7 releases
0.2.6 | May 13, 2024 |
0.2.5 | May 13, 2024 |
0.2.2 | Apr 4, 2024 |
0.2.1 | Feb 19, 2024 |
0.1.9 | Feb 16, 2024 |
#1726 in Web programming
56 downloads per month
265 lines
status modal usage:
let modal = create_rw_signal(false);
view! {
<button class = "btn btn-sm" on:click = move |_| modal.set(true)>Open Modal</button>
description="The description goes here.".to_string()
confirm modal usage:
let signal = create_rw_signal(false);
let action = create_action(move |_input: &()| async move {
let result = server_function().await;
match result {
Ok(result) => {
log::info!("Action Successful!");
signal.set(false); // Close the modal after successful action.
return result
Err(err) => {
log::error!("Server Function Error: {:?}", err);
signal.set(false); // Close the modal after unsuccessful action.
return format!("Server Function Error: {:?}", err);
let pending_signal = action.pending(); // Renders a spinner when the action is still pending.
let confirm_modal_fn = move || {
action.dispatch(()); // Calls the actual action inside a closure function.
view! {
<button class = "btn btn-sm" on:click = move |_| signal.set(true)>Open Modal</button>
signal = signal
title = "APPROVE?".to_string()
description = "Are you sure you want to approve?".to_string()
function = confirm_modal_fn
pending_signal = pending_signal
pub async fn server_function() -> Result<String, ServerFnError>{
use gloo_timers::future::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
log::info!("Server Function!");
sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; // Add a delay to simulate pending data.
return Ok(String::from("This came from a server function."))
what goes inside the confirm modal:
let position_class = match custom_position_class {
None => {
match position {
Some(Position::TopLeft) => "items-start justify-start".to_string(),
Some(Position::TopCenter) => "items-start justify-center".to_string(),
Some(Position::TopRight) => "items-start justify-end".to_string(),
Some(Position::Center) => "items-center justify-center".to_string(),
Some(Position::BottomLeft) => "items-end justify-start".to_string(),
Some(Position::BottomCenter) => "items-end justify-center".to_string(),
Some(Position::BottomRight) => "items-end justify-end".to_string(),
_ => "items-center justify-center".to_string(),
Some(custom_class) => custom_class,
let on_click = move |_| function();
view! {
<Show when=move || signal.get() fallback=|| ()>
<div class = "blur-bg">
<div class=format!("sticky top-0 flex h-screen {}", position_class.clone())>
<div class=format!("flex flex-col gap-4 m-2 modal-box {}", status_class)>
<h3 class="font-bold text-2xl">{title.clone()}</h3>
<p class="py-4 text-lg">{description.clone()}</p>
<div class="modal-action">
<button class="btn btn-error btn-sm rounded" prop:disabled=pending_signal title="Cancel" on:click = move |_| signal.set(false)>Cancel</button>
match pending_signal.get() {
true => view! {
<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm rounded" title="Confirm"><span class="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span></button>
false => view! {
<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm rounded" title="Confirm" on:click = on_click.clone()>Confirm</button>
what goes inside the status modal:
let status_class = match status {
Some(ComponentStatus::Info) => "bg-info",
Some(ComponentStatus::Success) => "bg-success",
Some(ComponentStatus::Neutral) => "bg-neutral",
Some(ComponentStatus::Warning) => "bg-warning",
Some(ComponentStatus::Error) => "bg-error",
_ => "",
let text_header_class = match text_color {
Some(ComponentStatus::Info) => "text-info",
Some(ComponentStatus::Success) => "text-success",
Some(ComponentStatus::Neutral) => "text-neutral",
Some(ComponentStatus::Warning) => "text-warning",
Some(ComponentStatus::Error) => "text-error",
_ => "text-black",
let text_desc_class = match text_color {
Some(ComponentStatus::Info) => "text-black",
Some(ComponentStatus::Success) => "text-black",
Some(ComponentStatus::Neutral) => "",
Some(ComponentStatus::Warning) => "text-black",
Some(ComponentStatus::Error) => "text-black",
_ => "",
let button_class = match button_status {
Some(ComponentStatus::Info) => "btn btn-sm rounded btn-info",
Some(ComponentStatus::Success) => "btn btn-sm rounded btn-success",
Some(ComponentStatus::Neutral) => "btn btn-sm rounded",
Some(ComponentStatus::Warning) => "btn btn-sm rounded btn-warning",
Some(ComponentStatus::Error) => "btn btn-sm rounded btn-error",
_ => "btn btn-sm rounded",
let position_class = match custom_position_class {
None => {
match position {
Some(Position::TopLeft) => "items-start justify-start".to_string(),
Some(Position::TopCenter) => "items-start justify-center".to_string(),
Some(Position::TopRight) => "items-start justify-end".to_string(),
Some(Position::Center) => "items-center justify-center".to_string(),
Some(Position::BottomLeft) => "items-end justify-start".to_string(),
Some(Position::BottomCenter) => "items-end justify-center".to_string(),
Some(Position::BottomRight) => "items-end justify-end".to_string(),
_ => "items-center justify-center".to_string(),
Some(custom_class) => custom_class,
view! {
<Show when=move || signal.get() fallback=|| ()>
<div class = "blur-bg">
<div class=format!("sticky top-0 flex h-screen {}", position_class.clone())>
<div class=format!("flex flex-col gap-4 m-2 modal-box {}", status_class)>
<h3 class=format!("font-bold text-2xl {}", text_header_class)>{title.clone()}</h3>
<p class=format!("py-4 text-lg{}", text_desc_class)>{description.clone()}</p>
<div class="modal-action">
<button class={button_class} title="Close" on:click = move |_| signal.set(false)>Close</button>
~494K SLoC