Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Rustls is used at run time in 7,340 crates (of which 2,787 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 995 crates. It's used at build time in 41 crates (of which 19 optionally, 2 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 476 crates (of which 26 directly).

Number of dependers Rustls version Downloads/month
3,015 0.23.23 5.1M
1 0.23.19 2.6M
306 0.22.4 1.4M
4 0.22.2 52K
1,953 0.21.12 3.1M
1 0.21.10 653K
1 0.21.6 55K
1,285 0.20.9 767K
500 0.19.1 193K
197 0.18.1 39K
338 0.17.0 7.3K
134 0.16.0 4.5K
28 0.15.2 3.9K
14 0.14.0 2.1K
56 0.13.1 3.0K
10 0.12.0 550
7 0.11.0 370
1 0.9.0 750
1 0.8.0 220
5 0.5.8 430
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Rustls version
11.8M 602 tokio-rustls ^0.23.15
9.8M 1014 hyper-rustls ^0.23
9.9M 11293 reqwest optional ^0.23.4
3.8M 166 quinn optional ^0.23.5
3.8M 37 quinn-proto optional ^0.23.5
3.5M 788 tokio-tungstenite optional ^0.23.0
4.0M 312 tungstenite optional ^0.23.0
2.9M 963 ureq optional ^0.23.22
871K 30 rustls-platform-verifier ^0.23.16
1.5M 440 aws-smithy-runtime optional ^0.21.8
1.3M 5 kube-client optional ^0.23.16
1.7M 496 redis optional ^0.23
2.0M 46 sqlx-core optional ^0.23.11
391K 39 futures-rustls ^0.23
1.0M 43 trust-dns-proto optional ^0.21.0
996K 37 hickory-proto optional ^0.21.6
937K 177 trust-dns-resolver optional ^0.21.0
933K 116 hickory-resolver optional ^0.21.6
302K 6 libp2p-quic ^0.23.9
299K 8 libp2p-tls ^0.23.9
842K 165 tiny_http optional ^0.20
247K 14 google-cloud-auth ^0.23.23
714K 72 sentry optional ^0.23.18
183K 14 tokio-postgres-rustls ^0.23
171K 3 litep2p ^0.20.7
501K 101 bollard optional ^0.23
494K 71 attohttpc optional ^0.23.22
478K 8 zookeeper-client optional ^0.23.2
141K 8 rustls-connector ^0.23
400K 4 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^0.23
369K 17 actix-tls optional ^0.21.6
122K 3 alloy-transport-ws ^0.23
358K 11 jsonrpsee-http-client optional ^0.23.7
107K 11 solana-quic-client ^0.23.22
106K 29 solana-streamer ^0.23.22
304K 102 axum-server optional ^0.23
283K 732 yup-oauth2 optional ^0.23
61K 40 async-tls ^0.21
62K 15 wasmtime-wasi-http ^0.22.0
174K 10 rocket_http optional ^0.21
162K 95 awc optional ^0.20
162K 205 mongodb optional ^0.21.6
154K 163 lettre optional ^0.23.5
50K 28 nats ^0.22
147K 46 mysql_async optional ^0.23
137K 106 minreq optional ^0.21.1
114K 22 http-client optional ^0.18
106K 1 cargo-xwin optional ^0.23.10
106K 38 rust-s3 optional ^0.21
31K 5 webrtc-dtls ^0.23.10
26K 29 webrtc ^0.23.10
76K 50 hf-hub optional ^0.23.4
70K 26 fred optional ^0.23
21K 8 dropshot ^0.22.4
65K 30 ldap3 optional ^0.21.0
56K 20 hickory-client optional ^0.21.6
55K 116 mysql optional ^0.23
54K 11 clickhouse optional ^0.23
54K 14 suppaftp optional ^0.23
54K 236 surf optional ^0.18
15K 5 sc-offchain ^0.23.14
16K 4 tough ^0.23
46K 20 twilight-http optional ^0.23
15K 6 async-rustls ^0.21
14K 6 fedimint-tonic-lnd ^0.21.0
14K 3 rustls-tokio-stream ^0.23
44K 11 hickory-server optional ^0.21.6
43K 6 actix-connect optional ^0.18.0
13K 1 zenoh-link-quic ^0.23.13
13K 1 zenoh-link-tls ^0.23.13
13K 7 mail-send ^0.23
11K 2 s2n-quic-rustls ^0.23
34K 29 electrum-client optional ^0.23.21
33K 37 actix-test optional ^0.20
31K 2 maturin optional ^0.23
28K 33 trust-dns-client optional ^0.21.0
9.3K 1 dioxus-cli ^0.23.12
8.7K nel ^0.21
8.1K 14 iroh ^0.23
8.0K 3 aws-smithy-experimental ^0.23
