApi | forum_lookup_get | GET /forum/lookup | Get all available forum selections |
ForumApi | forum_thread_id_posts_get | GET /forum/{threadId}/posts | Get specific forum thread posts |
ForumApi | forum_thread_id_thread_get | GET /forum/{threadId}/thread | Get specific thread details |
ForumApi | forum_threads_get | GET /forum/threads | Get threads across all forum categories |
ForumApi | forum_timestamp_get | GET /forum/timestamp | Get current server time |
ForumApi | user_forumfeed_get | GET /user/forumfeed | Get updates on your threads and posts |
ForumApi | user_forumfriends_get | GET /user/forumfriends | Get updates on your friends' activity |
ForumApi | user_forumposts_get | GET /user/forumposts | Get your posts |
ForumApi | user_forumsubscribedthreads_get | GET /user/forumsubscribedthreads | Get updates on threads you subscribed to |
ForumApi | user_forumthreads_get | GET /user/forumthreads | Get your threads |
ForumApi | user_id_forumposts_get | GET /user/{id}/forumposts | Get posts for a specific player |
ForumApi | user_id_forumthreads_get | GET /user/{id}/forumthreads | Get threads for a specific player |
HallOfFameApi | faction_hof_get | GET /faction/hof | Get your faction's hall of fame rankings. |
HallOfFameApi | faction_id_hof_get | GET /faction/{id}/hof | Get a faction's hall of fame rankings. |
HallOfFameApi | torn_factionhof_get | GET /torn/factionhof | Get faction hall of fame positions for a specific category |
HallOfFameApi | torn_hof_get | GET /torn/hof | Get player hall of fame positions for a specific category |
HallOfFameApi | user_hof_get | GET /user/hof | Get your hall of fame rankings |
HallOfFameApi | user_id_hof_get | GET /user/{id}/hof | Get hall of fame rankings for a specific player |
ItemMarketApi | market_id_itemmarket_get | GET /market/{id}/itemmarket | Get item market listings |
ItemMarketApi | user_itemmarket_get | GET /user/itemmarket | Get your item market listings for a specific item |
LogsApi | torn_log_category_id_logtypes_get | GET /torn/{logCategoryId}/logtypes | Get available log ids for a specific log category |
LogsApi | torn_logcategories_get | GET /torn/logcategories | Get available log categories |
LogsApi | torn_logtypes_get | GET /torn/logtypes | Get all available log ids |
LookupApi | faction_lookup_get | GET /faction/lookup | Get all available faction selections |
LookupApi | forum_lookup_get | GET /forum/lookup | Get all available forum selections |
LookupApi | market_lookup_get | GET /market/lookup | Get all available market selections |
LookupApi | racing_lookup_get | GET /racing/lookup | Get all available racing selections |
LookupApi | torn_lookup_get | GET /torn/lookup | Get all available torn selections |
LookupApi | user_lookup_get | GET /user/lookup | Get all available user selections |
MarketApi | market_get | GET /market | Get any Market selection |
MarketApi | market_id_itemmarket_get | GET /market/{id}/itemmarket | Get item market listings |
MarketApi | market_lookup_get | GET /market/lookup | Get all available market selections |
MarketApi | market_timestamp_get | GET /market/timestamp | Get current server time |
RacingApi | racing_cars_get | GET /racing/cars | Get cars and their racing stats |
RacingApi | racing_carupgrades_get | GET /racing/carupgrades | Get all possible car upgrades |
RacingApi | racing_get | GET /racing | Get any Racing selection |
RacingApi | racing_lookup_get | GET /racing/lookup | Get all available racing selections |
RacingApi | racing_race_id_race_get | GET /racing/{raceId}/race | Get specific race details |
RacingApi | racing_races_get | GET /racing/races | Get races |
RacingApi | racing_timestamp_get | GET /racing/timestamp | Get current server time |
RacingApi | racing_track_id_records_get | GET /racing/{trackId}/records | Get track records |
