#aws #ecs #cli

app ecscope

ecscope lets you monitor AWS ECS resources from the terminal

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Mar 3, 2025

#336 in Command line utilities

Download history 102/week @ 2025-02-28

102 downloads per month

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


GitHub release

ecscope lets you monitor AWS ECS resources from the terminal.


It does so by offering a TUI which shows services, tasks and containers in a single view. Instead of having to log into several accounts (or change regions) via the AWS website, you're able to view relevant information for ECS deployments in one place. You can group services by configuring them via a "profile", and have ecscope load it up.

💾 Installation


cargo install --git https://github.com/dhth/ecscope.git

⚡️ Usage

Usage: ecscope [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  profiles  Manage ecscope's profiles
  monitor   Open monitoring TUI
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --debug  Output debug information without doing anything
  -h, --help   Print help


📃 Profiles

Adding a profile

The first thing you'll do after installing ecscope is to set up a profile. A profile is simply configuration that groups together ECS resources you want to monitor in one go. You set up a profile using:

ecscope profiles add <PROFILE_NAME>

This will generate a TOML file in your config directory that looks like this:

keys = ["<KEY>"]
arn = "arn:aws:ecs:eu-central-1:<ACCOUNT_ID>:cluster/<CLUSTER_NAME>"
services = [
config_source = "env"

# --- #

keys = ["<KEY>"]
arn = "arn:aws:ecs:eu-central-1:<ACCOUNT_ID>:cluster/<CLUSTER_NAME>"
services = [
config_source = "profile:<PROFILE_NAME>"

Listing profiles

You can list configured profiles using ecscope profiles list.

🛠 AWS Configuration

ecscope supports getting AWS configuration from the following sources:

Environment variables

This is configured by setting config_source to "env" in the profile config. The following environment variables need to be set for this option.


Read more about this here.

Shared config

Use this option when you want to leverage profiles set in the shared AWS config for authentication and configuration.

ecscope can be configured to use this option by setting config_source to "profile:<PROFILE_NAME>" in the profile config.

📟 Monitoring TUI

Once a profile is configured, you can begin monitoring ECS deployments via ecscope's TUI.

ecscope monitor <PROFILE_NAME>

The TUI displays running tasks for each configured service, along with their respective containers. Additionally, details for the currently selected service, task, and container are shown in dedicated panes to the right.

The TUI also supports refreshing of results — either on a schedule or manually. Additionally, you can mark specific services to be targeted for the refresh.

TUI Reference Manual


    ?                    show/hide help view
    Esc / q              go back/exit
    <ctrl+c>             exit immediately

Main View
    j / ↓                go down in a list
    k / ↑                go up in a list
    H / ←                move to the pane to the left
    J / Tab              move to the pane below
    K / <S-Tab>          move to the pane above
    L / →                move to the pane to the right
    r                    refresh details for current item
    <c-r>                refresh data (either the ones marked, or all)
    R                    toggle auto refresh (for either the ones marked, or all)

Services List
    m                    mark service for auto refresh

Filtering services to be monitored

You can filter services using two kinds of filter queries, one for the cluster key and the other for the service name.

# will show all services that match a regex .*-service
ecscope monitor profile -s '.*-service'
# will show all services in clusters where a key matches the regex qa|staging
ecscope monitor profile -k 'qa|staging'
# combine both filters
ecscope monitor profile -s '.*-service' -k 'qa'


~644K SLoC