Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

convert_case is used at run time in 2,837 crates (of which 256 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 776 crates. It's used at build time in 157 crates (of which 18 optionally, 27 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 125 crates (of which 4 directly).

Number of dependers convert_case version Downloads/month
124 0.8.0 165K
221 0.7.1 297K
2,260 0.6.0 3.1M
283 0.5.0 268K
227 0.4.0 4.4M
4 0.3.2 180
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) convert_case version
2.7M 821 config optional ^0.6
2.3M 1 derive_more-impl optional ^0.7
390K 50 napi-derive ^0.6
391K 1 napi-derive-backend ^0.6
133K 1 comparable_derive ^0.4
133K 1 comparable_helper ^0.6
129K 1 kinded_macros ^0.6.0
115K 3 affix ^0.5.0
98K 1 sscanf_macro ^0.6.0
93K 4 server_fn_macro ^0.6.0
89K 22 cairo-lang-sierra ^0.7.1
74K 5 leptos_macro ^0.6.0
72K 19 cairo-lang-starknet-classes ^0.7.1
59K flutter_rust_bridge_codegen ^0.5.0
51K 2 lightningcss-derive ^0.6.0
39K 1 proptest-macro ^0.6
33K 2 re_case ^0.6
28K 5 auto_generate_cdp ^0.4.0
28K 7 dioxus-core-macro ^0.6.0
27K 1 reactive_stores_macro ^0.6
27K 1 serde_amqp_derive ^0.6.0
23K 1 documented-macros ^0.6.0
22K 4 pgrx-sql-entity-graph ^0.7.1
22K 11 candid_parser ^0.6
21K 1 dioxus-html-internal-macro ^0.6.0
15K 5 boojum ^0.6
15K 1 rquickjs-macro ^0.6
13K 1 enum-display-macro ^0.6.0
12K 1 fastcrypto-derive ^0.6.0
13K 1 struct-path ^0.6
11K 1 meilisearch-index-setting-macro ^0.6.0
10K 1 libspa ^0.6
9.8K 2 spider_chrome build ^0.8
9.6K 1 melior-macro ^0.7.1
9.1K 1 schematic_macros ^0.8.0
8.6K 1 dioxus-cli ^0.6.0
7.8K 2 near-abi-client ^0.5
7.8K 4 sdf-common ^0.8.0
7.2K 3 rusty-sidekiq ^0.7.1
6.4K 1 dotenv_config ^0.6.0
6.3K 2 napi-derive-ohos ^0.7
6.3K 1 napi-derive-backend-ohos ^0.7
18K 1 vrl optional ^0.7.1
6.2K 1 derive_generic_visitor_macros ^0.6.0
6.1K 1 deserr-internal ^0.6.0
5.7K 1 futures-signals-component-macro ^0.6.0
5.6K 1 shopify_function_macro ^0.6.0
5.4K 3 stylus-proc ^0.6.0
5.2K 1 derive-visitor-macros ^0.4.0
4.3K 1 apistos-gen ^0.6
3.9K 1 multi_index_map_derive ^0.6
3.8K 8 proto_core ^0.8.0
3.5K 1 worker-codegen ^0.6
3.3K 1 yerpc_derive ^0.5.0
3.3K 3 swiftide-macros ^0.8
3.2K 3 serde_alias ^0.4.0
3.0K 1 dioxus-rsx-rosetta ^0.6.0
2.9K 1 es-entity-macros ^0.6.0
2.8K 4 static-toml ^0.6
2.6K 2 modularize_imports ^0.6.0
2.6K multiversx-sc-meta ^0.8
2.5K 1 kcl-lib ^0.8.0
2.5K 2 multiversx-sc-meta-lib ^0.8
2.4K 1 xavier-derive ^0.6.0
2.3K 3 workflow-macro-tools ^0.6.0
2.3K 1 workflow-core-macros ^0.6.0
2.2K roadster ^0.6.0
2.2K 3 unleash-yggdrasil ^0.6.0