RacingApi | racing_tracks_get | GET /racing/tracks | Get race tracks and descriptions |
RacingApi | user_enlistedcars_get | GET /user/enlistedcars | Get user enlisted cars |
RacingApi | user_races_get | GET /user/races | Get user races |
StableApi | faction_applications_get | GET /faction/applications | Get your faction's applications |
StableApi | faction_attacks_get | GET /faction/attacks | Get your faction's detailed attacks |
StableApi | faction_attacksfull_get | GET /faction/attacksfull | Get your faction's attacks |
StableApi | faction_basic_get | GET /faction/basic | Get your faction's basic details |
StableApi | faction_get | GET /faction | Get any Faction selection |
StableApi | faction_hof_get | GET /faction/hof | Get your faction's hall of fame rankings. |
StableApi | faction_id_basic_get | GET /faction/{id}/basic | Get a faction's basic details |
StableApi | faction_id_hof_get | GET /faction/{id}/hof | Get a faction's hall of fame rankings. |
StableApi | faction_id_members_get | GET /faction/{id}/members | Get a list of a faction's members |
StableApi | faction_id_wars_get | GET /faction/{id}/wars | Get a faction's wars & pacts details |
StableApi | faction_lookup_get | GET /faction/lookup | Get all available faction selections |
StableApi | faction_members_get | GET /faction/members | Get a list of your faction's members |
StableApi | faction_news_get | GET /faction/news | Get your faction's news details |
StableApi | faction_timestamp_get | GET /faction/timestamp | Get current server time |
StableApi | faction_wars_get | GET /faction/wars | Get your faction's wars & pacts details |
StableApi | forum_categories_get | GET /forum/categories | Get publicly available forum categories |
StableApi | forum_category_ids_threads_get | GET /forum/{categoryIds}/threads | Get threads for specific public forum category or categories |
StableApi | forum_get | GET /forum | Get any Forum selection |
StableApi | forum_lookup_get | GET /forum/lookup | Get all available forum selections |
StableApi | forum_thread_id_posts_get | GET /forum/{threadId}/posts | Get specific forum thread posts |
StableApi | forum_thread_id_thread_get | GET /forum/{threadId}/thread | Get specific thread details |
StableApi | forum_threads_get | GET /forum/threads | Get threads across all forum categories |
StableApi | forum_timestamp_get | GET /forum/timestamp | Get current server time |
StableApi | market_get | GET /market | Get any Market selection |
StableApi | market_lookup_get | GET /market/lookup | Get all available market selections |
StableApi | market_timestamp_get | GET /market/timestamp | Get current server time |
StableApi | racing_cars_get | GET /racing/cars | Get cars and their racing stats |
StableApi | racing_carupgrades_get | GET /racing/carupgrades | Get all possible car upgrades |
StableApi | racing_get | GET /racing | Get any Racing selection |
StableApi | racing_lookup_get | GET /racing/lookup | Get all available racing selections |
StableApi | racing_race_id_race_get | GET /racing/{raceId}/race | Get specific race details |
StableApi | racing_races_get | GET /racing/races | Get races |
StableApi | racing_timestamp_get | GET /racing/timestamp | Get current server time |
StableApi | racing_track_id_records_get | GET /racing/{trackId}/records | Get track records |
StableApi | racing_tracks_get | GET /racing/tracks | Get race tracks and descriptions |
StableApi | torn_bounties_get | GET /torn/bounties | Get bounties |
StableApi | torn_calendar_get | GET /torn/calendar | Get calendar information |
StableApi | torn_crime_id_subcrimes_get | GET /torn/{crimeId}/subcrimes | Get Subcrimes information |
StableApi | torn_crimes_get | GET /torn/crimes | Get crimes information |
StableApi | torn_factionhof_get | GET /torn/factionhof | Get faction hall of fame positions for a specific category |
