361 | 355 | 360 | 364 | 364 | 371 | 374 | 372 | 377 | 375 | 384 | 387 | 386 | 390 | 395 | 396 | 402 | 403 | 399 | 405 | 407 | 398 | 405 | 404 | 391 | 412 | 406 | 414 | 413 | 408 | 411 | 406 | 402 | 401 | 401 | 397 | 401 | 403 | 398 | 400 | 398 | 393 | 385 | 383 | 374 | 370 | 372 | 403 | 426 | 447 | 491 |
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time is used at run time in 18,953 crates (of which 2,911 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 3,109 crates. It's used at build time in 544 crates (of which 77 optionally, 14 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,292 crates (of which 157 directly).
Number of dependers | Time version | Downloads/month |
15,238 | 0.3.39 | 2.7M |
26 | 0.3.37 | 3.8M |
3 | 0.3.36 | 4.2M |
12 | 0.3.23 | 181K |
1 | 0.3.20 | 32K |
14 | 0.3.17 | 91K |
14 | 0.3.11 | 13K |
2 | 0.3.10 | 290 |
21 | 0.3.9 | 82K |
870 | 0.2.27 | 418K |
1 | 0.2.23 | 5.5K |
4,585 | 0.1.45 | 723K |
1 | 0.1.44 | 184K |
1 | 0.1.36 | 7.1K |
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) | Time version | |||
3.3M | 242 | cookie | ^0.3 | |
3.8M | 37 | simple_asn1 | ^0.3 | |
9.6M | 5222 | tracing-subscriber | optional | ^0.3.2 |
2.1M | 39 | aws-sigv4 | ^0.3.5 | |
2.1M | 522 | aws-smithy-types | ^0.3.4 | |
3.0M | 181 | x509-parser | ^0.3.35 | |
9.0M | 101 | der | optional | ^0.3.4 |
7.4M | 1913 | serde_with | optional | ~0.3.36 |
1.5M | 1164 | actix-web | ^0.3 | |
2.0M | 778 | aws-config | ^0.3.4 | |
1.1M | 303 | rcgen | ^0.3.6 | |
2.0M | 340 | tracing-appender | ^0.3.2 | |
3.9M | 1103 | zip | optional | ^0.3.1 |
3.0M | 19 | asn1-rs | optional | ^0.3 |
2.7M | 48 | sqlx-core | optional | ^0.3.36 |
2.5M | 7 | sqlx-mysql | optional | ^0.3.36 |
2.5M | 8 | sqlx-postgres | optional | ^0.3.36 |
2.5M | 6 | sqlx-sqlite | optional | ^0.3.36 |
908K | 10 | biscuit-auth | ^0.3.7 | |
908K | 2 | biscuit-parser | ^0.3.7 | |
750K | 3 | sentry-types | ^0.3.5 | |
748K | 51 | cookie_store | ^0.3.16 | |
1.2M | 117 | postgres-types | optional | ^0.2 |
1.5M | 956 | rusqlite | optional | ^0.3.36 |
1.1M | 50 | sea-query | optional | ^0.3.36 |
1.0M | 12 | sea-query-binder | optional | ^0.3.36 |
1.2M | 642 | simple_logger | optional | ^0.3.16 |
1.5M | 42 | zvariant | optional | ^0.3.36 |
617K | 6 | clocksource | ^0.3.27 | |
557K | 111 | plist | ^0.3.30 | |
458K | 1 | snowflake-jwt | ^0.3 | |
444K | 591 | simplelog | ^0.3.7 | |
429K | 188 | slog-term | ^0.3 | |
387K | 43 | slog-json | ^0.3.6 | |
360K | 80 | tantivy | ^0.3.10 | |
355K | 8 | tantivy-common | ^0.3.10 | |
1.0M | 46 | yasna | optional | ^0.3.1 |
342K | 53 | tracing-bunyan-formatter | ^0.3 | |
331K | 732 | yup-oauth2 | ^0.3.7 | |
301K | 14 | google-cloud-auth | ^0.3.37 | |
298K | 11 | junit-report | ^0.3.4 | |
875K | 178 | vergen | optional | ^0.3.37 |
288K | 232 | bson | ^0.3.9 | |
804K | 141 | async-graphql | optional | ^0.3.36 |
240K | 3 | tauri-codegen | ^0.3 | |
237K | 16 | azure_storage | ^0.3.10 | |
232K | 15 | azure_storage_blobs | ^0.3.10 | |
229K | 34 | zxcvbn | ^0.3 | |
219K | 12 | goauth | ^0.3 | |
218K | 12 | smpl_jwt | ^0.3.9 | |
217K | 10 | google-cloud-storage | ^0.3 | |
211K | 22 | azure_identity | ^0.3.10 | |
182K | 6 | refinery-core | ^0.3.5 | |
534K | 104 | bollard | optional | ^0.3 |
175K | 1 | salvo-serve-static | ^0.3 | |
497K | 441 | diesel | optional | ^0.3.9 |
164K | 64 | async-nats | ^0.3.36 | |
162K | 513 | rocket | ^0.3 | |
474K | 897 | ratatui | optional | ^0.3.11 |
157K | 42 | rouille | ^0.3.15 | |
156K | 10 | rocket_http | ^0.3 | |
154K | 109 | serenity | ^0.3.36 | |
143K | 1 | azure_svc_blobstorage | ^0.3 | |
139K | 4 | aws-creds | ^0.3.6 | |
134K | 38 | rust-s3 | ^0.3.6 | |
129K | 10 | cab | ^0.3 | |
119K | 28 | domain | ^0.3.1 | |
354K | 129 | sea-orm | optional | ^0.3.36 |
117K | 15 | tower-sessions-core | ^0.3.29 | |
116K | 31 | tower-sessions | ^0.3.29 | |
115K | 1 | tower-sessions-memory-store | ^0.3.30 | |
110K | 17 | http-cache-semantics | ^0.3.20 | |
109K | 1 | salvo-rate-limiter | ^0.3 | |
108K | 21 | liquid-core | ^0.3.37 | |
108K | 6 | liquid-lib | ^0.3 | |
107K | 56 | tendermint-proto | ^0.3 | |
307K | 176 | fake | optional | ^0.3 |
101K | 124 | cargo | ^0.3.36 | |
96K | 5 | mac-notification-sys | ^0.3 | |
94K | 61 | lopdf | ^0.3 | |
94K | 4 | wasmer-wasix-types | ^0.3.36 | |
285K | 40 | mysql_common | optional | ^0.3 |
93K | 6 | prometheus-http-query | ^0.3 | |
92K | 13 | cargo-credential | ^0.3.36 | |
90K | 10 | vergen-git2 | ^0.3.36 | |
89K | 90 | tendermint | ^0.3 | |
87K | 2 | tauri-plugin-notification | ^0.3 | |
84K | 67 | syslog | ^0.3.5 | |
83K | 1 | cargo-deny | ^0.3 | |
82K | 50 | systemstat | ^0.3.9 | |
80K | taplo-cli | ^0.3 | ||
77K | 28 | vergen-gitcl | ^0.3.37 | |