2.1K 2 vergen-pretty ^0.6.0
2.1K 2 sylvia-derive ^0.8.0
2.1K 1 workflow-task-macros ^0.6.0
2.0K derive-docs ^0.6.0
1.9K 2 iggy build ^0.7.1
1.9K 1 htmxology-macros ^0.7
1.9K zilliqa-rs build ^0.6.0
1.9K 3 enum_stringify ^0.6.0
1.7K 1 pax-designer ^0.6.0
1.6K 1 workflow-terminal-macros ^0.6.0
1.5K yew-bootstrap build ^0.6.0
1.5K 1 egui_struct_macros ^0.6.0
1.5K 1 oca-bundle ^0.6.0
1.5K 1 nest_struct ^0.7
1.4K cairo-language-server ^0.8.0
1.3K 4 bomboni_core ^0.6.0
1.3K 2 bomboni_wasm_core ^0.6.0
1.3K 2 fyrox-core-derive ^0.6.0
1.3K 4 cw-orch-contract-derive ^0.6.0
1.2K 1 chia-sdk-derive ^0.6.0
1.2K 1 substrait-expr-funcgen ^0.6.0
1.2K 1 deriving-via-impl ^0.7.1
1.2K 4 cw-orch-fns-derive ^0.6.0
1.2K libmonado build ^0.6.0
1.2K 1 rosetta-build ^0.4
1.2K jarust_make_plugin ^0.6.0
1.1K 1 envoke_derive ^0.8.0
1.1K 2 device-driver-generation ^0.6.0
1.1K 1 embedded-cli-macros ^0.6.0
1.0K 1 pagefind ^0.6.0
1.0K cairo-lang-language-server ^0.6.0
1.0K 1 ocaml-gen-derive ^0.6.0
3.7K 4 rpkl optional ^0.6.0
1.0K 1 aargvark_proc_macros ^0.6
1.0K 4 aargvark ^0.6
1.0K 1 woptions_meta ~0.5
1.0K 1 more-convert-derive-internal ^0.7
1.0K 3 jetstream_macros ^0.6.0
1.0K 18 zino-core ^0.7.1
950 1 surrealdb-migrations ^0.7.1
950 6 zino-orm ^0.7.1
950 1 pavexc ^0.7
900 1 txtx-addon-network-svm ^0.6.0
900 2 type-sitter-gen ^0.8
900 1 cream-macros ^0.6
850 1 bluerobotics-ping build ^0.6.0
850 2 rust_multistackvm ^0.6.0
800 6 quickfix-msg-gen ^0.7.1
800 cpr-cli ^0.4.0
800 frontwork ^0.6.0
750 1 egui-probe-proc ^0.6
750 1 sails-macros-core ^0.6
750 1 zino-derive ^0.7.1
750 2 cxx-qt-gen ^0.6.0
700 1 sails-client-gen ^0.6
700 1 sails-idl-gen ^0.6
700 vtable_gen ^0.6
700 6 monistode-binutils ^0.6.0
700 3 svd-encoder ^0.6.0
700 descriptor ^0.4
650 1 descriptor_derive ^0.4
650 prkserver ^0.6.0
650 2 barter-macro ^0.6.0
2.5K 2 yew_icons optional ^0.5
650 4 zino-openapi ^0.7.1
650 config_to_rs ^0.7.1
600 3 golem-openapi-client-generator ^0.6.0
600 1 postman2openapi ^0.5.0
600 1 af-move-type-derive ^0.7.1
600 cargo-swift ^0.6.0
600 1 config-manager-proc ^0.5
550 3 nyar-wasm ^0.6.0
550 nene ^0.6
550 gull ^0.4
500 2 fyrox-template-core ^0.6.0
500 1 yew-nested-router-macros ^0.6.0
500 yew-lucide build ^0.5.0
500 1 google-cloud-spanner-derive ^0.6
480 2 rsbinder-aidl ^0.6
470 1 kcl-derive-docs ^0.8.0
460 1 ame_bus_macros ^0.7.1
450 bund ^0.7.1
450 pimalaya-email ^0.5
450 1 mmr-macro ^0.6.0
440 1 worktable_codegen ^0.6.0
440 worktable ^0.6.0
440 1 free-icons build ^0.6.0
430 1 kalosm-language ^0.6.0
430 bears ^0.8.0
430 1 qm-utils-derive ^0.6.0
410 1 sikula-macros ^0.6.0