StableApi | torn_get | GET /torn | Get any Torn selection |
StableApi | torn_hof_get | GET /torn/hof | Get player hall of fame positions for a specific category |
StableApi | torn_log_category_id_logtypes_get | GET /torn/{logCategoryId}/logtypes | Get available log ids for a specific log category |
StableApi | torn_logcategories_get | GET /torn/logcategories | Get available log categories |
StableApi | torn_logtypes_get | GET /torn/logtypes | Get all available log ids |
StableApi | torn_lookup_get | GET /torn/lookup | Get all available torn selections |
StableApi | torn_timestamp_get | GET /torn/timestamp | Get current server time |
StableApi | user_bounties_get | GET /user/bounties | Get bounties placed on you |
StableApi | user_calendar_get | GET /user/calendar | Get your competition's event start time |
StableApi | user_crime_id_crimes_get | GET /user/{crimeId}/crimes | Get your crime statistics |
StableApi | user_enlistedcars_get | GET /user/enlistedcars | Get user enlisted cars |
StableApi | user_forumfeed_get | GET /user/forumfeed | Get updates on your threads and posts |
StableApi | user_forumfriends_get | GET /user/forumfriends | Get updates on your friends' activity |
StableApi | user_forumposts_get | GET /user/forumposts | Get your posts |
StableApi | user_forumsubscribedthreads_get | GET /user/forumsubscribedthreads | Get updates on threads you subscribed to |
StableApi | user_forumthreads_get | GET /user/forumthreads | Get your threads |
StableApi | user_get | GET /user | Get any User selection |
StableApi | user_hof_get | GET /user/hof | Get your hall of fame rankings |
StableApi | user_id_bounties_get | GET /user/{id}/bounties | Get bounties placed on a specific user |
StableApi | user_id_forumposts_get | GET /user/{id}/forumposts | Get posts for a specific player |
StableApi | user_id_forumthreads_get | GET /user/{id}/forumthreads | Get threads for a specific player |
StableApi | user_id_hof_get | GET /user/{id}/hof | Get hall of fame rankings for a specific player |
StableApi | user_jobranks_get | GET /user/jobranks | Get your starter job positions |
StableApi | user_lookup_get | GET /user/lookup | Get all available user selections |
StableApi | user_races_get | GET /user/races | Get user races |
StableApi | user_timestamp_get | GET /user/timestamp | Get current server time |
TornApi | torn_bounties_get | GET /torn/bounties | Get bounties |
TornApi | torn_calendar_get | GET /torn/calendar | Get calendar information |
TornApi | torn_crime_id_subcrimes_get | GET /torn/{crimeId}/subcrimes | Get Subcrimes information |
TornApi | torn_crimes_get | GET /torn/crimes | Get crimes information |
TornApi | torn_factionhof_get | GET /torn/factionhof | Get faction hall of fame positions for a specific category |
TornApi | torn_get | GET /torn | Get any Torn selection |
TornApi | torn_hof_get | GET /torn/hof | Get player hall of fame positions for a specific category |
TornApi | torn_log_category_id_logtypes_get | GET /torn/{logCategoryId}/logtypes | Get available log ids for a specific log category |
TornApi | torn_logcategories_get | GET /torn/logcategories | Get available log categories |
TornApi | torn_logtypes_get | GET /torn/logtypes | Get all available log ids |
TornApi | torn_lookup_get | GET /torn/lookup | Get all available torn selections |
TornApi | torn_timestamp_get | GET /torn/timestamp | Get current server time |
UnstableApi | faction_chain_get | GET /faction/chain | Get your faction's current chain |
UnstableApi | faction_chain_id_chainreport_get | GET /faction/{chainId}/chainreport | Get a chain report |
UnstableApi | faction_chainreport_get | GET /faction/chainreport | Get your faction's latest chain report |
UnstableApi | faction_chains_get | GET /faction/chains | Get a list of your faction's completed chains |
