#mav-link #drones #uav #protocols #message-parser #arguments-parser #unmanned-aerial-vehicles

no-std bin+lib mavspec

A set of code generation utilities for MAVLink protocol

35 releases

0.6.1 Feb 22, 2025
0.5.0 Feb 8, 2025
0.3.4 Aug 9, 2024
0.3.3 Mar 25, 2024
0.1.2 Dec 30, 2023

#8 in Robotics

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Used in 2 crates




A code-generator for MAVLink.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ repository crates.io docs.rs issues

MAVLink is a lightweight open protocol for communicating between drones, onboard components and ground control stations. It is used by such autopilots like PX4 or ArduPilot. MAVLink has simple and compact serialization model. The basic abstraction is message which can be sent through a link (UDP, TCP, UNIX socket, UART, whatever) and deserialized into a struct with fields of primitive types or arrays of primitive types. Such fields can be additionally restricted by enum variants, annotated with metadata like units of measurements, default or invalid values. There are several MAVLink dialects. Official dialect definitions are XML files that can be found in the MAVlink repository. Based on message abstractions, MAVLink defines so-called microservices that specify how clients should respond on a particular message under certain conditions or how they should initiate a particular action.

This library is a building block for other MAVLink-related tools (telemetry collectors, IO, etc.). It is only responsible for code generation. Other Mavka projects are focused on their own areas:

  • MAVInspect is responsible for parsing mavlink message XML definitions. MAVSpec is using this library to discover and parse MAVLink dialects.
  • Mavio, a minimalistic library for transport-agnostic MAVLink communication written in Rust. It supports no-std (and no-alloc) targets and focuses on stateless parts of MAVLink protocol.
  • Maviola is a MAVLink communication library based on Mavio that provides a high-level interface for MAVLink messaging and takes care about stateful features of the protocol: sequencing, message time-stamping, automatic heartbeats, simplifies message signing, and so on.

This project respects semantic versioning.


Install as a Cargo dependency.

cargo add mavspec --features all

The all feature will generate all standard MAVLink dialects.

In case you want to generate code as a part of you build sequence, we suggest to also add MAVSpec as a build dependency.

cargo add --build mavspec --featurs generators

The generators feature enables all code-generators.


MAVSpec is designed to be both feature-rich and flexible. The following is just a short guide for the common use-cases. If you want a deep understanding, check API docs.

The following explains how to use library API, for command-line tool usage check CLI section.

Standard MAVLink dialects are generated from the corresponding XML specifications and are available in mavspec::rust::microservices module. To use bundled dialects just install MAVSpec with the specified dialects features:

cargo add mavspec --featurs all

Available dialects are:

  • minimal β€” minimal dialect required to expose your presence to other MAVLink devices.
  • standard β€” a superset of minimal dialect, that expected to be used by almost all flight stack.
  • common β€” minimum viable dialect with most of the features, a building block for other future-rich dialects.
  • ardupilotmega β€” feature-full dialect used by ArduPilot. In most cases this dialect is the go-to choice if you want to recognize almost all MAVLink messages used by existing flight stacks.
  • all β€” meta-dialect which includes all other standard dialects including those which were created for testing purposes. It is guaranteed that namespaces of the dialects in all family do not collide.
  • Other dialects from MAVLink XML definitions: asluav, avssuas, csairlink, cubepilot, development, icarous, matrixpilot, paparazzi, ualberta, uavionix. These do not include python_array_test and test dialects which should be either generated manually or as a part of all meta-dialect.

Default dialect

When standard MAVLink dialects are used (at least minimal Cargo feature is enabled), this library exposes default_dialect and DefaultDialect entities that allow to access the most feature-rich enabled MAVLink dialect.

You might think about default dialect as a sequence of smaller and smaller dialects where all it the most rich dialect and minimal provides a bare minimum of functionality:

all > ardupilotmega > common > standard > minimal

MAVSpec allows to generate additional structures tailored for MAVLink microservices. Each microservice is a subdialect with only those messages and enums which are necessary. To generate microservice subdialects use msrv-* feature flags.

⚠️ We do not recommend to enable microservices for libraries that perform generic MAVLink operations as this may include compilation time.

MAVSpec also provides additional utils to work with MAVLink microservices. These tools can be enabled by msrv-utils-* feature flags and available in mavspec::rust::microservices module.

⚠️ msrv-utils-* are considered unstable for now! Use unstable feature flag to enable them.


It is possible to bundle metadata generated by MAVInspect into meta module. This can be useful for ground control stations that require to present the user with the descriptions of MAVLink entities.

To enable metadata bundling use metadata feature flag.

⚠️ Metadata available only with std feature enabled. Otherwise, this will cause build to fail.

Generate custom Rust bindings

API documentation for Rust code-generation can be found here.

Add MAVSpec with rust feature to your dependencies.

cargo add mavspec --features rust

This feature enables interfaces upon which your generated code will depend. You can access these interfaces through use mavspec::rust::spec.

Optionally enable std (for Rust standard library) or alloc (for memory allocation support) features if your target supports them (if you are not developing for an embedded devices, then we suggest to always enable std).

