14 releases
0.3.5 | Nov 7, 2023 |
0.3.3 | Jan 15, 2023 |
0.3.1 | Dec 16, 2021 |
0.3.0 | Oct 27, 2021 |
0.2.2 | Jun 7, 2021 |
#155 in Asynchronous
274 downloads per month
Tiny Tokio Actor
Another actor library! Why another? I really like the actor model for development, and wanted something simple I could use on top of tokio.
tiny-tokio-actor = "0.3"
Lets define an actor. First import the necessary crate:
use tiny_tokio_actor::*;
Next define the message we will be sending on the actor system's message bus:
// Define the system event bus message
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TestEvent(String);
impl SystemEvent for TestEvent {}
Next define the actor struct. The actor struct must be Send + Sync but need not
be Clone. When implementing the Actor
trait, you can opt to override the default
, supervision_strategy()
, pre_start()
, pre_restart()
, and
struct TestActor {
counter: usize
impl Actor<TestEvent> for TestActor {
// This actor will time out after 5 seconds of not receiving a message
fn timeout() -> Option<Duration> {
// This actor will immediately retry 5 times if it fails to start
fn supervision_strategy() -> SupervisionStrategy {
let strategy = supervision::NoIntervalStrategy::new(5);
async fn pre_start(&mut self, ctx: &mut ActorContext<TestEvent>) -> Result<(), ActorError> {
ctx.system.publish(TestEvent(format!("Actor '{}' started.", ctx.path)));
async fn pre_restart(&mut self, ctx: &mut ActorContext<TestEvent>, error: Option<&ActorError>) -> Result<(), ActorError> {
log::error!("Actor '{}' is restarting due to {:#?}", ctx.path, error);
async fn post_stop(&mut self, ctx: &mut ActorContext<TestEvent>) {
ctx.system.publish(TestEvent(format!("Actor '{}' stopped.", ctx.path)));
Next define a message you want the actor to handle. Note that you also define the
response you expect back from the actor. If you do not want a resposne back you can
simpy use ()
as response type.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TestMessage(String);
impl Message for TestMessage {
type Response = String;
Now implement the behaviour we want from the actor when we receive the message:
impl Handler<TestEvent, TestMessage> for TestActor {
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: TestMessage, ctx: &mut ActorContext<TestEvent>) -> String {
ctx.system.publish(TestEvent(format!("Message {} received by '{}'", &msg, ctx.path)));
self.counter += 1;
You can define more messages and behaviours you want the actor to handle. For example, lets
define an OtherMessage
we will let our actor handle:
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct OtherMessage(usize);
impl Message for OtherMessage {
type Response = usize;
// What the actor should do with the other message
impl Handler<TestEvent, OtherMessage> for TestActor {
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: OtherMessage, ctx: &mut ActorContext<TestEvent>) -> usize {
ctx.system.publish(TestEvent(format!("Message {} received by '{}'", &msg, ctx.path)));
self.counter += msg.0;
We can now test out our actor and send the two message types to it:
async fn multi_message() {
if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "trace");
let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init();
let actor = TestActor { counter: 0 };
let bus = EventBus::<TestEvent>::new(1000);
let system = ActorSystem::new("test", bus);
let actor_ref = system.create_actor("test-actor", actor).await.unwrap();
let mut events = system.events();
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
match events.recv().await {
Ok(event) => println!("Received event! {:?}", event),
Err(err) => println!("Error receivng event!!! {:?}", err)
let msg_a = TestMessage("hello world!".to_string());
let response_a = actor_ref.ask(msg_a).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(response_a, "Ping!".to_string());
let msg_b = OtherMessage(10);
let response_b = actor_ref.ask(msg_b).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(response_b, 11);
So basically this library provides:
- An actor system with a message bus
- A strongly typed actor with one or more message handlers
- Actors referenced through ActorPaths and ActorRefs
- A supervision stragegy per actor type
- A timeout per actor type
See the docs, examples, and integration tests for more detailed examples.
Library is still incubating! There is still a lot to be done and the API is still unstable! The todo list so far:
- Supervisor hierarchy
- Create macros to make the defining of actors a lot simpler
Projects / blog posts that are worth checking out:
~76K SLoC