74K | 3 | gcp-bigquery-client | ^0.3.37 | |
74K | 6 | tracing-logfmt | ^0.3.7 | |
72K | tower-sessions-dynamodb-store | ^0.3 | ||
209K | 3 | scylla-cql | optional | ^0.3 |
207K | 16 | rustsec | optional | ^0.3 |
65K | 39 | twilight-model | ^0.3 | |
64K | 16 | josekit | ^0.3 | |
190K | 62 | shadow-rs | optional | ^0.3.36 |
61K | 15 | taplo | ^0.3.3 | |
60K | 15 | cargo-generate | ~0.3 | |
53K | 11 | hickory-server | ^0.3 | |
160K | 47 | tracing-tree | optional | ^0.3.20 |
52K | 348 | rust-crypto | ^0.1 | |
50K | 28 | nats | ^0.3.6 | |
48K | 38 | tendermint-rpc | ^0.3 | |
145K | 4 | pasetors | optional | ^0.3 |
46K | 7 | webdriver | ^0.3 | |
43K | 18 | boa_engine | ^0.3.37 | |
43K | 1 | tauri-plugin-log | ^0.3 | |
39K | 2 | tauri-plugin-updater | ^0.3 | |
119K | 1 | salvo-oapi | optional | ^0.3 |
118K | 15 | aws-smithy-types-convert | optional | ^0.3.4 |
37K | 11 | re_build_tools | ^0.3.36 | |
112K | 37 | duration-str | optional | ^0.3.17 |
111K | 1 | unicode_names2_generator | optional | ^0.3 |
36K | 52 | re_log_types | ^0.3.36 | |
33K | 2 | maturin | ^0.3.17 | |
96K | 48 | cairo-lang-utils | optional | ^0.3.37 |
31K | segment | ^0.3.37 | ||
94K | 13 | malachite-base | optional | ^0.3.28 |
30K | 15 | tendermint-light-client-verifier | ^0.3 | |
30K | 11 | zenoh-link-commons | ^0.3.36 | |
29K | 30 | webrtc | ^0.3 | |
86K | 80 | poem | optional | ^0.3 |
28K | 37 | fantoccini | ^0.3 | |
28K | 1 | zenoh-link-quic | ^0.3.36 | |
28K | 1 | zenoh-link-tls | ^0.3.36 | |
25K | 6 | fruitbasket | ^0.1 | |
25K | 3 | slog-bunyan | ^0.3.15 | |
75K | 40 | tiberius | optional | ^0.3 |
74K | 10 | typesize | optional | ^0.3.30 |
24K | 89 | skim | ^0.3.13 | |
23K | 1 | oxc-browserslist | ^0.3.36 | |
22K | 33 | re_ui | ^0.3.36 | |
21K | 32 | ic-agent | ^0.3 | |
22K | 4 | re_analytics | ^0.3.36 | |
66K | 42 | poem-openapi | optional | ^0.3.36 |
65K | 11 | clickhouse | optional | ^0.3 |
21K | cargo-about | ^0.3 | ||
20K | 6 | tracing-stackdriver | ^0.3.30 | |
21K | trunk | ^0.3 | ||
21K | 13 | zksync_concurrency | ^0.3.23 | |
19K | 7 | cyclonedx-bom | ^0.3.29 | |
19K | 3 | taplo-common | ^0.3.7 | |
20K | 2 | tauri-bundler | ^0.3 | |
19K | 2 | tower-sessions-sqlx-store | ^0.3.31 | |
20K | 5 | yubihsm | ^0.3 | |
18K | 6 | svix-ksuid | ^0.3.7 | |
19K | 21 | time-tz | ^0.3.7 | |
56K | 23 | wmi | optional | ^0.3 |
17K | substrate-txtesttool | ^0.3.36 | ||
17K | 2 | tract-linalg | build | ^0.3.23 |
52K | 10 | picky-asn1 | optional | ^0.3 |
16K | celestia-tendermint | ^0.3 | ||
16K | 1 | celestia-tendermint-proto | ^0.3 | |
16K | 9 | dbase | ^0.3 | |
16K | 7 | ic-utils | ^0.3 | |
17K | 31 | printpdf | ^0.3.25 | |
51K | 7 | minijinja-contrib | optional | ^0.3.35 |
15K | 13 | fastly | ^0.3.36 | |
15K | 24 | ibc-primitives | >=0.3.0, <0.3.38 | |
16K | 6 | nt-time | ^0.3.39 | |
14K | 4 | tame-gcs | ^0.3 | |
14K | 6 | near-time | ^0.3.9 | |
13K | 1 | svix | ^0.3 | |
13K | 20 | vergen-gix | ^0.3.36 | |
12K | 27 | cursive_core | ^0.3 | |
12K | 8 | near-chain-configs | ^0.3.9 | |
12K | 14 | near-jsonrpc-primitives | ^0.3.9 | |
12K | 7 | netwatch | ^0.3.20 | |
13K | 3 | open-feature | ^0.3.36 | |
12K | 14 | ruma-common | ^0.3.34 | |
11K | 9 | celestia-types | ^0.3.36 | |
11K | 16 | librespot-core | ^0.3 | |
12K | 4 | meilisearch-sdk | ^0.3.7 | |
11K | 4 | sspi | ^0.3 | |
10K | 1 | azure_storage_queues | ^0.3.10 | |
11K | 11 | defmt-decoder | ^0.3 | |
10K | 12 | lettre_email | ^0.1 | |
10K | 5 | portmapper | ^0.3.20 | |
10K | 1 | rust-releases-rust-changelog | ^0.3.7 | |
10K | 6 | siwe | ^0.3 | |
11K | 2 | tfc-toolset | ^0.3.34 | |
33K | 75 | juniper | optional | ^0.3 |
30K | 6 | serde_amqp | optional | ^0.3 |
10K | 24 | iroh | ^0.3 | |
10K | rs-firebase-admin-sdk | ^0.3 | ||
10K | 8 | sea-streamer-types | ^0.3 | |
9.9K | 1 | git-testament-derive | ^0.3 | |
9.9K | 2 | sea-streamer-stdio | ^0.3 | |
9.6K | 2 | dfx-core | ^0.3.9 | |
27K | 7 | fancy-duration | optional | ^0.3 |
28K | 7 | interim | optional | ^0.3.9 |
9.3K | 1 | boringauth | ^0.1.42 | |
8.9K | 1 | r3bl_simple_logger | ^0.3.36 | |
8.9K | 6 | r3bl_rs_utils_core | ^0.3.36 | |
8.8K | 3 | tugger-windows-codesign | ^0.3.17 | |
8.4K | 13 | icrc-ledger-types | ^0.3.36 | |
8.3K | 1 | postmark | ^0.3.17 | |
8.2K | 9 | tendermint-light-client | ^0.3 | |
8.1K | 5 | dbn | >=0.3.35 | |
8.0K | 2 | hyper-old-types | ^0.1 | |
7.8K | 8 | minidump | ^0.3.34 | |
7.8K | 19 | cargo-release | ^0.3 | |
7.6K | 5 | azure_security_keyvault | ^0.3 | |
22K | 35 | specta | optional | ^0.3.17 |
7.1K | 20 | rosc | ^0.3.9 | |
7.1K | 27 | trust-dns-server | ^0.3 | |
6.8K | 2 | cassandra-protocol | ^0.3.29 | |
6.8K | 3 | utmp-classic | ^0.3 | |
6.7K | 4 | apollo-federation | ^0.3.34 | |