400 axum-connect-build ^0.7.1
380 3 htr ^0.5.0
380 1 rust-regex-dsl_derive ^0.6
380 bindy-macro ^0.6.0
370 3 protokit_derive ^0.6.0
370 1 pulumi_gestalt_generator ^0.8.0
370 2 qty-macros ^0.6
360 1 bindgen_helpers ^0.8.0
360 1 micropb-gen ^0.6
350 1 data_bucket_derive ^0.6.0
330 1 mdmodels ^0.6.0
330 1 postcard-bindgen-derive ^0.6.0
330 holochain_scaffolding_cli ^0.6.0
320 3 oca-file-semantics ^0.6.0
320 2 lunatic-macros ^0.6
320 1 openzeppelin-stylus-proc ^0.6.0
320 2 sneks ^0.6.0
310 4 oca-bundle-semantics ^0.6.0
310 1 neovide-derive ^0.7.0
310 1 chik-sdk-derive ^0.6.0
310 forklaunch ^0.7.1
310 1 oca-file-transformation ^0.6.0
300 1 oca-file ^0.6.0
300 mcp-core-macros ^0.6.0
300 3 async-opcua-macros ^0.6
300 1 xy-rpc-macro ^0.7
290 destination ^0.8.0
290 1 xkbcommon-rs-codegen ^0.6.0
280 1 leptos_workers_macro ^0.7
280 tonic-disable-doctest ^0.7
280 1 turf_macros ^0.6.0
280 rutile_colcon ^0.6.0
280 solana_toolbox_idl ^0.7.1
270 gcloud-spanner-derive ^0.6
270 senax ^0.4.0
270 bedrust ^0.6.0
270 1 struct-metadata-derive ^0.7
260 protokit_build ^0.6.0
260 1 echo-library ^0.6.0
260 3 cainome-parser ^0.6
250 spacetimedb-cli ^0.6.0
250 1 springtime-di-derive ^0.6.0
250 1 ormlite-macro ^0.7.1
250 cainome ^0.6
250 krpc-client build ^0.6.0
240 3 ormlite-attr ^0.7.1
230 1 mcp-macros ^0.6.0
230 cargo-zng ^0.7
220 1 dsntk-feel-grammar ^0.7.1
220 1 torn-api-macros ^0.5
220 1 argopt-impl ^0.5.0
220 1 argc ^0.6
210 1 nadi_plugin ^0.6.0
210 1 odra-macros ^0.5.0
1.1K 1 former_meta optional ^0.6.0
210 1 fluent-static-codegen ^0.6
200 aider-script ^0.8.0
200 eolib build ^0.7.1
190 1 gecs_macros ^0.6
190 2 despatma-visitor ^0.8.0
190 1 error_mancer_macros ^0.6
190 standard-readme ^0.6.0
190 ldtk-codegen ^0.6.0
190 rust_slim ^0.6.0
180 starlane-space ^0.5.0
180 wast-encoder ^0.6.0
180 8 linera-views ^0.6.0
170 1 embed_it_macros ^0.8.0
170 valkyrie-wit ^0.6.0
170 1 tsync ^0.6.0
170 1 microrm-macros ^0.5
170 xpg ^0.7.1
170 emgen ^0.5
170 zapp ^0.5.0
160 1 pen-ffi-macro ^0.6
160 1 nanom-derive ^0.7.1
160 witx-codegen ^0.8.0
160 1 mcp-macros-fishcode2025 ^0.6.0
160 1 minutus-macros ^0.6.0
160 1 trident-template ^0.6
160 svd2pac ^0.6
160 diesel_cli_ext ^0.6.0
160 1 novax-abi-build ^0.6.0
150 csv2rdf ^0.7.1
150 fpr-cli-derives ^0.6.0
150 rustic-rs ^0.6.0
150 support-kit ^0.6.0
150 1 rem-controller ^0.6.0
150 1 tggen ^0.6.0
150 1 ptrace-syscalls-macros ^0.6.0
150 brisk-machine ^0.7
140 1 conspiracy_macros ^0.7.1
140 fix-name-case ^0.6.0
140 1 moku-macros ^0.6.0
140 next-butler ^0
140 1 horfimbor-eventsource-derive ^0.7
140 5 sdml-core ^0.6
140 1 glace_macros ^0.6
