1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 18, 2024

#124 in Template engine

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Anvil Image mcpack

A rust CLI to initialize, add files to, view information about and zip minecraft datapacks through interactive terminal prompts (or optional flags). Only supports the newer datapack folder structure: pack format 48 (minecraft 1.21) and newer.

Create command demo


To get started, install the crate using cargo.

cargo install mcpack

For a comprehensive list of available commands and their usage, refer to the section below.


If a command is executed without arguments or flags, it leads the user through an interactive prompt to gain required information for that action.

Each command has the ability to skip these interactive prompts (for automation purposes) by providing information through flags and arguments.

All arguments and flags are optional. If required information is not given through flags in a command, it will be asked through the interactive prompt.


Initialises a new datapack with customizable properties in the current directory.

Usage (create)

mcpack create [NAME] [OPTIONS]

Arguments (create)

  • name: Name of the datapack folder

Options (create)

  • -d, --description <DESCRIPTION>: Description of the datapack.

  • -i --icon <ICON_PATH>: Path to pack icon (must be a PNG). This will be copied into the datapack directory and correctly renamed to pack.png

  • -f, --format <FORMAT(S)>: Pack format(s) to support, as a space separated list (e.g. -f 48, 61).

  • -m, --minecraft: Include the minecraft namespace folder (true if flag is provided, false if the flag is not).

    • --load: Include template load.mcfunction file
    • --tick: Include template tick.mcfunction file
  • -n, --namespace <NAMESPACE>: Custom namespace name

    • -s, --starters: Starter files to create in custom namespace as a space separated list (e.g. function advancement). Refer to here for all possible values.
  • -o, --output-dir <DIR>: Output directory for the datapack.

  • -F, --force: Force overwriting previous folder contents without confirmation.

  • --no-icon: Skip pack icon prompt

  • --no-minecraft-tags: Skip minecraft load/tick template file prompt

  • --no-starters: Skip start file prompt

  • -h, --help: View information about the command

Examples (create)

  • Create a datapack

    mcpack create my_datapack

    Initialize a new datapack named my_datapack, prompting for information about contents and properties.

  • Create a datapack partially using flags

    mcpack create example_name -f 48 61 -n example_namespace -s function advancement loot_table --no-icon

    Create a datapack named example_name supporting pack formats 48 and 61, including the specified starter files in a created example_namespace. Description, and the option to include minecraft tags are prompted. Icon path prompting is skipped.

  • Create a data without prompts

    mcpack create example_name -d "example datapack description" -f 48 -n example_namespace -i /path/to/icon.png --minecraft --load --no-starters --force

    Initialise a new datapack named example_name with the description "example datapack description", supports pack format 48, creates a example_namespace folder, includes the specified icon as pack.png located at /path/to/icon.png, includes template load.mcfunction in the minecraft namespace folder, skips the starter file prompts, and forces overwriting any existing directory without confirmation.


View information about a datapack folder/zip archive, such as namespaces, descriptions and support minecraft versions.

Usage (info)

mcpack info [NAME/PATH] [OPTIONS]

Arguments (info)

  • path: Name/path of datapack folder or zip file. more info

Options (info)

  • --compact: Show only basic information (name, description, pack format)

  • --pack-info: Show only information in pack.mcmeta file (excludes namespaces).

  • --namespaces: Show only namespace information.

  • -h, --help: View information about the command

Examples (info)

  • View datapack information

    mcpack info

    Displays basic information about the datapack the command was executed in, including its name, description, supported pack formats, namespaces and more.

  • View pack metadata only

    mcpack info my_datapack.zip --compact

    Shows compact information about the datapack zip file my_datapack.zip including name, description, and supported pack formats.


Add a new template file to an existing datapack, creating required folders if necessary.

Usage (add)

mcpack add [OPTIONS]

Must be executed in the base folder of a minecraft datapack (folder which contains the data and pack.mcmeta) if the --path flag is not provided.

Options (add)

  • -p, --path: Path to datapack directory.

  • -e, --element <ELEMENT>: Type of element to add. Refer here for all possible values.

  • -x, --namespace <NAMESPACE>: Name of namespace to add element to. (Not required if only one namespace exists).

  • -n, --name <NAME>: Name for new file (refer to examples for how to include subdirectories).

  • -F, --force: Force overwriting existing files without prompting.

  • -h --help: View information about the command.

Examples (add)

  • Add a function to the default namespace

    mcpack add -e function -n new_function

    Adds a new function file named new_function.mcfunction to the default namespace of the current datapack.

  • Add a loot table to a specific namespace within a subfolder

    mcpack add -p /path/to/datapack -e loot_table -x custom_namespace -n entities/custom_loot

    Adds a new loot_table file named custom_loot.json to a new custom_loot folder inside the custom_namespace within the datapack located at /path/to/datapack.

  • Force overwrite an existing advancement file

    mcpack add -e advancement -n existing_advancement --force

    Adds a new advancement file named existing_advancement.json to the default namespace, forcibly overwriting it if it already exists.


Zips a datapack into a zip archive file, useful for distribution to services such as modrinth.

Usage (zip)

mcpack zip [NAME/PATH] [OPTIONS]

Arguments (zip)

  • path: Name/path of datapack folder or zip file. more info

Options (zip)

  • -i, --input-dir <DIR>: Datapack directory of the unzipped datapack (not required if in current directory)

  • -n, --name <NAME>: Custom name for the output zip file

  • -o, --output-dir <DIR>: Output directory for the zip file

  • -F, --force: Force overwriting existing zip file without prompting

  • -h, --help: View information about the command

Examples (zip)

  • Zip the current datapack and place zip in parent directory

    cd path/to/datapack
    mcpack zip

    Zips the current datapack folder and places the resulting zip file in the parent directory with the default naming convention.

  • Zip a specific datapack folder

    mcpack zip my_datapack

    Checks for a folder named my_datapack inside the current directory, zips it, and places the resulting zip file in the current directory.

  • Zip a datapack with a custom zip name

    mcpack zip my_datapack -n custom_archive.zip

    Zips the datapack located in my_datapack and names the output file custom_archive.zip in the current directory.

  • Specify an output directory for the zip File

    mcpack zip my_datapack -o ./output/directory

    Zips the datapack named my_datapack and saves the zip file to ./output/directory.

Supported Features

Supported Pack Formats

  • Pack Format 48 and all newer main version.
    • Minecraft 1.21 and newer

Supported Starter Folders and Element Types

  • Supported starters/element types:
    • function (.mcfunction)
    • tag (.json)
    • advancement (.json)
    • banner_pattern (.json)
    • chat_type (.json)
    • damage_type (.json)
    • enchantment (.json)
    • enchantment_provider (.json)
    • instrument (.json)
    • item_modifier (.json)
    • jukebox_song (.json)
    • loot_table (.json)
    • painting_variant (.json)
    • predicate (.json)
    • recipe (.json)
    • trim_material (.json)
    • trim_pattern (.json)
    • walk_variant (.json)

Name/Path Mechanism in Commands

  • info and zip Commands:
    • Name/Path Argument: Accepts either the name of the datapack folder/zip file in the current directory OR the path to the folder/zip file.
    • Examples:
      • mcpack info my_datapack will look for a folder called my_datapack in the current directory
      • mcpack zip /path/to/datapack.zip will use the file at the provided path.


~296K SLoC