6.6K | 3 | containerd-shim | ^0.3.29 | |
6.5K | gnostr-xq | ^0.3.7 | ||
6.5K | 45 | stm32f4xx-hal | ^0.3.14 | |
6.5K | 11 | typst-library | ^0.3.20 | |
6.4K | 6 | gcloud-auth | ^0.3 | |
6.4K | 14 | gpx | ^0.3 | |
6.3K | 21 | nickel | ^0.1 | |
18K | 2 | fundu-core | optional | ^0.3.1 |
6.3K | 1 | google-cloud-bigquery | ^0.3 | |
6.1K | 2 | actix-web-flash-messages | ^0.3 | |
6.0K | 7 | dav-server | ^0.3.2 | |
17K | 5 | rsntp | optional | ^0.3.7 |
17K | 118 | uucore | optional | ^0.3.36 |
5.5K | 2 | apollo-router | ^0.3.36 | |
5.5K | azure_devops_rust_api | ^0.3 | ||
5.3K | 12 | tor-netdoc | ^0.3 | |
5.3K | 10 | tor-persist | ^0.3 | |
15K | 2 | libsw | optional | ~0.3 |
15K | 4 | python-packaging | optional | ^0.3.17 |
15K | 82 | rocket_contrib | optional | ^0.1.40 |
5.2K | 11 | wtransport | ^0.3.21 | |
5.0K | 5 | typespec_client_core | ^0.3.10 | |
5.0K | 3 | actix-redis | ^0.3 | |
4.9K | msdos_time | ^0.1 | ||
4.8K | 5 | tokio-rustls-acme | ^0.3.36 | |
4.8K | 1 | axum_csrf | ^0.3.37 | |
4.7K | 2 | compile-time | ^0.3.17 | |
4.7K | 2 | hermit-entry | ^0.3 | |
4.6K | 1 | azure_data_tables | ^0.3.10 | |
4.5K | 11 | fastdate | ^0.3.20 | |
4.5K | 1 | fhir-model | ^0.3.27 | |
4.4K | 10 | git-cliff-core | ^0.3.37 | |
4.4K | 7 | rusty-s3 | ^0.3 | |
4.4K | 3 | spiffe | ^0.3 | |
4.4K | cargo-mutants | ^0.3 | ||
4.4K | tauri-plugin-sql | ^0.3 | ||
4.3K | 19 | iso8601-timestamp | ^0.3 | |
4.3K | 12 | tendermint-testgen | ^0.3 | |
12K | 2 | jwt-authorizer | optional | ^0.3 |
4.2K | 4 | s3s | ^0.3.25 | |
4.1K | 13 | identity_core | ^0.3.23 | |
4.0K | 2 | tor-dirmgr | ^0.3.20 | |
4.0K | 5 | handsome_logger | ^0.3 | |
12K | 2 | libsql-rusqlite | optional | ^0.3.0 |
3.9K | 4 | ibc-types-core-connection | ^0.3 | |
3.9K | 6 | ibc-types-timestamp | ^0.3 | |
3.8K | 4 | ibc-types-core-commitment | ^0.3 | |
3.8K | 1 | ibc-types-lightclients-tendermint | ^0.3 | |
3.8K | 5 | ibc-types-core-client | ^0.3 | |
3.8K | 1 | ibc-types-path | ^0.3 | |
3.8K | 2 | ibc-types-core-channel | ^0.3 | |
3.8K | azservicebus | ^0.3.10 | ||
3.8K | 3 | wasmer-deploy-schema | ^0.3.17 | |
3.8K | 4 | rusty_paseto | ^0.3 | |
3.7K | wasmer-deploy-cli | ^0.3.17 | ||
3.7K | 1 | humanize-duration | ^0.3.31 | |
3.7K | 1 | sidekiq | ^0.3 | |
3.6K | 5 | druid-shell | ^0.3.20 | |
3.6K | 1 | snarkvm-ledger | ^0.3 | |
3.6K | 10 | quic-rpc | ^0.3.36 | |
3.5K | nu | ^0.3 | ||
10K | 15 | rusty_ulid | optional | ^0.3 |
11K | 4 | size-of | optional | ^0.3.15 |
3.4K | 23 | gotham | ^0.3.4 | |
3.3K | 9 | tarantool | >=0.3.0, <0.3.18 | |
3.3K | 2 | s3s-fs | ^0.3.25 | |
3.2K | 9 | puffin_egui | ^0.3.17 | |
3.1K | 4 | prost-validate-types | ^0.3.36 | |
3.1K | 2 | prost-validate-derive-core | ^0.3.36 | |
3.1K | 1 | prost-validate | ^0.3.36 | |
3.1K | proksi | ^0.3.37 | ||
3.0K | 6 | matrix-sdk-crypto | ^0.3.37 | |
3.0K | 3 | tendermint-light-client-detector | ^0.3 | |
3.0K | grafbase-sdk | ^0.3.39 | ||
3.0K | pact_verifier_cli | ^0.3.31 | ||
2.9K | newdoc | ^0.3 | ||
2.8K | 2 | google-cloud-spanner | ^0.3 | |
2.8K | 1 | tower-sessions-redis-store | ^0.3.31 | |
2.8K | 3 | chia-ssl | ^0.3.37 | |
2.8K | 19 | staticfile | ^0.1 | |
2.8K | mit-pre-commit | ^0.3.37 | ||
2.7K | 2 | rust-crypto-wasm | ^0.1 | |
2.7K | vigil-server | ^0.3 | ||
2.7K | 7 | acme-lib | ^0.1.45 | |
2.6K | merde_time | ^0.3.36 | ||
2.6K | 1 | twitter-v2 | ^0.3 | |
8.5K | 8 | tracing-glog | optional | ^0.3.9 |
8.3K | 3 | iroh-relay | optional | ^0.3.37 |
2.5K | 21 | time-test | ^0.3 | |
2.5K | 2 | astarte-device-sdk | ^0.3.35 | |
2.5K | nih_log | ^0.3.20 | ||
2.3K | 3 | qcs-api-client-common | ^0.3.34 | |
2.3K | attestation-doc-validation | ^0.3 | ||
7.5K | 4 | nydus-storage | optional | ^0.3.14 |
2.2K | roadster | ^0.3.36 | ||
2.2K | 4 | zcash_client_backend | ^0.3.22 | |
2.1K | azure_svc_keyvault | ^0.3 | ||
2.1K | cargo-download | ^0.1 | ||
2.1K | 16 | dtt | ^0.3.37 | |
2.1K | 1 | axum-keycloak-auth | ^0.3.37 | |
2.1K | open-coroutine | build | ^0.3 | |
2.0K | 1 | databento | >=0.3.35 | |
2.0K | 13 | logger | ^0.1.35 | |
2.0K | 45 | thread_profiler | ^0.1.36 | |
1.9K | 6 | walker-common | ^0.3 | |
1.9K | 10 | yahoo_finance_api | ^0.3 | |
1.9K | probe-rs-tools | ^0.3 | ||
1.9K | 3 | sbom-walker | ^0.3 | |
1.9K | 2 | csaf-walker | ^0.3 | |
1.9K | 1 | graph-oauth | ^0.3.10 | |
1.9K | kbve | ^0.3.36 | ||
1.8K | coreutils_core | =0.2.23 | ||
1.8K | 1 | divviup-client | ^0.3.39 | |
1.7K | 2 | wasmer-wasi-types | ^0.2 | |
1.7K | 1 | android-logd-logger | ^0.3 | |
1.7K | 7 | penumbra-sdk-ibc | ^0.3 | |
1.7K | 1 | gst-plugin-rtp | ^0.3 | |
1.7K | 11 | sgxs | ^0.3 | |
1.7K | 3 | time-fmt | ^0.3.7 | |
1.7K | os-monitor-service | ^0.3 | ||
1.7K | 3 | talos_certifier | ^0.3.30 | |