140 1 shards-macro ^0.6.0
140 elmio-cli ^0.8.0
140 rust-fontawesome-icons build ^0.7
140 1 hipcheck-sdk-macros ^0.7.1
130 1 bevy_interleave_macros ^0.6
130 7 vsmtp-mail-parser ^0.6.0
130 binky-macro ^0.6.0
130 2 drink-test-macro ^0.6.0
130 1 place_macro_core ^0.6.0
130 1 ruleset-macros =0.7.1
130 1 kproc_pmacros ^0.6
120 1 galvan-transpiler ^0.6.0
120 rust_orm_gen ^0.4
120 thanix ^0.6.0
120 jetstream_wire_format_derive ^0.6.0
120 safe_drive_msg ^0.6
120 rustantic ^0.7.1
120 1 hpl-toolkit-attribute-honeycomb-context ^0.6.0
120 1 http-status-codes2 ^0.7.1
120 pgx-utils ^0.5.0
120 wg-mod ^0.6.0
120 blackmagic-camera-control build ^0.6.0
120 3 cu29-derive ^0.8.0
110 maydon ^0.7.1
110 swipl ^0.6
110 1 rtactor-macros ^0.4.0
110 2 utility-macros-internals ^0.6
100 tea-codec-macros ^0.5
100 darling-installer ^0.6.0
100 ldap-macros ^0.8.0
100 1 sad_machine ^0.4
1 nativeshell_build ^0.4.0
1 linera-sdk-derive ^0.6.0
800 trixy optional ^0.6.0
800 4 zino-http optional ^0.7.1
smarterr-macro ^0.6.0
1 export-type ^0.6.0
4 pgx-sql-entity-graph ^0.6.0
1 uxum-macros ^0.6
6 kaspa-rpc-macros ^0.6.0
8 laboratory ^0.4.0
1 osauth-derive ^0.6
2 ambient_ui ^0.6.0
ccase ^0.6
minutus-mrbgem-template ^0.6.0
derived-cms ^0.6.0
4 deki_proc ^0.6
1 tonysd-config-manager-proc ^0.5
1 hpl-toolkit-attribute-compressed-account ^0.6.0
vexilla_client ^0.3.2
mini-query ^0.6
javy-codegen ^0.8.0
1 blisp_embedded ^0.6
1 prost-serde-derive ^0.6
1 spaik-proc-macros ^0.6.0
db-set-macros ^0.6.0
1 hpl-toolkit-derive-to-schema ^0.6.0
1 bonfida-autobindings ^0.5.0
1 bonfida-autodoc ^0.5.0
wakflo ^0.6.0
crdts_derive ^0.6
captcha_oxide_derive ^0.6
1 drive-v3 ^0.6.0
1 railway-api-derive ^0.6
2 swimos_macro_utilities ^0.6
2 bevy_mod_scripting_common ^0.5.0
1 tiny-orm-macros <1.0
1 bevy_mod_scripting_lua_derive ^0.5.0
comodoro ^0.6
4 ohos_enum_macro ^0.6
endpoint-libs ^0.6
1 hass-mqtt-discovery-macros ^0.6
1 mkvparser build ^0.6
nestruct ^0.6.0
1 easyfix-messages-gen ^0.6
design_token_parser ^0.6.0
subcli ^0.6.0
1 bomboni_template ^0.6.0
generic-lang ^0.6.0
1 hashers_proc_macro ^0.7.1
1 aj_macro ^0.6.0
1 hpl-toolkit-derive-to-node ^0.6.0
6 preserves-schema ^0.4.0
2 comprehensive_macros ^0.7
dharitri-sc-meta ^0.7.1
1 hpl-toolkit-attribute-account-schemas-ix-injector ^0.6.0
1 mf1-macros ^0.6.0
hpl-attribute-compressed-account ^0.6.0
kaspa-wallet-cli ^0.5.0
1 wasm-bus-macros ^0.5
1 wasm-deploy-derive ^0.6.0
1 bonfida-autoproject ^0.5.0
by-macros ^0.7.1
1 dst-init-macros ^0.6.0
mina_mesh ^0.6.0
saphir-cli ^0.6
1 typed-i18n-support ^0.6
serde_hooks ^0.6.0
4 wdl-analysis ^0.6.0
lwb-parser ^0.5.0
