1 unstable release
0.0.1 | Sep 3, 2021 |
#411 in #editor
721 lines
Command line based To Do list manager
usage: ql [--help, update, ls, [RepeatsDaily, ExistsDaily, [t, d , m] [e, a <lines...>, x , s , delete]]
Creating a list
ql Creates a new list as long as there isn't already one with that name
Checking a list
ql Displays list in stdout
Adding items to list
ql a Adds item to end of list
Removing item from list
ql x Removes item at line number from list
Search list
ql s Finds all lines containing in and prints to stdout
Delete a list
ql delete Deletes the list
Open list in editor
ql e
There aren't many configuration options right now, but the editor used in ql e can be changed by setting 'EDITOR' constant in config.rs. By default it wil use neovim
To Do:
- Complete different list types
- RepeatsDaily
- NewDaily
~26K SLoC