8 releases (breaking)
0.8.0 | May 31, 2023 |
0.7.0 | Jan 21, 2023 |
0.6.0 | Aug 9, 2022 |
0.5.0 | Aug 8, 2022 |
0.1.0 | Jul 21, 2022 |
#875 in Debugging
metrics-exporter-dogstatsd is a metrics
-compatible exporter that
aggregates metrics and pushes them to a statsd/dogstatsd agent.
A good chunk of this code is taken from the Prometheus exporter with some important changes in behavior.
Compared with other statsd metrics systems like cadence or metrics-exporter-statsd, this crate is fully asynchronous in how it communicates data to the statsd agent via Tokio. This crate also pre-aggregates all of the metrics and communicates them to the agent on an interval limiting the amount of network traffic and system calls.
This crate takes full advantage of atomics and the performance of the metrics
A metrics
-compatible exporter for sending metrics to statsd/datadog.
is a metrics
-compatible exporter that can push metrics to
a statsd or datadog agent running locally or remotely via UDP.
High-level features
- push gateway support via UDP
- ability to push histograms as either aggregated summaries or aggregated histograms, with configurable quantiles/buckets
- ability to control bucket configuration on a per-metric basis
- configurable global labels (applied to all metrics, overridden by metric's own labels if present)
This exporter makes some explicit trade-offs to accomplish its task:
- Aggregated histograms or summaries are exported as a series of gauges
- Each interval of the exporter will reset any rendered metric
- All metrics are first aggregated locally and then pushed to the endpoint
- There is currently no support for sampling
- There is currently no support for container id in the metric definition
- Aggregated metrics are pushed to a network service via UDP using the tokio async framework
All naming conversions for metrics and tags are compliant with DataDog requirements.
Using the exporter is straightforward:
// First, create a builder.
// The builder can configure many aspects of the exporter, setting global tags,
// adjusting how histograms will be reported, changing how long metrics
// can be idle before being removed, and more.
let builder = StatsdBuilder::new();
// Normally, most users will want to "install" the exporter which sets it as the
// global recorder for all `metrics` calls, and installs a simple asynchronous
// task which pushes to the configured push gateway on the given interval.
// If you're already inside a Tokio runtime, this will spawn a task for the
// exporter on that runtime, and otherwise, a new background thread will be
// spawned which a Tokio single-threaded runtime is launched on to, where we then
// finally launch the exporter:
builder.install().expect("failed to install recorder/exporter");
// Maybe you have a more complicated setup and want to be handed back the recorder
// object and a future that can run the push gateway so you can install/spawn it
// in a specific way.. also not a problem!
// As this is a more advanced method, it _must_ be called from within an existing
// Tokio runtime when the exporter is running in HTTP listener/scrape endpoint mode.
let (recorder, exporter) = builder.build().expect("failed to build recorder/exporter");
// Finally, maybe you literally only want to build the recorder and nothing else,
// and we've got you covered there, too:
let recorder = builder.build_recorder().expect("failed to build recorder");
~195K SLoC