22K 7 hyper-socks2 optional ^0.22
22K 6 fe2o3-amqp optional ^0.23
21K 17 gitlab optional ^0.22.4
7.0K 16 solana-core ^0.23.22
6.8K 1 poem-grpc ^0.22.0
6.7K 2 apollo-router ^0.23.19
20K 4 dioxus-fullstack optional ^0.23.12
6.5K 18 deno_tls ^0.23.11
6.0K 2 solana-turbine ^0.23.22
18K 8 pulsar optional ^0.23.20
5.7K 2 slack-rust-rs ^0.19.1
16K 66 surrealdb optional ^0.23.12
5.3K 5 tokio-rustls-acme ^0.23
5.1K 4 tls-api-rustls ^0.23.5
14K 8 tokio-tungstenite-wasm optional ^0.23
14K 11 zenoh-link-commons optional ^0.23.13
4.9K 3 iroh-relay ^0.23
4.9K 2 iroh-net-report ^0.23
4.8K 7 wasmcloud-core ^0.23.11
4.8K 3 rustls-ffi ^0.23.18
13K 12 pkarr optional ^0.23
4.4K s3sync ^0.21.12
4.1K 11 wtransport ^0.23.12
4.0K 13 iroh-net ^0.23
12K 2 coap optional ^0.21.1
3.6K dbcrossbar ^0.20.1
3.6K 1 gcp-sdk-auth ^0.23.22
10K cf-reqwest optional ^0.23.4
11K 12 iroh-quinn optional ^0.23.5
11K 4 iroh-quinn-proto optional ^0.23.5
10K 4 sspi optional ^0.23
10K 2 x509-signature optional ^0.18.0
3.4K 1 qjsonrpc ^0.20.8
3.3K 2 compio-quic ^0.23.1
10K 49 ntex optional ^0.23
9.9K 5 ntex-tls optional ^0.23
3.0K matic-portal-client ^0.22.4
2.6K 1 rustls-cert-reloadable-resolver ^0.23
2.5K 3 web-transport-quinn ^0.23
8.1K 1 candle-hf-hub optional ^0.23.4
2.4K epistemology ^0.20
2.4K 3 eventstore ^0.23
7.3K 1 actix-server-config optional ^0.16.0
7.1K 27 trust-dns-server optional ^0.21.0
2.2K sos ^0.23
2.1K 2 sbd-client ^0.22.4
2.1K 1 iggy ^0.23.23
2.0K rxqlite ^0.22
6.6K 27 http_req optional ^0.23
2.0K 1 a2 ^0.22.4
1.9K dprint =0.23.19
1.9K fishnet ^0.23
1.9K 1 forevervm-sdk ^0.23.21
1.9K watfaq-dns ^0.23
1.8K 10 sbd-server ^0.22.4
1.7K overtls ^0.23
1.7K 17 kitsune_p2p_types ^0.21
1.7K 4 axum-server-dual-protocol ^0.23
1.6K http-request ^0.23.23
1.6K 1 htwrap ^0.22
5.4K 1 surrealdb-nightly optional ^0.23.12
5.2K 1 actix-net optional ^0.14
1.5K jsonwebtoken-google ^0.20.2
1.5K 1 dragonfly-client-backend ^0.22.4
1.5K 1 dragonfly-client ^0.22.4
1.5K 4 dragonfly-client-util ^0.22.4
1.5K 5 cargo-lambda-remote ^0.23.17
1.4K 16 libunftp ^0.23.20
4.8K 8 volo optional ^0.23
1.4K 1 cargo-lambda-watch ^0.23.17
4.6K 6 pact_mock_server optional ^0.23.12
1.3K khost ^0.23.11
4.5K 10 quic-rpc optional ^0.23
4.5K 4 k8-client optional ^0.23.11
1.3K htsget-lambda ^0.23
1.3K printer_client ^0.21.7
1.3K ma ^0.22.2
1.3K htsget-actix ^0.23
1.2K printer_server ^0.21.7
1.2K 4 affinidi-messaging-sdk ^0.23
1.2K hiddenlink ^0.23.14
1.2K questdb-rs ^0.22.0
1.1K 5 solana-tls-utils ^0.23.22
1.1K async-nats-tokio-rustls-deps ^0.21.0-ALPHA.1
1.1K 1 hyper-sync-rustls ^0.11
1.1K 1 hyper-alpn ^0.20
1.1K 1 affinidi-messaging-mediator ^0.23
1.1K tmi-ord ^0.22.0
1.1K inspect-cert-chain ^0.23
1.0K geph4-client ^0.19.1
3.7K jmap-client optional ^0.22
1.0K rusty_vault ^0.23.16
1.0K 1 adb_client ^0.23.22
3.6K 1 mas-http optional ^0.23.12
1.0K 2 dg_xch_clients ^0.21.10
1.0K ocpp-client ^0.23
1.0K zenoh-plugin-mqtt ^0.23.13
950 1 atuin-server ^0.23
900 sos-server ^0.23
900 4 battler-wamp ^0.23.16
900 uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.21.12
3.2K 1 zbx_sender optional ^0.20.4
850 2 rustls-post-quantum ^0.23.22
850 1 rust-tls-duplex-stream ^0.23.18
850 1 edgee-server ^0.23.19
850 1 pingora-rustls ^0.23.12
800 10 tide-rustls ^0.19.0
800 3 ekg-util =0.22.2
800 4 nethsm ^0.23.19
800 2 astarte-device-sdk ^0.23.4
800 1 pkarr-relay ^0.23
750 11 zksync_web3_decl ^0.23
750 1 tower-server ^0.23
