#graph #line #file #reporting #logwatch

bin+lib linescroll

report the number of lines input per time ranges and present rate as statistics and graph

4 releases

0.2.0 Sep 4, 2023
0.1.2 Jun 29, 2023
0.1.1 Jun 27, 2023
0.1.0 Apr 22, 2023

#8 in #lines


467 lines



git clone https://gitlab.com/edneville/linescroll.git
cd linescroll
cargo test && cargo build --release \
&& please install -m755 target/release/linescroll /usr/local/bin


tail a log file to linescroll to report how many lines are flowing on average over a time period:

$ tail -F /var/service/tinydns/log/main/current | linescroll --noclear --speedonly
   125/sec    125/min    125/5min    125/15min
   123/sec    124/min    124/5min    124/15min
   113/sec    120/min    120/5min    120/15min
   136/sec    124/min    124/5min    124/15min
   121/sec    123/min    123/5min    123/15min
   124/sec    123/min    123/5min    123/15min
   112/sec    122/min    122/5min    122/15min
   111/sec    120/min    120/5min    120/15min
   165/sec    125/min    125/5min    125/15min
   132/sec    126/min    126/5min    126/15min
   110/sec    124/min    124/5min    124/15min
    99/sec    122/min    122/5min    122/15min
   107/sec    121/min    121/5min    121/15min

linescroll can read from multiple files provided as filename arguments, optionally combining their stats.

$ linescroll \
   /var/log/apache/access.log \

     0/sec      5/min      1/5min      0/15min
                                                                  #    128
                                                              #   #
                                                              #   #
                                                              #   #
                                                              #   #
                                                              #   #
                                                              #   #
                                                              #   #
                                                              # ####   0
   171/sec    179/min    188/5min    196/15min
                                                #                      259
                         #                     ##  #
          ### ###        #    ###  # ### # ## ###  # # #   #     # #
          ####### ################## ### ######### ### # ### ##  #####
          ############################################################ 0

Bash sub-shell redirection allows a simple way to graph the number of processes. Below we use two while loops to show the number of processes that ed started and the number of processes on the system.

$ linescroll <( while true; do pgrep -u ed; sleep 1; done) <(while true; do pgrep -f .; sleep 1; done)


~74K SLoC