5 releases
0.1.4 | Dec 18, 2023 |
0.1.3 | Dec 18, 2023 |
0.1.2 | Dec 18, 2023 |
0.1.1 | Dec 17, 2023 |
0.1.0 | Dec 17, 2023 |
#507 in Programming languages
The Nope Script
Nope is a scripting programming language, optimised for small and fun programs
Nope is
- Fun
- Expression based
- Garbage collected
- Imperative with a sprinkle of functional
- Focused on solving practical problems
- Separates data from logic
- Can represent JSON and XML natively
- A single binary
- Built with Rust
- Will include a fully featured stdlib
- Will have an eventloop concurrency model
Run and Install
Install rust / cargo then
cargo install nope-lang
You can then launch the interactive repl with
Or run a script with
nope myscript.nope
If you use vim you can install syntax support with
nope --install-vim-plugin
This is project is currently at a very very early stage
- evaluate expressions
- global, local variables and scopes
- constant & operators
- math stdlib
- loops
- functions
- dictionaries and arrays
- garbage collector
- errors, try catch
- string stdlib
- parsing & serialization
- utils stdlib
- resource type
- os stdlib
- unit tests
- v1.0
- async
- async stdlib
- v2.0
- web server
- v3.0
- modules & packages
- v4.0
- perf
The following table should give you an idea of the basic types and allowed data models. Keep in mind arrays and objects are not implemented at the moment
null: null,
void: [void _ ()]
bool: [true false]
num: [0 1 99 3.14 -1_000_000 0xdead 0b10101 NaN Inf PI]
string: ['foo' "bar" ~hello]
arrays: [1 2 true null []]
dicts: {key:32 val:99}
mixed: ['foo' key:'value']
All data in nope is a combination of the above types and structures.
Note that numbers are 64bit floats, and the strings are unicode.
Code structure
Let's look at basic nope program.
let x = d6() + d6()
var winning = false
if x >= 10 (
set winning = true
print 'haha, yes! :)'
) else (
print 'oh no :('
In the first line, we define a variable called x
, with an initial value defined
by an expression which calls two functions 'd6' and adds the results. The variable
'x' is available in all subsequent expressions in the current scope. Since it
is defined with let
, it cannot later be changed with set
In the second line we declare another variable, but this time it can be modified.
We then evaluate a classic if-else conditional. Note that unlike other languages,
the code blocks are not defined by curly braces {
but by parenthesis (
The reason is that nope is an expression based language, so every nope construct is
an expression that produces a value.
The following example puts those principles in action
let res = if flip_coin(), "heads" else "tails"
The if
returns a value, which depending on the result of flip_coin()
will be
either the string "heads" or "tails".
You can surround expressions with parenthesis, and you can also surround multiple expressions with parenthesis. In the later case, all expressions are evaluated in order, but only the last expression produces a value.
This is what we've used to both change the variable winning
with the set winning = true
expression, but also to print a message.
Note as well that the print expression print "hey"
ommits parenthesis around its argument
This is not a special case of the print function. In nope, all parenthesis and commas for
functions arguments are optional.
let clamped_0_100 = max 0 min value 100
This is also applies to functions without parameters
let score = d6 + d6 + d6
Note that function application has the highest precedence so print 1 + 1
prints 1
since the addition is performed afterwards. This is not always what you want. One way
is to use parenthesis print(1 + 1)
, print (1 + 1)
. Note
that the space between the function name and the first parenthesis is meaningful. Without
space, the full list of arguments is expected, while with the space, it's just parenthesis
around a single argument; max(1,2)
/ max (1) (2)
Another way is to use the left arrow <-
operator. This operator simply evaluates the complete expression
on the right. So you can do your print like this print <- 1 + 1
By convention, all functions in nope take the data they operate on as the last argument.
let txt = read_text 'file.txt'
let txt2 = upper txt
write_txt 'file2.txt' txt2
With the help of the left arrow <-
operator you could have instead written the following,
write_txt 'file2.txt' <- upper <- read_text 'file.txt'
The right arrow ->
operator (not yet implemented) does the same but the other way around.
read_text 'file.txt' -> upper -> write_txt 'file2.txt'
Equality ==
, !=
Check that the operands are of the same type, and if that's the case compare their values or references
Comparison <
, >
, <=
, >=
First converts the number to their number equivalent (NaN for strings and arrays) then compares
The +-=
and !+-=
compare numbers for equality up to EPSILON
Arithmetic +
, -
, *
, /
, %
, **
The usual math operations. Operands are converted to their number equivalent (NaN for string)
Addition +
of a string will perform string concatenation, and convert the other operand to string
Integer & Bitwise Arithmetic
All the arithmetic operators prefixed with ~
will first convert operands to int32 then perform the integer arithmetic operation.
