#file-io #grep #version #practice #concurrency #pattern #regex

app trotline

A worse version of grep written as practice in concurrency and file IO

4 stable releases

1.1.1 Feb 29, 2020
1.0.1 Feb 25, 2020

#25 in #practice

MIT license

100 lines


This is just a project I'm using to learn concurrency and file IO in Rust; it isn't fit for any real-world use. If you're looking for a genuinely very useful grep alternative, try ripgrep, a genuinely very impressive and generally faster search tool also written in Rust.

Trotline creates a new thread for every file being searched then uses regex to identify and print to stdout every line containing the desired pattern. All binary files are ignored.


To install, ensure you have the requirements listed below, then run:

cargo install --git "https://github.com/SuedeGently/trotline.git"

then trotline --version to check its installed correctly.


  • The rust toolchain (rustup, cargo)


    trotline [FLAGS] <pattern> [directory]

    -h, --help           Prints help information
    -i, --ignore_case    ignore case
    -V, --version        Prints version information

    <pattern>      regex search pattern
    <directory>    target directory

Where pattern can be any valid regex string. If no directory is specified, the current working directory will be used instead.


~96K SLoC