UnstableApi | faction_crimes_get | GET /faction/crimes | Get your faction's organized crimes |
UnstableApi | faction_id_chain_get | GET /faction/{id}/chain | Get a faction's current chain |
UnstableApi | faction_id_chains_get | GET /faction/{id}/chains | Get a list of a faction's completed chains |
UnstableApi | market_id_itemmarket_get | GET /market/{id}/itemmarket | Get item market listings |
UnstableApi | user_id_personalstats_get | GET /user/{id}/personalstats | Get a player's personal stats |
UnstableApi | user_itemmarket_get | GET /user/itemmarket | Get your item market listings for a specific item |
UnstableApi | user_personalstats_get | GET /user/personalstats | Get your personal stats |
UserApi | user_bounties_get | GET /user/bounties | Get bounties placed on you |
UserApi | user_calendar_get | GET /user/calendar | Get your competition's event start time |
UserApi | user_crime_id_crimes_get | GET /user/{crimeId}/crimes | Get your crime statistics |
UserApi | user_enlistedcars_get | GET /user/enlistedcars | Get user enlisted cars |
UserApi | user_forumfeed_get | GET /user/forumfeed | Get updates on your threads and posts |
UserApi | user_forumfriends_get | GET /user/forumfriends | Get updates on your friends' activity |
UserApi | user_forumposts_get | GET /user/forumposts | Get your posts |
UserApi | user_forumsubscribedthreads_get | GET /user/forumsubscribedthreads | Get updates on threads you subscribed to |
UserApi | user_forumthreads_get | GET /user/forumthreads | Get your threads |
UserApi | user_get | GET /user | Get any User selection |
UserApi | user_hof_get | GET /user/hof | Get your hall of fame rankings |
UserApi | user_id_bounties_get | GET /user/{id}/bounties | Get bounties placed on a specific user |
UserApi | user_id_forumposts_get | GET /user/{id}/forumposts | Get posts for a specific player |
UserApi | user_id_forumthreads_get | GET /user/{id}/forumthreads | Get threads for a specific player |
UserApi | user_id_hof_get | GET /user/{id}/hof | Get hall of fame rankings for a specific player |
UserApi | user_id_personalstats_get | GET /user/{id}/personalstats | Get a player's personal stats |
UserApi | user_itemmarket_get | GET /user/itemmarket | Get your item market listings for a specific item |
UserApi | user_jobranks_get | GET /user/jobranks | Get your starter job positions |
UserApi | user_lookup_get | GET /user/lookup | Get all available user selections |
UserApi | user_personalstats_get | GET /user/personalstats | Get your personal stats |
UserApi | user_races_get | GET /user/races | Get user races |
UserApi | user_timestamp_get | GET /user/timestamp | Get current server time |
Documentation For Models
- Attack
- AttackAttacker
- AttackModifiers
- AttackPlayer
- AttackPlayerFaction
- AttackPlayerSimplified
- AttackSimplified
- AttackSimplifiedAttacker
- Bounty
- FactionApplication
- FactionApplicationStatusEnum
- FactionApplicationUser
- FactionApplicationUserStats
- FactionApplicationsResponse
- FactionAttackResult
- FactionAttacksFullResponse
- FactionAttacksResponse
- FactionBasic
- FactionBasicResponse
- FactionChain
- FactionChainReport
- FactionChainReportAttacker
- FactionChainReportAttackerAttacks
- FactionChainReportAttackerRespect
- FactionChainReportBonus
- FactionChainReportDetails
- FactionChainReportResponse
- FactionChainsResponse
- FactionCrime
- FactionCrimeReward
- FactionCrimeRewardItem
- FactionCrimeRewards
- FactionCrimeSlot
- FactionCrimeSlotItemRequirement
- FactionCrimeSlotUser
- FactionCrimeStatusEnum
- FactionCrimeUser
- FactionCrimesResponse
- FactionGet200Response
- FactionHofResponse
- FactionHofStats
- FactionHofValues
- FactionLookupResponse
- FactionMember
- FactionMembersResponse
- FactionNews
- FactionNewsCategory
- FactionNewsResponse
- FactionOngoingChain
- FactionOngoingChainResponse
- FactionPact
- FactionRaidWar
- FactionRaidWarParticipant
