#table #tailwind #leptos #style #sorting #end #styled

bin+lib leptab

A data table for leptos with back end support, styled by tailwindcss

17 releases (10 stable)

1.1.7 May 30, 2024
1.1.5 May 29, 2024
0.1.6 May 17, 2024

#18 in #styled

Download history 4/week @ 2024-11-16 1/week @ 2024-11-23 18/week @ 2024-12-07 1/week @ 2024-12-14 10/week @ 2025-01-25 23/week @ 2025-02-01 39/week @ 2025-02-08 27/week @ 2025-02-15 6/week @ 2025-02-22

102 downloads per month

MIT license

516 lines


Leptos data table using tailwind as style

Additional details

This projects is still under development. If you are using Leptos with tailwind, it can be a perfect match for your data table UI.


  • Sort
  • Download
  • Search
  • Row per page control
  • Pagination


pub fn ExampleTable() -> impl IntoView {
	//Create headers
    let headers = RwSignal::new(vec![
        TableHeader::new("user_id", "user_id", "Id", false, "", false, "", "", "", false, None),
        TableHeader::new("name", "name", "Name", false, "", false, "", "", "", false, None),
        TableHeader::new("profit", "profit_amount", "Profit Amount", true, "profit_currency", true, "- -", "", "", false, None),
        //Use Prefix for something you want to add at the beginning, such as currency symbol
        //TableHeader::new("profit", "profit_amount", "Profit Amount", false, "", false, "- -", "", "", false, Some("$".to_string())),
        TableHeader::new("current_status", "current_status", "Status", false, "", false, "No movement", "Gain", "Loss", false. None),
	//Signal for sort, ascending is true, descending is false
    let sort = RwSignal::new(false);
	//Signal for sort_by (name of the column to sort)
    let sort_by = RwSignal::new("".to_string());
	//Offset, the start of the row to show
    let offset = RwSignal::new(0u32);
	//Limit, the end index of row to show
    let limit = RwSignal::new(5u32);
	//Search, keyword for search
    let search = RwSignal::new("".to_string());
	//Filter, a filter string for your query
    let filter = RwSignal::new("set some query filter here".to_string());
    let fields = RwSignal::new("set some fields here".to_string());
	//Create a resource for data count, make sure that search is a dependency (dependes on your implementation)
    let data_count_resource = create_local_resource(move || (search.get()), move |a| get_collection_count(filter.get(), Some(a)));
	//Get collection here, make the necessary signals as dependency (dependes on your implementation)
    let data_resource = create_local_resource(move || (filter.get(), fields.get(), offset.get(), limit.get(), search.get(), sort.get(), sort_by.get()),
        move |(a,b,c,d,e,f ,g)| get_collection::<UserProfitResponse>(a, b, c, Some(d), Some(e), Some(f), Some(g)));
	//Data count, it will hold the current count
    let data_count = RwSignal::new(0u32);
	//Some extraction (not necessary, depends on you implementation)
    let extracted_data = RwSignal::new(Vec::<ExtractedUserProfit>::default());
	//Convert to json data
    let json_data = Signal::derive(move || {
            .collect::<Result<Vec<serde_json::Value>, _>>()
            .expect("Failed to serialize to JSON")
	//If you want a download then add it here
    let download_data_request = Signal::derive(move || {
        DownloadDataRequest {
            table_name: "trade".to_string(),
            filter: filter.get(),
            fields: fields.get(),
            search: search.get(),
    //Create a download resource, with DownloadDataRequest as request parameter
    let download_resource: Resource<DownloadDataRequest, Result<String, ServerFnError>> = create_local_resource(move || (download_data_request.get()), move |d| get_collection_file::<UserProfitResponse>(d));
    let allow_download = RwSignal::new(true);
    let download_filename = RwSignal::new("user_profit_file".to_string());
	//Current page number
    let current_page = RwSignal::new(1u32);
    view! {
                fallback = move || view! {
                    <div class = "items-center">
                        <div class = "flex justify-center h-screen">
							//Add some loading spinners
                    move || {
                        data_count_resource.and_then(|c| {
                            data_resource.and_then(|d| {
                                view! {
                                        headers = headers 
                                        data = json_data 
                                        offset = offset 
                                        search = search 
                                        sort = sort 
                                        sort_by = sort_by 
                                        limit = limit 
                                        total = data_count 
                                        current_page = current_page
                                        allow_download = allow_download
                                        download_filename = download_filename
                                        download_resource = download_resource


~511K SLoC