1 midi-toolkit-rs-derive ^0.4.0
cddlconv ^0.6.0
1 jsonschema_code_generator ^0.4.0
1 plugy-macros ^0.6.0
1 automato ^0.4.0
2 dharitri-sc-meta-lib ^0.6.0
1 envload_derive ^0.5.0
crete ^0.8.0
1 dmntk-feel-grammar ^0.6.0
1 macroex-derive ^0.6
2 ambient_package ^0.6.0
1 gami_mc_protocol build ^0.7.1
1 qualia_derive ^0.5.0
1 rscx-macros ^0.6.0
3 wdl-lint ^0.6.0
2 yew-feather build ^0.6.0
2 hpl-attribute-event ^0.6.0
1 shakespeare-macro ^0.6.0
ultime ^0.6.0
uniffi_swiftpkg_gen ^0.5.0
1 xim-gen ^0.4.0
1 crochet_macro ^0.6
1 hpl-macro-add-service ^0.6.0
html-to-react ^0.5.0
1 persian-rug_derive ^0.5
1 sqlx-models-derive ^0.5.0
1 boot-fns-derive ^0.6.0
framy ^0.6.0
html-bindgen ^0.6.0
1 qunit-macros ^0.6.0
trident-derive-accounts-snapshots ^0.6.0
gen ^0.6.0
1 odra-codegen ^0.5.0
1 rpc-it-macros ^0.6.0
1 wot-battle-results-parser-macros ^0.5.0
1 argentum_game_coordinate_system_macros ^0.6.0
godot_rust_helper ^0.4.0
1 embedded-devices-derive ^0.6.0
1 presage-macros ^0.6
10 nyar-error ^0.6.0
rsx-rosetta ^0.5.0
1 vex-rt-macros ^0.6.0
1 zzrpc-derive ^0.6.0
4 headless_common ^0.6.0
i18n_langid_codegen ^0.6.0
3 sapiens_tools ^0.6.0
2 literateink-wasm ^0.6.0
1 dagger-codegen ^0.6.0
1 identconv ^0.6
cargo-pgml-components ^0.6
openapi-client-generator ^0.5.0
env-config ^0.4.0
1 fieldset_macro ^0.6.0
quocktail ^0.6.0
tosspayments-rs ^0.6
1 ahecha_macro ^0.5.0
600 1 clap-serde optional ^0.6.0
enum-from-functions ^0.6.0
ffi_reflect_csharp ^0.6.0
1 gorm_macros ^0.5.0
1 gramatika-macro ^0.6
10 ambient_ui_native ^0.6.0
1 arrpc-derive ^0.6.0
catppuccin-purr ^0.6.0
clightningrpc-plugin-macros ^0.5.0
1 rg3d-core-derive ^0.5.0
1 uwurandom-proc-macros ^0.6.0
bevy_mod_scripting_rhai_derive ^0.5.0
embedded-icon build ^0.6.0
enum_macro_gen ^0.6
1 kaspa-wallet-macros ^0.5.0
1 mini-query-derive ^0.6
1 privsep-derive ^0.4.0
1 rstml-component-macro ^0.6
schemas build ^0.6
1 valkyrie-errors ^0.6.0
absurd ^0.6.0
1 actix-error-derive ^0.6
2 air-meta ^0.6.0
hpl-toolkit-macro-account-schemas-instruction ^0.6.0
modinfo_7dtd ^0.6.0
slicec ^0.6.0
test-mobile ^0.6
2 drt-sc-meta-lib ^0.6.0
1 enum-update-derive ^0.7.1
1 hpl-macro-platform-gate ^0.6.0
xcode_uniffi ^0.5.0
1 a653rs_macros ^0.6
1 retroshade-sdk-macros ^0.6.0
1 sbml-macros ^0.4.0
server-function ^0.6.0
sqlx-ts ^0.5.0
tuxedo ^0.6
1 himalaya-lib ^0.5
mochi-cli ^0.6.0
1 nwn-rs-codegen ^0.5.0
rust_hls ^0.6.0
json_keys_case_changer ^0.4.0
mixinx ^0.6
1 rust-gl-proc ^0.4.0
wb_sqlite ^0.7.1
1 authzen-diesel-proc-macros-core ^0.6
chompbuild ^0
spaik ^0.6.0
zzhack ^0.5.0
drt-sc-meta ^0.6.0
egnite ^0.6.0
2 inexor-rgf-rt ^0.6
1 lady-deirdre-derive ^0.6
