#grep #utility #book #following #chapter #modification #little

bin+lib peppergrep

A simple grep utility written following the 12th chapter of the Rust book. Some little modifications were made.

1 unstable release

0.1.1 Aug 8, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 8, 2024

#1483 in Text processing

MIT license

100 lines

Welcome to peppergrep!

This simple grep utility was made by following the 12th chapter of the Rust Book (formally known as The Rust Programming Language). Some small changes have been made.


You can install this simple utility via cargo install:

cargo install peppergrep 

If the installation completes successfully, you're all set to use peppergrep!


To use this utility, just run:

peppergrep <query> <source_file> [--ignore-case / --attend-case]

where query is the string you're looking for, source_file is the path of the file you're searching the query in. --ignore-case and --attend-case are optional arguments that you can specify to force case insensitivity or sensitivity. By default, all searches are case-sensitive. You can override this default behavior by creating an environmental variable called IGNORE_CASE.

On linux, it would be:


On windows (PowerShell):

$env:IGNORE_CASE = 1;


To uninstall this utility, just run:

cargo uninstall peppergrep

No runtime deps