1.7K | azure_mgmt_privatedns | ^0.3 | ||
1.6K | 26 | ibc-relayer-types | ^0.3 | |
1.6K | 1 | bosion | ^0.3.30 | |
1.6K | azure_svc_imds | ^0.3 | ||
1.6K | 1 | talos_metrics | ^0.3.17 | |
5.4K | armerge | optional | ^0.3.11 | |
1.6K | paferafileserver | ^0.3.37 | ||
1.6K | 1 | azure_storage_datalake | ^0.3.10 | |
1.6K | 1 | talos_messenger_core | ^0.3.30 | |
1.6K | 1 | talos_certifier_adapters | ^0.3.30 | |
5.3K | 11 | tor-netdir | optional | ^0.3.17 |
1.5K | scylla-migrate | ^0.3 | ||
1.4K | 2 | time-helper | ^0.3.0 | |
1.4K | 3 | bomboni_proto | ^0.3.37 | |
1.4K | talos_messenger_actions | ^0.3.30 | ||
1.4K | 6 | stm32f7xx-hal | ^0.3 | |
1.4K | azure_messaging_servicebus | ^0.3.10 | ||
1.4K | 4 | bomboni_common | ^0.3.37 | |
1.4K | 16 | fuse | ^0.1 | |
1.3K | 8 | autd3-driver | ^0.3.39 | |
1.3K | 1 | bomboni_request | ^0.3.37 | |
1.3K | 10 | iroh-net | ^0.3.20 | |
4.5K | 3 | ntfs | optional | ^0.3.9 |
1.3K | aipack | ^0.3.37 | ||
1.3K | 1 | mountpoint-s3-client | ^0.3.37 | |
1.3K | 11 | trust-dns | ^0.3 | |
1.3K | azure_mgmt_sql | ^0.3 | ||
1.3K | kuzu | ^0.3 | ||
1.3K | wasmer-cli | ^0.3.36 | ||
1.3K | orb-billing | ^0.3.17 | ||
1.3K | 1 | pulse | ^0.1 | |
4.5K | 2 | rigetti-pyo3 | optional | >=0.3, <=0.3.37 |
1.3K | gitlab-cargo-audit | ^0.3.36 | ||
1.3K | wasmer-edge-cli | ^0.3.17 | ||
1.3K | 6 | autd3-firmware-emulator | ^0.3.39 | |
1.2K | 30 | sos-core | ^0.3.19 | |
1.2K | 1 | emit_term | ^0.3 | |
1.2K | 1 | nydus-service | ^0.3.14 | |
4.3K | 1 | libsw-core | optional | ~0.3 |
1.2K | 1 | cacaos | ^0.3 | |
1.2K | 8 | hhmmss | ^0.2 | |
1.2K | 2 | pagerduty-rs | ^0.3.5 | |
1.2K | frontegg | ^0.3.17 | ||
1.2K | azeventhubs | ^0.3 | ||
1.2K | atuin | ^0.3.36 | ||
1.2K | 1 | wang_utils_logger | ^0.3.37 | |
1.2K | 4 | cdrs | ^0.1.38 | |
1.1K | 3 | ntp | ^0.1.35 | |
1.1K | simple-stopwatch | ^0.1.39 | ||
1.1K | archival | ^0.3.36 | ||
1.1K | ouch | ^0.3.30 | ||
1.1K | 3 | glean-core | ^0.1.40 | |
1.1K | 180 | google-cloud-wkt | ^0.3.36 | |
1.1K | 6 | photon-rs | ^0.2.23 | |
1.1K | 3 | xrandr | ^0.3.20 | |
1.1K | xh | ^0.3.16 | ||
1.1K | aichat | ^0.3.36 | ||
3.8K | 17 | xsd-types | optional | ^0.3 |
1.1K | 2 | lynx-core | ^0.3.37 | |
1.0K | 1 | fedimint-tor-dirmgr | ^0.3.20 | |
3.8K | 2 | postgres-shared | optional | ^0.1.14 |
1.0K | 3 | flexible-time | ^0.3 | |
1.0K | liboxen | ^0.3.20 | ||
1.0K | criticaltrust | ^0.3.7 | ||
3.7K | 6 | snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-batch-header | optional | ^0.3 |
1.0K | 9 | jetstream_wireformat | ^0.3.37 | |
1.0K | 7 | sos-account | ^0.3.19 | |
1.0K | 7 | atuin-common | ^0.3.36 | |
1.0K | 12 | rspec | ^0.2 | |
1.0K | hickory-dns | ^0.3 | ||
1.0K | 2 | wasmer-emscripten | ^0.3 | |
950 | 4 | atuin-client | ^0.3.36 | |
950 | 2 | anthropic-ai-sdk | ^0.3.37 | |
950 | cve | ^0.3 | ||
950 | 2 | qwitlib | ^0.3 | |
950 | gcloud-storage | ^0.3 | ||
950 | near-async | ^0.3.9 | ||
950 | 1 | atuin-server | ^0.3.36 | |
950 | 2 | atuin-server-database | ^0.3.36 | |
950 | 3 | obws | ^0.3.37 | |
950 | 1 | atuin-server-postgres | ^0.3.36 | |
950 | httm | ^0.3.39 | ||
950 | 2 | sdkms | ^0.3 | |
950 | 1 | metaheuristics | ^0.3.5 | |
900 | 2 | ftlog | ^0.3 | |
900 | 2 | atuin-history | ^0.3.36 | |
900 | 4 | modyne | ^0.3.20 | |
900 | 1 | mbinary | ^0.3 | |
900 | 1 | travelling_salesman | ^0.3.7 | |
900 | 1 | cot | ^0.3.37 | |
900 | 1 | atuin-daemon | ^0.3.36 | |
900 | 2 | cream-core | ^0.3 | |
900 | 1 | s3-simple | ^0.3.35 | |
900 | tower-sessions-moka-store | ^0.3.31 | ||
850 | cream | ^0.3 | ||
850 | fedimint-cli | ^0.3.37 | ||
850 | 6 | vcard4 | ^0.3.37 | |
850 | 8 | hiro-system-kit | ^0.3.34 | |
850 | evectl | ^0.3.37 | ||
850 | 1 | beetswap | ^0.3.36 | |
850 | actix-limitation | ^0.3 | ||
800 | 1 | rabbitmq_http_client | ^0.3.37 | |
3.0K | zitadel | optional | ^0.3.36 | |
800 | asc_bin | ^0.3.36 | ||
800 | python-project-generator | ^0.3.39 | ||
800 | frontwork | ^0.3.36 | ||
800 | 3 | git-date | ^0.3.17 | |
800 | coc-rs | ~0.3.28 | ||
750 | webserver-rs | ^0.3.21 | ||
750 | 1 | gouqi | ^0.3 | |
750 | 4 | discord-sdk | ^0.3 | |
2.8K | 3 | feldera-size-of | optional | ^0.3.15 |
750 | 6 | cargo-test-support | ^0.3.36 | |
750 | testtrim | ^0.3.37 | ||
750 | 2 | izihawa-tantivy | ^0.3.36 | |
750 | simple-http-server | ^0.1.42 | ||
750 | 4 | stderr | ^0.1.37 | |
700 | 1 | squill | ^0.3.36 | |
700 | 2 | utmp-rs | ^0.3 | |
700 | scyllax-cli | ^0.3.30 | ||
700 | 14 | timeit | ^0.1.26 | |
700 | divviup-cli | ^0.3.39 | ||
700 | 8 | subplotlib | ^0.3 | |
700 | 1 | fiberplane-markdown | ^0.3.15 | |
700 | 1 | ibc-relayer-cli | ^0.3 | |
650 | tracing-logstash | ^0.3 | ||
650 | 3 | mm2 | ^0.3.34 | |
650 | git-gr | ^0.3.36 | ||
650 | azure_svc_appconfiguration | ^0.3 | ||
