1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Jun 20, 2023 |
#22 in #k-mer
772 lines
is a simple tool for finding shared k-mer content between two genomes.
Prebuilt binary
curl -sSL skc.mbh.sh | sh
# or with wget
wget -nv -O - skc.mbh.sh | sh
You can also pass options to the script like so
$ curl -sSL skc.mbh.sh | sh -s -- --help
install.sh [option]
Fetch and install the latest version of skc, if skc is already
installed it will be updated to the latest version.
-V, --verbose
Enable verbose output for the installer
-f, -y, --force, --yes
Skip the confirmation prompt during installation
-p, --platform
Override the platform identified by the installer
-b, --bin-dir
Override the bin installation directory [default: /usr/local/bin]
-a, --arch
Override the architecture identified by the installer [default: x86_64]
-B, --base-url
Override the base URL used for downloading releases [default: https://github.com/mbhall88/skc/releases]
-h, --help
Display this help message
cargo install skc
conda install skc
cargo build --release
./target/release/skc --help
Check for shared 16-mers between the HIV-1 genome and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome.
$ skc -k 16 NC_001802.1.fa NC_000962.3.fa
[2023-06-20T01:46:36Z INFO ] 9079 unique k-mers in target
[2023-06-20T01:46:38Z INFO ] 2 shared k-mers between target and query
>4233642782 tcount=1 qcount=1 tpos=NC_001802.1:739 qpos=NC_000962.3:4008106
>4237062597 tcount=1 qcount=1 tpos=NC_001802.1:8415 qpos=NC_000962.3:629482
So we can see there are two shared 16-mers between the genomes. By default, the shared k-mers are written to stdout -
use the -o
option to write them to file.
Fasta description
Example: >4233642782 tcount=1 qcount=1 tpos=NC_001802.1:739 qpos=NC_000962.3:4008106
The ID (4233642782
) is the 64-bit integer representation of the k-mer's value in bit-space (
see Daniel Liu's brilliant cute-nucleotides
repository for more information). tcount
and qcount
are the
number of times the k-mer is present in the target and query genomes, respectively. tpos
and qpos
are the (1-based)
k-mer starting position(s) within the target and query contigs - these will be comma-seperated if the k-mer occurs
multiple times.
Usage help
$ skc --help
Shared k-mer content between two genomes
Target sequence
Can be compressed with gzip, bzip2, xz, or zstd
Query sequence
Can be compressed with gzip, bzip2, xz, or zstd
-k, --kmer <KMER>
Size of k-mers (max. 32)
[default: 21]
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Output filepath(s); stdout if not present
-O, --output-type <u|b|g|l|z>
u: uncompressed; b: Bzip2; g: Gzip; l: Lzma; z: Zstd
Output compression format is automatically guessed from the filename extension. This option is used to override that
[default: u]
-l, --compress-level <INT>
Compression level to use if compressing output
[default: 6]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
- Make the first genome passed (
) the smallest genome. This is to reduce memory usage as all unique k-mers ( well theiru64
value) for this genome will be held in memory. - We do not use canonical k-mers
- 32 is the largest k-mer size that can be used. This is basically a (lazy) implementation decision, but also helps to keep the memory footprint as low as possible. If you want larger k-mer values, I would suggest checking out some of the similar tools.
Alternate tools
does not claim to be the fastest or most memory-efficient tool to find shared k-mer content. I basically wrote it
as I either struggled to install some alternate tools, they were clunky/verbose, or it was laborious to get shared
k-mers out of the results (e.g. can only search one k-mer at a time or have to run many different subcommands). Here is
a (non-exhaustive) list of other tools that can be used to get shared k-mer content
Daniel Liu's brilliant cute-nucleotides
repository is used to (rapidly) convert k-mers into 64-bit integers.
~190K SLoC