- FactionRank
- FactionRankEnum
- FactionRankedWar
- FactionRankedWarParticipant
- FactionSelectionName
- FactionTerritoryWar
- FactionTerritoryWarParticipant
- FactionWars
- FactionWarsRanked
- FactionWarsResponse
- ForumCategoriesResponse
- ForumCategoriesResponseCategoriesInner
- ForumFeed
- ForumFeedTypeEnum
- ForumGet200Response
- ForumLookupResponse
- ForumPoll
- ForumPollVote
- ForumPost
- ForumPostsResponse
- ForumSelectionName
- ForumSubscribedThread
- ForumSubscribedThreadPostsCount
- ForumThreadAuthor
- ForumThreadBase
- ForumThreadExtended
- ForumThreadResponse
- ForumThreadUserExtended
- ForumThreadsResponse
- HofValue
- HofValueString
- ItemMarket
- ItemMarketItem
- ItemMarketListingItemBonus
- ItemMarketListingItemDetails
- ItemMarketListingItemStats
- ItemMarketListingNonstackable
- ItemMarketListingStackable
- ItemMarketListingsInner
- JobPositionArmyEnum
- JobPositionCasinoEnum
- JobPositionEducationEnum
- JobPositionGrocerEnum
- JobPositionLawEnum
- JobPositionMedicalEnum
- MarketGet200Response
- MarketItemMarketResponse
- MarketLookupResponse
- MarketSelectionName
- PersonalStatsAttackingExtended
- PersonalStatsAttackingExtendedAttacking
- PersonalStatsAttackingPopular
- PersonalStatsAttackingPopularAttacking
- PersonalStatsAttackingPopularAttackingAttacks
- PersonalStatsAttackingPopularAttackingDefends
- PersonalStatsAttackingPopularAttackingFaction
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublic
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttacking
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingAmmunition
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingAttacks
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingDamage
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingDefends
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingEscapes
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingFaction
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingFactionTerritory
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingHits
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingKillstreak
- PersonalStatsAttackingPublicAttackingNetworth
- PersonalStatsBattleStats
- PersonalStatsBattleStatsBattleStats
- PersonalStatsBounties
- PersonalStatsBountiesBounties
- PersonalStatsBountiesBountiesPlaced
- PersonalStatsCategoryEnum
- PersonalStatsCommunication
- PersonalStatsCommunicationCommunication
- PersonalStatsCommunicationCommunicationMailsSent
- PersonalStatsCrimes
- PersonalStatsCrimesCrimes
- PersonalStatsCrimesPopular
- PersonalStatsCrimesV2
- PersonalStatsCrimesV2Offenses
- PersonalStatsCrimesV2Skills
- PersonalStatsCriminalOffenses
- PersonalStatsCriminalOffensesCriminalOffenses
- PersonalStatsCriminalOffensesPopular
- PersonalStatsCriminalOffensesPopularCriminalOffenses
- PersonalStatsCriminalOffensesV1
- PersonalStatsCriminalOffensesV2
- PersonalStatsDrugs
- PersonalStatsDrugsDrugs
- PersonalStatsDrugsDrugsRehabilitations
- PersonalStatsFinishingHits
- PersonalStatsFinishingHitsFinishingHits
- PersonalStatsHistoricStat
- PersonalStatsHospital
- PersonalStatsHospitalHospital
- PersonalStatsHospitalHospitalReviving
- PersonalStatsHospitalPopular
- PersonalStatsHospitalPopularHospital
- PersonalStatsHospitalPopularHospitalReviving
- PersonalStatsInvestments
- PersonalStatsInvestmentsInvestments
- PersonalStatsInvestmentsInvestmentsBank
- PersonalStatsInvestmentsInvestmentsStocks
- PersonalStatsItems
- PersonalStatsItemsItems
- PersonalStatsItemsItemsFound
- PersonalStatsItemsItemsUsed
- PersonalStatsItemsPopular
- PersonalStatsItemsPopularItems
- PersonalStatsItemsPopularItemsFound
- PersonalStatsJail
- PersonalStatsJailJail
- PersonalStatsJailJailBusts
- PersonalStatsJobsExtended
- PersonalStatsJobsExtendedJobs
- PersonalStatsJobsExtendedJobsStats
- PersonalStatsJobsPublic