650 | 2 | libesedb | ^0.3.20 | |
650 | 2 | trillium-logger | ^0.3.31 | |
2.5K | open62541 | optional | ^0.3.36 | |
650 | 5 | izihawa-tantivy-common | ^0.3.10 | |
650 | icx-asset | ^0.3.9 | ||
650 | yek | ^0.3 | ||
650 | armour | ^0.3 | ||
650 | prost-reflect-validate | ^0.3.36 | ||
2.4K | bottom | optional | ^0.3.36 | |
2.4K | 4 | rbpf | optional | ^0.2 |
600 | 3 | arti | ^0.3.18 | |
600 | azure_mgmt_servicebus | ^0.3 | ||
600 | vertex-sdk | =0.3.36 | ||
2.3K | 2 | oasgen-core | optional | ^0.3.23 |
600 | 1 | symbolic-unreal | ^0.3.20 | |
600 | broccoli_queue | ^0.3.37 | ||
600 | n32g4xx-hal | ^0.3.14 | ||
600 | 3 | chik-ssl | ^0.3.37 | |
600 | 3 | theban_interval_tree | 0.1.* | |
600 | 1 | varlociraptor | ^0.3 | |
600 | tmdb-async | ^0.3.9 | ||
2.3K | 5 | mach_object | optional | ^0.3 |
550 | 2 | scim_proto | ^0.3.36 | |
550 | 10 | mouse-rs | ^0.2.21 | |
550 | holiday-cn | ^0.3 | ||
550 | linutil_tui | ^0.3.36 | ||
550 | 1 | azure_security_keyvault_secrets | ^0.3.10 | |
550 | 1 | near-client-primitives | ^0.3.9 | |
550 | 1 | nexus-actor-core-rs | ^0.3.36 | |
550 | 3 | near-chain-primitives | ^0.3.9 | |
550 | 3 | syncbox | ^0.1.32 | |
550 | hcctl | ^0.3.36 | ||
550 | 5 | moq-native | ^0.3 | |
550 | mq-surreal | ^0.3.36 | ||
550 | azure_mgmt_subscription | ^0.3 | ||
550 | statisk | ^0.3.37 | ||
550 | 1 | warp10 | ^0.3 | |
550 | 1 | azure_svc_batch | ^0.3 | |
550 | 1 | airlab-lib | ^0.3 | |
550 | covet | ^0.3.36 | ||
500 | 2 | ezk-rtp | ^0.3 | |
500 | re_build_build_info | ^0.3 | ||
500 | webbase | ^0.3.23 | ||
500 | 1 | tracing_chromium | ^0.1 | |
2.1K | 3 | time-humanize | optional | ^0.3.5 |
500 | icinga2-api | ^0.3.39 | ||
500 | actix-contrib-logger | ^0.3 | ||
500 | azure_mgmt_resources | ^0.3 | ||
500 | kanata | ^0.3.36 | ||
500 | csv-zip-maker | ^0.3.7 | ||
500 | 2 | oauth1 | ^0.2.2 | |
500 | 2 | wasmcloud-host | ^0.3 | |
500 | sp1-eval | ^0.3.26 | ||
500 | webhttp | ^0.3.23 | ||
500 | azure_mgmt_resourcegraph | ^0.3 | ||
500 | 7 | sos-protocol | ^0.3.19 | |
500 | 1 | sqlb | ^0.3.20 | |
500 | 2 | ckb-logger-service | ^0.3.36 | |
500 | 1 | standardwebhooks | ^0.3 | |
490 | chm | ^0.3.36 | ||
490 | rsspls | ^0.3.36 | ||
490 | txood | =0.3.17 | ||
490 | spyrun | ^0.3.36 | ||
490 | hubspot | ^0.3.6 | ||
490 | 1 | radicle-ci-ambient | ^0.3.31 | |
490 | 9 | timebomb | * | |
480 | 4 | bee-common | ^0.3.0 | |
480 | 2 | forgejo-api | ^0.3.26 | |
470 | 1 | ibapi | ^0.3.36 | |
470 | akv-cli | ^0.3.37 | ||
1.9K | 1 | klickhouse | optional | ^0.3 |
470 | 10 | rustc-test | ^0.1 | |
470 | 2 | microformats | ^0.3 | |
460 | redmine-api | ^0.3.39 | ||
460 | 1 | uiua | ^0.3.36 | |
460 | codeberg-cli | ^0.3 | ||
460 | 1 | longport-candlesticks | ^0.3.36 | |
460 | 3 | simple-server | ^0.1 | |
450 | mqtt-benchmark | ^0.3.36 | ||
450 | 4 | sos-migrate | ^0.3.19 | |
450 | 3 | eventual | ^0.1.25 | |
450 | radb_client | ^0.3.37 | ||
450 | longport | ^0.3.36 | ||
1.8K | 4 | iota-sdk | optional | ^0.3.34 |
440 | 1 | notan_log | ^0.3.30 | |
440 | 2 | loose-liquid-lib | ^0.3 | |
430 | oidc-cli | ^0.3 | ||
430 | worldtimeapi | ^0.3.36 | ||
430 | tracing-logfmt-otel | ^0.3.37 | ||
430 | intervalle | ^0.3.36 | ||
430 | rs-logger | ^0.3.11 | ||
430 | 3 | loose-liquid-core | ^0.3 | |
420 | txoo-cli | =0.3.17 | ||
420 | zip2arx | ^0.3.36 | ||
420 | 1 | ftlog2 | ^0.3 | |
420 | 1 | wasmer-backend-api | ^0.3.36 | |
420 | rusty-oss | ^0.3 | ||
410 | acme-rfc8555 | ^0.3 | ||
410 | uhyve | ^0.3 | ||
410 | dev-scope | ^0.3 | ||
410 | azure_mgmt_storage | ^0.3 | ||
410 | freta | ^0.3 | ||
410 | pkrs | ^0.3 | ||
410 | latte-cli | ^0.3 | ||
410 | pop-test | ^0.3.37 | ||
410 | lamarck | ^0.3.11 | ||
410 | sharexin | ^0.1.40 | ||
400 | 9 | rotor | ^0.1.34 | |
400 | cargo-packager | ^0.3 | ||
400 | ironhide | ^0.3.6 | ||
400 | spotifyd | ^0.3.37 | ||
400 | yew-oauth2 | ^0.3 | ||
400 | wkd-server | ^0.3.36 | ||
400 | ntap | ^0.3 | ||
390 | 31 | ruc | ^0.3 | |
390 | 1 | mech-program | ^0.3.30 | |
390 | yao-dev-common | ^0.3 | ||
390 | 2 | dipstick | ^0.3 | |
380 | microrm | ^0.3 | ||
380 | git-biance | ^0.3.37 | ||
370 | rbatis-core | ^0.2.16 | ||
370 | 4 | snarkos-node-router | ^0.3 | |
370 | 1 | summa-core | ^0.3 | |
370 | 197 | bitcoin-imports | ^0.3.9 | |
370 | random-tag | ^0.3 | ||
370 | 1 | mz_rusoto_signature | ^0.2.11 | |
370 | 8 | multiqueue | ^0.1.35 | |
370 | 11 | snarkos-node-metrics | ^0.3 | |
370 | RustQuant_math | ^0.3.34 | ||
360 | cargo-script | ^0.1.36 | ||
1.6K | 1 | hypers_openapi | optional | =0.3.36 |
360 | cobalt-bin | ^0.3.37 | ||
350 | 2 | rustypipe | ^0.3.37 | |
350 | RustQuant_cashflows | ^0.3.34 | ||
350 | neovide | ^0.3.37 | ||
350 | 3 | snarkos-node-bft | ^0.3 | |
340 | 1 | codice_fiscale | ^0.3.14 | |
