#blog #site #specialized #static-site-generator #human #version #article

app salmon

(alpha version) A static site generator specialized for blogging and designed for rabbits. Not for human.

4 releases (2 breaking)

0.5.0 Jun 23, 2019
0.4.1 Jun 16, 2019
0.4.0 Jun 2, 2019
0.1.0 May 3, 2019

#12 in #specialized

Custom license


Rust 1.5K SLoC // 0.0% comments Handlebars 232 SLoC Ruby 25 SLoC



A static site generator specialized for blogging and designed for rabbits. Not for human.


You can try quickly with Docker.

docker pull mozamimy/salmon:latest
docker run --rm salmon /usr/local/sbin/salmon --help


Download a binary from GitHub release page. Linux and macOS are supported.


You can install with cargo command if you are Rust programmer.

cargo install salmon


Initialize Salmon project

Execute salmon init command. Then, some example files are generated in the project directory.

$ salmon init usagi
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /articles/2019/06/23/example.md
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /codes/2019/06/23/example.rb
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /layouts/article.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /layouts/index.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /layouts/page.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /layouts/rss.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /layouts/tag.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /layouts/year.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /pages/example.md
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /partials/header.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /partials/menu.hbs
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /resources/images/sushi_salmon.png
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /resources/stylesheets/layout.sass
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /salmon.yaml
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Writing /docker-compose.yaml
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Your new Salmon project has been initialized!
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Now you can build with `salmon build` command after moved the pr
oject directory.
[2019-06-23T09:28:02Z INFO  salmon::initializer] Execute `docker-compose up nginx` if you want to open your site
in http://localhost:10080/.

You can build the new project with salmon build command.

$ cd usagi/
$ salmon build
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Start to load layout files.
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Loading a layout: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/layouts/index.hbs"
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Loading a layout: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/layouts/article.hbs"
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Loading a layout: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/layouts/tag.hbs"
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Loading a layout: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/layouts/year.hbs"
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Loading a layout: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/layouts/page.hbs"
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::layout] Loading a layout: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/layouts/rss.hbs"
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::partial] Loading a partial file: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/partials/header.h$
[2019-06-23T09:28:14Z INFO  salmon::partial] Loading a partial file: "/home/mozamimy/tmp/usagi/partials/menu.hbs

Generated docker-compose.yaml helps you to open your first project with Web browser (http://localhost:10080/).

$ docker-compose up nginx

Create new article template and directory with salmon new command

You can start writing quickly with salmon new command. That create an article template and directories for codes and images.

$ salmon new awesome_article
[2019-06-02T08:10:16Z INFO  salmon::template_generator] Created a directory "./articles/2019/06/02"
[2019-06-02T08:10:16Z INFO  salmon::template_generator] Wrote an article template to "./articles/2019/06/02/awesome_article.md"
[2019-06-02T08:10:16Z INFO  salmon::template_generator] Created a directory "./codes/2019/06/02"
[2019-06-02T08:10:16Z INFO  salmon::template_generator] Created a directory "./resources/images/2019/06/02"

See salmon new --help to control the behavior. Salmon creates all templates and directories if there is no options.


You can control log level by RUST_LOG environment variable. The default value is info.


You should put YAML config file in project root directory.

version: '1' # required
blog: # required
  site_root: 'https://example.com/', # required
  index_page: # optional
    entries_per_page: 10 # optional
  year_page: # optional
    entries_per_page: 15 # optional
  tag_page: # optional
    entries_per_page: 15 # optional





~403K SLoC