1 linera-service ^0.6.0
2 m3rs_core ^0.6.0
1 semantics-derive ^0.5
1 willbe ^0.6.0
8 cosmic-space ^0.5.0
1 crash_orm_derive ^0.6.0
enum-filter ^0.6
enum-str-derive ^0.6.0
gotcha ^0.4.0
1 ad-astra-export ^0.6
af_bevy_plugin_macro ^0.6.0
automato_sync ^0.4.0
dojo-macros ^0.6.0
1 errorset ^0.6
ion-cli ^0.6.0
1 libzeropool-zkbob ^0.4.0
1 syn-prelude-macros ^0.6
1 wasmer-bus-macros ^0.5
1 ab-code-gen ^0.6.0
1 authzen-proc-macros-core ^0.6
1 ctrlgen-impl ^0.5.0
parser-pda ^0.4.0
proto_seeder ^0.4
1 sfsm-proc ^0.4.0
spellabet ^0.6.0
1 varlen_macro ^0.5.0
bevy_api_gen ^0.6
4 brix_processor ^0.6
1 crdts_macro_derive ^0.6
1 mdmodels-macro ^0.6.0
savory-router ^0.4.0
tslink ^0.6
2 usc ^0.6.0
1 api-impl ^0.6
axum_cli ^0.6.0
1 bevy_enum_filter_derive ^0.6.0
cargo-distribute ^0.4.0
ckb_multi_index_map ^0.6
devto-cli ^0.5
ffi-destruct ^0.6
kaspa-ng-macros ^0.6.0
1 lucamoller_dust_macro ^0.6
macroconf ^0.6.0
1 mrsbfh-macros ^0.5.0
parquetry-gen ^0.6
1 roci-macros ^0.6.0
1 xcell-core ^0.6.0
2 adrift_core ^0.6.0
2 ambient_animation ^0.6.0
3 graphite_mc_constants build ^0.5.0
2 xql-derive ^0.5
1 am-api-proc-macro ^0.6.0
automato_sync_non_mut ^0.4.0
blobtk ^0.6.0
cargo-emanate ^0.6.0
cargo-odra ^0.6
1 ez_jni_macros ^0.6.0
1 factorio-exporter ^0.6.0
5 kaspa-wallet-core ^0.6.0
1 mongodb-ext-derive ^0
mongoose ^0.6.0
openai_proc_macros ^0.6.0
pipelight_git ^0.6.0
2 syn-prelude ^0.6
1 adrift_macros ^0.6.0
argentum_rest_generator_app 0.6.*
1 checked-rs-macro-impl ^0.6.0
3 crcnt_ddd_macros ^0.6
devii ^0.6.0
5 dip_macro ^0.5
gs11n_derive ^0.4.0
hypixel_api ^0.6.0
is_variant ^0.4.0
2 kvapi-macros-internals ^0.6.0
latex-to-html ^0
1 leptos_form_proc_macros_core ~0.6
1 tailwind-parse-macro ^0.6.0
vl build ^0.5
webthings-gateway-ipc-types build ^0.4.0
1 abcgen-attributes ^0.6.0
blog-replay ^0.5.0
derive_static_str ^0.6
idl ^0.4.0
modern-roman-clock build ^0.7.1
1 tighterror-build ^0.6.0
1 anchor-i11n-derive ^0.6.0
1 astray_macro ^0.6.0
cargo-nw ^0.6.0
1 client-handle-core ^0.6.0
1 deltastruct_proc ^0.4
1 derive_constructors_proc ^0.6.0
dioxus-studio ^0.5.0
1 dip_bundle ^0.5
2 fi-night ^0.4.0
get_params_derive ^0.5.0
1 hollywood_macros ^0.6
1 klever-sc-meta ^0.6.0
1 nom-mpq ^0.6.0
solang ^0.6
2 yolol-devices ^0.4.0
1 zero_v_gen ^0.4
1 altium-macros ^0.6.0
astree_macro ^0.6.0
homelander ^0.5.0
1 labelled-enum-derive ^0.5.0
libninja_hir ^0.6.0
plotly-types build ^0.3
1 rschema-derive ^0.5.0
1 sewup-derive ^0.5.0
1 sqlite3_ext_macro ^0.5.0
trait_deref ^0.7.1
1 ag-grid-derive ^0.6.0
1 apyee-macros ^0.6.0
cargo-godot ^0.6
1 const_struct_derive ^0.6.0
1 cypher-dto-macros ^0.6.0
