1 stable release

1.0.1 Nov 26, 2024
1.0.0 Nov 25, 2024
0.0.1 Nov 22, 2024

#460 in Embedded development



#+TITLE: FH101RF Driver #+AUTHOR: Jonah Imfeld, Silvano Cortesi #+DATE: 01.11.2024 #+LICENSE: LGPL-3.0

This repository contains driver for the FH101RF tri-band Wake-Up Radio (433MHz, 868/915MHz, 2.4GHz).

#+begin_quote The FH101RF RFicient ® Ultra-low Power Wake-Up Receiver is a tri-band receiver for simultaneous reception of OOK modulated signals in the SRD frequency bands 433 MHz, 868 MHz or 915 MHz, and 2.4 GHz, with a sensitivity of typically -75 dBm. It allows continuous monitoring at microwatt power consumption and responds in milliseconds, enabling 24/7 connectivity and up to 10 years of battery life. The integrated ULP receiver operates without a microcontroller, recognizing two wake-up patterns and a 16-bit ID. It generates a control signal to activate application hardware like an MCU, allowing direct addressing of individual RF modules. Data packets are stored in three built-in FIFO buffers, and data events can trigger an IRQ signal for external circuitry, supporting deep-sleep modes for peripherals. RFicient ® uses binary correlators to detect 31-bit preambles, tolerating bit-error rates up to 16 %. -- [[https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/de/ff/sse/ic-design/rf-ic/wakeup.html][Frauenhofer IIS]] #+end_quote

The repository is build on top of the datasheet [[https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0315/0879/1435/files/FH101RF_LZE_Datasheet_Revision_1p3b_A_1.pdf?v=1722410333][FH101RF_LZE_Datasheet_Revision_1p3b_A_1]] and contains:

** The [[file:fh101rf.yaml][YAML]] specification of the driver, as used by Reginald to create the struct fields *** YAML Transpile Instruction The yaml file can be automatically parsed using [[https://github.com/schilkp/reginald][Reginald]], based on branch schilkp/rust, commit dc4ff0d.

**** Rust version The rust version is built (from within [file:rust/src/]) using: #+begin_src sh reginald gen -i ../../fh101rf.yaml -o registers.rs rs-structs --enum-derive "Debug" --struct-derive "Debug" --enum-derive "PartialEq" --struct-derive "PartialEq" #+end_src

**** C version The C version is built (from within [[file:c/][c/]]) using: #+begin_src sh reginald gen -i ../fh101rf.yaml -o fh101rf_reg.h c-funcpack #+end_src

**** Markdown Datasheet The [[file:fh101rf_reg.md][markdown datasheet]] is build (from within [[file:README.org][/]]) by using: #+begin_src sh reginald gen -i ./fh101rf.yaml -o fh101rf_reg.md md-datasheet #+end_src

** Rust driver The rust driver consists of [file:rust/src/lib.rs], [file:rust/src/device.rs], [file:rust/src/config.rs], [file:rust/src/error.rs] and [file:rust/src/registers.rs]. registers.rs is the only auto-created file using reginald, and contains the register structs as well as pack/unpack functions.

** C driver The C driver consists of [file:c/fh101rf.c], [file:c/fh101rf.h] and [file:c/fh101rf_reg.h]. fh101rf_reg.h is the only auto-created file using reginald, and contains the register structs as well as pack/unpack functions.

** Example projects for C and Rust The example projects make automatically use of the drivers described above, and can be used as a reference for the implementation. The following pinout holds:

| Peripheral | Functionality | |------------+---------------------------------------| | SPI1 | SPI peripheral used for communication | | PA5 | SCK pin used together with SPI1 | | PA7 | MOSI pin used together with SPI1 | | PA6 | MISO pin used together with SPI1 | | PC9 | CS pin used for SPI | | PC6 | RST pin | | PC7 | IRQ pin (GPO1) | | GPDMA1_CH0 | DMA channel for TX on SPI1 | | GPDMA1_CH1 | DMA channel for RX on SPI1 |

  • Note: The C example does not use the MISO pin, but uses the SPI peripheral in Half-Duplex mode
  • Note: The Rust example does use MOSI and MISO pin (SPI in Full-Duplex), thus must be connected as in chapter 6.2 of the datasheet


~17K SLoC