#language #country #distribution #localization


Provides language distribution mappings for countries, returning HashMaps of Language to relative prevalence and a method to pick a random language

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 19, 2024

#45 in #lang

MIT license



language-distribution is a Rust crate that integrates with the country and language_enum crates to provide language distribution data for each country. Given a Country enum variant (from the country crate), the crate returns a HashMap<Language, f64> indicating the relative prevalence of each language spoken within that country. Additionally, it provides a method to obtain a random language selection weighted by these distributions.


  • Country-to-Language Mappings:
    For each Country enum variant, a corresponding set of (Language, f64) pairs is provided, representing the proportion of speakers in that country.

  • Integration with language_enum:
    Uses the Language enum (from language_enum) as keys in the resulting HashMap, ensuring consistency with other language-related functionality.

  • Probability-Based Random Language Selection:
    Implements a RandomLanguage trait for Country, allowing selection of a random Language according to the weighted distribution obtained from language_distribution().

  • Flexible Data Structures:
    Returns a HashMap<Language, f64> for easy integration with downstream code for analytics, UI display, or further processing.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

language-distribution = "0.1"
language-enum = "0.1"
country = "0.1"
rand = "0.8"

Then in your code:

use country::Country;
use language_distribution::{LanguageDistribution, RandomLanguage};

fn main() {
    let c = Country::Spain;
    let distribution = c.language_distribution();

    // distribution now contains a HashMap<Language, f64> with language prevalence
    for (lang, prevalence) in &distribution {
        println!("{:?}: {}", lang, prevalence);

    // Get a random language based on the distribution
    if let Some(random_lang) = c.random_language() {
        println!("Random language for Spain: {:?}", random_lang);
    } else {
        println!("No languages found for this country.");

Data Sources and Accuracy

The language distributions are approximations, not meant to be authoritative. Adjust values as needed for more accuracy or updated data.


An exhaustive test suite is included. Run tests using:

cargo test

The tests verify:

  • The correctness of distributions for a sample of countries.
  • The presence of expected languages for given countries.
  • The random language selection method to ensure it returns valid languages from the distribution.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


~73K SLoC