750 netscan-service ^0.21
750 1 ya-gcp ^0.21.8
750 1 mclr ^0.23.22
700 tiny-web ^0.23
2.7K ntpd optional ^0.23.0
2.6K 2 gremlin-client optional ^0.20
2.6K 4 dockworker optional ^0.21
700 solana-tpu-client-next ^0.23.22
700 6 pi_tcp ^0.20
650 1 chat-gpt-lib-rs >=0.23.21, <0.24.0
650 1 gauthenticator ^0.23
650 rabbitmqadmin ^0.23.20
650 2 rustls-mbedtls-provider-utils ^0.23.5
650 rustls-mbedcrypto-provider ^0.23.5
650 1 rustls-openssl ^0.23.0
600 1 no_browser ^0.23
600 5 moq-native ^0.23
600 2 cert-manager ^0.21.8
600 odd-box ^0.23.19
2.3K rskafka optional ^0.21
550 2 goldboot ^0.22.2
550 portfu ^0.23.4
550 rustls-mbedpki-provider ^0.23.5
550 goku-bench ^0.23.16
550 tls_ping ^0.23.12
500 hitdns ^0.23.14
500 rblur ^0.23.22
500 2 pi_quic ^0.20
500 spotify_player ^0.23.19
500 15 miraland-streamer ^0.21.12
500 1 solace-rs-sys build ^0.23.16
500 rustic_server ^0.23.17
2.0K miniserve optional ^0.23
490 hiqlite ^0.23.12
490 viceroy ^0.21.5
490 3 nostro2 ^0.23.21
490 kitsune_p2p_transport_quic ^0.20.4
490 syslog-rs ^0.23
490 rust_cast ^0.23
480 epazote ^0.23
480 selium-server ^0.21
480 penumbra-sdk-auto-https ^0.23.20
470 quincy ^0.23.18
470 1 ambient_proxy ^0.21
1.9K 5 oxhttp optional ^0.23.16
460 2 sfio-rustls-config ^0.23
460 2 sozu-lib ^0.23.14
460 1 rustls-rustcrypto ^0.23.0
450 pimalaya-email ^0.21
1.8K 15 product-os-security optional ^0.23.21
440 tls-api-rustls-2 ^0.23.5
440 1 snocat ^0.20
1.8K 14 rbdc optional ^0.23.3
430 1 viceroy-lib ^0.21.1
420 4 rxqlite-lite-common ^0.22
420 selium ^0.21
410 portredirect ^0.23.23
1.7K 3 bytecon optional ^0.21
1.7K 11 lemmy_db_schema optional ^0.23.12
1.7K 1 mio_httpc optional ^0.23
390 1 pueue-lib ^0.23
380 rustls-cng ^0.23
380 reductstore ^0.23.19
380 navipod ^0.23
380 hyper-client-io-wizard ^0.23
380 5 miraland-core ^0.21.12
380 1 http-mitm-proxy ^0.23.18
370 2 htsget-axum ^0.23
350 1 conjure-runtime ^0.23
350 zk_coinjoin_lib ^0.23.20
340 gimpey-db-gateway ^0.23
1.5K 2 ipp optional ^0.23
340 micro_http_async ^0.20.2
340 pi_async_wsc ^0.20
330 2 citadel_wire ^0.23.13
1.4K cargo-upgrades optional ^0.23.19
1.4K 11 trust-dns optional ^0.21.0
320 gimpey-sol-gateway ^0.23
310 3 stack_epic_wallet_impls ^0.21.7
300 7 printnanny-services ^0.19
300 thru ^0.23.5
290 2 aggligator-wrapper-tls ^0.23
1.3K hickory-dns optional ^0.21.6
290 3 miraland-quic-client ^0.21.12
290 enarx-exec-wasmtime ^0.20.6
290 mpc-stark ^0.20
280 rust-rcs-client ^0.22
280 httprs ^0.23
280 aggligator-util ^0.23
280 racoon ^0.23.8
270 rusnel ^0.23.11
270 2 agp-config ^0.23.19
270 1 product-os-browser ^0.23.21
270 2 richat-shared ^0.23.20
270 moshi-cli ^0.23.5
260 8 monoio-rustls ~0.23.4
260 megaphone-operator ^0.22.1
260 ddns-cli ^0.23.9
260 shotover ^0.23.18
250 1 poststation-sdk ^0.23.20
1.2K 2 http_io optional ^0.20.8
250 2 chrootable-https ^0.16
240 podzol ^0.23.21
1.2K axum-util optional ^0.20
1.2K vndb optional ^0.23
240 1 monoio-transports-netreq-fork ~0.23.4
230 wsrx ^0.23
230 1 aquatic_ws ^0.23
230 dg_xch_servers ^0.21.10
230 2 miraland-turbine ^0.21.12
220 postel ^0.23.20
220 occlum-ratls ^0.21.10
1.1K zlsrs optional ^0.23.23
210 bitomc ^0.22.0
210 quic-socket ^0.20.1
210 wmproxy ^0.22.2
1.1K 2 arti optional ^0.23.5
200 2 tonic_lnd ^0.19.0
190 5 moq-native-ietf ^0.23
190 dbcrossbarlib ^0.20.1
190 1 ord ^0.23.20
180 socky ^0.23.21
180 hotfix ^0.21.5
180 sqlpage ^0.22.0
180 mijia-homie ^0.21.7
