1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Feb 24, 2019 |
#972 in Graphics APIs
Used in 2 crates
(via nobs-vulkanism-headless)
Compiles shaders from glsl and generates rust code from spv.
- Builder patterns for compute and graphics pipeline generation
- Descriptor set definitions for easy accessible descriptor writes and updates
- Code generation macros to compile pipeline and descriptor definitions with spv shader code into a rust module. Enables one liner pipeline instantiation and descriptor set allocation.
Find a complete documentation of this library at docs.rs.
Follow the setup instructions for shaderc-rs.
After this you are ready to use nobs-vkpipes!
Feel encouraged to contribute!
Compiles shaders from glsl and generates rust code from spv.
This crate provides builder pattern implementations for vulkan pipeline creation and descriptor set updating.
This is a simple example that sets up a compute pipeline.
All the magic happens in vk::pipes::pipeline!
We define the pipeline with several comma separated fields, paths are always specified relative to the compilied crate's cargo.toml:
See the reexported macros pipeline and shader for a list of configurable options.
extern crate nobs_vulkanism as vk;
// IMPORTANT import these two crates with their original name
// (e.g. not extern crate nobs_vk as vk)
// Otherwise the code generation will genertate code
// that does not find symbols defined there
// You can still use this...
// declare the module that will contain our pipeline
mod make_sequence {
dset_name[0] = "Dset",
stage = {
ty = "comp",
glsl = "
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
const uint GROUP_SIZE = 512;
layout(binding = 0) uniform ub {
uint num_elems;
uint i_first;
uint i_step;
layout(binding = 1) buffer b_out {
uint bout[];
layout(local_size_x = GROUP_SIZE) in;
void main() {
// copy input values for group in shared memory
uint gid = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
if (gid < num_elems) {
bout[gid] = i_first + gid * i_step;
// The code generation will not create types for e.g. the uniform buffer
// If we want this, we need to do it our selves
pub struct ub {
pub num_elems: u32,
pub i_first: u32,
pub i_step: u32,
// create an instance of the pipeline
// uses the nobs_vk::DeviceExtensions to build the pipeline
let p = make_sequence::build(device.handle).new().unwrap();
// update the descriptor set
make_sequence::dset::write(device.handle, ds)
.ub(|b| b.buffer(buf_ub))
.b_out(|b| b.buffer(buf_out))
~11K SLoC