340 | 1 | wash-lib | ^0.3 | |
340 | authly-client | ^0.3 | ||
340 | 3 | snarkos-node-rest | ^0.3 | |
340 | omnicli | ^0.3.37 | ||
340 | 5 | snarkos-node | ^0.3 | |
340 | billecta | ^0.3 | ||
340 | datafusion-table-providers | ^0.3 | ||
1.5K | rpgn | optional | ~0.3 | |
330 | layer4-proxy | ^0.3.1 | ||
330 | odd-box | ^0.3.36 | ||
330 | onefetch | ^0.3.37 | ||
330 | 7 | mit-commit-message-lints | ^0.3.37 | |
330 | 3 | radicle-ci-broker | ^0.3.36 | |
330 | tpnote | ^0.3.39 | ||
330 | 2 | dbsp | ^0.3.20 | |
330 | 1 | syslog_rfc5424 | ^0.3 | |
320 | logria | =0.3.37 | ||
320 | 1 | aws-mfa | ^0 | |
320 | 1 | tower-sesh-core | ^0.3.37 | |
1.4K | 21 | autd3-core | optional | ^0.3.39 |
320 | cicada | ^0.3 | ||
320 | git-next | ^0.3 | ||
320 | smb | ^0.3.37 | ||
320 | 3 | sos-archive | ^0.3.19 | |
320 | zcash_client_sqlite | ^0.3.22 | ||
310 | voidmap | ^0.1 | ||
310 | ab-av1 | ^0.3 | ||
310 | 1 | snarkos-cli | ^0.3 | |
310 | 1 | ralertsinua-models | ^0.3.36 | |
310 | rust-cutil | ^0.3 | ||
310 | rusty-notes | ^0.3 | ||
310 | amber | ^0.3 | ||
310 | gcloud-bigquery | ^0.3 | ||
1.4K | xlsx_group_write | optional | ^0.3 | |
300 | 9 | mangadex-api-types-rust | ^0.3 | |
300 | 1 | taplo-lsp | ^0.3 | |
300 | 2 | oauthcli | ^0.1 | |
300 | oko | ^0.3.30 | ||
300 | fivim-rs-utils | ^0.3 | ||
300 | RustQuant_time | ^0.3.34 | ||
300 | pleezer | ^0.3 | ||
300 | RustQuant_stochastics | ^0.3.34 | ||
300 | biscuit-actix-middleware | ^0.3.20 | ||
290 | 1 | ffsend-api | ^0.2 | |
290 | scidataflow | ^0.3.28 | ||
290 | 1 | struct-convert | ^0.3.20 | |
290 | 1 | freenet | ^0.3 | |
290 | navipod | ^0.3 | ||
290 | ddns-cli | >=0.3.5 | ||
290 | ugc-scraper | ^0.3.34 | ||
290 | squill-cli | ^0.3.36 | ||
290 | 1 | emerald-vault | ^0.3 | |
290 | service-install | ^0.3.21 | ||
280 | 1 | fuel-web-utils | ^0.3 | |
1.3K | mondrian-charts | optional | ^0.3.15 | |
280 | 1 | microformats-types | ^0.3 | |
1.3K | 2 | twitch_types | optional | ^0.3 |
280 | 1 | clia-tracing-appender | ^0.3.2 | |
280 | vrc-log | ^0.3 | ||
280 | nightly-async-nats | ^0.3.6 | ||
280 | rustypipe-botguard | ^0.3.37 | ||
280 | 3 | sos-logs | ^0.3.19 | |
270 | affinidi-messaging-helpers | ^0.3 | ||
270 | 1 | reqwest-retry-after | ^0.3.37 | |
270 | tower-sesh | ^0.3.37 | ||
270 | 1 | siquery | ^0.1 | |
270 | rudric | ^0.3.36 | ||
260 | 4 | mangadex-api | ^0.3 | |
260 | xplr | ^0.3.37 | ||
260 | 1 | whirlybird | ^0.3.23 | |
260 | 2 | clia-local-offset | ^0.3 | |
260 | 1 | femlol-aws-creds | ^0.3 | |
260 | build_timestamp | ^0.1 | ||
260 | transdirect-api | ^0.3 | ||
250 | hyper_serde | ^0.1 | ||
250 | 6 | unzip | ^0.1.38 | |
250 | orchestra-toolkit | ^0.3.31 | ||
250 | timer-cli | ^0.3 | ||
250 | rgb-lib | ^0.3.28 | ||
250 | turdle | ^0.3.36 | ||
250 | 1 | tugger | ^0.3.17 | |
250 | gba_clock | ^0.3.27 | ||
1.2K | 2 | redoxfs | optional | ^0.3 |
250 | 1 | azure_mgmt_compute | ^0.3 | |
240 | leptos-keycloak-auth | ^0.3.37 | ||
240 | fregate | 0.3.* | ||
240 | quokka | ^0.3 | ||
240 | temp_utp | ~0.1.34 | ||
240 | 1 | discord | ^0.1 | |
240 | summavy | ^0.3.10 | ||
240 | syslog-tls | ^0.3 | ||
230 | 3 | junobuild-shared | ^0.3.31 | |
230 | sl-chat-log-parser | ^0.3.39 | ||
1.2K | zlsrs | optional | ^0.3.37 | |
230 | 2 | asts | ^0.3.34 | |
230 | fungoid | ^0 | ||
230 | 7 | kanidm_proto | ^0.3.36 | |
230 | 3 | kanidm_client | ^0.3.36 | |
230 | jupiter | ^0.3 | ||
230 | oura | ^0.3.36 | ||
230 | mpdlisten | ^0.3.36 | ||
220 | 1 | kadmium | ^0.3.11 | |
220 | rosu-render | ^0.3 | ||
220 | rusty-logging | 0.* | ||
220 | covey-plugin | ^0.3 | ||
1.1K | 4 | matroska | optional | ^0.3 |
220 | zeke | ^0.3 | ||
220 | s3-tokio | ^0.3 | ||
220 | windsock | ^0.3.25 | ||
220 | 7 | clia-tracing-config | ^0.3 | |
220 | 4 | rusted_cypher | ^0.1 | |
210 | gsutil | ^0.3 | ||
210 | 1 | printnanny-dash | ^0.3 | |
210 | rmpc | ^0.3.37 | ||
210 | RustQuant_instruments | ^0.3.34 | ||
210 | emlop | ~0.3.18 | ||
210 | 1 | rustypipe-downloader | ^0.3.37 | |
210 | 3 | amareleo-node-bft | ^0.3 | |
210 | caco3 | ^0.3 | ||
210 | 8 | amareleo-node-metrics | ^0.3 | |
210 | 2 | knope-versioning | ^0.3.36 | |
210 | markdown-reader | ^0.3.39 | ||
210 | RustQuant_data | ^0.3.34 | ||
210 | RustQuant_portfolios | ^0.3.34 | ||
1.1K | rage | optional | >=0.3.7, <0.3.24 | |
210 | RustQuant_trading | ^0.3.34 | ||
210 | 2 | rorm-sql | ~0.3 | |
210 | s3invsync | ^0.3.37 | ||
210 | vdash | ^0.3.29 | ||
200 | rosu-v2 | ^0.3 | ||
200 | 4 | sos-system-messages | ^0.3.19 | |
200 | 1 | certify | ^0.3.17 | |
200 | 1 | feature-probe-server | ^0.3 | |
200 | 1 | hedera | ^0.3.9 | |
200 | cargo-crev | ^0.3.28 | ||
200 | 1 | near-network-primitives | ^0.3.9 | |
200 | project_init | ^0.1 | ||