ecs_types build ^0.6
1 error_spanned_derive ^0.4.0
2 gotcha_core ^0.6.0
jetstream_derive ^0.6.0
1 kitty-remote-bindings-macros ^0.6.0
1 openapi-lambda-codegen ^0.6
rosetta-solana ^0.4.0
rustemo-compiler ^0.5.0
1 serde_view_macros ^0.6.0
1 workflow-egui-macros ^0.6.0
acetewm ^0.6
1 append_db_postgres_derive ^0.5.0
asbru ^0.4.0
1 binroots-proc-macros ^0.6
db-introspector-gadget ^0.6.0
1 ensnare-proc-macros ^0.6
1 eqlog >=0
1 event_system_macros ^0.6.0
genify ^0.6.0
1 jsoncodegen ^0.6.0
3 kaspa-cli ^0.6.0
1 mod_plugins_macros ^0.6.0
mosaic-derive ^0.6
rdfoothills-vocabgen ^0.6
1 tokio-scheduler-macro ^0
1 whiskers-derive ^0.6.0
wurbo ^0.6.0
actix-cli ^0.4
bakkesmod-cli ^0.4.0
1 chandra-kernel ^0.6
config-dirs ^0.6.0
5 crows-service ^0.6
1 evento-macro ^0.6.0
1 four_derive ^0.6
glade-bindgen-gtk4 ^0.4
mdbook-journal ^0.6
riz ^0.6.0
rs4j ^0.6.0
squtils ^0
1 tauri-interop-macro ^0.6
1 terse_cli_lib ^0.6.0
1 trait-enumizer-derive ^0.5.0
typetrait ^0.4
wahoo ^0.6.0
async-trait-static ^0.4.0
case-macro ^0.6.0
cewt ^0.6
1 cosmic-universe ^0.5.0
curlz ^0.6
1 derive-attribute-macros ^0.6.0
1 dirk_macros ^0.6.0
1 enums_arena_derive ^0.6.0
1 fuel-indexer-macros ^0.6
godot-rs-config ^0.6.0
konektor_db ^0.3.0
parse-sap-odata ^0.6
1 permafrost-derive ^0.6
1 prisma-client-rust-codegen ^0.4.0
2 prisma-client-rust-core ^0.4.0
pumpkin-solver ^0.6.0
1 ral-macro ^0.4
1 riwaq-macro ^0.6
scuffle-config ^0.6
sem-reg ^0.6.0
serde_dhall_typegen ^0.5.0
tera-sprig ^0.6.0
try_convert ^0.6.0
whiskers ^0.6.0
1 appy-macros ^0.6.0
bedrock-material-list ^0.6
griddb ^0.3.0
1 holder_derive ^0.6.0
15 melodium-macro ^0.6
opengl-registry-macros ^0.6.0
pathify ^0.6.0
prisma-client-rust-cli ^0.4.0
proc-syscall ^0.6.0
tarnik ^0.6
vintage ^0.6.0
1 web-sys-query-derive ^0.4.0
1 yggdrasil-ir ^0.6.0
zits ^0.6.0
autd3capi-wrapper-generator ^0.6.0
1 bitaccess_macros ^0.4
bmbp_dev_engine ^0.6.0
1 buffered-derive ^0.6
cali_cli ^0.5.0
cali_derive ^0.5.0
1 cpp_oop_macros ^0.6.0
1 darksteel-codegen ^0.4
1 derived-cms-derive ^0.6.0
1 gekko-generator ^0.4.0
1 indicator_macros ^0.6.0
ironcore-alloy ^0.6.0
1 macro_types ^0.6.0
1 murf-macros ^0.6
near-sdk-abi ^0.5
numcodecs-python ^0.6
1 pg-worm-derive ^0.6.0
pipelight_utils ^0.6.0
1 podstru-derive ^0.6.0
rspc-macros ^0.5.0
2 rust_hls_macro_lib ^0.6.0
sane-scan build ^0.4.0
1 structify-derive ^0.6.0
1 trait-based-collection-macros ^0.5
1 unreql_macros ^0.6.0
1 async-debug-derive ~0.5.0
ayda ^0.6.0
1 bluejay-typegen-macro ^0.6
cabin-language ^0.6.0
cargo-autobindings ^0.4.0
1 const_typed_builder_derive ^0.6
delta_derive ^0.4
dotenv_config_ext ^0.6.0
