3 releases
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.3 |
0.1.2 | Aug 28, 2018 |
0.1.1 | Aug 27, 2018 |
0.1.0 | Aug 12, 2018 |
#13 in #nt
Used in nt-packet-derive
151 lines
nt-rs is an implementation of the NetworkTables revision 3 protocol in Rust using Tokio. Currently it is purely a client library. An API for creation of an NT server may come in the future.
Getting Started
This library can be found on https://crates.io and can be added to a project with nt = "0.1.0"
Sample usages can be found in the examples/
What is NetworkTables?
NetworkTables, or NT, is a TCP based protocol for key-value data storage. It is most used within code for FIRST Robotics Competition robots, for sharing data across the robot's network.
Connecting to a server
let mut nt = NetworkTables::connect("10.TE.AM.2:1735", "nt-rs-client")?;
Creating a server
let mut nt = NetworkTables::bind("", "nt-rs-server");
1.0.0 adds support for clients and servers communicating over websockets. This is locked behind the websockets
Connecting to a websocket server
let mut nt = NetworkTables::connect_ws("ws://10.TE.AM.2:1735", "nt-ws-client")?;
Creating a websocket server
let mut nt = NetworkTables::bind_ws("", "nt-ws-server");
Network Tables in JavaScript (WIP)
While nt
cannot be compiled to wasm directly, due to its dependence on tokio for its runtime, a supplementary crate is provided at ./nt-ws
that is able to be compiled to wasm. This crate only supports a NT client, and uses wasm_bindgen to export a javascript compatible API.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Thanks to Jess Creighton (https://github.com/jcreigh) for giving me the idea