For example 10 ~/ 4
is 2
The bitwise operators ~!
, ~|
, ~&
, ~^
, ~<<
, ~>>
, ~>>>
convert the operands to int32 then perform the bitwise operations
Boolean !
, ||
, &&
The boolean equivalent of an operand is
The operators
negates the boolean equivalent&&
returns the first operand if falsy, otherwise the second||
returns the first operand if truthy, otherwise the second
Default ??
Will return the second operand if the first is null
or void
otherwise the first
Repeat *:
The repeat operator will evaluate and sum the second operand N times, where N is the first operand.
For example, this will throw the dice 3 times
print(3 *: d6)
Note that the first operand is first converted to a number. If the number is zero or negative, we return void
Nope supports two looping mechanism, loop
which endlessly repeats the expression that follows and while
which evaluates a condition and repeats the next expression as long as the condition stays truthy.
var i = 0, while i < 10 (
set i = print i + 1
will jump directly to the next iteration, and break
will stop the iteration
var i = 0, loop (
if i < 10 (
set i = i + 1
loops are expressions too and return the last value of their expression. break
returns void, break_as
will break
and return the next expression
var i = 0, let res = loop (
if i < 10 (
set i = i + 1
) else (
break_as 'done!'
Printing to the terminal
and echo
are similar functions, they take one argument, print the value to the terminal, and returns it. The difference is that print
prints the raw string converted value, while echo
prints a colored internal representation of the value.
In the repl, each submission is echoed after execution.
Note that since both print
and echo
return their argument, you can use them inside expressions to display temporary values.
var i = 0, while i < 10 (
set x = print x + 1
Types check & conversions
The following functions convert to their type, to_num
, to_bool
, to_str
The following function test the types: is_void
, is_null
, is_bool
, is_num
, is_int
, is_nan
, is_odd
, is_even
, is_str
Arithmetic Functions and constants
Nope supports the following arithmetic functions
And the following arithemtic constants
returns the length of the string (scans the whole string)upper
transform the case of the stringtrim
removes the whitespace at the beginning and end of the stringchar_at(idx, text)
gets the character at string indexsubstr(from_idx, to_idx, text)
, returns the substring based on character indexes.to_idx
is not inclusive. Negative indexes start at the end.replace(from, to, text)
replaces the instances offrom
find(substr, str)
, returns the position ofsubstr
contains(substr, str)
is a substring ofstr
transforms a number to its bitwise representation as a string
Nope supports the following rng functions
If you want to return the sum of 3 dice throws it is better to use the repeat operator 3*:d6
Nope allows you to annotate number literal with a unit suffix.
let distance = cos 45deg * (10Km + 3miles + 5yd + 3in + 5cm)
The units convert the number to their SI units equivalent. For example all distances are converted to meters.
The information about the unit of a number is not kept at runtime. Units are nothing more than a convenient syntax trick.
The following units are supported:
, tau
, phi
, GT
, MT
, kT
, T
, kg
, g
, mg
, ug
, ng
, Ti
, Gi
, Mi
, ki
, d
, min
, s
, ms
, us
, ns
, moon
, deg
, rad
, in
, km
, m
, dm
, cm
, mm
, um
, nm
, oz
, mile
, miles
, ft
, yd
, F
, C
, K
, m3
, l
, dm3
, dl
, cl
, ml
, cm3
, cuft
, ft3
, gal
, pint
, cuin
, in3
, cuyd
, yd3
, m2
, dm2
, cm2
, mm2
, a
, km2
, mile2
, yd2
, sqyd
, ft2
, sqft
, in2
, sqin
, belgium
, footballfield
, TiB
, GiB
, GB
, MiB
, MB
, KiB
, KB
, million
, billion
, trillion
, quadrillon
, milli
, micro
, nano
, pico
It is also possible to convert from one unit to another at runtime with the from_unit
and to_unit
let area_sqin = to_unit 'sqin' <- from_unit 'ha' <- 50
~168K SLoC