filigree-cli ^0.6.0
glade-bindgen ^0.4
itext ^0.6.0
2 java-bindgen-core ^0.6
1 katcp_derive ^0.5
1 kvapi-macros ^0.6.0
leetcode-cli-rs ^0.6.0
1 libzeropool ^0.4.0
make-tzdb ^0.5.0
make_fields ^0.6.0
material_you ^0.6.0
1 mutable_derive ^0.5.0
pda_parser ^0.4.0
pipelight_files ^0.6.0
1 polished-css-macros ^0.6.0
1 power-protobuf-lib ^0.6
resterror-derive ^0.6
ruic ^0.4
sfn-ng >=0.4.0
spacetimedb-bindgen ^0.5.0
sqldiff ^0.6.0
strflags ^0.6
1 trpc-rs-macros ^0.5.0
2 unc-abi-client ^0.5
variant-builder-macro ^0.4
wdl-core ^0.6.0
8 yggdrasil-shared ^0.6.0
1 cronus_generator ^0.6.0
1 derive_environment_macros ^0.6.0
derivenum ^0
1 drink-test-macro-next ^0.6.0
3 edm-core ^0.6.0
endpoint-gen ^0.6.0
godot-rust-cli ^0.4.0
libmonado-rs build ^0.6.0
lpm ^0.6.0
north-config ^0.6
ntdsextract2 build ^0
pebble_query ^0.6.0
pipelight_exec ^0.6.0
1 replman_derive_impl ^0.4
1 rusty-bind-parser ^0.6
s2protocol ^0.6.0
2 scyllax-macros-core ^0.6.0
serenum ^0.6.0
sqlmo_openapi ^0.6.0
1 stapifaction_derive ^0.6
1 ts-bind-macros ^0.6.0
buffed-derive ^0.6
1 dharithri-sc-meta ^0.6.0
enum-impl ^0.6
esso ^0.6.0
1 figtok_tokens ^0.6.0
1 formality-macros ^0.6.0
gendry ^0.6
golem-scalajs-wit-bindgen ^0.6.0
http_query_params ^0.6.0
ident-mash ^0.6.0
indicator_derive ^0.6.0
just-code ^0.6.0
1 lucidity-macros ^0.6.0
monzo-beancount ^0.6.0
monzo-cli ^0.6.0
3 ormlitex-attr ^0.6
ovsdb-build ^0.6.0
1 plectrum-derive ^0.6.0
polytest ^0.6.0
1 power-reqwest-lib ^0.6
power_systems build ^0.6
proto-json ^0.6.0
protoc_gen_ets ^0.6.0
1 rtlola-interpreter-macros ^0.6.0
1 rust_slim_macros ^0.6.0
1 rustyboy_instruction_derive ^0.6.0
sbe-codegen ^0.6.0
serde-dot-case ^0.6.0
1 skedgy-derive ^0.6.0
stackify ^0.6.0
1 sw4rm-rs-generation ^0.6
tot_spec ^0.6
unitedservices_common ^0.6.0
1 validation-boilerplate-derive ^0.6
valkyrie-ffi ^0.6.0
wom_rs ^0.6.0
480 2 melodium-lang optional ^0.6
330 2 postcard-bindgen-core optional ^0.6.0
290 storm-config optional =0.6.0
210 rpkl-jdx optional ^0.6.0
170 okcodes-config optional ^0.6
awwsy optional ^0.6.0
1 blockz_derive optional ^0.4
cargo-leet optional ^0.6
cbrzn-ethers-core optional ^0.6.0
configgen-rs optional ^0.6
deriv-api optional ^0.6
1 derive_more_preview-impl optional ^0.6
dollgen optional ^0.6.0
1 ensnare optional ^0.6.0
1 flexvg optional ^0.5.0
2 golang-type-decl-core optional ^0.4
marigold optional ^0.6.0
8 odra-utils optional ^0.5.0
starlane optional ^0.5.0
traefikctl optional ^0.6.0
1 typesum-macros optional ^0.6.0
valust-utils optional ^0.7.1
2.0M 428 aws-runtime dev ^0.6.0
4.0K datadog-api-client dev ^0.6.0
140 bazbandilo dev ^0.7
smufl dev ^0.6.0