200 | lb-rs | ^0.3.20 | ||
200 | 2 | passivized_test_support | ^0.3 | |
200 | sequence-generator-rust | ^0.3 | ||
200 | 30 | wasmbus-rpc | ^0.3.16 | |
200 | minions | ^0.1 | ||
200 | azure_messaging_eventhubs | ^0.3.10 | ||
190 | 3 | amareleo-node-rest | ^0.3 | |
190 | gigtag | ^0.3.37 | ||
190 | 1 | ironoxide | ^0.3.6 | |
190 | 1 | amareleo-chain-cli | ^0.3 | |
190 | owlish | ^0.3 | ||
190 | 2 | cobalt-config | ^0.3 | |
190 | containerd-shim-wasm | ^0.3.29 | ||
190 | 2 | hdbconnect_impl | ^0.3 | |
190 | 2 | ftml | ^0.3 | |
180 | musicgpt | ^0.3.36 | ||
180 | glowmarkt | ^0.3.37 | ||
180 | compressed_log | ^0.3 | ||
180 | modbot | ^0.3.37 | ||
180 | oo7-cli | ^0.3 | ||
180 | 1 | senax-common | ^0.3.19 | |
180 | 8 | background-jobs-core | ^0.3 | |
180 | steady_state | ^0.3.36 | ||
180 | azure_svc_eventgrid | ^0.3 | ||
180 | 2 | rust-sqlite | ^0.1.5 | |
180 | timr-tui | ^0.3.37 | ||
180 | rymder | ^0.3 | ||
180 | logs-wheel | ^0.3.30 | ||
180 | headers-ext | ^0.1 | ||
180 | 8 | thruster | ^0.1 | |
170 | 1 | exc-okx | ^0.3.17 | |
170 | 1 | frontmatter-gen | ^0.3.36 | |
170 | ormlite-cli | ^0.3 | ||
170 | 2 | simple_tmp_logger | ^0.2.23 | |
170 | taxy | ^0.3.36 | ||
170 | 1 | azure_core_amqp | ^0.3.10 | |
170 | fse_dump | ^0 | ||
170 | gnostr-legit | ^0.1.42 | ||
170 | adrs | ^0.3 | ||
170 | gcloud-spanner | ^0.3 | ||
170 | sandboxfs | ^0.1 | ||
170 | 5 | stedi-sdk-config | ^0.3.23 | |
170 | epoch-cli | ^0.3 | ||
170 | jellyfin-remote-proxy | ^0.3.34 | ||
170 | nu_plugin_x509 | ^0.3.37 | ||
170 | 3 | os-checker-types | ^0.3 | |
160 | ayb | ^0.3.37 | ||
160 | firebirust | ^0.1 | ||
160 | 2 | mindtree_utils | ^0.1.32 | |
160 | azb | ^0.3.36 | ||
160 | azure_mgmt_cognitiveservices | ^0.3 | ||
160 | 1 | radicle-native-ci | ^0.3.31 | |
160 | 1 | vls-proxy | =0.3.17 | |
160 | slauth | ^0.3 | ||
160 | 4 | alpm-types | ^0.3.22 | |
1.0K | 2 | hudsucker | optional | ^0.3.35 |
160 | pubnub | ^0.3 | ||
160 | azure_security_keyvault_keys | ^0.3.10 | ||
160 | kraken-async-rs | ^0.3.37 | ||
160 | leftwm | ^0.3.7 | ||
160 | sota | ^0.3 | ||
160 | filetool | ^0.3.30 | ||
950 | autd3-link-soem | optional | ^0.3.37 | |
160 | azure_iot_hub | ^0.3.10 | ||
950 | 3 | email-format | optional | ^0.1 |
160 | 2 | logs | ^0.3.17 | |
160 | 1 | papaleguas | ^0.3.35 | |
150 | crypto-auditing-agent | ^0.3 | ||
150 | 5 | snarkos-storage | ^0.3.7 | |
150 | 7 | ssdp | ^0.1 | |
150 | rstrace | ^0.3.36 | ||
150 | 1 | taxy-api | ^0.3.36 | |
150 | 1 | beancount-parser-lima | ^0.3.37 | |
150 | lumina-node-wasm | ^0.3.36 | ||
150 | 1 | mastodon-async-entities | ^0.3 | |
150 | 2 | sozu-lib | ^0.3.36 | |
150 | acme-redirect | ^0.3 | ||
150 | azure_mgmt_authorization | ^0.3 | ||
150 | 1 | exc-binance | ^0.3.17 | |
950 | 4 | spacepackets | optional | ^0.3 |
150 | 1 | xq | ^0.3.7 | |
150 | 2 | clog | ^0.3.12 | |
150 | golden | ^0.3.36 | ||
150 | wireguard_exporter | ^0.3.5 | ||
150 | 2 | csa | ^0.3 | |
150 | hx-lsp | ^0.3.36 | ||
150 | 1 | mioco | ^0.1.34 | |
150 | mqtt_vault | ^0.3.34 | ||
150 | 1 | pan_bindings | ^0.3.30 | |
150 | easy-imgui-filechooser | ^0.3 | ||
150 | 3 | ksuid | ^0.1.37 | |
150 | 3 | magic-wormhole | ^0.3.7 | |
150 | 1 | ntfs-reader | ^0.3 | |
150 | 1 | skua | ^0.3.36 | |
150 | 1 | sqlite-vfs | ^0.3 | |
150 | add-determinism | ^0.3.34 | ||
150 | rm-improved | ^0.1 | ||
150 | camera-intrinsic-calibration | ^0.3.37 | ||
150 | pxcli_unlocked | ^0.3.36 | ||
150 | 8 | sozu-command-lib | ^0.3.36 | |
150 | 1 | utc-offset | ^0.3.20 | |
140 | 2 | boundless-market | ^0.3 | |
140 | cx-sdk | ^0.3 | ||
140 | npm-parser | ~0.3 | ||
140 | 2 | ockam_api | ^0.3.36 | |
140 | trace4rs | =0.3.20 | ||
140 | beancount-parser-lima-python | ^0.3.37 | ||
140 | 1 | express-relay-api-types | ^0.3.36 | |
140 | artifact-app | 0.1.* | ||
140 | 2 | ghactions-core | ^0.3 | |
140 | 1 | rucat_common | ^0.3.37 | |
140 | openrouter | ^0.3.37 | ||
140 | powerfx | ^0.3.28 | ||
140 | 2 | lox-library | ^0.3.36 | |
140 | nitro_attest | ^0.3 | ||
140 | ugdb | ^0.1 | ||
130 | aetolia | ^0.3 | ||
130 | immich | ^0.3 | ||
130 | 1 | terra-plr | 0.3.* | |
130 | navactor | ^0.3.23 | ||
130 | mantra | ^0.3.36 | ||
130 | 1 | cargo-whatfeatures | ^0.3.36 | |
130 | pupdate | ^0.3 | ||
900 | 1 | veilid-tools | optional | ^0.3.36 |
130 | arexibo | ^0.3.37 | ||
130 | plane | ^0.3.30 | ||
130 | mountpoint-s3-fs | ^0.3.37 | ||
130 | llvm-cov-pretty | ^0.3.36 | ||
130 | azure_mgmt_msi | ^0.3 | ||
130 | did-toolkit | ^0.3.0 | ||
130 | hello_rust_2025 | ^0.1.12 | ||
130 | 1 | unreql | ^0.3 | |
130 | cargo-junit | ^0.1 | ||
130 | azure-communications | ^0.3.36 | ||
120 | 2 | roqollage | ^0.3 | |
120 | tooters | ^0.3.34 | ||
120 | 3 | exc-core | ^0.3.17 | |