180 3 narrowlink-network ^0.21.12
180 1 acmer ^0.21
180 sandhole ^0.23.16
180 5 rustls-channel-resolver ^0.23
180 hypermangle-core 0.21.*
1.0K 2 chia-sdk-client optional ^0.22.0
170 crunchyroll-rs ^0.23.4
1.0K 1 motorx-core optional ^0.23.21
170 ttfb ^0.23.19
170 narrowlink-gateway ^0.21.12
170 richat-client ^0.23.20
170 fluvio-async-tls ^0.20.6
170 iroh-doctor ^0.23
170 aquatic_http_load_test ^0.23
160 mini-rust-auth ^0.23
160 zika ^0.21.10
1.0K boomnet optional ^0.22.4
160 1 chitey-server ^0.21
1.0K oha optional ^0.23.18
160 2 bevy_quinnet ^0.23
160 1 mail-send-fork ^0.23
160 remote-attestation-verifier ^0.20.4
160 1 stack_epic_servers ^0.21.7
950 portier_broker optional ^0.23.4
150 aquatic_ws_load_test ^0.23
150 4 veilid-core ^0.21.12
150 7 qbase ^0.23
950 atomic_websocket optional ^0.23.23
150 certo ^0.21.11
150 1 revolt_a2 ^0.22.4
150 5 auditor ^0.23
140 atm0s-reverse-proxy-cert-utils ^0.23
140 1 malwaredb-server ^0.23.22
140 2 ntp-daemon ^0.21.2
140 wmhttp ^0.22.2
140 3 qrecovery ^0.23
140 blobnet ^0.21.1
140 2 ockam_transport_tcp ^0.23
950 rusty-penguin optional ^0.23, >=0.23.5
140 1 pict-rs ^0.23
140 4 auditor-client ^0.23
140 iroh-dns-server ^0.23
140 2 quic-p2p ~0.17.0
140 sugo ^0.23.22
140 asport-client ^0.23.12
140 1 plane-dynamic-proxy ^0.23.13
140 rux-downloader ^0.23.21
130 asport-server ^0.23.11
130 product-os-crawler ^0.23.21
130 s3-tokio ^0.23
130 aeronet_websocket ^0.23.13
900 ntex-connect optional ^0.23
130 1 qconnection ^0.23
130 solana-trader-client-rust ^0.23.16
130 nu_plugin_dns ^0.21.11
900 4 cdrs optional ^0.17
130 1 ktls ^0.23.12
130 1 gm-quic ^0.23
130 iscp-rs ^0.21.5
120 2 affinidi-messaging-mediator-common ^0.23
120 1 affinidi-messaging-mediator-processors ^0.23
120 yawcc ^0.23.16
120 7 htsget-config ^0.23
120 atm0s-reverse-proxy-relayer ^0.23
120 postgres_rustls ^0.23.22
120 rustls-graviola ^0.23.18
120 velvet-web ^0.23
120 mango-feeds-connector ^0.20.8
120 3 riemann_client ^0.19.0
120 rustls-symcrypt ^0.23.0
120 pict-rs-proxy ^0.21
120 scioly-bot ^0.23.21
110 martin ^0.23.10
110 plane ^0.23.14
110 getemail ^0.23.17
110 videocall-daemon ^0.21.7
110 nikau ^0.23
110 tuftool ^0.23
110 1 wenmeng ^0.22.2
110 ockam_command ^0.23.13
110 shoes ^0.23.19
110 yunoss ^0.21
100 boon-cli ^0.23
100 1 tls-helpers ^0.21.0
100 bongonet-rustls ^0.23.12
800 starlane optional ^0.23.13
100 8 vsmtp-common ^0.20.8
100 2 monoio-transports ~0.23.4
3 lum_libs ^0.23.19
750 1 authly-common optional ^0.23
gst-plugin-quinn ^0.23
rustls-cng-crypto ^0.23.0
foxhole ^0.23.2
1 gemini-fetch ^0.19
2 libits-client ^0.19
1 wrangler ^0.20.2
2 drawbridge-client ^0.22.3
gel-tokio ^0.23.5
1 tokio-postgres-generic-rustls ^0.23.5
assemblyline-client ^0.21.7
750 authly-client optional ^0.23
2 vsmtp-delivery ^0.20.8
discret ^0.23.10
stablessh ^0.21.10
mailing-list ^0.23.5
5 vsmtp-config ^0.20.8
1 rustywind_vite ^0.23
700 2 renet2_netcode optional ^0.23.5
stat_client ^0.23
1 chamomile ^0.21
prax ^0.22.2
3 mwc_api ^0.17
2 lhi ^0.18.0
tuic-server ^0.21.1
8 bbox-core ^0.20.8
700 2 ya-sb-util optional ^0.22
fortifynet_proxy ^0.21
1 atm0s-small-p2p ^0.23
2 durian ^0.21.5
tuic-client ^0.21.1
2 service-toolkit ^0.21.6
http-server ^0.20.6
700 2 async-acme optional ^0.23
700 1 memberlist-quic optional ^0.23
1 openai_api_client ^0.20.8
quicssh-rs ^0.21.10
1 chromecast ^0.21.0
1 net-transport ^0.21.0
700 toy-rpc optional ^0.23
1 webrtc-unreliable-client ^0.19.0