Add MAVSpec with rust_gen as a build dependency:

cargo add --build mavspec --features rust_gen

If necessary, add optional section to your Cargo.toml to generate only specific MAVLink entities:

microservices = ["HEARTBEAT", "MISSION"]
enums = ["STORAGE_STATUS", "GIMBAL_*"]
generate_tests = false

This will greatly reduce compile time and may slightly reduce memory footprint (if you are not going to expose autogenerated code as a part of your library API, then Rust compiler will probably optimize away all unused pieces).

If you want to generate tests for generated code, set generate_tests to true. This mode is disabled by default.

Update your build.rs:

use std::env::var;
use std::path::Path;

use mavspec::rust::BuildHelper;

fn main() {
    // Assume that your library and `message_definitions` are both in the root of your project.
    let sources = vec![
    // Output path
    let destination = Path::new(&var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("mavlink");
    // Path to your `Cargo.toml` manifest
    let manifest_path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("Cargo.toml");

    // Parse XML definitions and generate Rust code

The OUT_DIR environment variable is provided by Rust build toolchain and points to output library for your crate. It is considered a bad practice to write outside this path in the build scripts.

Finally, import generated code in your lib.rs (or anywhere it seems appropriate):

mod mavlink {
    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/mavlink/mod.rs"));

pub use mavlink::dialects;

Check examples/rust for a slightly more elaborated example which uses Cargo features as flags for MAVLink dialect selection.

Rust naming conventions

In MAVSpec we are trying to keep balance between names as they appear in MAVLink XML definitions and Rust naming conventions. In most situation we favor the Rust way unless it introduces confusions. In case we failed, and you are confused, all entities are supplemented with descriptions where canonical MAVlink names are mentioned. Here is the list of the naming rules:

  • For structs and enums MAVSpec uses UpperCamelCase.
  • For message fields we use snake_case.
  • For enum entries (enum entries) we use UpperCamelCase with MAVLink enum name prefix stripped (whenever applicable). For example, if bitmask enum has name IMPORTANCE_LEVEL and flag name is IMPORTANCE_LEVEL_THE_MATTER_OF_LIFE_AND_DEATH, then flag name will be TheMatterOfLifeAndDeath.
  • For bitmask flags (enum entries for enums which are bitmasks) we use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE with MAVLink enum name prefix stripped (whenever applicable). For example, if bitmask enum has name VERY_IMPORTANT_FLAGS and flag name is VERY_IMPORTANT_FLAGS_THE_MATTER_OF_LIFE_AND_DEATH_FLAG, then flag name will be THE_MATTER_OF_LIFE_AND_DEATH_FLAG.
  • In the case of collision with rust keywords, we add underscore suffix. For example, type field of HEARTBEAT message will be encoded as type_.
  • In the rare cases when symbolic name starts with numeric character, it will be prefixed with _.

Check mavspec_examples_rust.rs which shows how the last two cases of inconvenient names are handled (this is not something of high aesthetic value but in our defence we must say that all approaches we've considered looked equally ugly).


MAVInspect may skip code re-generation if dialects haven't changed. It uses 64-bit CRC fingerprint to monitor changes. Set fingerprints feature flag to enable this behavior.

This feature is useful for reducing build time during development and CI runs. Make sure that your releases are clean and do not depend on fingerprints.

Unstable Features

Unstable features are enabled by unstable feature flag. Such features are experimental and can be changed or excluded in future releases.


Install mavspec command-line tool.

cargo install mavspec --features cli

Check installation:

mavspec -V

If you are working from the MAVSpec repository, then you always can run CLI-tool using cargo:

cargo run --bin mavspec --features cli --

Parse XML definitions from ./message_definitions/standard and generate dialects in tmp/mavlink directory:

mavspec --src message_definitions/standard --out tmp/mavlink rust

Print mavspec help for Rust code generator:

mavspec rust -h


  • examples/build_custom_dialects β€” an example library with autogenerated code.
    cargo run --package mavspec_examples_custom_dialects --bin custom_dialects_example


API is considered relatively stable but certain advanced features are yet to be developed. However, most of these features are nice to have, rather than something necessary to consider this library complete.

Milestone v1 contains features considered necessary to reach stable version 1.0.0. Most of these features are related to Rust code generator.

Other code generators (will form a basis for other Mavka projects):

Propositions and pull-requests are welcomed.

First of all, there is an official MAVLink client for Rust worth mentioning: rust-mavlink. One of the reasons behind writing this library was my desire to decouple parser and code generator into the separate projects.

I was personally inspired by gomavlib library for MAVLink (Go). I like the way it is written, and its source code helped me in several cases when official MAVLink documentation wasn't clear enough.

If you want to autogenerate language bindings and prefer Python, you might be interested in the official mavgen code-generation tool. If you are looking for a router for MAVLink messages, then we suggest mavp2p. If you want a solution that supports MAVLink microservices, then it worth checking MAVSDK that uses gRPC API.

MAVLink is almost 15 years old, but the ecosystem around this protocol is still dynamic and developing. Some projects are stable and robust, while others are nice and feature-rich but incomplete.


Here we simply comply with the suggested dual licensing according to Rust API Guidelines (C-PERMISSIVE).

Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~35K SLoC