120 | offline_scrobbler | ^0.3.23 | ||
120 | ext-time | ^0.3.36 | ||
120 | 1 | stacks-common | ^0.3.34 | |
120 | nickel-jwt-session | ^0.1 | ||
120 | crabby-merge | ^0.3 | ||
120 | ciruela | ^0.1.37 | ||
120 | kanidm_tools | ^0.3.36 | ||
120 | 1 | masonry | ^0.3.36 | |
120 | ja | ^0.3.39 | ||
120 | rogcat | ^0.1.42 | ||
110 | kontrolluppgift | ^0.3.25 | ||
110 | 1 | pict-rs | ^0.3.0 | |
110 | 5 | azure_sdk_storage_core | ^0.2 | |
110 | sharp_pencil | ^0.1 | ||
110 | radicle-httpd | ^0.3.17 | ||
110 | 1 | async-nats-flyradar | ^0.3.36 | |
110 | json_logger | ^0.1 | ||
110 | 8 | vsmtp-common | ^0.3.20 | |
110 | 1 | freedom-models | ^0.3.36 | |
110 | huxi-server | ^0.3 | ||
16.5M | 1038 | rustls | dev | ^0.3.6 |
8.9M | 1622 | axum | dev | ^0.3 |
8.7M | 611 | humantime | dev | ^0.3 |
5.5M | 37 | security-framework | dev | ^0.3.23 |
3.9M | 511 | jsonwebtoken | dev | ^0.3 |
2.2M | 538 | handlebars | dev | ^0.3.7 |
2.7M | 1017 | sqlx | dev | ^0.3.2 |
2.0M | 1069 | git2 | dev | ^0.3.37 |
1.2M | 256 | tokio-postgres | dev | ^0.2 |
889K | 104 | jiff | dev | ^0.3.36 |
686K | 3 | utoipa-gen | dev | ^0.3 |
681K | 10 | cfb | dev | ^0.3 |
320K | 356 | azure_core | dev | ^0.3.10 |
258K | 1 | salvo-jwt-auth | dev | ^0.3 |
253K | 67 | parity-wasm | dev | ^0.3 |
233K | 57 | frunk | dev | ^0.3 |
211K | 34 | scylla | dev | ^0.3 |
186K | 210 | mongodb | dev | ^0.3.9 |
182K | 20 | refinery | dev | ^0.3.5 |
162K | 22 | rocket_codegen | dev | ^0.3 |
143K | 144 | pnet | dev | ^0.3.23 |
115K | 5 | msi | dev | ^0.3 |
114K | 9 | pdqselect | dev | ^0.3 |
109K | 1 | salvo-cache | dev | ^0.3 |
97K | 1 | salvo-oapi-macros | dev | ^0.3 |
87K | 22 | actix-web-lab | dev | ^0.3 |
61K | 15 | twilight-util | dev | ^0.3 |
55K | 21 | claxon | dev | ^0.1 |
54K | 116 | mysql | dev | ^0.3 |
52K | azure_data_cosmos | dev | ^0.3.10 | |
36K | 6 | fsevent | dev | ^0.2.9 |
36K | 19 | kafka | dev | ^0.3.7 |
28K | 335 | tokio-core | dev | ^0.1 |
27K | 4 | axum-login | dev | ^0.3.36 |
23K | 22 | snowflake | dev | ^0.1 |
20K | 9 | captcha | dev | ^0.3.9 |
19K | 11 | fernet | dev | ^0.3 |
18K | 5 | fundu | dev | ^0.3.1 |
18K | 68 | surrealdb | dev | ^0.3.36 |
18K | 2 | surrealdb-core | dev | ^0.3.36 |
15K | 138 | iron | dev | ^0.1 |
15K | 2 | salvo_extra | dev | ^0.3 |
13K | 4 | dmsort | dev | ^0.1 |
10K | 51 | ntex | dev | ^0.3 |
10K | 56 | ws | dev | ^0.1.39 |
8.5K | 14 | neo4rs | dev | ^0.3.0 |
7.3K | 6 | shuteye | dev | ^0.1 |
6.9K | 1 | cdrs-tokio | dev | ^0.3.29 |
5.8K | packedtime-rs | dev | ^0.3.11 | |
5.7K | 4 | spacetimedb-jsonwebtoken | dev | ^0.3 |
5.3K | 4 | parity-ws | dev | ^0.1.39 |
4.7K | 1 | flat_map | dev | ^0.1 |
4.5K | 10 | trustfall | dev | ^0.3.23 |
3.9K | 35 | ocl | dev | ^0.3 |
3.9K | 20 | cosmwasm-vm | dev | ^0.3.28 |
2.7K | 3 | surrealdb-jsonwebtoken | dev | ^0.3 |
2.5K | 1 | surrealdb-nightly | dev | ^0.3.36 |
2.5K | 5 | svgdom | dev | ^0.1 |
2.3K | 1 | surrealdb-core-nightly | dev | ^0.3.36 |
2.0K | fltkrs-richdisplay | dev | ^0 | |
1.6K | 2 | gear-wasm | dev | ^0.3 |
1.1K | aliri_axum | dev | ^0.3.36 | |
1.0K | cyborgtime | dev | ^0.3 | |
1.0K | 6 | xorshift | dev | ^0.1 |
1.0K | coreutils | dev | ^0.3.36 | |
1.0K | 3 | cmsis-pack | dev | ^0.3.3 |
1.0K | jsonwebtoken-aws-lc | dev | ^0.3 | |
850 | 1 | gibbon | dev | ^0.1 |
800 | 2 | bcc | dev | ^0.3.5 |
700 | fiberplane-pdk | dev | ^0.3.15 | |
600 | 2 | sqlx-oldapi | dev | ^0.3.2 |
550 | nene | dev | ^0.3 | |
550 | 11 | tetsy-wasm | dev | ^0.1 |
500 | 1 | picolog | dev | ^0.3 |
500 | 1 | google-cloud-spanner-derive | dev | ^0.3 |
430 | 3 | rustlearn | dev | ^0.1 |
410 | 4 | affinidi-messaging-sdk | dev | ^0.3 |
390 | 2 | snarkos-node-bft-events | dev | ^0.3 |
380 | 2 | cyper | dev | ^0.3 |
380 | 3 | dhcp4r | dev | ^0.2 |
350 | 3 | kcp | dev | ^0.3 |
300 | 2 | qrt-log-utils | dev | ^0 |
290 | serde_nested_with | dev | ^0.3.32 | |
270 | gcloud-spanner-derive | dev | ^0.3 | |
260 | portable-rustls | dev | ^0.3.6 | |
260 | 2 | pamsm | dev | ^0.2 |
240 | 1 | macaroon | dev | ^0.3 |
230 | uactor | dev | ^0.3 | |
230 | reconnecting-websocket | dev | ^0.3.36 | |
220 | 1 | utc2k | dev | 0.3.* |
210 | mysql_wasi | dev | ^0.3 | |
200 | 1 | amareleo-node-bft-events | dev | ^0.3 |
180 | 1 | tokio-postgres-fork | dev | ^0.2 |
180 | knope | dev | ^0.3.36 | |
170 | surrealdb-next | dev | ^0.3.30 | |
170 | shortcut | dev | ^0.1 | |
160 | aoss-curl | dev | ^0 | |
150 | hdbconnect | dev | ^0.3 | |
150 | hdbconnect_async | dev | ^0.3 | |
150 | 1 | qws | dev | ^0.1.39 |
140 | 4 | cpp_syn | dev | ^0.1.35 |
140 | redsumer | dev | ^0.3.37 | |
130 | 1 | dfir_rs | dev | ^0.3 |
130 | 3 | yb-tokio-postgres | dev | ^0.2 |
120 | pnet_bandwhich_fork | dev | >=0.1 | |
120 | 9 | tk-http | dev | ^0.1.39 |