kanon ^0.23.18
rnp ^0.19.1
slack-rust ^0.19.1
wrpc-test ^0.23
650 xh optional ^0.23.14
geph4-binder-transport ^0.19
10 waffles-solana-streamer ^0.20.6
leda ^0.20.6
1 waffles-solana-quic-client ^0.20.6
bim-core ^0.20
650 3 touche optional ^0.23
5 grin_api ^0.17
smtptls ^0.23.23
1 warqueen ^0.23.9
spaghettinuum ^0.20.6
azi ^0.20
aiot ^0.20.0
sea_battle_cli_player ^0.22.0
650 2 bp-electrum optional ^0.23
5 kaspa-wrpc-client ^0.23
senax-linker ^0.21
line_bot_sdk ^0.20
openai-rs-api ^0.20
650 2 ya-service-bus optional ^0.22
2 tract ^0.20.4
600 1 fasyslog optional ^0.23.20
libopenxg ^0.20
5 pgw ^0.23.23
1 safecoin-streamer ^0.20.6
deluge-rpc ^0.17.0
neohub ^0.22
4 qp2p ^0.20.2
bayard-rest ^0.16
600 tnnl optional ^0.23.12
1 drawbridge-server ^0.22.3
acme-dns-rust ^0.19
3 fabruic ^0.21.1
5 gostd ^0.23
service-authenticator ^0.17
2 hdbconnect_impl ^0.23
homie-influx ^0.20.8
rek2_nntp ^0.21.7
1 rqlite-ha421 ^0.22.2
spire-workload ^0.20
conditions ^0.22.1
quic-dns ^0.21
600 6 reqwest-wasm optional ^0.20
jikken ^0.23.14
rustls-split ^0.20
ap-relay ^0.23.0
icx-proxy ^0.21
mco-http-rustls ^0.22
pict-rs-admin ^0.22
praiya ^0.20
1 veilid-async-tls ^0.21
600 ya-sb-router optional ^0.22
hid-io-client ^0.20
vsmtp-plugin-ldap ^0.20.8
katalyst ^0.15
4 lunatic-distributed ^0.20
1 tokio-nsq ^0.19
click ^0.21
550 ore-private-pool-srv optional ^0.21
roa-tls ^0.17.0
snocat-cli ^0.20
tokio-uring-rustls ^0.21.1
wacr ^0.20
water_http ^0.23.13
3 bevy_editor_iris_common ^0.20.6
1 libp2prs-websocket ^0.19
550 payjoin-cli optional ^0.22.2
proxide ^0.20
quicsock ^0.23
rs-utilities ^0.21
1 threema ^0.20
1 mugle_api ^0.17
proxyboi ^0.18
2 satex-service ^0.22.0
spiceai ^0.23.5
ex3-ic-agent =0.21.1
sso ^0.17
tobaru ^0.21.6
1 qinpel-srv ^0.18
shr_rustlss ^0.23.10
2 stack_test_epic_api ^0.13
async-quic ^0.20.8
axum_mtls ^0.21
ocsp-stapler ^0.23
pipepiper ^0.21.1
polyresolver >=0
katwebx >=0.15.2
lanquetta ^0.21.1
3 octoproxy-lib ^0.21.0
wclient ^0.20.2
2 cabot ^0.17.0
dirigera ^0.21.8
empath ^0.21
ryn ^0.21.8
zerodns ^0.23
monoio-http-client ^0.21
1 octoproxy-client ^0.21.1
pawprint ^0.20.8
samotop-server ^0.19
1 sis-login ^0.21
cblt ^0.23.16
correspondent ^0.20.6
eos-eapi ^0.20
1 good-mitm-core ^0.20
pontus_onyx_cli ^0.20.6
salvo-rustls ^0.21.0
tee-attestation-verifier ^0.20.4
teslatte ^0.23.0
ateweb ^0.19
crab-hole ^0.21
15 netidx ^0.23
server_client_bytecon ^0.21
3 safecoin-client ^0.20.6
4 sylvia-iot-auth ^0.23.21
1 tokio-rustls-wasi ^0.21.0
wild-doc-webserver ^0.21
cfd ^0.20
1 chatgpt_blocking_rs ^0.23.5
mangadex-home ^0.19
wtransport_lightyear_patch ^0.21.1
async-rustls-stream ^0.20.6
async-tls-lite ^0.18
ja3-rustls ^0.20
4 kaspa-grpc-client ^0.23
sett ^0.21.8
1 swimos_server_app ^0.23.10
1 tokio-tls-upgrade ^0.23.12
4 ambient_network ^0.20.6
certinfo ^0.21.0
duf ^0.20
2 kvarn_testing ^0.23.8
pg_parcel ^0.20.7
pooly ^0.20.2
restapi ^0.20.6
selium-tools ^0.21
snail ^0.13
ssfs ^0.20
cert-gen ^0.21.0
demogorgon ^0.19
gurl ^0
hyperapi ^0.19
2 inexor-rgf-rt ^0.20
mqtt-ping ^0.20.7
nperf ^0.20
rustls-pin ^0.19.0
scratchstack-http-framework ^0.20
actor-discord ^0.19.1
amail-lambda-smtp-relay ^0.16
1 bones_framework ^0.21
edgedb-client ^0.20.2
remote_print ^0.21.7
rust-thrift-tls ^0.17
rustls_pay_load ^0.20.8
1 rutin_server ^0.23.7
1 sfu ^0.21
2 sylvia-iot-coremgr ^0.23.21
twitch-hls-client ^0.23
writus ^0.11
ark-mpc ^0.20
bgpview-cli ^0.18
clipshare ^0.21.1
