2 releases

0.1.0-alpha.5 Apr 14, 2020
0.1.0-alpha.4 Oct 15, 2019
0.1.0-alpha.3 Sep 15, 2019
0.1.0-alpha.2 Jul 11, 2019
0.1.0-alpha.1 May 10, 2019

#11 in #amp

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52 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates (via microamp)


78 lines


A (micro) framework for building bare-metal AMP (Asymmetric Multi-Processing) applications


  • Lets you write single-source multi-core applications

  • Zero cost shared memory abstraction for Inter-Processor Communication.

  • Use the built-in conditional compilation feature (#[cfg(core = "0")] / cfg!(core = "1")) to partition your application between the cores.

Planned features

  • Multi-target support.

The framework currently uses the same compilation target for all the cores. This limits the supported systems to homogeneous multi-core devices (all cores use the exact same instruction set) and heterogeneous multi-core devices where the cores share a lowest common denominator instruction set (for example, both cores in a Cortex-M4 + Cortex-M0 device can run programs compiled for thumbv6m-none-eabi).

We need to design (and test) a command line flag to specify, or override, a compilation target for each core.

Known limitations

  • The framework currently only supports the ARM architecture.

To lift this limitation we need to implement the functionality of the strip command in Rust. Namely this invocation needs to be ported to Rust: strip -R '*' -R '!.shared' --strip-unneeded . If you are aware of any crate that can do that please let me know in the issue tracker!

Known issues

  • Sending / sharing a function pointer or trait object between the cores is potentially unsound, or at least a Very Bad idea but this is not fully rejected in the case of function pointers.

The framework tries to prevent this operation at compile time. All trait objects are currently rejected, but only function pointers with 0 to 12 arguments are rejected. To reject all function pointers we would need the Variadic Generics (VG) language feature.


Here's a program that runs on a homogeneous dual-core device (2x Cortex-R5 cores).


use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering};

use arm_dcc::dprintln;
use microamp::shared;
use panic_dcc as _; // panic handler
use zup_rt::entry;

// non-atomic variable
#[shared] // <- means: same memory location on all the cores
static mut SHARED: u64 = 0;

// used to synchronize access to `SHARED`
static SEMAPHORE: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(CORE0);

// possible values for SEMAPHORE
const CORE0: u8 = 0;
const CORE1: u8 = 1;
const LOCKED: u8 = 2;

fn main() -> ! {
    let (our_turn, next_core) = if cfg!(core = "0") {
        (CORE0, CORE1)
    } else {
        (CORE1, CORE0)


    let mut done = false;
    while !done {
        // try to acquire the lock
        while SEMAPHORE
            .compare_exchange(our_turn, LOCKED, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Relaxed)
            // busy wait if the lock is held by the other core

        // we acquired the lock; now we have exclusive access to `SHARED`
        unsafe {
            if SHARED >= 10 {
                // stop at some arbitrary point
                done = true;
            } else {
                dprintln!("{}", SHARED);

                SHARED += 1;

        // release the lock & unblock the other core
        SEMAPHORE.store(next_core, Ordering::Release);


    loop {}

In this example we have two static variables in shared memory and visible to both cores (*). One of the variables, SEMAPHORE, is used to synchronize access to the non-atomic SHARED variable. Both cores will execute the main function at boot but they will execute slightly different code paths due to the use of the cfg! macro.

To build the application we use the following command:

$ cargo microamp --bin app --release
   Compiling zup-rtfm v0.1.0 (/tmp/firmware)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.32s
   Compiling zup-rtfm v0.1.0 (/tmp/firmware)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.12s
   Compiling zup-rtfm v0.1.0 (/tmp/firmware)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.12s

By default the command produces two images, one for each core.

$ # image for first core
$ size -Ax target/armv7r-none-eabi/release/examples/app-0
target/armv7r-none-eabi/release/examples/app-0  :
section             size         addr
.text              0x360          0x0
.local               0x0      0x20000
.bss                 0x0   0xfffc0000
.data                0x0   0xfffc0000
.rodata             0x40   0xfffc0000
.shared             0x10   0xfffe0000

$ # image for second core
$ size -Ax target/armv7r-none-eabi/release/examples/app-1
target/armv7r-none-eabi/release/examples/app-1  :
section             size         addr
.text              0x360          0x0
.local               0x0      0x20000
.bss                 0x0   0xfffd0000
.data                0x0   0xfffd0000
.rodata             0x40   0xfffd0000
.shared             0x10   0xfffe0000

If we run the image on core #0 we'll see:

$ # on another terminal: load and run the program
$ CORE=0 xsdb -interactive debug.tcl amp-shared-0

$ # output of core #0
$ tail -f dcc0.log

That the program halts because it's waiting for the other core. Now, we run the other image on core #1.

$ # on another terminal: load and run the program
$ CORE=1 xsdb -interactive debug.tcl amp-shared-1

$ # output of core #1
$ tail -f dcc1.log

And we'll get new output from core #0.

$ # output of core #0
$ tail -f dcc0.log

(*) IMPORTANT all static variables not marked as #[shared] will be instantiated for each core and very likely have different addresses (even if they have the same symbol name) due to compiler optimizations and linker script differences. For example, a non-#[shared] variable static mut X: u32 may have address 0xffe20000 in one image and address 0xffeb0000 in the other image.


The user, or a crate, must provide one linker script per core. The cargo-microamp tool will use these linker scripts to link the program for each core and expects them to be named core0.x, core1.x, etc.

cargo-microamp will pass a file named microamp-data.o to the linker when linking each image. This object file contains all the #[shared] variables in a section named .shared. These variables must be placed in an output section named .shared. This section must be located at the same address on all images. For example:

$ cat core0.x
  /* .. */

  .shared : ALIGN(4)
    . = ALIGN(4);
  } > OCM0

  /* .. */
$ cat core1.x
  /* .. */

  /* NOTE(NOLOAD) core 0 will initialize this shared section  */
  .shared (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4)
    . = ALIGN(4);
  } > OCM0

  /* .. */

Furthermore care must be taken to not initialize this .shared link section more than once. In the above example, the shared variables are initialized when the first image is loaded into memory.


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at your option.

The written prose contained within the book is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA v4.0 license (LICENSE-CC-BY-SA or https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~38K SLoC