- PersonalStatsJobsPublicJobs
- PersonalStatsMissions
- PersonalStatsMissionsMissions
- PersonalStatsMissionsMissionsContracts
- PersonalStatsNetworthExtended
- PersonalStatsNetworthExtendedNetworth
- PersonalStatsNetworthPublic
- PersonalStatsNetworthPublicNetworth
- PersonalStatsOther
- PersonalStatsOtherOther
- PersonalStatsOtherOtherActivity
- PersonalStatsOtherOtherActivityStreak
- PersonalStatsOtherOtherRefills
- PersonalStatsOtherPopular
- PersonalStatsOtherPopularOther
- PersonalStatsOtherPopularOtherRefills
- PersonalStatsRacing
- PersonalStatsRacingRacing
- PersonalStatsRacingRacingRaces
- PersonalStatsStatName
- PersonalStatsTrading
- PersonalStatsTradingTrading
- PersonalStatsTradingTradingBazaar
- PersonalStatsTradingTradingItems
- PersonalStatsTradingTradingItemsAuctions
- PersonalStatsTradingTradingItemsBought
- PersonalStatsTradingTradingPoints
- PersonalStatsTravel
- PersonalStatsTravelPopular
- PersonalStatsTravelPopularTravel
- PersonalStatsTravelTravel
- PersonalStatsTravelTravelHunting
- Race
- RaceCar
- RaceCarUpgrade
- RaceCarUpgradeCategory
- RaceCarUpgradeCost
- RaceCarUpgradeEffects
- RaceCarUpgradeSubCategory
- RaceClassEnum
- RaceParticipants
- RaceRecord
- RaceRequirements
- RaceSchedule
- RaceStatusEnum
- RaceTrack
- RacerDetails
- RacingCarUpgradesResponse
- RacingCarsResponse
- RacingGet200Response
- RacingLookupResponse
- RacingRaceDetailsResponse
- RacingRacesResponse
- RacingSelectionName
- RacingTrackRecordsResponse
- RacingTracksResponse
- RequestLinks
- RequestMetadata
- RequestMetadataWithLinks
- ReviveSetting
- TimestampResponse
- TornBountiesResponse
- TornCalendarActivity
- TornCalendarResponse
- TornCalendarResponseCalendar
- TornCrime
- TornCrimesResponse
- TornFactionHof
- TornFactionHofCategory
- TornFactionHofResponse
- TornGet200Response
- TornHof
- TornHofCategory
- TornHofResponse
- TornLog
- TornLogCategoriesResponse
- TornLogCategory
- TornLogTypesResponse
- TornLookupResponse
- TornSelectionName
- TornSubcrime
- TornSubcrimesResponse
- UserBountiesResponse
- UserCalendar
- UserCalendarResponse
- UserCrime
- UserCrimeAttempts
- UserCrimeDetailsBootlegging
- UserCrimeDetailsBootleggingDvdSales
- UserCrimeDetailsBootleggingOnlineStore
- UserCrimeDetailsCardSkimming
- UserCrimeDetailsCardSkimmingCardDetails
- UserCrimeDetailsCardSkimmingCardDetailsAreasInner
- UserCrimeDetailsCardSkimmingSkimmers
- UserCrimeDetailsCracking
- UserCrimeDetailsGraffiti
- UserCrimeDetailsHustling
- UserCrimeDetailsScamming
- UserCrimeDetailsScammingConcerns
- UserCrimeDetailsScammingEmails
- UserCrimeDetailsScammingPayouts
- UserCrimeDetailsScammingZones
- UserCrimeDetailsShoplifting
- UserCrimeMiscellaneous
- UserCrimeRewardAmmo
- UserCrimeRewardItem
- UserCrimeRewards
- UserCrimeUniques
- UserCrimeUniquesReward
- UserCrimeUniquesRewardAmmo
- UserCrimeUniquesRewardAmmoEnum
- UserCrimeUniquesRewardMoney
- UserCrimesResponse
- UserEnlistedCarsResponse
- UserForumFeedResponse
- UserForumFriendsResponse
- UserForumPostsResponse
- UserForumSubscribedThreadsResponse
- UserForumThreadsResponse
- UserGet200Response
- UserHofResponse
- UserHofStats
- UserHofStatsBattleStats
- UserItemMarkeListingItemDetails
- UserItemMarkeListingItemDetailsStats
- UserItemMarketListing
- UserItemMarketResponse
- UserJobRanks
- UserJobRanksResponse
- UserLastAction
- UserLife
- UserLookupResponse
- UserPersonalStatsCategory
- UserPersonalStatsCategoryPersonalstats
- UserPersonalStatsFull
- UserPersonalStatsFullPersonalstats
- UserPersonalStatsFullPublic
- UserPersonalStatsFullPublicPersonalstats
- UserPersonalStatsHistoric
- UserPersonalStatsPopular
- UserPersonalStatsPopularPersonalstats
- UserPersonalStatsResponse
- UserRaceCarDetails
- UserRacesResponse
- UserSelectionName
- UserStatus
- UserSubcrime
- WeaponBonusEnum
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