#rgb #color #prints #hex #terminal #input #stdout

bin+lib rgb-io

Takes input RGB codes, prints colors to stdout

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Dec 12, 2019
0.1.1 Dec 12, 2019

#34 in #prints

Custom license and maybe LGPL-3.0-or-later

218 lines




This is a simple program, which lets you type in RGB color(s) in hexadecimal format, then prints sample color(s) to standard ouput.

You can run the program with help command for more details.

Building from source or installing via Cargo

This crate is intended to be used as a program. So default features just contain some documentation, constants and no dependencies.

bin feature contains a binary which uses some dependencies.

Building from source:

~> # Clone a specific version via tag name
~> git clone --branch=x.y.z --depth=1 -- https://bitbucket.org/haibison/rgb-io rgb-io-x.y.z/
~> cd rgb-io-x.y.z/
~> cargo build --release --features=bin

Installing via Cargo:

~> cargo install rgb-io --version=x.y.z --features=bin