cloudbbq-homie ^0.20.8
1 csml_interpreter ^0.20.2
kcup ^0.19.1
1 keekijanai-serve-core ^0.20.2
pyxis-fs-client ^0.20.2
rekker ^0.23.5
rust_raft ^0.18
3 sylvia-iot-broker ^0.23.21
whaledrive ^0.23.12
yadro ^0.21.6
bare_server_rs ^0.20.8
deeprox ^0.17
2 gmt_dos-clients_transceiver ^0.21.5
hyper-function-core ^0.20
500 1 kmip-protocol optional ^0.19.1
new-home-proxy ^0.17.0
resalt ^0.20.6
rews ^0.20
rust-pop3-client ^0.20
rustls-extra ^0.15.0
swimos_client ^0.23.10
sylvia-iot-data ^0.23.21
vivcord ^0.20
bellande_mesh_sync ^0.21
1 bonsaidb-server ^0.21.6
1 bytecon_tls ^0.21
https-cert-info ^0.18.1
1 kaspa-grpc-server ^0.23
neo4j ^0.23.4
rumqttc-async-std ^0.19
smartdns ^0.23
svanill-vault-server ^0.18.0
1 tokio-postgres-tls ^0.23
cross-stream ^0.23.16
curio ^0.18.1
doppler-swarm ^0.22.1
enqueue-email ^0.17.0
hid-io ^0.16.0
hive ^0.15
loadem ^0.19
openbanking ^0.15.2
psd2 ^0.20.2
ptproxy ^0.21.5
pushpop ^0.15
relnet ^0.23.4
twinstar ^0.18.1
unleash-edge ^0.23.15
vfs-https ^0.19.0
applehat ^0.20.8
cf_speedtest ^0.23.5
1 cosmic-hyperlane-tcp ^0.20
erebus-sdk-rust ^0.23.12
gget >=0.18.0, <0.19.0
hipcheck ^0.23.10
invoice2storage ^0.20.8
morf-mqtt-bridge ^0.21
poptea ^0.20.1
1 qsocket ^0.20.6
reopenconnect ^0.19
silkroad ^0.15
sonicbot ^0.19.1
tabbyssl ^0.16.0
tiedcrossing-client ^0.20.6
tx3 ^0.20.4
webhook-server ^0.20
webout ^0.16
ac-rumqttc ^0.21.0-alpha.1
conec ^0.17
endpoint-libs ^0.23
1 epic_api ^0.13
1 gringron_api ^0.17
1 inn-common ^0.20
2 kaspa-wrpc-server ^0.23
mesalink ^0.16.0
openai-realtime-proxy ^0.23.13
pop3-mail-client ^0.22.1
1 qs-core ^0.23.12
2 rtc-dtls ^0.21.10
1 rust-rcs-core ^0.22
scratchstack-config ^0.20
socket-flow ^0.23.13
tangram-vision-sdk build ^0.19
tls-mkcert-test ^0.20
1 betfair-stream-api ^0.23
1 capybara-core ^0.23
ccadb-csv-fetch ^0.23
chorus ^0.21.12
3 deno_flash ^0.20.5
doh-client ~0.20.6
fgpt ^0.23.5
2 music-player-audio ^0.21.0
pipebuf_rustls ^0.23.4
plane-drone ^0.20.6
2 portfu_core ^0.23.4
quic-probe ^0.21
requeasy ^0.21.10
rustls-helper ^0.21
webrtc-rs-dtls ^0.19.0
5 abcperf ^0.21.1
dummyhttp ^0.23.12
http-sh ^0.21.0
500 2 ohttp-relay optional ^0.22
parrse-server ^0.20.7
pict-rs-aggregator ^0.23.11
1 playit-api-client ^0.23
remote_printer_client ^0.21.7
2 stack_epic_api ^0.21.7
1 steam-vent ^0.23.12
3 tlsinit ^0.23.23
tycho-network ^0.23.16
1 ash_sdk ^0.21.7
atlas-http ^0.22.2
betfair-stream-server-mock ^0.23
1 certain-certificate ^0.21.1
checkssl ^0.18.0
devicecheck ^0.21.8
6 dg_xch_core ^0.21.10
2 eternal ^0.16.0
eznet ^0.20
garage_rpc_021 ^0.19
httimple ^0.12.0
ord-lite ^0.21.1
qs-lite ^0.20.6
rp-supabase-realtime ^0.23
1 sn0int-std ^0.18
temp-hrtls ^0.9.0
1 tls-client_hello-parser ^0.20
1 typeline_ext_http ^0.23.17
2 abcperf-generic-client ^0.21.1
1 aigc_api ^0.17
1 ant-libp2p-quic ^0.23.9
2 aqua-verifier-rs-types ^0.23.8
bevy_quicsilver ^0.23
blueshim ^0.22.1
carpio ^0.21.7
1 chimes-utils ^0.20.0
1 consul-client ^0.21.0
factoriauth =0.21.7
golem-worker-executor-base ^0.21.5
hafnium ^0.23.16
http-mtls-proxy ^0.22.1
httproxys ^0.23
irelia-cli ^0.22
jutella-xmpp ^0.23.13
libcfd ^0.21
message-packetizer ^0.21.0
monzo-beancount ^0.23.10
mpc-ristretto ^0.20
my-app =0.21.10
portal-tunneler ^0.21.10
railyard ^0.21.7
1 rqjs-ext ^0.23.10
rsub ^0.23.13
rustls-openssl-post-quantum ^0.23.20
rutin ^0.23.7
scma-gsync ^0.23
sk-terminal-tool ^0.21.8
sqlm-postgres ^0.23
1 sqlm-postgres-macros ^0.23
tcps ^0.21
