#ansi-colors #cmyk #rgb #color-conversion #hsl #graphics #color

no-std colorsys

A module for color conversion and mutation. Works with RGB(a)( as hexadecimal too), HSL(a), CMYK color models and with ANSI color codes

19 releases

0.6.7 Jan 22, 2023
0.6.6 Jun 15, 2022
0.6.5 Oct 23, 2021
0.6.3 Feb 6, 2021
0.5.3 Jul 27, 2019

#21 in Images

Download history 5041/week @ 2024-11-15 4060/week @ 2024-11-22 3775/week @ 2024-11-29 3095/week @ 2024-12-06 3977/week @ 2024-12-13 20589/week @ 2024-12-20 2708/week @ 2024-12-27 2784/week @ 2025-01-03 3247/week @ 2025-01-10 3211/week @ 2025-01-17 3383/week @ 2025-01-24 4767/week @ 2025-01-31 4876/week @ 2025-02-07 3805/week @ 2025-02-14 4174/week @ 2025-02-21 3952/week @ 2025-02-28

18,129 downloads per month
Used in 37 crates (27 directly)

MIT license

2.5K SLoC



A module for color conversion and mutation written in Rust. For now works with next color models:

  • RGB(a)( as hexadecimal too)
  • HSL(a)
  • CMYK(a)
  • ANSI256 codes


What It Can Do

getters & setters

use colorsys::{Rgb, Hsl, ColorAlpha};

let rgb = Rgb::from((57.3, 12.7, 53.0));
let r = rgb.red();
// 57.3

let mut hsl = Hsl::default();
// Hsl { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 1 }
// Hsl { h: 305.71, s: 13.98, l: 0, a: 0.75 }


See From/FromStr/Into traits implementation in docs for more info

use colorsys::{Rgb, Hsl};

let rbga_tuple = (57.3, 12.7, 53.0, 0.33);
let rgba = Rgb::from(&rbga_tuple);
let hsla: Hsl = rgba.as_ref().into();
// ~Hsl { h: 305.78, s: 63.71, l: 13.73, a: 0.33 }

let rgb_arr: [u8; 3] = Rgb::from(&hsla).into();
// ~[57, 13, 53]

let hsla_tuple: (f64,f64,f64,f64) = Hsl::from( Rgb::from(rgb_tuple) ).into();
// ~Hsl { h: 305.78, s: 63.71, l: 13.73, a: 1 }

let hex: String = rgba.to_hex_string();
// #390d35

// From/Into
let rgb1 = Rgb::from_hex_str("37ea4c").unwrap();
let rgb2 = Rgb::from(
Into::<[f32; 4]>::into(Rgb::from(
  Into::<[u8; 3]>::into(
          Into::<[i64; 3]>::into(&rgb1)

assert_eq!(rgb1, rgb2);

// Ratio
use colorsys::{RgbRatio, ApproxEq};
let blue = Rgb::from([34, 111, 235]);

let ratio: [f32; 4] = blue.as_ratio().into();
// ~[0.133, 0.435, 0.922, 1.0]

let converted: Rgb = RgbRatio::from(&ratio).into();
assert!(blue.approx_eq_clarify(&converted, 0.0001));


See ColorTransform/Add*/Sub*.. traits in docs for more

use colorsys::{Hsl, Rgb, ColorTransform,ColorAlpha, SaturationInSpace};

let mut rgb: Rgb = (245.0,152.0,53.0).into();

// ~Rgb { r: 249.83, g: 201.80, b: 150.67 }

rgb.saturate( SaturationInSpace::Hsl(-35.7) );
// ~Rgb { r: 230.29, g: 201.19, b: 170.21, a: 0.3 }

// ~Rgb { r: 200.255, g: 200.255, b: 200.255, a: 0.3 }

let mut hsl = Hsl::from(&rgb);
// ~Hsl { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 78.53 }


let mut rgb2: Rgb = hsl.as_ref().into();
// ~Rgb { r: 169.76, g: 177.9, b: 230.75}

// ~Rgb { r: 85.24, g: 77.09, b: 24.25 }

let rgb3 = rgb - rgb2;
// ~Rgb { r: 115.01, g: 123.16, b: 176.0 }

let hsl2 = hsl + rgb3.into();
// ~Hsl { h: 0.0, s: 83.55, l: 100.0 }

parsing from string & css string representation

use colorsys::{Hsl, Rgb};
use std::str::FromStr;

let s = "rgb(177, 255, 176)";

let rgb: Rgb = s.parse().unwrap();

// String: "rgb(177,255,176)"

// #b1ffb0

Hsl::from_str("hsl(168, 52%, 42%)").unwrap().to_css_string();
// String: hsl(168,52%,42%)


Crate has a Cargo feature named "std" that is enabled by default. In order to use colorsys in a no_std context this feature needs to be disabled. Modify your dependency to opt out of enabled-by-default features.

colorsys = { version = "*", default-features = false }

Color unit ranges

All color units is f64. Here are their ranges:

  • red: 0.0 - 255.0
  • green: 0.0 - 255.0
  • blue: 0.0 - 255.0
  • hue: 0.0 - 360.0
  • saturation: 0.0 - 100.0
  • lightness: 0.0 - 100.0
  • all in cmyk are: 0.0 - 100.0
  • alpha: 0.0 - 1.0
  • ansi256 code is u8

If you specify a value that does not fit within these ranges, they are replaced with a minimum or maximum value.

Enjoy using!


This module is MIT licensed.

No runtime deps
