6 releases

0.2.4 Oct 15, 2020
0.2.3 Oct 15, 2020
0.1.0 Oct 10, 2020

#20 in #aa-bb

MIT license



physme is a simple physics engine for 2d and 3d video games that doesn't produce correct results according to Newtonian mechanics, it instead aims to provide satisfying results. One big goal of the engine is to provide a very simple and ergonomic API that will allow anyone to get a quick start into physics in their game. Part of this goal is to make 2D and 3D physics have the same API and the same effects on the world, but in different spaces.

The engine only supports static and semikinematic bodies. Static bodies don't move and only affect semikinematic bodies. Semikinematic bodies do move, but in ways that are physically inaccurate, but they look good on the screen. Semikinematic bodies are called so, because they combine characteristics of kinematic and dynamic bodies known from other physics engines. They are affected by forces, but also have their own made up physics.

Three types of joints are also included.

  • FixedJoint is the simplest joint. It simply locks the target body at the anchor with an offset and an angle without considering other geometry (ignoring collisions).
  • MechanicalJoint is like a FixedJoint, but it does consider other geometry (allows the target body to be displaced by collisions). The MechanicalJoint also appears to provide some minor "cushioning", or a spring effect. This is an artifact of how joints are calculated. If you want real spring joints, see the next point.
  • SpringJoint will "jump" the target body to its target position over time. This time can be controlled by the rigidness value. A rigidness of 0.0 means high springiness, where the time it takes for the target body to go into position is some high unspecified number. A rigidness of 1.0 means low springiness, where the time it the target body to go into position is some low number, but bigger than 0.0 or even f32::EPSILON (it may or may not be 100ms).

This engine might be sufficient for your next jam game, or your hobby project. You should probably not use it for an AAA game.

By the way, it only works with Bevy.

Quick Start

Creating your first game with physme is as simple as adding one of the physics plugin

use physme::prelude2d::*;

let mut builder = App::build();

optionally setting some parameters

    .add_resource(GlobalGravity(Vec2::new(0.0, -500.0)))

and then, in your setup function, adding a RigidBody component to your entities

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
    let icon = asset_server.load("assets/icon.png").unwrap();
        .spawn(SpriteComponents {
            material: materials.add(icon.into()),
                .with_position(Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0))
                .with_terminal(Vec2::new(500.0, 1000.0)),

as well as some children with an arbitrary amount of Shape components.

        .with_children(|parent| {
            parent.spawn((Shape::from(Size::new(28.0, 28.0)),));

And there you go! This will perform all the physics updates on every frame of the game.

If you want to add one of the three joint types to your bodies, you would first have to get the Entity ids while spawning an entity

let mut anchor = None;
let mut target = None;
    // (...)
    .for_current_entity(|e| anchor = Some(e))
    // (...)
    .for_current_entity(|e| target = Some(e))

then spawn a separate entity with one of the joint components.

    // (...)
    .spawn((SpringJoint::new(anchor.unwrap(), target.unwrap())
        .with_offset(Vec2::new(50.0, 50.0)),))

The joints will then be calculated in one of the three provided joint_systems. It is also possible to create custom joints using the provided JointBehaviour trait in either physme::dim2 or physme::dim3 and later adding the joint_system::<B>, where B is your own behaviour. Joints are able to manipulate the position, rotation, linear and angular velocity and apply a linear or angular impulse.


~898K SLoC