teepot ^0.22
tls-certchain-resolver ^0.23.0
trojan_rust ^0.22
usbmux-client-tokio ^0.23.8
vacuna ^0.21
webrtc-streaming-actix ^0.22
500 6 boxxy optional ^0.20
490 1 li-http-client optional ^0.19
490 2 sqlx-core-oldapi optional ^0.22.4
480 li-surf optional ^0.18
460 2 ombrac-transport optional ^0.23
440 certificate_manager optional ^0.23.23
440 7 buttplug optional ^0.23.20
430 rants optional ^0.20
400 3 product-os-server optional ^0.23.21
400 1 reqwest-h3 optional ^0.23.4
390 10 reqwest_wasi optional ^0.20
380 1 anypki optional ^0.23.21
390 5 railway-core optional ^0.21
340 2 scuffle-http optional ^0.23
320 7 bollard-next optional ^0.23
320 simple-http-server optional ^0.20
320 2 todo-or-die optional ^0.19
310 p12_polyfill optional ^0.21
310 4 hyper-serve optional ^0.23
310 4 mqtt-async-client optional ^0.19.0
310 renet2_setup optional ^0.23
300 3 actix-cloud optional ^0.23
290 ignite-rs optional ^0.17.0
290 1 uiua optional ^0.23.2
280 3 jarust_interface optional ^0.23.20
280 1 mproxy-forward optional ^0.20
280 rosu-render optional ^0.23.22
280 xelf optional ^0.23
270 hickory-util optional ^0.21.6
240 wtx optional ^0.23
230 surrealdb-next optional ^0.21.11
230 3 xitca-tls optional ^0.23
230 vinezombie optional ^0.23.5
220 squinn optional ^0.21.0
220 rttp_client optional ^0.16
210 chromimic optional ^0.21.6
210 mysql_wasi optional ^0.20.0
200 2 saphir optional ^0.21
190 pop3-client optional ^0.23
190 trust-dns-util optional ^0.21.0
190 1 stac-server optional ^0.23.22
180 1 compio-tls optional ^0.23.1
180 mrq optional ^0.15
180 1 doge_transport optional ^0.23
170 1 hf-hub-enfer optional ^0.23.4
170 2 pass-it-on optional ^0.23.13
140 hues optional ^0.22
140 2 mailin-embedded optional ^0.23
140 8 rama-net optional ^0.23
140 1 squinn-proto optional ^0.21.0
130 surrealdb-beta optional ^0.23.12
130 irelia optional ^0.23
130 porkbun-api optional ^0.23.20
120 for-mqtt-client optional ^0.20.8
120 tii optional ^0.23.18
120 atm0s-reverse-proxy-agent optional ^0.23
120 7 kern optional ^0.23.1
110 simple-hyper-server-tls optional ^0.20
NETXave optional ^0.21.0
surrealdb-alpha optional ^0.23.12
actix-test-server optional ^0.15
firewall optional ^0.23
1 tokio-tungstenite_wasi optional ^0.20.0
2 hyperdriver optional >=0.23.18
2 pontus_onyx optional ^0.20.6
5 actori-connect optional ^0.16.0
easytier optional ^0.23.0
2 rama-tls optional ^0.23
1 lib-gst-meet optional ^0.21
1 stakker_mio optional ^0.20.8
1 msql-srv optional ^0.22.1
3 actori-tls optional ^0.16.0
hyper-socks2-mw optional ^0.17
2 rups optional ^0.19
mdbook-pdf-tungstenite optional ^0.20.0
rskafka_wasi optional ^0.20
rtv optional 0.21.*
4 requiem-connect optional ^0.16.0
shdp optional ^0.20.6
3 async-stream-tls-upgrader optional ^0.18
exasol optional ^0.20.4
actix-telegram optional ^0.14
10 actori-web optional ^0.16.0
2 actoriwc optional ^0.16.0
6 aquatic_common optional ^0.23
armonik optional ^0.23
atomic-server optional ^0.20
attohttp optional ^0.21.0
axol optional ^0.20
axum-serveplus optional ^0.23
1 axum-server2 optional ^0.23
barebones-x509 optional ^0.19.1
bjsmiley-surrealdb optional =0.21.6
bnuuy optional ^0.20
bytecon_data_store optional ^0.21
cdrs_temp optional ^0.17
chifu-kube-client optional ^0.23.0
chompbuild optional ^0.20
clickhouse-rs-async optional ^0.22.1
client-util optional ^0.23
1 clique-sibyl-commonlib optional ^0.20.9
comment_app_backend optional ^0.16
