10 releases

0.4.2 Oct 25, 2023
0.4.1 Sep 25, 2023
0.4.0-alpha.4 Aug 7, 2023
0.4.0-alpha.3 Jul 12, 2023
0.2.0 Jun 5, 2023

#104 in #query-language

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CI GitHub release (latest SemVer) crates.io docs.rs

Simple Query Language - [ˈziːˈkuːˈlaː]


Another query language, are you serious?

Actually it isn't that new. But naming it "Query language similar to GitHub's search syntax" (QLSTGHSS) wasn't a real option.

Think of it more as an implementation of a familiar syntax.

What's the difference then?

They are subtle. But I don't want to spoil the surprise. Or maybe I am just too lazy documenting it. 🤷


Assuming you have an enum defined for searching e-mails:

use sikula::prelude::*;

#[derive(Search, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum DeriveResource<'a> {
    /// Standard qualifier: `author:someone`
    #[search(sort, scope)]
    Author(&'a str),
    /// Default primary: `warranty`
    /// Non-default primary: `warranty in:message`, to search in both: `warranty in:message in:subject`

    /// Predicate: `is:read`

    /// Numeric qualifier example:
    /// * `size:100` (equals)
    /// * `size:>=100` (size greater than or equals 100)
    /// * `size:100..200` (size between 100 inclusive and 200 exclusive)
    /// * `size:*..200` (size up to 200 exclusive)


    Label(Qualified<'a, &'a str>),

The Query derive provides the trait implementation. The #[query(scope)] attribute flags the variant Subject as Body scopes for the primary search terms, marking Subject as the default if none was selected.

In general, there are three types of terms: Primary, Qualifiers, Predicates. Predicates are simple "is this condition true" style of filters. If an enum variant doesn't have any value, it is a predicate.

Qualifiers are additional matching criteria, which depend on the type of the value.

With the #[query(sort)] flag, a field can be used for sorting the result.

Now, you can do the following queries:

Query Retrieves all entries…
foo … containing "foo" in the "subject"
foo in:subject in:message … containing "foo" in either "subject" or "body"
foo in:subject in:message is:read … containing "foo" in either "subject" or "body" being "read"
foo bar … containing "foo" and "bar" in the subject
size:>10000 … having a size greater than 10000
size:100..200 … having a size between 100 (inclusive) and 200 (exclusive)
-is:read … being "not read"
foo sort:sent … containing "foo" in the subject, sorted by "sent" ascending
foo -sort:sent … containing "foo" in the subject, sorted by "sent" descending
sender:"Max Mustermann" … having a sender of Max Mustermann
sender:"Max Mustermann" sender:"Eva Mustermann" … having a sender of Max Mustermann and Eva Mustermann (most likely no results will be found)
sender:"Max Mustermann","Eva Mustermann" … having a sender of Max Mustermann or Eva Mustermann
foo OR bar … containing "foo" or "bar" in the "subject"
foo AND bar … containing "foo" and "bar" in the "subject"
foo OR bar AND baz … containing either "foo" or ( "bar" and "baz" ) in the "subject"
(foo OR bar) AND baz … containing ( "foo" or "bar" ) and "baz" in the "subject"
foo OR bar baz … containing ( "foo" or "bar" ) and "baz" in the "subject"

For testing more examples with the resource above, you can run the cli example:

cargo run --example cli --features time -- -is:read AND foo

Which will give you a structured output of the parsed query:

Input: '-is:read AND foo'
Query {
    terms: And(
    sorting: [],


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