#metrics-exporter #metrics #plot #pattern #embedded #plotly #browser


An embedded metrics-rs exporter for plotting with plotly

2 releases

0.1.1 Jun 19, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 19, 2024

#1898 in Development tools

MIT license

423 lines


An embedded metrics exporter which plots metrics in the browser.


Normal usage is setting up the PlotlyRecorder using the PlotlyRecorderBuilder. This will return a PlotlyRecorderHandle which can be used for a one-shot plotting of the metrics.

PlotlyRecorderHandle takes a slice of PatternGroups, which are just regex patterns you wish to group together into rows of plots. For instance, in the following:

use metrics_exporter_plotly::{PatternGroup, PlotKind, PlotlyRecorderBuilder};

async fn main() {
    let handle = PlotlyRecorderBuilder::new().install().unwrap();

    /* Your code */

    // Have to call `.plot()` on handle when you want to plot metrics
            .pattern(r"(?<transaction>.*)_success", PlotKind::Rate)
            .pattern(r"(?<transaction>.*)_error", PlotKind::Rate)])

foo_success and foo_error would be plotted together on a row, and bar_success and bar_error would be on another row.


~240K SLoC