2 common_x optional ^0.23
1 connect optional ^0.19.0
1 contraband optional ^0.17.0
1 coyote optional ^0.20
8 custom-utils optional ^0.20
ddcore-rs optional ^0.20
dufs-zh optional ^0.20
1 dusks-reqwest optional ^0.23.4
1 electrum-client-netagnostic optional ^0.21
endless-web optional ^0.16.0
fast_reqwest optional ^0.20
file-fastly optional ^0.20
fluffici_redis optional ^0.21.0
4 germ optional ^0.21.0
gmi optional ^0.20
1 gneiss-mqtt optional ^0.23
hashpoo optional ^0.21
1 hid-io-core optional ^0.21
hreq optional ^0.19
httproxide optional ^0.21
1 httproxide-client-util optional ^0.21
4 humphrey optional ^0.21.0
hyper-server optional ^0.21
1 hyper-simple-server optional ^0.19.1
iroh-mainline-content-discovery optional ^0.21
jarust_transport optional ^0.23.13
jitsi-meet-signalling optional ^0.20
5 kvarn optional ^0.23.8
1 kvarn-extensions optional ^0.23.8
1 kvarn-quinn optional ^0.21.10
2 kvarn-quinn-proto optional ^0.21.0
1 ldap-rs optional ^0.23
ldap3-serde optional ^0.22.2
lmc optional ^0.20
log_loki optional ^0.20.1
1 logstash-rs optional ^0.20.2
maj optional ^0.18
meadow optional ^0.20
mesquitte-core optional ^0.23
monetdb optional ^0.23.13
1 monolake-services optional ^0.21
movine optional ^0.19.0
1 mproxy-proxy optional ^0.20
1 mysql_async_uu optional ^0.21.0
1 mysql_async_wasi optional ^0.21.0
3 nex-socket optional ^0.23
1 ng-tungstenite optional ^0.21.0
6 ntp-proto optional ^0.21.0
1 nut-client optional ^0.19
orcinus optional ^0.20.6
pangu-bollard optional ^0.21
3 payjoin optional ^0.22.4
payjoin-directory optional ^0.22.4
1 pi_awc optional ^0.20.0
pipitor optional ^0.16
2 qoollo-logstash-rs optional ^0.20
redirectionio-actix-proxy optional ^0.20
2 requiem-tls optional ^0.16.0
2 requiem-wc optional ^0.16.0
7 requiem-web optional ^0.16.0
2 reqwest-impersonate optional ^0.21.6
reqwest-patched optional ^0.23.5
1 reqwest-vcapra1-add-cookies optional ^0.18
6 roa optional ^0.20
rupring optional ^0.23.20
rust-wistia optional ^0.21.0
rusty_interaction optional ^0.18
6 scrappy optional ^0.16.0
2 scrappy-client optional ^0.16.0
5 scrappy-connect optional ^0.16.0
3 scrappy-tls optional ^0.16.0
9.4M 402 webpki-roots dev ^0.23
7.7M 211 rustls-native-certs dev ^0.23
1.3M 161 actix-http dev ^0.23
1.3M 1145 actix-web dev ^0.23
369K 5 jsonrpsee-ws-client dev ^0.23.7
100K 20 actix-web-lab dev ^0.23
85K 59 testcontainers-modules dev ^0.23.2
74K 1 goose dev ^0.20
45K 25 h3 dev ^0.23
23K 27 tokio-modbus dev ^0.23.12
7.5K 4 boon dev ^0.23
3.6K 1 mas-oidc-client dev ^0.23.12
3.3K 3 embedded-tls dev ^0.21.6
2.4K 1 salvo-http3 dev ^0.23
1.7K 3 iroh-blobs dev ^0.23
1.5K 2 janus_core dev ^0.23.23
1.5K winio dev ^0.23
1.1K 1 iroh-bytes dev ^0.21.11
750 1 nethsm-sdk-rs dev ^0.22.4
500 1 minicaldav dev ^0.20
240 fregate dev 0.21.*
240 acme-rfc8555 dev ^0.23
130 9 tk-http dev ^0.12.0
130 h3-shim dev ^0.23
120 hreq-h2 dev ^0.16
120 scr-axum-cranker-router dev ^0.23
dash-mpd-cli dev ^0.23.21
1 cyper dev ^0.23.13
1 spotflow-rumqttc-fork dev ^0.20.2
argan dev ^0.23
drawbridge dev ^0.22.3
quickie dev ^0.23
9 actori-http dev ^0.16
8 requiem-http dev ^0.16
8 scrappy-http dev ^0.16
aws-iot-device-client dev ^0.20.2
libp2p-rs dev ^0.19
drogue-tls dev ^0.19.1
1 webfinger-rs dev ^0.23.15
cleverdog dev ^0.15
swanling dev ^0.19
winit-block-on dev ^0.20.8
id_token_parser dev ^0
loona dev ^0.23.12
salvo-quinn dev ^0.20
sec-http3 dev ^0.21
mqrstt dev ^0.21.7
pki dev ^0.23