#protocols #version #safe #packet #payload #deserialize #co-ev2

no-std coe

coe is a full implementation of the CoEv2 protocol by Technische Alternative

4 releases

0.2.2 Sep 21, 2024
0.2.1 Sep 19, 2024
0.2.0 Sep 18, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 18, 2024

#854 in Network programming

24 downloads per month

MIT-0 license


cargo test


coe-rs is an implementation of the full CAN-over-Ethernet spec by Technische Alternative, written in 100% safe Rust. It allows safe (De-)serialization of COE packets from(into) bytes.

We use std by default, but there is a no_std + alloc version (with almost the same functionality) and a fully no_alloc version available, which depends only on core.

Getting started

coe-rs is as small as possible and only handles (De-)serialization of CoE packets. To use the protocol over a network, consider this minimal example:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut test_packet = Packet::new();
    // send to CAN-ID 58, at offset 1 (shows up as 2 in the GUI)
    test_packet.try_push(Payload::new(58, 1, coe::COEValue::Analogue(AnalogueCOEValue::LiterPerPulse_Tens(123))))?;

    let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").await?;
    let mut buf = [0_u8; 252];
    test_packet.try_serialize_into(&mut buf).expect("252 bytes is always large enough to fit a
    CoE Packet");
    // connect to the IP of your CMI

You can receive packets like this:

async fn listener() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").await?;

    // the largest possible COE packet is 256 byte long, so this is always safe
    let mut buf = [0_u8; 256];
    loop {
        let (length, _) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await?;
        let parsed = TryInto::<coe::Packet>::try_into(&buf[0..length])?;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let listen_handle = tokio::spawn(async { listener().await });
    let (res,) = tokio::join!(listen_handle);

You can find a real-world application of coe-rs in churchtools-ta-sync. Where we continually push data from an sqlite database to CMIs.

The CoE protocol

The CoE Protocol is intellectual property of Technische Alternative RT GmbH. While the Protocol overview is given here, THE PROTOCOL ITSELF IS EXPLICITLY NOT COVERED BY THIS REPOSITORIES LICENSE.

The Protocol - Overview

A CoE packet consists of a 4-byte Header and up to 31 8-byte Payload fields.

The Header

Consists of these values, in order, starting from the 1st byte of the packet.

  1. Major Version as unsigned 8-bit integer.
  2. Minor Version as unsigned 8-bit integer.
  3. Packet length in byte as unsigned 8-bit integer.
  4. Packet length in number of payloads as unsigned 8-bit integer.

There is no padding between the header and the first payload field.

A Payload field

Consists of these values, in order, starting from the 1st byte of the Payload.

  1. The CAN-ID of the virtual node which the CMI will create to send the value onto the CAN-Bus. Unsigned 8-bit integer.
    • allowed values are 1-62
  2. The output index of the transmitted Value. Unsigned 8-bit integer.
    • allowed values are 0-63
    • NOTE: The CMI web-gui shows these offset by 1.
    • e.g.: 2 on-wire == 3 in CMI-Web-GUI.
    • coe-rs DOES NOT add this offset. The calling application is responsible for handling the offset if required.
  3. Unsigned 8-bit integer. Either:
    • 0: The value is a single bool, in the 8th bit of field 5. (i.e. least significant bit in the first byte)
    • 1: The value is a signed, 32-bit, little-endian integer, stored in field 5.
  4. The Unit ID of the value. This determines what phyiscal unit the value corresponds to.
    • You can find a complete list of unit ids in AnalogueCOEValue
    • Note that this ID also determines the decimal places to which the value is stored.
    • e.g.: The unit specifies 3 decimal places (Thousands) => a value of 10 on-wire corresponds to 0.010 in the appropriate unit.
  5. The value. Always 4-byte long. Either:
    • a bool in the 8th bit, 0-bits elsewhere
    • a signed, 32-bit, little-endian integer

Limitations and Stability

coe-rs in its current state is (apart from potential bugs I have not found yet) fully compliant to the CoEv2.0 Spec. CoEv1 is not currently implemented. If you need that protocol, consider opening a PR.

SemVer pre-1.0

I promise the following SemVer while pre-1.0:

  • breaking changes WILL bump the minor version
  • minor changed WILL bump the patch version and MAY bump the minor version if they are substantial


Minimum supported Rust version is rustc 1.80.1. Earlier versions of rustc may work, but they have not been tested.


This project is licensed under MIT-0 (MIT No Attribution). By contributing to this repositry, you agree that your code will be licensed as MIT-0.

For my rationale for using MIT-0 instead of another more common license, please see https://copy.church/objections/attribution/#why-not-require-attribution .

