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#47 in Text editors

Download history 22/week @ 2024-11-26 310/week @ 2024-12-03 316/week @ 2024-12-10 23/week @ 2024-12-17 11/week @ 2024-12-24 53/week @ 2025-01-07 16/week @ 2025-01-14

71 downloads per month

MIT and LGPL-3.0

849 lines

Contains (ELF exe/lib, 14MB) plugin/vmux

vmux logo

Discord Crates.io

Helper to use vim/neovim as a terminal multiplexer

video demos

Neovim conf '22 presentation session switching CLI + functionalities inside vim

docker demo

docker run -it yazgoo/vmux:master (more info on how to use it, based on Dockerfile)


You will need rust and cargo installed.

Install the plugin with post-update hook to install vmux crate:

with vim-plug
Plug 'yazgoo/vmux', {'do': 'cargo install vmux' }
with lazy.nvim
{ 'yazgoo/vmux', build = 'cargo install vmux' }
with packer.nvim
use { 'yazgoo/vmux', run = 'cargo install vmux' }

Add the following to your .zshrc or .bashrc (replace <your_editor> with vim or nvim (default)).
(For vim you'll need it compiled with +clientserver flag)

with vim-plug
source ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vmux/plugin/setup_vmux.sh <your_editor>
with lazy.nvim
source ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/vmux/plugin/setup_vmux.sh <your_editor>
with packer.nvim
source ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vmux/plugin/setup_vmux.sh <your_editor>

Note: if you are using Fish shell, consider using bass with the following added to config.fish:

bass source <path-to-setup_vmux.sh> <your_editor>


interactive usage

video demo

vmux new or vmux will start vmux in interactive mode. You'll be prompted to:

  • create a new session (via New: ... (pre-named), or New (custom-named))
  • exit (via Detach)
  • open an existing session

You can leave current session with CTRL+g. (you can change default escape key from CTRL+g (with -e a) to CTRL+a ).

usage within vim/neovim

video demo

Within vim, vmux provides integration between vim and terminal. Run :help vmux from within vim for more info. Here is an example configuration.

cli usage

  • vmux new <session_name> creates a new session,
  • vmux list list running sessions,
  • vmux attach <full_session_name> attaches to a running session (as per vmux list)
  • you can group sessions with -s option.


For an optimal experience, you should at least add list_sessions_names and session_name hook files described below.

Both files must be executable (if they are a script, they should have a shebang).

list sessions names

You can define a list of new session names via ~/.config/vmux/hooks/list_sessions_names The script just needs to output session names one per line, see this for an example.

session setup

You can define a custom way to setup a new session via ~/.config/vmux/hooks/session_name.
The script takes the session name as argument and should print environment variables of the form key=value.

For example, this script will print the content of .envrc and set working directory to ~/dev/$1 (via PWD line).


You can put images which will be used as wallpapers inside ~/.config/vmux/wallpapers/.

detach / attach callbacks

You can define callbacks on attach / detach session. For example, to share data between (n)vim instances (including registers content), you can use shared data files (Shada), by adding in your vim conf:

function! VmuxCustomDetachCallback()

function! VmuxCustomAttachCallback()

you can get info about current session via the following env var:

  • VMUX_SESSION_GROUP: session group name
  • VMUX_DISPLAY_NAME: session display name within current group
  • VMUX_SESSION_NAME: full session name used to identify the session uniquely


~560K SLoC